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Galactic Earth

Page 13

by Luthra, G. S.

  Let the divine light of God guide you on your journey. There is no one who can save you. You are the one who must lead yourself. Independence must be earned. May the light of the existence show you the way to liberation, justice, and harmony.

  One of the spiritual divine beings sent to earth is commonly referred to as Jesus. He goes by many different names, depending on what religion. Let’s just say Jesus, because everyone is familiar with that name. Unlike what the corrupted priests say, Jesus never created a religion. His mission was simply to heal. Every day he spent his daily life selflessly helping others. Remember how I explained that religious books were edited down? His real teachings were removed. AND this does not have anything to do with new age. You can live with nobility and harmony in your daily life. Spiritual living is living CONSCIOUSLY. The most peaceful people I’ve met on your earth, had no clue about “spirituality”, did not read any books, nor participated in any of these fancy activities in hopes to achieve some “divine” experience. They just lived from their heart and kept their word, no seminars, videos, or books needed.

  Gods like Buddha, Shiva, Jesus, Horus, Krishna, etc., volunteered to help earth. They came from higher worlds to help people evolve, and to spread awareness. Love energy is the force of God. Don’t believe what false gurus preach. All creation has emanated from the unified particle energy, the source of everything. Because you are part of this energy, (God) you are connected with all that exists.

  You are a part of God, and it is a part of you.

  Have faith in God. Having faith in God is having faith in yourself, because you are one and the same. Believing in God, is believing in yourself, this is why it is very important. Always have faith in God. Whenever you are confused or lost, remember God, and the path will be shown. Jesus never preached any religious elitism or hierarchal servitude, only peace, love & prayer.

  Many other spiritual masters were sent to help earth. Others have incarnated here too. They are continuing to help humanity and can help you. All the answers are inside you. All answers are found in the internal, then in the external. All the external, is the result of the internal. Good things and bad things happen in this world, but you must not let the bad things stop you.

  Who is the Real God?

  What about God? Religions have their own version, so which God is the most genuine? Who created the universe, all the galaxies, all the planets, and…us? Some of you may be asking this question. Hopefully, this will help you. God is limitless and has endless expressions this is why you have several Gods from different religious cultures. The old man, white beard stereotype is damaging for your planet. God is not a person, but formless, shapeless, infinite. It is the mind of the universe, the eternal energy, the source, the essence of everything, the energy that permeates all throughout existence.

  Other people have their definitions, but it’s more of something felt rather than explained. Yes, God exists, but has been impersonated by many. The real God doesn’t need to be worshipped, but man needs God. The real God is a part of everything, and is still consciously learning through all of its creations, including you. You don’t need any middleman, or any priest to connect with the Great Spirit. Everyone is still trying figure out what exactly God is. Don’t stress yourself so hard, otherwise the truth will escape you. Focus on inner healing and the truth will come rushing to you. There comes a time in life where you become so strong that you can stand up to anybody. When this happens, you find God in you. Just remember, God is beyond religion, and more importantly, God is beyond good and evil. When you understand this, life will be a whole lot simpler.


  Now you’ll notice that I don’t list any heavy scientific research, or use any other documentation in this book. You may be wondering how I have obtained this information. Let me ask you something. If I were to say yes dear reader, I’ am a PhD in some scientific field, or that I have traveled the world and have spoken with scientists who confirm what I’m writing, does it really matter? Does that make me more credible, more qualified than others? Sure, I could recite previous works and facts, but I and you know that right now it is irrelevant. As far as qualification is concerned, consider this - medical doctors haven’t cured a single disease in over twenty years. They just give drug, after drug, after drug. Top of that, most of them look like they need to be in a nursing home. As a matter of fact, recently medical doctors have been rated as the number one cause of death. What qualifies any of them to give advice on health?

  Big time billionaires and companies have filed bankruptcy recently. What qualifies them to speak about how to make money? What about the recession? None of the great academic economists saw it coming. What qualifies them to speak about finance? Scientists used to say that the atom was the smallest substance in existence. They then later on said the same about the nucleus, and then the electron. Now they say the electron is made up of smaller energetic particles. They say according to the biological structure of the bumble bee, it is impossible for it to fly, but the bee still flies.

  There were times where engineers believed that the oriental couldn’t comprehend science, there were times when scientists debunked the fact that bacteria lived in the stomach, there was a time that people believed the earth was flat, and yes there even was a time when people believed in human sacrifices. If you were to go back into those days and say otherwise, they would attack you. So you see history repeats itself. Don’t let yourself be swayed by what society demands of you. Become an individual rather than morphing and succumbing to that which pleases others. Facts always change as new findings are discovered, so dare to reach higher in life for what makes your experience complete and whole. “Experts” say so many things, yet the truth proves differently. So I ask you, what qualifies them to speak about how our world works? Psychiatrists instruct others on how to live when most of them can’t even run their own lives. Mainstream psychology has a success rate of only five percent! What qualifies them to instruct others? Religious leaders preach about how we should live our lives, but behind the curtain they do things that would make the average man look holy! What qualifies them to lecture others on how to live?

  Presidents and government authorities have all preached a plan for global peace. Still, even after a million years since our existence, we have never had it. What qualifies them to speak about how to operate our lives? You see people tell us “facts,” when the truth is they are just telling you other peoples’ opinions, ideas, and beliefs. When scientists claim something as factual, it is just their finding based on what they can see with their current technology.

  People say majority rules. That’s a truck full of trash! No, truth always prevails! There was a time when the world was flat, and that the sun revolved around it. Was that true? No, but most people believed it! Flying aircrafts were dubbed as impossible. Yet, those brave enough to challenge made it possible. People today are so brainwashed, so tamed, so out of touch with what is, that they’re no longer human anymore. They’re clones. All of their thoughts, ideas, thinking, and beliefs are based off of, and/or copied from previously conceived ideas and societal belief systems in the past. People don’t even realize that. They have become robots. An imitation, a replication, designed to follow orders. Are your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas really your own? I used to hold on to such concepts, but you have to snap out of it. All people know today are government rules, regulations, traffic lights, taxes, ID cards, military, hierarchy, social welfare, and superstition. I don’t believe in unfair taxes. Why do you have to pay to live on earth, a planet you were born on? This is your home, why should you have to pay for it? What are we renting an apartment? No. This is our home, nobody owns earth. Why should anybody have to pay to live here? And who are we paying, government? Who are they? They don’t own us, they’re not god! I don’t believe in identification cards. What am I a product? No, I’m a person, and refuse to be labeled as common stock! I don’t believe in social welfare. Why should you have to give your hard earned money for
someone else? So what if you possess extra income? You earned it, it’s yours. Welfare creates laziness. Take a bum on the street that does nothing, but drink booze out of a brown paper bag. You want to pay for him? For what, so he can gulp more liquor? What about a stud who engages in reckless behavior. You want to pay for his mistakes? Everyone must take responsibility for their own life.

  I don’t believe in hierarchies. Nobody has the right to tell others what to do, or to rule over anybody. I don’t care who you are, what you’ve done, what your family background is, what your race is, how much money you have, or how many golf clubs you own. You think you’re qualified to run the world? Your qualification is mud as far as I’m concerned! I don’t believe in any of these things and I stand by these words. People have been tricked to hate each other when the real problem is the corrupt government elites. Humans are fighting each other needlessly. They must come together, and use universal love to destroy evil. I’m not seeking approval or popularity. I don’t give a rat’s behind about sales, reviews, or whatever. I’m beyond that, much more evolved than the feeble minded praise seeking fools with no guts and only know how to act like a puts. There are many false gurus and conman who claim to be spiritual people. I’ am not going to tell you who they are. I will say you use your own intuition to guide you. Truth is, the answers are all sitting inside you. You just need to listen within. You very well could disagree with this book entirely, that's fine. I'm not forcing, or condemning you if you don't. I’m merely presenting you information. I have found that when asked the question, "Who do you listen to?" the answer is nobody. Not me, not government, celebrities, your peers, or whoever. What you do is hear what people have to say, and make your own judgment.

  Look, in the past there have been people who went against rules, norms, laws, and did what society has claimed impossible. Because of this, the world is now a better place than it used to be. Strong men have always discovered new ways to push beyond the limits of the textbooks, by using out of textbook methods. The same goes for martial artists, scientists, writers, builders, businessman, etc. and they all have done feats that have been dubbed impossible by mediocre minds.

  Don’t you understand that it really doesn’t matter? When your mother told you to stop hanging around with that bad group of kids, did you listen? Maybe, but if you asked why, what happened? Smack in the head? Or maybe she told you those kids were idiots. Did you listen? Maybe, but you most likely found out at one time or another, that she was right, right? I don’t know, you tell me, but you have listened, or are listening to people who don’t have the qualities that are presented as worthy in society. So why did you, or do you listen to them, because there’s a sense of trust and love that goes beyond all this childish nonsense that we’ve been taught. So, you make your decision. Follow your gut intuition. I’m not saying listen to me, and I’m not saying you should look for me for answers as though I were a god. If that is all you’ve learned from all of this, then you’ve missed the point of this manuscript. Just remember to follow your soul’s path and keep persisting on. All the answers will come shortly. All that is required is to never give up.

  The greatest discovery of all time is the realization that you have the power to create your life! Yes, you are the one who will bring balance into your existence. All that you need is within you! Use the techniques and meditations given. Actually, you don’t even need them. All you need is to choose to take full responsibility for yourself! When you just make the decision to live with higher purpose, you already have taken the first step, nobody can stop you! Your thoughts will manifest quickly. You, yes you, are the very secret that has been hidden by those who fear you! There will be times when you’re so engulfed by what you’re doing, that you won’t have any thoughts. You’ll be so conscious, so into what you’re doing, that you’ll be truly living your life, minute by minute, second by second. When this happens, you’ll feel so good that there are no more thoughts, just pure consciousness. When this happens, a shift occurs in your life. The need for positive thoughts is no longer required. It will be done automatically. You won’t think the words or voice of what you want. Instead you’ll experience your future in vivid detail already with the abundance of the existence. The day will come where you will be so conscious in your life that you will think about what you want and not think about it at the same time. There won’t be any sounds, or pictures in your head, but just an inner knowing that it will happen, and you will feel unbelievably happy.

  Courage is the ability to do what is right, regardless of what others say. Do what you’ve got to do, and don’t worry about others. You are constantly creating your future. Decide what kind of outcome you want for earth. Don’t let anyone, government, demon, or entity stop you. Remember, love conquers all! There is no greater power than the power of God! Spirit heals all wounds no matter what. Empower yourself, it’s never too late to start.

  You can, and WILL change the fate of your life and of earth’s for the better! Use this information! Knowledge is useless without action! It doesn’t matter who you are, what you look like, what race you are, what you’ve done in the past, or anything else. Remember, it’s never too late to be different. I don’t care how many mistakes you’ve made, or what “sins” you have done. None of that matters!

  In the end you’ll abandon this book, because you will evolve and have your own experience and develop a direct communication with God. You may very well contradict what is written here, but that’s fine. Follow your own path regardless of what anybody says, including me.

  Remember this universal truth – It’s not who you were, but who you become that matters. Enlightenment is realizing you can do anything, regardless of whether or not it is possible. Everything in the external is simply a reflection of the internal. You can do achieve anything so long it resonates with your soul. The only laws that exist are the ones you believe in.

  Remember to always love yourself. Even if you have no friends or no one who cares for you, you do now. I care, and I love you. Everything is energy, and now that you’ve read my book, I’ll be with you in spirit no matter where you go. Good luck my friend, I bid you farewell and look forward to seeing you in the new world.

  May the cosmic universal force show you the way.

  Layla’s Quest

  Layla closed the book and got up. After checking the calendar, she realized she had been reading for nearly three days with minimal breaks. She barely ate anything and was shocked yet intrigued.

  What a way to spend my weekend, she thought.

  Work was tomorrow and she pondered her future. Being a reporter herself, she knew what Gudama said about the media was a hundred percent correct. During her three years with a big name agency, she observed the watering down of important information, and how financial and political groups influenced how news was presented. Although she was an outspoken opinionated reporter, there were several times where her job was threatened and in danger for delivering “too much” news. Eventually, she left to team up with friends to start a new independent press as she grew weary of battling with superiors. She poured herself a cup of hot herbal tea to calm her nerves. Reading Gudama’s manuscript was certainly a lot to take in. Layla had always been interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the stuff everyone wonders is real, but never fully investigates.

  Curled up on her beige couch with her knees up and feet on the cushion, Layla processed what she had just learned in her light pink pajamas. Her complexion was pale, fear raced her heart.

  What is the government going to do, are aliens really roaming the earth secretly, she thought?

  The tea calmed her down after a few sips. She remembered Gudama’s words to be brave and that there’s nothing to fear. Upon thinking of him, another warm feeling arose in her body. She paused while trying to contemplate why she felt this, but quickly after she brushed it off. Layla got up and walked to the window, gazing at the streets. It was a lot less busy than usual, most likely due to earth’s new visitor. Most people blew
the whole event as a hoax, a prank by some nut.

  “What if they’re right, what if it’s all a fake?” Layla said to herself.

  She looked up at the sky, slightly shaking her head.

  “No, it can’t be,” she said affirming.

  Sure, everyone seeing it on TV is skeptical as they should be, but I was there, I saw the spaceship with my own two eyes, she thought.

  Layla’s mood shifted, she was suddenly happy. She had a skip in her step with a big smile and her complexion returned to her normal beautiful rosy tan. She put some Bossa Nova on, one of her favorite genres of music. The whole situation felt exciting to her.

  “Here an alien has come to us sharing his knowledge, we now know they do exist!” she proclaimed. “What a story…what a story.”

  She showered, got dressed, and began writing her next article.

  Morning was brighter than usual. Layla happily walked the streets with a big bright smile eager to go to work. Her arms swung big and she had a spring in her step. She radiated in the sunlight, this event gave her life a very much desired spark. Despite the confusion and turmoil of worldly events, bystanders were awe struck when she passed by as if they had witnessed the presence of a goddess. She illuminated the streets with her grace, as if she carried a divine glow within her.

  “Mark, I got the greatest story in media history!” Layla exclaimed, slamming his office door open.


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