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Passion and Sand 3: Empire of Desires

Page 7

by Andromeda -

  “I am guessing the Senate did not agree with you today, my lord?” Aurelia asked softly, bowing her head and batting her eyelashes.

  “They talk to me as if I’m not chosen by the gods to rule this empire!” he roared. “As if I am not the all-mighty emperor!”

  “My lord,” she cooed, walking over and wrapping her arms around his waist to press against him. “Be at calm…please. You know it upsets me to see you angered.”

  He sighed and looked at her. Seeing her creamy skin bared at the shoulders of her gown made desire slowly begin to course through his body. All his life, all he wanted was one thing: love. He had it with his wife and with his children when they were young.

  Where did that time go? he wondered to himself. “Forgive me, dear one,” he said, gently cupping her cheek. “I just…am tired…”

  Aurelia smiled, took his hands and gently pushed him back into a chair. “Then allow me to help…wake you up…”

  Before long, she was on top of him, her gown bunched up around her waist as she began to move her hips. Every soft moan and breathy gasp that fell from her lips was completely and utterly fake. He could never really satisfy her. He was way too old; almost forty years her senior. Most of the time, she kept her eyes closed, and that was to picture her on top of her favorite slave.

  He was from Thrace and looked almost exactly like the emperor when she first saw him. She thought he was his long-lost twin who had gotten lost in time. When she took him to her bed, she felt alive again, and the sounds she made with him were not fake at all. He also was very fertile, spilling his seed every single time.

  This affair had been going on for some time now, and finally, it had borne fruit.

  “My lord,” she whispered in his ear as she did not stop moving her hips. “I have something to tell you…”

  The emperor groaned softly and opened his eyes to look at her. “What…what is it?”

  “I am with child,” she said with a smile.

  His eyes widened and he held her still to look her in the eyes. “Truly?”

  “I have missed my bleeding two months now,” she said with a nod. “Are…are you happy?”

  “I am overjoyed!” he said, pulling her close and pressing his lips to hers.

  Aurelia had to steel herself from pulling away and instead forced herself to press closer and smile. “You being happy has made me happy, my lord. But…” She pulled herself away and acted sadly. “This child would be born a bastard…I would be shamed.”

  “No,” the emperor said firmly as he shook his head. “I will not allow a child of mine to be born a bastard. You, Aurelia, have repeatedly proved to be my most loyal subject. I could not imagine a more suited woman at my side as my empress.”

  She forced herself to not smirk, and instead covered her mouth with her hands in mock amazement. “My lord…,” she gasped. “I…I do not know what to say!”

  “Say yes,” he said.

  “How could I refuse?” she asked, hugging him, her lips curling into a smirk. “How could I say no to you…?”

  He sighed and held her close. The imageries of him holding a child in his arms, once again being loved, in his mind.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Huneric…,” Alina said in a sing-song voice, smiling as she walked into the nursery. “Someone wants to meet you…”

  Huneric turned and saw the gurgling, blond-haired baby boy in her arms and smiled. Hayden, his first son.

  Turns out, it was Huneric’s seed that had blossomed within her womb, and she had given him a son. He could not be happier. He knew his father was happy, as they now had a boy of Vandal blood to raise.

  He kissed Hayden’s small head. The young one reached up and playfully tugged on his father’s hair before Alina placed him back in the crib with his sister, Adelaide. Little Atalanta and Alexander, now almost two years old, stood on their tiptoes to try and see their new siblings.

  “Come on, little ones,” Eryx said as he lifted them into his arms. “Time for bed.”

  “Nu, nu, nu!” the twins protested, but couldn’t help but smile at their father, as he carried them to their beds and tucked them in.

  Alina kissed little Hayden’s forehead before she, Eryx and Huneric left the nursery. Her heart was heavy as she walked away from the chamber, but she knew that if she looked back, then she would not want to leave, and she must.

  Today was the day that they set out to go and meet with Alaric of the Visigoths, and it was going to be a tense meeting.

  The Visigoths were known for their savagery and their fierce hatred of the Romans. Eryx, being half Roman, might incite them to violence, so it was important that they bought another person to this meeting. Bo.

  According to Alina’s research of this king, he had a beloved, unwed daughter. Bo was also unmarried, and if negotiations went well, then she hoped that both an alliance and marriage might come out of this.

  “Excited for our adventure, little sister?” Bo teased her, as they met in the courtyard, their armed guard getting ready.

  “I’m not your little sister,” she laughed as she stroked her horse’s neck. “And to answer your question, yes. A bit nervous, but excited nonetheless.”

  They all swiftly mounted, said a formal goodbye to their parents and left the gates of the city. It would take a three days’ ride to where the Visigoths were stationed, and they would make camp on neutral ground.

  The official meeting would also be on neutral ground, an event that Alina herself would lead. She had packed several gowns, one of which she knew would really hold the king’s attention.

  “Do you know what she looks like?” Bo asked her as they cantered down the roads.

  “Know how who looks like?” Alina asked.

  “This princess,” Bo said. “Alaric’s daughter.”

  “Analiese,” Alina said with a smile. “No, I do not know what she looks like, but I have heard of her character. She’s kind, gentle hearted, and said to love her people.”

  Bo was silent a moment and then he sighed. “And…is she a virgin?”

  Alina looked at him. “Why would that matter?”

  “It doesn’t,” he said quickly. “I mean…I don’t really care if she is a virgin or not. I would assume with the type of father she has, then most likely, but…I do not want her to fear me, or the marriage bed. I want to love her, and her to love me. That is what I meant.”

  “Oh,” she said, understanding and nodding. “I see. I am not sure, to be honest, but I know this: you can teach her, the same way that Eryx taught me, and how I taught Huneric.”

  “Oh, we all know how well you are taught,” Eryx called out from where he and Huneric rode. “We both know this really well.”

  “Be silent,” Huneric laughed, “or else I will have to fight you for my wife’s honor.”

  “I would love to see that,” Bo laughed, and then he smirked. “Race?”

  “Race,” Alina said as she kicked her horse’s sides.

  The four of them thundered down the roads, kicking up dust and plots of grass as their guard followed swiftly behind.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Horns blasted in the air as Alaric galloped down the roads. He was surrounded by his guards and a young woman rode at his side. He was nearing the neutral ground where the meeting would commence.

  Alina stood between her husbands, her brother Bo to her left, though she could sense that he was nervous. “You know, I didn’t figure you a scared little girl,” she teased him through her perfect smile.

  “I’m not scared,” Bo countered. “Just…anxious. What if she does not like me?”

  “What’s not to like about you?” she asked him. “You are really a wonderful guy.”

  “Well, you’re my sister,” he chuckled. “You’re supposed to think I’m good all the time.”

  “I do not,” she said with a smirk. “You get on my nerves quite a lot, I just do not say anything.”

  Bo opened his mouth to retort, but the blasting of the horns got
louder as the king neared. Their conversation had to wait because guards around them parted, and King Alaric and his daughter, Analiese, stepped forward.

  He was a tall man, a very tall man. In fact, he was almost as tall as Eryx, though he was not as broad chested. He was an older man, who looked to be in his late middle ages and there was grey in his dirty-blond hair. His sharp blue eyes looked at them all at length, though after a moment, he settled on Alina, or more-so the exposed top of her bosom, which she had purposely let be revealed.

  “Princess Alina,” he said in German, his voice deep. “I believe I am within your company?”

  “You are correct, my lord,” Alina said, sweeping a deep curtsy, though she was careful to lean forward to look at her breasts, both still large from her recent birth. After a moment, she stood and nodded to the men with her. “Allow me to introduce my husbands: Eryx and Huneric. As well as my brother, Bo.”

  Alaric’s eyes did not leave her form. “You two are blessed by the gods to have such a delectable woman within your bed. I do not know how I might share her.”

  “We make it work, my lord,” Eryx said, though it was clear he was being protective.

  Huneric nodded. He also made sure to take a slight step forward, as if to show that she was theirs, and theirs alone.

  Alaric seemed to get the message and nodded to the young woman at his side. “My daughter, Princess Analiese.”

  Analiese stepped forward and bowed to them, but when she looked to Bo, her pale skin flushed pink with shyness. Bo, himself, blushed as well, though he bowed to her and tried to smile without looking so much like a fool.

  “It’s my honor, Princess,” he said, taking her small, delicate hand in his, and kissing the tops of her fingers.

  Alina smiled. This was going a lot better than she thought. She turned to Alaric and cleared her throat. “Shall we begin negotiations?”


  King Alaric, though he continued to seemingly undress Alina with his eyes, was a man who knew how to do business. Once he had taken a seat at the table that was brought out and the food was placed before them as well as paper and ink, he cleared his throat for them to begin.

  “So, my lord prince,” he said, talking to Bo. “What makes me think I should pledge myself and my men to your cause?”

  “My sister can answer that,” Bo said pointily, making sure to show that Alina was the one in charge. “Sister?”

  Alina smirked and nodded. “Thank you, Brother. King Alaric, you should join us because we all have a common enemy in the world.”

  “And what might that be?” Alaric asked, clearly amused that a woman was leading this meeting.

  “Rome,” Alina answered. “Rome holds our shackles in its fists. I believe it’s time we broke them. Think about it. With Rome gone, a new world order will be in place, and Germania will be free again.”

  “And how do you, a woman, plan to do that?” Alaric asked.

  “With war, of course,” Alina answered. “We will rain fire and blood upon the head of Rome in a way it never has before.”

  “That does sound tempting…,” Alaric said as he stroked his chin. “But I need something a lot more than just your word.”

  “That is understood,” Alina said with a nod. “So, why not seal it with something more binding: marriage?”

  Alaric tilted his head, listening.

  “You have a daughter, I have a brother,” Alina explained. “And from what I see, they do not seem to be opposed to the idea.”

  They all turned to where Analiese and Bo were giving each other cow eyes. When they noticed they were being watched, they quickly turned away from the other, but it was clear they were blushing.

  “Daughter?” Alaric said with a soft chuckle. “Do you wish to marry this man?”

  “He is very kind, Father,” Analiese said shyly. “If it pleases you…?”

  “Does he please you?” Alaric asked her, a smile tugging at his lips.

  “He does,” Analiese said sheepishly.

  “And Bo?” Alina said. “Do you like her?”

  “She…is quite beautiful and compassionate,” Bo said with equal sheepishness. “I would be honored to marry her.”

  Alina smirked and turned to Alaric. “Well, my lord?”

  “I cannot refuse my daughter anything,” Alaric said with a soft chuckle. “Imagine, an army for a dowry!”

  “Are you offering?” Alina asked. “If so, we would accept it. All we ask is that you give us your total and complete loyalty. When the time for battle comes, your banner will fly alongside ours.”

  Alaric looked to his daughter who was shyly smiling with Bo and nodded. “Agreed.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  They quickly returned to Freiundedel to celebrate Bo’s marriage to Analiese. It was clear to all watching that both were already heavily in love, as they rode side by side and were never no more than a foot away from the other.

  Alina smiled as she watched her young brother cut the cake with his new wife, and how attentive he was to her. It was clear this marriage would be a happy one, and no doubt they both were ready for the marriage bed.

  Speaking of the marriage bed… she thought to herself, as she looked to her own two husbands in deep conversation with Alaric and her parents to hammer out the alliance/marriage contract.

  She marveled every day over how blessed by the gods she was to have both in her life. Never was there a woman who had two husbands, and treated them equally. Admittedly, she would be lying if she said she didn’t get a selfish rush knowing they were sharing her, rather than she being the one to share them.

  In her mind, men who had more than one woman were insecure; there was no other answer for it.

  Tonight, however, she knew they were going to all join as one in what she had in mind.

  Later that night, Eryx and Huneric walked to their shared chamber looking for her. She had disappeared from the dining hall, and after asking around, they heard she was in the nursery. When they went there, the servants told them she had gone back to their chambers for the night. Thus, here they were.

  “Alina?” Eryx called out. “Alina, are you in here?”

  She emerged from the bathing room dressed in a clearly see through gown with her long hair loose and falling almost to her bottom. They looked at her with wide eyes, as she had all the candles out, except for the ones around their bed and the ones in the bathing room.

  “I’m here,” she purred. “Been waiting a long time…for you two to come…”

  The two men looked at each other and then back to her, clearly with hunger in their eyes.

  “I could…just eat you…,” Eryx said, his voice thick.

  She could see their erections growing under their tunics and she smirked. Walking to them, she circled around the duo, allowing them to smell her perfume that she had rubbed on her skin.

  “And…if I want you to?” she asked, her voice husky.

  “I don’t think…I can survive taking turns this time,” Huneric confessed. “I will fight to have you first.”

  “You’ll be fighting for your life then,” Eryx said tightly as he watched her. “Because I want her first.”

  “Boys, boys, boys,” she chuckled. “I have a better solution. Why not have me, together?”

  “What do you mean?” Huneric asked with a tilt of his head.

  “I mean, you will share me tonight. Have me at the same time,” she explained. “You will have to take turns between my thighs, of course, but while one is there, the other does not have to leave. He has the rest of my body to enjoy. Interested?”

  They looked at each other and smirked.

  “Flip a coin?” Huneric asked.

  “Deal,” Eryx said as he quickly went to look to find a coin.

  He found one, and he picked tails, while Huneric picked heads. Tossing it in the air, they watched it flip several times before it landed in his palm.


  Eryx would get the first time between her th

  Huneric growled angrily, but Eryx smirked. He had gone fair and square.


  Eryx pulled Alina close, his lips brushing against hers as he looked into her blue eyes. She smirked at him, stroking his cheek before laughing softly.

  “Just kiss me, all right!” she said.

  He grinned and pressed his lips to hers passionately, deeply, hungrily. Her perfume was making his head spin, and as he pressed against her, she could feel his desire against her stomach.

  Huneric pressed against her back, gently nibbling and kissing her neck, rubbing himself against her so she could feel his desire as well. This was a new thing, a strange thing, of her being between them, but they could easily tell they all liked it.

  Alina moaned softly and reached behind her, her hand sliding up Huneric’s tunic as she gripped him. He gasped in both shock and pleasure before a low groan poured from his lips and he moved his hips against her warm palm. Eryx, not to be outdone and slightly jealous of her attentions to another, took her hand and slid it under his tunic for her to touch him as well.

  “I think,” she said with a smirk, “we should move to the bed…don’t you two agree?”

  They did.

  Quickly, they removed her hands and Eryx picked her up, carrying her to the bed, but he did not lay her on it. He and Huneric exchanged looks, and Alina watched as Huneric first laid on his back, then Eryx laid on him, then he got behind her.

  Huneric held her waist as she heard and felt Eryx tear open her gown in his mighty fists, then toss the pieces away. With a slight sigh of pleasure, his eyes roamed over her body, the prize that he would lay claim to this night.

  Taking off his own tunic, he spread her legs, then dipped his hand down, slipping a finger into her sacred temple to test if she was moist enough for him to enter. She was, but not to the extent he wished.

  “Huneric,” Eryx said with a smirk. “Give attentions to her breasts, that would prepare her better.”

  Alina laughed and looked over her shoulder to him. “Why do I get the feeling you two have this planned?”


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