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Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles)

Page 12

by Unknown

  At the Home of Elmund Dwarfdale.

  “Pardon, my Lady, there are visitors downstairs. They have come to see you. The master has them in one of the reception rooms.”

  “Thank you Bar, I will be down in a moment”. The Butler bowed and left.

  Laughter came from the room as she opened the door. “My Lady, delighted you could join us.”. Dwarfdale had changed . He was dressed in velvet, wearing an expensive wig and rubies on every finger. He sported a dagger on a belt at his waist. “…How lovely you look…. May I introduce Sisters Rachel and Sharon”. The women smiled. “This is Professor Alexander and Mistress Leona.” Please excuse me while I see to supper.” Leona took Mira’s hand.

  “I am happy to see you child, we have been anticipating your arrival. Keris has omitted certain details. I trust you can be more forthcoming”.

  Mira was taken aback at being addressed as a child by a woman hardly ten years her senior.

  “I believe Kerr…, the Matriarch has given you all the information she sees fit. I would not presume to go beyond what you have already been told”.

  Leona’s mouth pursed with annoyance. “Come now, I will require more information before acceding to your request”.

  “With respect, mistress you have been your given instructions I suggest you carry them out”

  The sisters stared at Mira . The Abbess looked at the younger woman, measuring, her. Leona threw back her head , roaring with laughter.

  “Do you know how often anyone has spoken to me in that manner ?. “ Leona wiped her face.

  “My dear,you have extraordinary powers.. An army of spies , magicians, and hundreds of rank and file have been put at your disposal. Yet I know almost nothing about your plans. Do you understand my position?”

  Mira nodded.” I will write to Kerris asking her to be more forthcoming”

  “How is she? Did that reprobate show up? “


  “Her husband ”.

  “Kerris is celibate…”

  Leona sniffed. “And my cat hates kippers… Don’t know what she sees in him. Been up the skirts of every wench from here to Elfhome. And a few of those from what I hear”.

  Leona continued. “In all my years I have never had a letter instructing me to provide someone not of the Order with so much assistance. Apparently you intend to travel to Elfhome.. Are you aware that the Choke is impassable?”

  “I was informed that some caravans are getting through. …”

  Leona waved her hand in dismissal. “Thugs and confidence tricksters. They take the unfortunates out into the shallows and kill them. I can promise you will not be crossing the Sandsea on foot”...

  “But I must cross. …”

  “My Dear, I said you cannot go on foot, I did not say you cannot cross at all. Professor, if you will,” said Leona

  The Professor cleared his throat. “For a number of years we” Alexander indicated the young women” have been working on a mode of transport that would enable an ascent to a certain height and descending safely after covering a certain distance. However it was so expensive it would not be viable for almost any requirement. Any requirement, that is, but the present. Would you be so kind as to come to the Abbey in the morning where we can demonstrate?”

  “Are you saying that you have some means of transporting me safely across the Choke?”

  “Not in complete safety, no. I cannot say that. There are risks associated and it will require courage though from what I am told you have no defect in that respect”

  “At what time?”

  “Ten. It is in the country and private… Dwarfdale will accompany you.”

  The party left and Dwarfdale returned. Mira told him everything that had been said. “It will give me an opportunity to see this wonder with my own eyes.”

  Mira nodded. “If this is all they say you must contrive to get it to Silverlode. The Professor says it is expensive but that should be no deterrent now that the mine is in operation. “

  “Thank you my dear, your thoughtfulness is much appreciated”.

  “Appreciated my foot. You probably know more about the contraption than they do.Was that Hawkmoon I saw you with earlier?” She asked.

  Dwarfdale smiled “He calls, whenever he is in the city. He stays here usually, but not this time.” Dwarfdale looked at Mira..

  “You have known him for long?”

  “For years”, said Dwardale.” Capital fellow and a true friend “...

  “And an assassin”

  Dwarfdale shook his head. “My lady, part of our work is to hunt down vampire agents at levels of power throughout the Land. When they are found , Hawkmoon , and others, kill them If they were not we would have succumbed long since.”

  “Are you saying Chandra was one of their thralls?”

  “No dear, every bit as troublesome, but no…. Do you remember the chief secretary to the Chamberlain?”

  “An oily little man…

  “A vampire thrall... Come my dear. Supper awaits. After that a few hands of Bacherah and then I will have to go to visit my ladies. “

  Aerial Adventures.

  They passed the University. Workmen were clearing rubble.

  “ It seems you’ve had a problem with a dragon.” Mira observed.

  “O indeed”, replied the Professor.” It was quite the spectacle. One shudders to think what it might have done were it fully grown. Balthasar was somewhat doddery but there was no one to match him in Dragon Lore. It killed him and the Provost. Two members of the city guard also, but I doubt if anyone will miss them. It seems he was tending to the creature in the cellar. How he managed to feed it is a mystery. They have large appetites”

  “Has it been seen since?” Norry asked from the back.

  “Thankfully, no.”

  “A pity”, said Mira, “If it could have been tamed, I might have a means of crossing the desert”

  “I doubt that, my dear, taming dragons is a process that requires certain skills and often does not work. At the first free flight they tend to leave with their rider and are never seen again. In any case the member of staff who possessed that particular lore was incinerated. The students have a new drinking song. It is all the rage. Shall I sing it for you? The title is Marmaduke’s Lament”. .

  “ I don’t consider rogue dragons a matter for levity”

  “Quite so my lady, quite so”

  The Abbey stood on a thousand acres of farmland .As they passed the gate she felt as if a protective curtain had drawn behind her. Dwarfdale’s residence was well defended, yet there was a sense of a dam holding back malevolent forces. Here the sense of security was palpable. She wondered at the power of women who could create such peace.The Guestmistress was waiting outside Reception.. As they descended from the trap Leona came out in the company of Sharon and Rachel

  “You are welcome in this house”. When greeting guests Leona made it a habit of looking at their faces. Dwarfdale’s was expectant, Norry’s was elated, Mira was glowing. “There is tea in the lounge. Afterwards, we can begin the demonstration”. The Librarian invited Norry to see their collection of literature on the Parish ..

  Refreshment concluded they were driven to a field at the upper side of the Abbey .The sisters had preceded them and were unpacking gear from a wagon..Sharon was assembling a basket, Rachel was struggling with sheets of silk... Mira watched, fascinated. Alexander took a brass cylinder from the wagon .Waves of heat poured from the container, shimmering in the cool of the morning.. The sisters brought the open end of the sheet and held it open. The silk started to billow and inflate. Rising it tugged at the basket... Rachel climbed into the basket. Sharon released the cable and it rose... Mira gasped. Within moments the balloon reached the height of the trees As it rose the morning breeze pushed it to the west.

  Alexander was beaming “In three weeks the Ghibli will blow from south west to northeast. It will carry you over the Sandsea.”

  Mira was aghast.“Am I to understand that you propose I s
hould go up in that contraption?”

  “Why yes, I… that is we have completed several flights.”.

  “Have you crossed the Choke?”

  “Well no, but not because it is impractical, simply that once there we would have no means of return. At least, not for several months until the wind starts to turn”

  “Have you flown to any destination?”

  “Indeed. We flew in it from the south to within eight miles of the city. What would have taken weeks was accomplished in a single day. Of course the winds were unusually strong on that occasion. Had we known you were intending to travel from the Keep we would have picked you up.”

  “Professor, I would have been no more inclined to travel in that device then than I am now. I am sorry, we will have to find some other alternative. “Leona intervened. “Mira, I considered this scheme hare brained. However I flew on one of the test flight and I know it works. It gives us a considerable advantage in being able to move with stealth over great distances. There are no other means to cross the desert “

  “How can you hope to hide something that depends on Magic ? As soon as you release the heating stones it will be detectable for hundreds of miles”Alexander nodded enthusiastically. “We waited until we had solved that problem before our first flight. The answer was a Concealment Spell. Tethered to the ground it can rise to thousands of feet.With telescopes we can spot the approach of the enemy for hundreds of miles. The cable and the balloon itself are painted with a pigment that adjusts itself to the background of the sky. It is almost invisible.”

  “How large could this type of craft be?”

  “It could be built to carry a dozen troops, fully armed. But it would be expensive. The Purser calculates that a division, operating for a year could break our budget”.

  “What about launching projectiles at an enemy. Would it be effective?”

  “Alas no”, the Professor shook his head. “The ratio between weight and damage wrought on an enemy would not justify the cost” Rachel was winding the cable to bring the balloon down. It collapsed to be folded and stored in the basket.

  Mira climbed on to the sidecar.“When we return I want you to spend the evening with Norry. He has perfected a formula for an explosive chemical. I have seen it in use and it is quite remarkable”

  Alexander beamed.” I would be delighted”.

  “As soon as you have a sample of the formula I want you to take it and one of these”, she pointed at the balloon, “to Siverlode and give it to the dwarves”

  Leona was opposed.. Mira stilled her objections.“ She gestured at the balloon.”Unpack that thing. I may as well get it over with. Who is going to accompany me?”

  “Sister Sharon has dreamed of going to Elfhome . Is that not so, sister.”

  “What about flying at night?” Mira enquired.

  “It is better at night .. As it happens the turn of the Ghibli coincides with the rising of the moons. The wind can fall off but it never ceases completely. That is why I think you can do more than cross the Choke. You may, with good fortune, get most of the way to Elfhome”

  Dwarfdale was winking at one of the sisters.

  Mira turned to Dwarfdale.“Elmund, If you can drag yourself away .Can we store one of these at your house? In case we have to make a hurried departure, I would prefer to have one close to hand.”

  “Certainly, it would be my pleasure.

  The Queen in Waiting.

  Everyone rose when Mira came in. Dwarfdale bowed regally. “Your Majesty” Mira glanced at him. She went to the front of the room and sat before an ornate desk.Sifting through papers, she composed herself.

  A room full of people waiting for instructions, seeking answers to problems she barely understood. She was frightened. She could not let anyone see her fear.

  “We will not use that form of address until after the Coronation. For the present, My Lady will suffice, or Mira with my friends. I will begin by outlining my thoughts .You have permission to interrupt… Elmund. I wish to have Bar present to take notes.” Dwarfdale went out.

  “There are several matters … The first is the Succession. There is one other with a claim to the throne. The second is the prospect of war and this country’s lack of preparation. Apart from that we have the state of the Realm, the absence of law, an infestation of Revenants and a broken economy. “

  A grey haired man with an eye patch satin the corner with the Bashir. Britan, Chief of the Army . Mira acknowledged him.

  “I remember you General. You served my father well”

  The officer got to his feet. “My Lady, it is a great day to see you where you rightfully belong. I have never been defeatist but the Kingdom is in a parlous state. Now, at last it seems that the Gods have smiled on us. We may be defeated, we may go down to darkness but at least we have our fate in our hands . I speak for every man and woman in the Realm when I say that we will serve you to the end. If the Enemy wishes to take our land he will do so over our dead bodies. I defer to my junior colleague”. Bashir stood forward with a nod to the General.

  “Thank you sir. My Lady. Your half-brother is at his house in the country. I have lancers guarding him. I informed the Prince that this would be necessary because of disturbances in the city. I told him of the attack on the city gaol and advised him that it would be better to remain outside the city for at least a week”.

  “That was well done” Dwarfdale murmured.

  “The Prince believes that his path to the throne is unimpeded. He is either unaware of your presence or has discounted it. Several of his friends have tried to visit him. They have been refused. I am awaiting your orders”

  “Thank you Bashir. With Britan’s approval you are henceforth commander of Lancers” Glancing at the General she continued” By the morning I expect a list of officers; those to be dismissed and those to be promoted.”. Britan made to rise from his seat.

  “From where you sit general”

  “My lady the expansion of cavalry is critical. We also need skirmishers and scouts. Except for the garrison at Shaleen’s Gate, we have no standing army. We have a militia and, as much as was possible, we have worked to keep it on a war footing. We lack supplies, weapons and transport. All of which require heavy funding”

  “Ask the Rangers if you can borrow their scouts.”

  Dwarfdale stood. “My lad, this is commendable. The fact is, however, the Realm is bankrupt. How the former Queen managed to bleed a wealthy country to the point of collapse will bear investigation. I will arrange emergency finance .It will be a temporary measure. I am sure that Silverlode will take over the project. Vastly larger sums will be needed for reconstruction . When invasion comes the first blow will fall at Shaleen’s Gate. If the Reiver’s pass the Gate Silverlode will be next in their path. We have neither the numbers nor the skills to oppose them.

  “Elmund . No force has ever passed the Gate. Its defence is critical.”

  The Director of Rangers spoke from the back of the room. “The fact remains that as far as everyone outside this room is concerned the Prince will be King. I propose that he be executed immediately.”

  “There will be no summary executions. Am I clear?” The room was silent until Morah resumed. “In that case, I recommend that a proclamation be issued announcing your return and your coronation which should take place within a week. It is too early to know what plans are being laid against you. You have enemies and they will act. Many of the barons were close to Chandra and have much to lose”

  “Director, you are considered as one of the best to hold the post you occupy. I want you to start laying plans based on increases in funding. I am keen to know the intentions of the vampires “

  “If Morah was impressed she concealed it well. “My lady, I have spoken plainly. I intend to be plainer still. You are reckless. You are impulsive. Neither are qualities suited to a Sovereign. It is your prerogative to heed or discard the advice of your counsellors. If you die the country returns to anarchy”

  Mira sat, silent.
Minutes passed. Tension mounted in the room. Those familiar with the former queen were expecting an outburst “I plan about to establish a Privy Council. It will administer the country in the event the monarch is absent or incapacitated.. No succeeding monarch can rule without acknowledgement of established law.” The meeting ended with instructions to reconvene later that evening.

  Bar had laid out honey cakes, fruit and a glass of cordial. Mira wondered if she could steal him away from Dwarfdale when she moved to the Palace. Leona came in. She was elated. “We have made progress. However the proposals do not address immediate problems. We are facing a winter with low reserves of everything, especially food and fuel”

  “The warehouses are full. I have seen them”

  “Those are the property of merchants”

  “As soon as Dwarfdale releases funds I want you to start spending money. Set prices at a reasonable level. Let it be known that this is by Royal decree. Anyone caught profiteering will lose their licence to trade”.

  “There is also the matter of fuel”

  “There are forests near the city”.

  “Royal forests”

  “Cut down dead trees and collect whatever is on the ground. Later in the winter take mature trees but cut selectively. By spring the fleet will be able to ship from the North Coast. I am concerned with the camps outside the city walls. One outbreak of disease will destroy them and much of the city”

  They resumed after dinner. Britan spoke from behind a table covered with papers. “My lady, we have established a Military Council to oversee the reconstruction of the Army. It includes myself, the Bashir and several officers who were forced into retirement under the old regime. Others will be added. There is an Economic Committee, with Mistress Leona and Dwarfdale”

  “Elmund, how soon can you arrange the financing?”

  “Tomorrow, my lady”


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