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Galactic Earth

Page 12

by Luthra, G. S.

  Astral Entities beyond the physical realm

  People who are destroying themselves with drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc. have low confidence and they are wasting their life. Astral leeches can attach themselves onto you, and drain you of your life force. Spiritually developed people can see this with an awakened third eye. Life exists beyond the physical. There are beings out there that you cannot not see with the naked retina unless, of course you have an open sixth chakra. All these drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, television, virtual reality games, hypnotic music, and all other things that distort your consciousness, are purposely used by the secret government to control you. They have created these things to alter your mind making you vulnerable to attack from dark entities from the lower dimensions. These creatures are like parasites, they suck the life right out of you.

  When the body is being purposely destroyed, the divine light energy of love (God) can’t flow properly like a blocked stream. People, who are hurting themselves with drugs and other reckless behavior, clearly do not have self-love. They may tell themselves they do, but this is just their rational thinking in the ego mind. The body is a vessel for the soul and spirit. If it is not functioning properly, then the connection with the soul is disturbed. A broken radio cannot receive clear music, only distorted static. A damaged telephone, satellite, or television is unable to receive clear signals, only blurred mixed messages where many different messages are coming at once. You see why it is important to have a clean, pure, spiritual body? With a cleansed mind, you can connect with the higher realms easily and have contacts with celestial beings. If you have bad energies affecting you, then you get mixed unclear messages like a malfunctioning TV or radio. If you have static in your phone, can you understand what the other person is saying? No, you only get mixed, distorted messages.

  Illusions, lies, and negative messages are routinely sent from the dark side to confuse you. Erase self-sabotaging beliefs such as you are not deserving, or not worthy enough, or less than to something or someone. These bad thoughts are viruses in your brain’s software, and need to be eliminated. Don’t ever put yourself down. This is what the elite government wants. Don’t let them win. Don’t surrender to their lies. You are worthy! Treat yourself with love and care. You are worth it, despite what others have said. Live your life with full abundance, with love, bliss, joy, and happiness. Be thankful for life, and cherish every second of it. God created you to achieve something higher not something lower, think about that. You are a part of God, and so is it of you, never forget that. The permission of others is not needed. Can you forgive yourself? Of course you can, now go and make something of your life. Light and sound are everything, they form physicality. From a physics standpoint, your thoughts are a form of such energies and act like tractor beams effortlessly attracting what you magnetize in your mind.

  Love Burns through Evil

  Love burns right through evil. The dark forces have no defense against this, but they want you to think they are superior with their technology. The light of God can bring you power, wisdom, and understanding that you never thought possible. All you need to do is open your heart and allow this light energy to fill your soul. With this, you are never alone. You are always connected to the source. Evil will try to bring you down, but with this power, nothing can stop you. No man, army, false god, or entity can touch you.

  The Golden Way is the Middle Way

  Extremism is not the answer. I’m just informing you of the dangers out there so you can avoid them for your own benefit. It does not mean to become a maniac. A lot of the other information out there paints it as one big conspiracy. The energy they project is fear and anger. People who hear this then become too negative and too depressed, rejecting everything in life and live in a bubble. Live practically and use your head. Common sense is your number one ally. There’s nothing to get crazy about, and no need to go extreme either. All the drugs, TV manipulation, wars, corruption, is all due to the government media complex who strive to keep you dumb and numb all in the name of the mighty dollar. That doesn’t mean to live bitter.

  Life is great! Yes it really is, stop whining and complaining about everything! You’re here now, make the most of it. It’s one life, so why not experience the best of it? Don’t waste your time dwindling in the esoteric forever, you’ve got to live and enjoy this experience. So many people complain about this and that, the government is bad, school is for fools, military is evil, and oh if only they had the power they’d fix it. Well, you know what? Show me! Don’t stain my ears with your mouth. Present me results. If I make a bad drawing and you tell me that am wrong, what good does that do me? Show me a better way. Prove a solution, rather than yapping.

  In other words, if this system is so messed up, fix it. You want to complain about school, that they treat you like you’re dumb for not having perfect grades? Fine, do something about it. If you’re so smart, why don’t you get your degree, earn everyone’s respect, and then present a better alternative? Beat the system. Yes, we know the system is corrupt. Yes, we know the hierarchy with the media, schools, uninformed people, etc. however that doesn’t mean give up. This is the world we live in and we’ve got to take advantage of what is available.

  There is much to be grateful for and so much more. Remember the importance of family, friendship, and loved ones. Listen to them sometimes it’s good to hear constructive criticism and wisdom from those with experience, especially when you are on the wrong path and need direction. If you have no family, well then you have me.

  Life is very precious, don’t waste time. We have to win the system. If we’re going to stop the dark forces, we have to beat them in their own game. Make use of what resources you have available and go from where you are.

  Many people also create a religion out of aliens. New age fanatical “light workers” praise “star seeds,” Ashtar, and alike as superior and in a sense pray/worship them. And you wonder why intelligent life doesn’t come to this planet. The mistake people make is considering them as being better than earth. This is not the case, they are not almighty. If you really want to see how spiritual they are, have them incarnate down here without all the powers, all the technology, and all the knowledge. THEN you see who is REALLY spiritual, and who is not. Some of these beings from highly advanced planets have incarnated on earth, but where are they? Most of them fall miserably. Only a few of them are left. This is how bad it is on earth. The energy is so low here that they can’t take it and simply lose it. So don’t look up to them as though they are the all-knowing almighty. Earth humans are just as good and capable of going farther than any civilization.

  If you want to pray to God do so in your method whether it’s Shiva, Buddha, Krishna, or Jesus.

  Another thing is people selling you can manifest anything instantaneously just by thinking. Yes, thoughts can manifest, BUT it depends person to person on their karma (previous energy), past, and where they are at, so it takes longer for most to build the energy. The wisest, however just live spiritual and understand that the universe will bring what is best at the right place and time.

  Spiritual Life

  Addiction to material ownership results in possessing just that, but those owned by nothing or no one possess the universe, they gain everything yet own nothing at the same time.

  If you want to live peacefully, you have to make some changes in your life. Real spirituality is actually living it too, not just talking about it, reading about it, or saying love and light. If someone is smoking and drinking alcohol in excess, how can they claim to be spiritual? Yet, there are people who live destructive life styles, have bad habits, and yet they still claim to be holy! Does this make sense? You think they know what spirituality is? A true master shows you how you can do the same and does not boost them self or seek recognition. Many false gurus are out for attention, don’t be fooled. That’s why I say again, develop your mastery. Use your intuition and strive to increase your awareness. In higher realms, if you lie, people will see righ
t through you, because they are all developed. That’s why heaven is there, because you can’t fool anybody.

  Stay away from phony people. Cleanse in nature to charge your body. Visiting places where there is pure high energy is good for refreshing yourself. Go away from those who are abusing alcohol, liquor, smoking, and using drugs. Don’t listen to gangster rap music, listen to great musicians. Create art it will expand your consciousness. Play outside games. I mean real physical exercise where you are laughing and having fun. Hardcore competition destroys the fun, just enjoy yourself. Give hugs, smiles, and gifts, even to yourself. Thank others. Be grateful for what you have. Always realize that there are people who have less than you. No matter how bad you think your life is, always remember, there’s always someone who’s got it worse than you. If you take responsibility, meaning you take care of your carcass, you treat yourself and others with respect, perform your duties, and make right decisions that works both short term and more importantly, long term, there is little that can go wrong with your life.

  Eat healthy food. If you want to pray to God then take care of your temple, your body. Don’t allow bad thoughts to enter your mind. God lives in you, so your prayer is how you live your life, not by fake seminars, wearing talismans, pendants, or doing magic and rituals. These do not cleanse you. Only real pure love heals you. Your prayer is how you treat yourself and others. If you are destroying yourself with drugs, it clearly shows you don’t respect God, or anyone, because you don’t respect yourself. Living a real humble peaceful life is showing appreciation for life. That is showing the universe (God) respect. Using herbs and other healing foods provides to nourish your body. Drugs are for emergencies. Nature has provided all the medicine you need. If you can start living consciously, you will change your life and you will see it. Light energy from the cosmos contains information. You’ve been brought up to believe you can only get knowledge from a book, movies, school, and experience. Light energy also can transmit knowledge. By tapping into the universal mind, you obtain knowledge you never had before. You start to put things together at record speed. Darkness can block your ability to feel love. That’s why some people don’t understand it, because they have built up so much hate and other bad energies throughout their lives. People ask how long it takes to change. Well, it depends on how much effort you put in. Some take longer than others for different reasons, but if you stick with it you can transform your life. Nobody cares about your past all that matters is who you become in the end.

  Life on more advanced planets

  Peaceful planets on higher realms are very different than earth. The inhabitants there live in harmony. It is a lot better compared to earth, because everyone there free. There is no need for war, crime, military, government, or any of their political organizations and cults that exist on this world. The most highly developed spiritual beings on the planet give advice to others and they choose whether or not to follow. You may think that is impossible, but it’s true. Everyone there is highly educated therefore they can easily tell when someone is lying. If someone tries to deceive to gain control, the citizens there know instantly so no one is fooled. This is why spiritual development is necessary in the upcoming years. The consciousness of humans must change in order to save their planet.

  How to Heal Yourself

  Fill yourself with God’s glory as much as you can to heal yourself. Try to do this at least once a day in the morning, and or once before retiring is ideal. You can also do this longer on weekends for the week instead of every day. Having good thoughts and energy before you sleep has extra benefits. It only takes a few minutes to pray. The more effort you put in, the quicker you’ll reap the rewards. Some need to do them longer than others. Do them as long as your feeling tells you. Light energy can heal you of all emotional pain, and of all sickness. Love heals all wounds. Appreciate what you have, don’t waste yourself with nonsense. Again, keep yourself full of good energy. Make changes in your physical surroundings, create art/music, dance, read inspiring works, and walk in nature as all of these help. Find what gives you peace and healing, and use that to increase positive energy.

  All injuries can be cured by using the power of spirit. You can heal yourself by directing the cosmic light (God) into your body and allow it to fix everything. This requires certain mastery, but herbs and other natural methods can heal too. I’ am not going to tell you the procedure and technicality of it, because it is not important. Let your soul guide you, and you’ll know exactly what to do.

  You are constantly in prayer to God through your thoughts, emotions, and actions. That’s why it’s important to live the peaceful spiritual way. That does not mean abandoning self-defense, however.

  Let go of the Intellectual Mind

  Many people ask a lot of questions that revolve around the rational mind. You have to understand that all the answers are within. Just focus on inner development and it will be revealed to you. You will then look back and realize this. People are brought up seeking satisfaction from the logical, ego, intellectual mind. They don’t realize that they need to feed their spirit, their soul. When you awaken your consciousness, you gain universal wisdom automatically. Earth humans are constantly chasing material possessions such as cars, fine wine, cheap pleasures, prestigious jobs, glory, praise, recognition, religions, books, new phones, TV, expensive ridiculous looking clothing, relationships, etc. Hardly do they stop to realize that all the external space is projected from their minds. People have become addicted to consumer culture. Spiritual development is the cure for that, to make them see the grander picture. Life is truly something special, live it to the fullest. Human beings were not created to be slaves to physicality, to attend school every day so they can get jobs they hate only to struggle every day just to survive, then get married, then have children, and then finally drop dead from all the stress…and the cycle continues in the next generation. No, man was created for much more than that. Man was born to be free! To explore the wonders of life! It is their own limitations that have chained man’s ankles, preventing him from fulfilling his destiny. Insecure politicians are the real criminals of society. If earth is going to be free, then this evil must be stopped once and for all.

  Spiritual Beings

  Live with honor. Do not bow down to them, or submit to their authority. Stand tall and refuse their deception. Be a rebel! Ancient people in the past who were spiritual never followed the dark controller’s commands. They sent their military, they sent their puppets, yet nothing happened. They used their guns, their swords, and their lies, but the spiritual ones never followed. Even though the sheep obeyed law and order, the spiritual ones remained free. Some lived away from society, away from all the nonsense, filth, and garbage produced in modern civilization.

  History books distorted or erased all records of such people with spiritual powers, but you’ve heard the stories of the enlightened ones who purposely don’t want to be seen. They live today, but they avoid the paparazzi cameras of society. They don’t require all of the “conveniences” that we’ve been bred with. Misinformed people can’t understand how someone can exist without food, or water, or withstand fatal attacks from weapons and remain unharmed. There is nothing complicated about it. It is very simple, the more cosmic energy you allow to flow into you, the more you can do. Of course this comes after certain mastery is attained. Gather cosmic energy, it is your key to a higher existence.

  Advanced beings on higher planes, live in ways you won’t believe. They can perform miracles by using the divine light of the universe. You can too, despite what you’ve been taught. You have been made to believe that only the chosen ones and the divine ones can achieve this, but this has been purposely taught to you to make you feel inferior. Yes, you can achieve super human levels of spirituality, and perform miracles. You are not a condemned sinner, or any less than any kind of mystical god. You are an individual who has been tricked by evil entities. Reclaim you birthright. Use the divine cosmic power of God which is everywhere to clean
se your body, and transform yourself into a super supreme spiritual being!

  The Spiritual Path

  God is with those who believe, for they are the ones who dare the impossible.

  Civilized people live in harmony at all times. They are not fooled by the lies from the corrupt politicians, or by those who are just seeking attention. There are many people who claim to be exposing the truth and lies of the government. Fear and other scary stories are told by them in order to make you follow them and become their sheep. Real intelligent people, those with their chakras and senses developed, see beyond their lies, and know what is going on.

  A spiritual person can be in the fiery depths of hell, and still be surrounded by the loving light of the source. That’s why they walk in peace knowing that the universe (God) is working in their favor. Don’t be fooled by the illusions, and lies from the dark side, or aggressively attention seeking individuals.


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