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Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles)

Page 11

by Unknown

  “Your Royal Highness…”

  “How are you Mavran.”

  “I am well your highness, thank you for asking. I had no notice of your arrival. I did not know you were in the city. Had I known…”

  “I am here to see my father. Only my father. Can you tell him I am here and I wish to speak with him?”

  “Your Royal Highness, the King … has not been well of late. On certain days he remains in his chambers. This morning the Queen was to give Audience … If you remain here I can go to him”

  As a child the Hall of Audience was full of petitioners. It served to maintain the link between the King and his subjects. Waiting in the empty chamber, she wondered if they knew how far the Sovereign had fallen in the eyes of his people. She wondered if they cared.

  A young woman came in with two others. The resemblance to Mira’s stepmother was unmistakable. Without a word of acknowledgement she turned and hurried out. The Chamberlain returned.“Your Royal Highness, the King will see you in his chambers”. They ascended a marble staircase, the corridor smelling of must. The tapestry from her childhood hung on the wall , worn and stained. They passed to a side room used by one of his secretaries. The Chamberlain opened a door and stepped unannounced into the Royal presence.Her father sat by an open window. A fire was smoking in the grate. The room was icy .Mira’s face tightened in anger. “Get someone in here to reset that fire and close the window. I want him moved to his private chambers.” The Chamberlain looked for a moment as if he would protest. He nodded and left.

  She hardly recognized him. His skin was lined and blotched. His shoulders, once wide and muscular, were narrow and slumped. Dirty fingernails , eyes coved with a white film,his teeth were rotten.She knelt by him.“What happened to you . Did I abandon you” She recalled what Kerris had said about the rein her stepmother had taken . She thought of the last time they had met. The king was in a blaze of anger Troops were out seeking the arrest of the man she loved. Her stepmother by his side, smiling ..

  “How dare you. This liaison is finished. I order it.”

  “I love him. I want to live my life with him. He is of a noble family, he has lands….”

  “He is a nobody. It will not stand, I tell you. Finish it”

  “I’m carrying his child.”

  “That can be got rid of”. Said the Queen.

  “If you repeat that, I will kill you”

  “You threaten your Queen?” Her father roared, jumping to his feet.

  “She is not my Queen. She is a whore and a usurper. She connived her way into your bed. When my mother …”The King struck his daughter backhanded. She fell to the marble floor, head spinning.”You will not speak again. Leave us.”That night Marcus came for her at the East Gate They were married at dawn in the woods of Avon. Fleeing to Holgun Marcus found employment in the Ranger Academy. Word went back to the city and orders came to have him dismissed. The Rangers declined.

  She looked into her father’s eyes. For a brief moment there was awareness; his fingers tightened on hers. There were footsteps ,pounding on the door. It burst open. Two men at arms strode in. One spoke to her, ignoring the King. “The Queen requires your presence”.

  “Address me by my rank and title, captain or I will have you broken. Shut that door and wait outside” They remained motionless. “ Outside” Her voice whiplashed.

  She knelt before her father. “You lost your way when my mother died… My father,you must fight. Death is too easy.”

  Chandra had put on weight, her face lined with easy living. Little remained of the beauty that seduced a king

  “How dare you take my father’s place” She dismissed the guards.

  “I took your mother’s place, why not your father’s”.

  “How long has my father been like this? He is ill and uncared for. Have you any feeling in you?” Mira accused. “

  “I am much too busy to bother with a stubborn old man.”

  “I cannot see what you have to occupy you. The Realm is in a state of anarchy. There is no law. Officials are corrupt and insolent. The people exist in poverty. What is it you think you are doing?”

  Chandra leaned forward. “You question me? By what right?”

  “By right of succession. I will be queen one day, a day that may come sooner than you expect. I know of your buffoon of a son. He will never be king. I am first in line for the Throne. When I am twenty one I will be crowned.”

  “Only if you live that long”.

  Mira paused, nodding. “It is a relief to talk without hypocrisies. You have tried to take my life on several occasions. Yet you have failed. You murdered my husband and child. For that alone I will see the end of you. I was happy. Fled with my love to another life. I hated my father. I despised you.The field was clear . As the queen I should have placed the Realm before my happiness. My mother dead when I was twelve. My father lost to me. I was naive”

  Chandra examined a manicured nail “Indeed you were naïve. You still are if you believe that you had any freedom to do other than what was intended. Your husband ?He was one of ours. His task was to seduce you, to take you away from the life set out for you. How well he succeeded… But he could not be trusted, so we had him killed. . Yes dear. Marcus was one of ours. One of mine, you might say…” She added with a leering smile. “ You met him on the Great West Road. Do you remember? Your carriage broke down.”

  Commanding herself Mira steeled her mind against waves of emotion. “Why send killers? We were gone”.

  Chandra nodded. “Gone but not forgotten. Not by the people and certainly not by me... You might have stayed away . Then again you might not. The final straw was you getting pregnant.”

  “My family died but I lived, why?”

  “Despite extensive questioning, the assassin failed to yield a satisfactory answer.” Chandra paused. “Your mother’s death was much less of a challenge”. Mira felt her legs go weak. Chandra gazed at Mira..“You must have suspected?... O you are naïve... The king wanted sex with me but that was as far as he would allow it ..“

  “You killed my mother”. The words came in a strangled voice.

  “Yes, my dear .Go now. Leave, and enjoy what time you have left.”

  Mira turned her back to leave. The Queen’s voice followed her. “If people knew the truth, none of this would have been necessary.”

  Mira stopped. Chandra was examining her nails. She looked up in mock surprise to find Mira still there. “The night the Queen gave birth. She had such a time of it, poor thing. Three days in labour. The King frantic. When the child came it failed to start breathing. It never did. Luckily we had anticipated such an eventuality. A baby was brought in and the dead one taken to the Royal gardens and disposed of. I can show you the spot if you like. …”

  Dwarfdale saw her stumble. Roaring for Hawkmoon he charged across the footbridge. A guard reached for her, metal glinting in his hand.. He straightened, put his hand to his throat and collapsed. Guards raced from the open gates as Hawkmoon scooped her up. A bolt hit him on the right shoulder. He staggered, slipping on the cobbles. Crossbows were lining the west wall, waiting for the moment he would try for the carriage

  Ducking into a side street, a heavy set man stood in his path. The would be assailant blinked in surprise and collapsed as Hawkmoon’ s shoulder met him square in the chest. Four waited behind. One charged , screaming. A rapier passed in the neck of his armour. The second went down as it slipped through a chink below his jaw. The third parried the rapier ,collapsing with a dagger in his face.

  “ Hawkmoon! Get your arse up here”. Bekter leaned from the upper rooms of a coffee house. Dropping from the balcony with unexpected agility Bekter took Mira and scrambled from a window ledge to an iron trellis .. Hawkmoon went up beside him. The one that had stopped the four below was already on the balcony, arming a crossbow “This is Chatto.”

  The street was full of armed men. Hammering came at the door.“We can’t go back on the street.” Said Hawkmoon. Bekter grimaced.“Man dear, w
ill you credit me with intelligence. I have a grand little place picked out, all nice and cosy”.

  It stank of horses and urine “She has a bruise on the head but she’’ll be alright.” Bekter looked at the cut on his shoulder.

  “Let me see that….”

  “It’s a nick”.

  “I’ll decide what it is.”

  “How did you know I’d be there?”

  “ Hawkmoon, I know what you are about to do before you think it. ”

  “Why are you here?”

  “We were attacked the following night. Revenants from a village further along. Shula was packing in the morning. Said I could stay but she was going. Shem’s dead. Fought off a crowd of them to let us get away. ”

  “Where is Dwarfdale?”

  “They let him go. That fellow could talk the birds off the trees. “. We can stay for a while but we have to move at dawn. The price on your head is enormous. Dead or alive, but dead preferably. If I didn’t know you I’d be tempted.

  “Tell me about Chatto?

  “He’s Dhampir which says most of it.”

  “Get him”

  Chatto stood quietly as Hawkmoon looked him over.

  “The vampires have a list and you’re on it”.

  “I have my own list”

  “There’s a job, if you’re interested. “

  “I’m listening”.

  Hawkmoon nodded to Mira where she sat in a pile of straw, wide eyed in shock.“Protect her…Never leave her side. A lot of people want to kill her... She is bossy and opinionated. She will try your patience to the breaking point. She is worth all of it”

  Hawkmoon turned to Bekter . Where is Shem’s family?”

  “We brought them with us”

  “Speak to Obod. They are to be looked after”.

  “Already taken care of… Nothing I like better than spending your money…There is light over here. I want to take a look at that”Bekter said . Closer to a grate from the street, Bekter whispered as he leaned close. “The king is dead. It must have happened the moment she left.” Hawkmoon looked across the cellar where Mira sat.…

  Chatto knelt by her . “My lady, drink this, it is apple juice with Arath . It will relax you..” Hawkmoon watched, expecting her to refuse .. Instead she took the cordial and forced a smile.He beckoned to Chatto..“ We can’t stay here. Dwarfdale has safehouses across the city. Go to him and arrange for the closest “

  Hawkmoon took a pouch from his belt. It held a packet of dried leaves and a smaller pouch with a Jade crystal. He palmed it and closed his eyes.After a time his hand started to glow and light filled the chamber... The wound at his shoulder ceased bleeding.. Soon the cut was a scar, a short time later even that had gone.Bekter gave him one of his shirts, tight on the shoulder and loose on the gut.Hawkmoon stretched his frame on a straw pallet and closed his eyes. “Wake me when Chatto gets back”.

  People were moving when he opened his eyes. He felt a blanket covering him.”Rest now. We can wait”. Mira stood by him, a deep sadness in her face..… He wondered if she had the strength. Everything depended on her.

  “Thank you my Lady, I can sleep later” Bekter came over. “ Dwarfdale sent word. There is a house ten minutes from here if we take the streets , longer if we go back into the sewer. They looked to Mira.

  “We will go by the sewer.”

  Despite his protest Mira insisted that Hawkmoon take the first bath. After he had eaten he was ordered back to bed. Dwarfdale sent a note to Leona. Norry had come with Dwarfdale who was in conversation with Chatto. Mira was in the bath, crying.

  In an upper room Hawkmoon collected his weapons, and slipped out into the kitchen garden . He crouched by the wall, listening . Except for the noises from the house the streets were quiet.

  Death of a Courtesan.

  Not recognising Hawkmoon the new secretary left him to wait in the outer office.. Obod bustled out, his face flushed with annoyance. “Meneer Hawkmoon, a thousand apologies, the man is new”

  “Where is the old fellow?

  “Passed away, dear chap. Thirty years he was with me. A treasure, a veritable treasure. Do come in. I promise you won’t be detained in an outer office again.” He said with a glare to the clerk. “ Bring coffee from the Planter’s Rest. When you return leave it outside. I don’t want to see you until tomorrow.” Hawkmoon had known the financier when Obod was neither as fat nor as wealthy. They met on a mountain road near the city of Karpis. His drivers were demanding an increase in their wages. If it was not forthcoming they proposed to take his merchandise. Hawkmoon conducted the negotiations.

  They retired to Obod’s private office. The walls were granite decorated with Mallorn. The windows were narrow, triple glazed with an iron tracery to stop flying projectiles. “The new man seems keen ”Hawkmoon observed taking a seat.

  “Excellent qualifications and well recommended. I am letting him go tomorrow”

  “The orphanage is too small. I want you to purchase a property. There are vacant buildings by the docks. Arrange private quarters and offices for the sisters, a clinic, dormitories and a nursery. Give them what they need”

  “That woman is a marvel. She is feeding a thousand people at the Watergate. It’s enough to give you religion..”Hawkmoon took a cheroot from a box on the financier’s desk…. “I instructed you to enquire into a certain matter”

  Obod sat, taking a key he unlocked a drawer from which he took a folder… “Children disappear but are usually found. … Fourteen over six months is…excessive.” He said, steepling chubby,jewel encrusted fingers “ Parties known to disagree with the Queen have died in mysterious circumstances. Among their number are senior Rangers, men who, under normal circumstances would be hard to approach, let alone kill. It took a heavy payment out of your account but I am reasonably certain. Someone is raising demon assassins to eliminate their enemies... “

  “I killed one in the forest”

  Obod raised delicate eyebrows. “Might I enquire how you achieved something that remarkable?”Hawkmoon told him about Norry and the knife he took from the Shadow.“An unusual little man. I should like to make his acquaintance. …The bodies were found in woods behind the Royal Pavilion..”Hawkmoon sat smoking, his face tight with anger.. The fat man presented a large envelope “The information you require. Not enough to hold up in court, if there was such a wonder…All funds under my supervision, have been transferred to accounts in the Free Cities. I have placed orders for cavalry remounts, weapons, iron and food. You now own or control a number of freighters.”

  Obod walked Hawkmoon to the front door. “When will you leave?”

  “As soon as it is prudent. I have a yacht hidden up the coast.”

  Hawkmoon lay beside her, watching as she slept . Her breath stank; beads of sweat on her cheeks and upper lip. Taking a scissors from the nighstand he cut her nails. Her eyes rolled beneath closed lids. Hawkmoon held the knife with one hand as he covered her mouth with the other. Her eyes flared , staring at him. For a moment her body tensed, then relaxed.

  “A man in your bed with a knife at your throat yet you show no fear. The sisters trained you well….You make your body soft and pliant. Perhaps I will take my hand away? You will not call out; you would be dead before the door opened. You know this. You have the Voice. If you could speak; you would tell me that I was the one you waited for. I could put aside the knife. We could make love…

  The shades of the children whose lives you took are waiting. They are anxious to meet you. You will die as you have lived, alone and unloved “.Her hand flashed at his neck , nails tore at the skin . Fear started as he looked into her eyes, unaffected.“I know about the poison on your nails. “Placing the blade at her throat, he whispered.”Farewell, Queen of the Dasatii, for all the good you have been.”

  Alarms rang in the city as dawn brightened the towers. Hawkmoon slipped by the bridge on to the street where he met Bekter the day before. Chatto stepped from a doorway.

  “Is it done?”

sp; “It’s done. Go to the Rangers. Tell the Director to come at nine oclock. Find the Captain of Lancers. Tell him the same. If he does anything other than come with you, kill him”.

  Riots broke out as word of Chandra’s death went through the city. Starving mobs rampaged in the port... A crowd assembled before the city gaol. Relatives of those incarcerated, demanded their release. Their mood changed from aggressive to dangerous when the condition of the prisoners was discovered. The guards left through the rear. Looters wandered through wealthy neighbourhoods breaking into houses.. Bar came to Mira’s chambers asking if she would come to the drawing room..

  Mira entered to find a tall woman dressed in a blue travel cloak. Despite the drama of the evening Elmund was immaculate. “My Lady I have taken liberties for which I beg your indulgence. When I learned of what the ….. of what Chandra said to you I sent for Mistress Harn. She is Morah’s assistant... Mistress Harn, if you will.”

  Harn was tall, thin with mournful eye.“ Your majesty. We are facing into difficult times; you should only carry those burdens that cannot be avoided”.

  Mira took a seat by Dwarfdale.“Burdens are the lot of a Queen. Say what you have to say”

  “When it became obvious that Marcus was important to you he became important to us. We made considerable efforts to know everything about him.” Harn read from notes. “. At seventeen he applied for and was accepted at the War College. He was commissioned four years later and was assigned to the Northern Command and then to General Britan’s headquarters where he spent two years .. He was seconded to the Rangers for a further three. Harn looked up from her notes “. An officer in the kind of work he was assigned to has to account for his movements…. He would have had neither the means nor opportunity for a conspiracy. There are detailed reports of every day of his life , from the day he became a cadet to when you went with him to Holgun.. Your husband did not betray you. …” Mira’s hand reached for Dwarfdale’s.She had hardly slept, remembering their life together, every precious memory.

  “Thank you”

  Returning to her rooms she wondered about the alarm bells in the city. Where was Hawkmoon? An hour later Dwarfdale came to report the passing of her father and stepmother.


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