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Passion and Sand 3: Empire of Desires

Page 8

by Andromeda -

  “That’s because we do,” Huneric chuckled. “When you first told us of your interest for something like this…we might have planned the event together…”

  As instructed, Huneric pulled her up a bit so he could latch onto her brown nipple, sucking gently as if he was a nursing babe. Eryx, meanwhile, kept his hand where it was and began to stroke her, rubbing her sacred pearl between his fingers as he watched her reaction.

  Her body tightened up as she groaned, her head seeming to spin as she felt one’s fingers and the other’s mouth. “Mmmmm…,” she moaned deeply, tilting her head back a bit to stretch herself out. “You two…have planned very well…”

  Huneric smirked and looked behind her at Eryx, who nodded to tell him to release her breasts. “Let’s just say, we know what we want,” he said.

  “And I know what I want right now,” Eryx said huskily, as he gripped himself and slowly slid into her core with a low groan. “My love…after four children…you are as tight as a virgin…”

  “Don’t stretch her out too much, Eryx,” Huneric laughed. “I still want a turn…”

  “No promises,” Eryx said as he gripped her waist. With a smirk, he began to pound into her.


  The bed swayed and sweat dripped from Eryx’s brow as he moved within his wife. He held her lower waist, while Huneric held her upper, their grip tight so that she could not move. To say the chamber was quiet, was a complete lie.

  Alina cried out and panted heavily in pleasure.

  She was on top of Huneric, her fingers tangled in his hair. They were supposed to be kissing, however, that was soon forgotten as her head was thrown back, her cries filling the room.

  Eryx smirked as he saw her reaction, and increased his pace, pushing deeper than before. Whenever he had sex with his wife, he seemed to go into another level of thinking as he thought of nothing else but one thing: her.

  Alina was the light of his life, and he could not be happier now that they had a family to call their own. To know that the gods had blessed them, and continued to bless them, only made him love her more. He did not care that he had to share her with another man, as he knew Huneric loved her almost as much as he did.

  “I’m close,” he panted to her. “So very close.”

  “As am I,” she panted. “I’m going to…”

  She didn’t get a chance to finish, as her inner walls tightened around him like a vice. Her head was thrown back as she cried out his name at the top of her lungs as she came in sweet, wonderful release. He held her tight, then roared as he poured into her wonderful body, filling her with his seed. He whispered a soft prayer to the gods, asking that his seed take root this time before he withdrew from her body and rolled onto his side.

  “Whoa…,” he said with a smile. “That was…amazing.”

  She smiled and looked at Huneric under her. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “Of course,” he chuckled. “I loved watching your face and feeling your body respond. It gives me more knowledge on what I can use to please you.”

  She laughed and smiled. “Oh, really?”

  He nodded with a smirk. “Yes, it does, and now, it’s my turn to put it all to good use.”

  With a deep chuckle, he rolled her over so that she was on her back. Putting her legs on his shoulders, he easily slipped into her warmth and showed her exactly all he had learned.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Aurelia!” the emperor called out. “Aurelia, do you have my drink?”

  “Coming, my love!” Aurelia yelled before she turned back to the goblet in her hands.

  Uncorking a bottle, she poured the white powder into the liquid, swirled it around to dissolve it, then took the goblet to the room she shared with him and held it out.

  “Here you go,” she cooed in mock sympathy. “The doctor said to drink this.”

  The emperor smiled lovingly at her and took the goblet, raising it to his lips without hesitation. He had been feeling ill as of late but got through it with the love of his wife, and the love of his son.

  Never was he happier to know that he had another son, a son who he could mold into the image he thought the heir to the emperor should be.

  “How goes our son?” he asked, remembering their son was around two years of age.

  “He is well,” Aurelia answered. “He has begun to walk.”

  “I missed it?” the emperor said with a frown. “I cannot believe I missed it.”

  “You will see him when you get better,” Aurelia said as she stroked his cheek. “I know you will.”

  She turned away from his bed, a smirk curving her lips. For the last couple of years, she had been slipping a powder into his drinks to slowly make his insides rot. It could not happen too fast, as it would attract too much attention.

  Seven years.

  That is how long she had to force herself to pretend to be a happy wife to this ailing, old man. But in the end, the rewards were worth it.

  She was now Empress of Rome.

  She had money.

  She had power.

  She had an heir that she could manipulate until he was old.

  She was in the positions she believed she was born to be, and no one was going to take it from her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Birds called out in the humid forest of Briton. The horses of their party tried to keep their footing in the unbeaten roads as Alina, Eryx and Huneric rode up a mountain. They had just landed in Briton less than a fortnight ago and were currently on their way to meet with the Iceni King Gwalchmai.

  This land unnerved Alina slightly, as she could see the bodies of the old sacrifices they had done not long ago. She didn’t know what was more shocking, however: that the sacrifices were seemingly fresh, or that she could not tell if they were either human or animal. She had heard rumors that the Iceni sometimes did human sacrifices. Hopefully, the gods would prevent any harm coming to them.

  “If we have to ride any longer up this damn mountain, I’ll fling myself from it,” Eryx mumbled to Alina to make her giggle.

  It had the desired affected, and a smile curved her lips.

  “If I didn’t have to take down the Roman Empire, I just might do it as well,” she laughed.

  “And you’ll leave me all alone with the children?” Huneric asked with a coy smile. “I must say, I am hurt.”

  They all laughed as one, but before long, they finally reached the top of the mountain where the Iceni settlement was located.

  It was smaller than the ones in Germania, and under Alina’s critical eye, not as organized. She could tell why Rome considered these people to be barbarians. Then again, Rome considered anyone who wasn’t Roman to be barbarians, yet she could see why they were claimed to be thus. Everyone looked so…mean, as if they had seen the horrors of war repeatedly.

  A man came out of a hut dressed in leather armor and walked up to them as they pulled their horses to a stop.

  “Who speaks for you?” he demanded.

  “I do,” Alina said loudly. “Princess Alina of Freiundedel. Daughter of Kaiser and Ayanna. My husbands and I have traveled a long way to meet your king.”

  The man crossed his arms. “What makes you think you are good enough to speak to King Gwalchmai?”

  “Because we have information on ways to beat Rome,” Alina answered. “Information I believe he would be greatly interested in.”

  The man nodded and went back into the hut. They stood outside for a couple of moments before the same man reappeared and nodded for them to enter. Their guards held the bridles of their horses, as Eryx, Huneric and Alina jumped down and began to enter the hut.


  It was a lot larger on the inside than it appeared to be on the outside. From what Alina could tell, it had several functions such as a sleeping chamber, fire circle, meeting chamber, and more. A grizzled old man with red hair that was turning white turned from staring into the flames when he heard them enter his hut.

sp; His blue eyes looked at them, starting from Alina, then moving to Huneric, before they settled on Eryx. The man quickly picked up the sword that was against a chair and pointed it at the young man.

  “What is this Roman doing in my camp?” he growled.

  “I am not Roman,” Eryx said, a bit tightly.

  The man snorted with disdain. “I know a Roman when I see one. I’ve been fighting against them since I was a boy. This boy has Roman blood in his veins.”

  “My mother is Roman,” Eryx answered. “That does not make me one of their blood.”

  “Makes you more than you know, boy,” the man barked. “No Romans in my camp! They have killed too many of my people. All Romans should be tossed in the river at birth.”

  Eryx balled his fists in anger and took a step forward, his mouth open to retort, but Alina placed a hand on his arm to cool his temper. She knew he would be furious and it would take a lot of sex later tonight to fully calm him, but she could not afford him starting a fight with a Briton king right now.

  “You insult my husband’s loyalty to both me and the kingdom I was born into,” Alina said tightly. “Eryx, yes, has Roman blood in his veins, but also has Greek; the only blood that should matter. We are not the products of our parents’ mistakes, but the products of our own. You will do me a service by respecting him as my husband.”

  The man glared at Eryx one last time, but he nodded with a grunt and sat down on one of the seats by the fire. Alina walked over and did the same, Eryx and Huneric copying her movements.

  “Now,” Alina said, “let us discuss an alliance.”


  “What do you want from this?” Alina asked as a slave served them something warm to drink.

  “What can you offer me?” the old man, Gwalchmai, asked.

  “If you had a daughter, I would offer my brother’s hand in marriage,” Alina answered with a smirk. “Sadly, he is married and already expecting his first child.”

  “A sad thing indeed. Perhaps you have another brother; I have a son who might be interested,” Gwalchmai said.

  Alina did not know if it was a joke or not to tease her parents for only having two children in their lifetime. She did not know whether to be insulted or fake a laugh, as the reason her mother did not have any other children was because of the fierce beating she had gotten when she was younger.

  “I have heard,” Huneric said, breaking the terrible silence that had fallen over them, “that you have ambitions, even in your old age.”

  “I’m not that old,” Gwalchmai snapped. “But you are right, I have ambitions. I wish to unite all of South Briton under a single rule.”

  “With you as the head, I am thinking?” Huneric asked.

  Gwalchmai’s lips curved. “You are smart, German. I have heard of it.”

  “You Britons, I have heard, are some of the best archers in the world,” Huneric said. “We already have the Germans, who will help us in strong-arming the Roman legions. What we do need, though, is someone highly skilled in the bow and arrow to keep them at a distance.”

  “You still have not told me how I might benefit from this,” Gwalchmai said, stirring his drink.

  “You want all of Southern Briton,” Alina said. “When we destroy Rome, we will divide all of the treasure it has stolen from its conquests. What if we offered to give you a portion to fund your own conquests?”

  Gwalchmai tilted his head. “I am listening.”

  “We know there are more Briton tribes here,” Huneric said. “Do you think you might be able to convince them to fight for us? To join our alliance?”

  “And I am guessing you will try to bribe them as well?” Gwalchmai asked.

  “We could,” Alina said. “But then again, I believe some of them would join just to get revenge against Rome.”

  Gwalchmai smirked at that. “True… When do you plan to invade Rome?”

  “Soon,” Huneric answered. “We have one last person to talk to, then the official planning.”

  “All we ask is that you come with us as soon as possible to sign a treaty and contract of what you will do for us, and for what we will do for you,” Alina finished with a nod.

  “I shall,” Gwalchmai said, though his eyes were on Eryx.

  “If it will make you feel better, I’ll let you fight Eryx for fun,” Alina offered with a smirk.

  Gwalchmai grinned with a sly smile. “Tempting…but I am too old, though my son, on the other hand…”

  “If I win, will I have your respect?” Eryx asked.

  “It would be a start,” Gwalchmai said as he stood.

  Alina, Huneric and Eryx did the same. She held out her hand and Gwalchmai clasped it firmly and nodded.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Welcome back, little sister,” Bo said, as he greeted Alina and her husbands with a smile.

  “I’m older than you,” Alina laughed, as she hugged her brother. “But yes, it is good to be back. We have brought back Gwalchmai of the Iceni to join our alliance.”

  “Welcome, my lord,” Bo said to the Briton and nodded to the warriors who had traveled with their king. “The best quarters have been prepared for you.”

  “Good,” Gwalchmai said with a gruff nod as he followed the servants.

  “I hope we can teach him to play nicely with the other children,” Alina teased with a grin. “That one seems to only want to beat up my husband.”

  “Let’s hope he has more common sense than that,” Bo chuckled. “But enough about him, come with me. I want to introduce you to someone.”

  “I must go and speak to my father,” Huneric said. “I received a letter from him, asking for a meeting as soon as I returned.

  Alina nodded and kissed his cheek before he turned and left the chamber. Huneric found his father in the library, looking over the massive book collection the royals had.

  “Amazing to know that they have so many volumes from all over the world,” his father said. “I didn’t think a bunch of slaves would have such knowledge.”

  “Former slaves,” Huneric corrected him as he crossed his arms. “Why did you summon me, Father?”

  His father lifted his head. “How have things been going with the marriage? You have a son now, I know. Handsome boy who is growing quickly.”

  For some reason, the thought of his father standing over his son’s cradle unsettled Huneric. “Yes, he is,” he said tightly. “I love all my children by Alina.”

  “You view the ones by Eryx as your own as well?” his father asked, seemingly curious.

  “Of course,” Huneric answered, “as I know Eryx views mine as his own as well. They all come from the same loving mother. What does it care who is the father?”

  “Interesting…,” his father said, stroking his beard. “But I did not call you here for that. I wish to give you some information about your next target.”

  Huneric tilted his head. “What do you mean? We have not told anyone who we are going to see next.”

  “Some people think I am an old man who does not see,” his father answered. “But I know a lot more than most think. I know your next target must be one with a powerful navy, and there is only one kingdom that is close to us who has that.”

  Huneric frowned. “What do you have to tell me then?”

  “From what my spies have been telling me, the Romans have heard whispers of your plans,” his father said. “They have blocked several roads that lead to your destination and placed tolls to try and weed out those whom they believe are a part of this ‘stirring’. How they would love to get their hands on you three, mainly Alina.”

  “I will not let that happen,” Huneric said firmly. “No one will threaten my wife. Rome will have blood in its streets before I allow it.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “What are your news on the rebels?” the emperor asked as he sat in the council chamber.

  He had summoned all the senators for what had seemed like the fifth time that year, yet every time he did, one chair was a
lmost always empty.

  The one that belonged to Faxon Cassius.

  One of ancient noble blood, Cassius was a wealthy man, who was known for his very little interest in politics. It intrigued his colleagues, as all they wished was for more and more power, yet there was Cassius, who had it all, yet wished for nothing more than to live quietly in the countryside.

  The emperor tolerated his absence, but this meeting was mandatory for all members of the Senate, and Cassius would risk his wrath if he did not appear.

  He did, of course, as Cassius would never refuse a direct order from his emperor, though he was terribly late. No one expected otherwise.

  The middle-aged man strode into the council chapter, his toga draped over his body elegantly as he walked to his seat.

  “Forgive me, my lord,” he said, “but I had to attend to my men.”

  “Which is why I summoned you,” the emperor said. “Cassius, you have been a loyal citizen of the empire. You have served her well, but the time has come for you to take up arms for her again.”

  Cassius frowned, as he knew why the emperor had summoned him. Everyone knew.

  The empire was broke.

  The constant wars, the heavy hand it had upon its enemies, and the bribes it was forced to pay its allies had left the all-mighty empire without a gold coin to its name.

  The once all-powerful, wealthiest empire in the world was now on the edge of bankruptcy.

  “My lord,” Cassius said slowly. “With all due respect, I do not see what this has to do with me.”

  “It has everything to do with you,” the emperor said. “As a Roman citizen, your duty is to the empire. We all know that you have both the coin and the men to help protect us.”

  “My lord,” Cassius said. “Again, I state, I do not see what this has to do with me. I am perfectly fine in my station in life. I am tired of war. All my life, all I have known is war. Now that I have peace, I will not lose it.”


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