Galactic Earth
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Winners show up when they are supposed to. Losers make excuses. Winners get the job done, losers complain. Winners achieve whether they are thinking positive or negative. Losers will wait for ideal settings before undertaking any task. Winners prevail no matter what, losers fail no matter what. Some of you may think I’m too harsh and not loving enough, but oh no you are so wrong. You see I’ am giving you love, tough love, something most of you haven’t gotten enough growing up. Oh yes, I know I just may have stepped on a few toes, but you’ll thank me later. It would be much easier for me not to care.
Successful people don’t have belief systems corrupting their thinking. Sometimes things change. The way to know if you’re on the winner’s side is by listening to your intuition. If the energy does not feel right, stop and move on. Remember, trust your inner self. Observe what you are doing. Find out if there was something you over looked. Great inventors of the past failed countless times, yet they didn’t allow that to stop their pursuits. So don’t get discourage. See all the possibilities.
Follow your own bliss. Mastery of the basic fundamentals is the secret of all secrets. The secret of all the powerful elite societies is that there is no secret. That’s right. The masses on earth think there are so many hidden truths, but it is just mastery of the basics. The key is inside you. In your heart, in your thinking, you are the hidden reservoir of power. Distractions have been created to divert your attention from this realization. The best assets you have are the ones you developed the most.
Create your Life
Peace comes from balance, which comes after the proper environment is made. You cannot attain great results with mediocre effort, you’ve really got to go out there and grab it. Many emphasize balance and living in ideal situations, but this is not practical nor is it ideal for greatness. Famous individuals are so because they did not live in perfect conditions and thus they had extreme personalities.
Jesus was a rebel, Nikola Tesla, and Socrates all was radical according to their time. You see when a person is in an environment that they cannot stand, what usually occurs is rebellion. Some individuals turn to substance abuse, while others become super successful in life. It is in your best interest to do the correct actions required to improve your life for the better. Are you going to give up on life or make it better?
Manifestation of your goals comes when you take the necessary steps to complete them. Find what truly makes you happy in life whether its exercise or a hobby and pursue that. Yes its work, but you’d rather do that than doing anything else in life. If you already know what you what, then plan what must be done to get it. You have to be willing to take the time to do your homework and create a plan that works. Someone once told me, plan your work, and work your plan.
With a solid strategy created from correct research and investigation, you have paved the path for yourself to success. When you just play dice with your life, you take a big gamble – you might win, you might lose, that risk is your choice to make.
Start your day right. You may wish to begin each day with inspiration and motivation, whether it being reading a few sentences from a good book, listening to music, viewing a picture that means something to you, or speaking life enhancing words. Walk, talk, live and breathe in the spiritual zest of life and move in the direction of your dreams.
Goals give us purpose so pursue those that fulfill your heart’s desire. Reach higher, recognize and acknowledge that you are here to excel to a more sophisticated level. Aim high, dream big, expect more out of life, accepting mediocrity is unacceptable. Spend some time once a week to connect to meditate and to dream deeply, visualizing yourself living the life you envision.
Engage all the senses as if you are living it. This brings it closer to reality. Do the right things consistently and you’ll reap the benefits faster than you expect. Live with a mission. Cultivate the power of spiritual energy, to become one with all that is, and to harness your blessings to bring heaven on earth. The more that people free themselves, the faster we will free the planet. People are misled with the “you can get anything with hard work,” but this is a double edged sword and a lot of peoples’ hard work gets reaped by big businessmen. You don’t need any false concept society sells you, create change through your own power of spirit.
Becoming Light
The one who accepts his faults will eventually turn his weaknesses into strengths and the faster one does this, the sooner they can become a better person
Peaceful loving people attract angelic beings, because they have pure energy in them. Mastery over yourself brings you to whole new levels. Learning new things and obtaining a relevant education increases your ability to make good decisions. Loving people are giving you love and power when interacting with them. Arrogant or attention loving people talk like a robot, and make you feel drained after listening to them. If you feel tired when being around them, it’s because you’re losing energy. They’re like vampires, draining you of your precious life force.
Benevolent beings are sending you positivity and want to help you. You feel good vibes from them, because they are emitting the radiation of love. Malevolent beings are very aggressive and they are pushing you into doing something either by force or clever persuasion. Good people give you inspiration, hope, and power. Evil people steal your energy with whining, pessimism, and gossip. Remember to always feel if someone is elevating or dragging you. Use your head it’s there for a reason. Your heart is there to help, but don’t let feeling overcome common sense. That is why you must be prepared so you don’t make any silly mistakes.
Why you should stop blindly following books
Hundreds and thousands of books are out there telling you how to become successful and the best in many subjects. How many people have actually done it? Think about it. Do you really think that the strongest man who ever lived, the smartest man who ever lived, rich people, happy people, great athletes, heroes, artists, builders, etc. became who they are by reading a book? The answer is not surprisingly, no. What they did is they learned through experience. You need to stop seeking answers from the external. You won’t find the answers in a book, although they can assist. Life’s not that easy. Stop reading mainstream books. Stop watching TV. Go out into the world and discover the answer of life. Live your life. I repeat again, the greatest people who ever lived did not achieve such greatness solely from a book! If they say otherwise, they’re helping out a friend or naive. Get out and explore, journey around the world, have some adventure! Sitting home being exposed to daily monotony will get you nowhere! Humans were meant to learn, so explore the wonders of the universe!
What everyone misses,
The Real Power
The most important thing everyone forgets is the connection with the source (God). Gathering in spiritual light energy of God is all that is required. This is your real and greatest strength. Think about it. How does a talented musician create great music? How does a great artist create a masterpiece? How does a power lifter lift monstrous poundage? How does a mother run through a burning building and lifts a car to save her child? How do great minds make inventions? The reason is simple - they channel God, even if they don’t realize it.
Only when you are in tune with the mind of everything can you achieve greatness. This is what has been left out. With the power of God you can achieve anything. Great masters in the past became so by learning the way, or Tao. Realize that everything is an extension. This is not some hokey pokey baloney. This is higher science that most people don’t know, from bending steel, to creating a great painting, all of the masters in the past accessed energy from the higher realms of reality. Living with the flow of things brings you wisdom beyond wisdom. The true masters, not the fake ones you see on TV, know this. Loving blissfully happy people instinctively know this as well. People are always striving to live the way society tells them to. They believe they need a lot of material things to be happy. They don’t realize that the meaning of life is the development of yourself, and love. Go back t
o the source and you will always know the truth, and see beyond the illusions of physical reality. Become better, not lower, someone who people will be proud of, especially your parents and loved ones. No one cares more than them. Honor them and others by how you live.
Meditation - Connect with God
Meditation can help you remove all the modifications of the mind necessary to expand your awareness. This can be done anytime, anywhere. Use it to help you in life. When you let it flow, everything works almost like magic. You will experience many spiritual side effects from doing this properly. With God, miraculous healings take place. Disease, financial troubles, and more can all be healed. Your quality of life will improve. Better situations and people will work in your favor. You will reduce stress and manifest things into your life that will help you grow. It can be done once a week or daily to suit your schedule. Don’t be so picky about technique. The important thing is to connect with God.
Practicing this will enable you to unify with the universe that you must have heard about. Enlightenment is not a common, easy activity all the “gurus” preach to uneducated westerners. Removing all programming, all brainwashing, all indoctrination, and all modifications that have been seeded in your mind is the purpose of meditation, to clear all the debris so you can be in tune with God. Just about every single person today is constantly drunk on their own thoughts. Aimless thoughts are constantly passing through everyone’s heads. People are bombarded by nonsense.
Most people are suffering from societal drunkenness. The cure for life’s’ stresses IS MEDITATION. Silencing your mind to the point where nothing disturbs your concentration, and when all that exists is a pure, unfiltered, untainted, consciousness. It is being in the deepest state of mind, yet still being aware. Totally focused without being distracted is the goal. Yes, you can do this it just takes a little effort on your part. Fruitlessly imagining yourself to be in romantic getaways, vacation retreats, or alike is not going to magically make things happen. You’ve got to focus to make them reality. Dreaming big is great, but you must strive to make it reality.
Achieving a state of full connection with God is the goal of meditation. Once reached and held for just a short time, a permanent shift in consciousness occurs. A super immersive experience is achieved and you are changed forever. This is what many call, enlightenment. An enlightened person is everything you expect, and everything you don’t expect. Due to their enhanced development, they possess abilities that go far beyond human limitations. Real spiritual masters are enlightened and don’t seek recognition. You must learn to develop yourself to be spiritually prepared to be able to sense who is false and who is genuine. There are many fraudsters and hucksters preying on the masses’ desire to seek freedom. You don’t need the permission of anyone to achieve spiritual awareness. Here is a basic exercise you can use. Get in a comfortable position. Sit relaxed, and close your eyes. Now begin watching the breath. When you get settled, start inhaling and exhaling rhythmically. Begin counting your breaths either after you inhale, or exhale, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are able do this without any distractions. If a burglar of a thought breaks your focus, start over. Thoughts can pass through, but if they cause you to lose concentration, then you have a challenge. Develop the ability to concentrate without letting anything disturb you whether it’s external or internal. Practice this until your will power is so strong that there are no other interruptions. Amazing things will happen once this is achieved. Now you can sit and meditate until you fall asleep, but remain conscious. Your body is sleeping, but you are now in a super conscious mode. This can greatly aid you in your quest for awareness and access deeper meditation.
You’ve been brainwashed into believing it only means sitting stone like for years, but this is just what Hollywood portrays it to be. Everything that makes you operate in higher deep states of mind is meditation. For instance, painting, singing, lovemaking, building, exercising, writing, all of these help you forget your troubles and brings you back in the here and now. When you are doing these activities, your focus is on the moment, and your brain is functioning correctly.
Spending just a few minutes, or more for others, significantly improves your awareness. Just like when you exercise, you don’t train to failure, you train for success, and you train intensely for short periods of time. Same applies with meditation. Practicing for a comfortable time with full concentration is better instead of sitting all day sleeping while your thoughts control you. Find what makes you calm and relax. It doesn’t necessarily have to be sitting quiet. Everyone is different, find what works for you. Usually it’s something that you have fun doing. After practicing for quite some time, you’ll find that you will become mindful and aware all day. Then you will more fully experience your life, because you are more conscious and awake rather than being bombarded by random thoughts. Decision making will be easier when you are fully aware. When you watch your own thoughts, emotions, and actions, rather than acting like a robot programmed from society, you realize you can control and choose what you want to experience as energy goes to your focus whether internal or external. This is harnessing power.
Space Friends
Pleiadians, Venusians, and other aliens have been helping earth for many years. Other civilizations such as Andromedans and Leonines help spread higher wisdom and understanding. Pleiadians look like humans except live on a higher frequency. Religious texts refer to them as angels. Their spiritual development is awakened, so their aura shines bright, and you can see it with the naked eye. Venusians have also taught prophets in the past and primitive humans how to live peacefully and to help others. The dark earth controllers confiscated their teachings, got rid of them, and have changed the ancient books to suit their needs. The real teachings have been lost in time, however the lesson is simple. Love yourself, love others, and nature. Live in peace and don’t harm, or let others harm you, or anyone else. Flexibility is the nature of the future. The future is undetermined. It is constantly changing all the time. It varies according to all of the thoughts, emotions, and actions of all the life forms in existence. The future of earth is in the hands of human beings. Even with everything that’s been done they still have the power to choose where they want the planet to be. There is no date or calendar when things will happen. Whatever happens will happen when the time and energy are right.
Need help? Consult a mirror
You will not get all the answers from anybody. Not me, your parents, or even a spiritual master. The person who can really bring change is you. If you were to take one thing out of this book, it should be this realization. If you want to make something of yourself, then do it! Enough of this positive thinking propaganda! You’ve got to be strong and strive for success even while you’re in a negative environment. The objective in life is not to become dependent on gurus, pundits, or astrologers it is to develop yourself to the point where you lead your own life. It is ok to take advice, but there is a fine line between dependency and responsibility.
Persist with cleansing, and healing yourself with God’s love. Believe me I know…I KNOW that it can get frustrating. There may be times where you want to just give up. Please don’t, you deserve better. Don’t get discouraged. If there is something in your life you don’t like, take action to change your situation. All great beings have had their share of rough times, what separates them from the rest is that they never allowed themselves to succumb to the average mediocrity of the masses. Mimic their perseverance and you too shall enjoy such glorious living. If you have a drinking, drug, or smoking problem, make the decision to stop. If you have bad habits, it clearly shows you have work to do. Cleanse these old traits with positive action.
You have to be persistent. You can’t do it for a week and give up! Who does that? Nothing works that way. If you’ve never played tennis, you don’t become good instantly. You keep practicing. If you’re physically sick, you have to consistently take your medicine in the full dosage. Nobody lifts weights once and becomes superm
an. Nobody goes to a dance class once, and then instantly becomes a ballroom performer. Someone who has broken their limbs has to go to therapy every day for some time before they can walk again. Some heal faster than others and some remain crippled, it’s a matter of choice. Do you understand now? So before you give up and cry, remember this. Do what is necessary to make REAL lasting changes in your life. LIVE LIFE PRACTICALLY. Spiritually inclined people aren’t very practical. People think they are entitled to everything and expect abundance to fall on their laps without effort. Wrong, you must take action. Make the effort, stop making excuses. Stop whining, stop complaining, and stop crying. Have some dignity, some self-respect. Take action! You can do it! I don’t give a rat’s behind what you’ve done in the past, or what anybody says. You can change your life NOW! Do it now, or regret it forever.