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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Were Trilogy 3

  Were Love Conquers All

  Princess Charity Mossano of Milan is the Chosen One. She is forced to remain in hiding as a magical rogue wolf named Devlon continues to hunt her. He wants to mate her to gain her powers, destroy the circle of elders, and rule the world. She establishes Caliber, a security firm, to protect the last Royal were family, the Venificus triplets. Maximus, Luther, and Dante are individually powerful and dominant males. They get what they want and are superior in battle, in wealth, and in charm.

  Fate leads Charity to the Royal Venificus estate. She realizes that the three handsome, powerful royal Alphas are her mates. While there, someone Devlon is working with attempts to kill Dante. She reveals herself and the battle of all times begins. With the help of her spirit sisters, Lexi and Antoinette, along with their Alpha mates, Charity must fight the evil villains and save the world.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 70,301 words



  Were Trilogy 3

  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2011 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-611-4

  First E-book Publication: June 2011

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To all my readers who continue to follow my stories. I thank you for your patience as you waited for the final book to the Were Series. Do not be surprised if some relatives of the Sinclair, Crimson, McFay or Kellmore packs return with love stories of their own.



  Were Trilogy 3


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter 1

  She ran as fast as she could while she dodged tree limbs, prickly bushes, and other barriers prohibiting her from escaping. She tripped and rolled through the dirt, landing awkwardly against a tree stump. It nearly knocked the breath out of her as she attempted to recuperate. An enormous roar echoed through the forest, causing her to freeze in place.

  Charity screamed out in terror as the blade made contact with her skin.

  “I don’t want to die…Please don’t kill me!”

  The dark form loomed above her, mocking her every effort to escape to safety. There was no safety from such a beast. Scrambling to her feet, she fought with her last bit of strength, her last dying breath, while she clutched the golden locket to her chest. It was all she had left of her parents. Tears streamed down her cheeks as the memory flashes felt more like bee stings through her heart.

  Charity’s Godmother’s words echoed through her mind.

  “Never show fear, for the fates have plans for you, child. You are the Chosen One.”

  Easy for Bethany to say, she wasn’t the one who had been stalked for months by Devlon, the evil Lord of Bracus. He was the one Alpha werewolf on a mission to control all other packs within the United States. He wanted Charity as his mate. He wanted to possess her powers. He reeked of evil, deceit, and something other than just werewolf. She felt it with her being.

  “Why are you fighting me, my love? We are meant to be together.”

  Devlon stood straight up in front of her. Aside from him being the most evil, manipulating, self-centered son of a bitch, in were form, he was magnificent.

  His fur coat was the color of deep chocolate brown and showed streaks of black along his neck and shoulders. His muzzle was long and narrow, but it was his teeth that were most impressive.

  Growling at her, she watched the drool drip from his tongue and teeth.

  “Leave me alone! I am not yours for the taking.”

  Charity slowly crept her way backward until her back lay flat against the tree stump.

  A smirk formed on the beast’s mouth, half animal, half human. Only a seasoned were could show both forms simultaneously. It was magical. The cunning expression of his human form showed clearly despite the muzzle and knife like teeth.

  His long, wet tongue reached out to taste the blood of her wounds by her cheek. Charity cringed, closing her eyes, wishing the fates would send her a message. Tell me how to evade capture from this beast. Tell me how to stop him from destroying other packs.

  * * * *

  Devlon was in his glory because this was the moment he had waited for. He was building his army, preparing to defeat some of the strongest and largest packs in the world. If he could possess the powers of the Chosen One, then he could rule practically in an instant. He wouldn’t have to waste his time with small battles or getting blood on his hands from killing the elders, the Crimson Alphas, and the royal family, the Venificus. No, he could bypass all of them by possessing Charity. He stared at her a moment. Her beauty was like no oth
er he had ever known in all his years. The purity of her soul practically gagged him. Her youthfulness was inspiration. He was a lot older by practically a dozen human centuries, and although he appeared to be in his early thirties, Charity looked all of about eighteen.

  Who would have known that Davis, the wizard, would somehow find the Chosen One? It was destiny.

  He eyed the necklace she held in a death grip and indentified the action as a show of weakness. Inexperience and lack of proper training would cause her demise. Her parents couldn’t help her now. They were dead. He had made certain of that.

  “I see you still hold that locket of value.” Devlon nuzzled his snout over her hands that clasped the golden locket. The enticing smell of her skin caused his body to hum with need. She smelt pure and more satisfying than any meal or prey had ever smelt. It caused his insides to stir, and every part of him was aware of the rare delicacy before him. He debated about where to start because she was just so delicious. He had to be careful. Her shy display of weakness could be a trap. This couldn’t turn out to be this easy. He nudged her clenched hands that held the locket.

  “I enjoyed watching them suffer. I know you loved them dearly, but they stood in the way of my plans.”

  He could feel her sadness, and it brought her guard down, made her weak for his taking. This was just too easy. He reached out a half-claw, half-human hand and caressed her cheek. It was silky and oh so feminine, and it made his body throb with a need to possess and explore the rest of her. He held her gaze, and he could see the tears glistening in her emerald green eyes.

  He ran a claw through her abundant, golden locks and inhaled her intoxicating scent.

  “They don’t matter anymore. They would have only held you down and forced you to be something you weren’t meant to be.” He caressed her shoulder with his muzzle before inching closer over her body. And what a delectable body his little princess had. He would spend hours exploring it. That would be the most pleasurable aspect of his plan. She was a goddess herself, and in a year’s time, she would be an amazing piece of ass to own. She was impressionable, naïve, and trainable in her youth. She was just so mouthwatering.

  * * * *

  Charity couldn’t fight the flow of tears or the emotion of anger that crept through her body to her soul.

  This beast killed everyone in her family to get to her. There was no way she would allow him to have her. But his expression irked her. She felt her body shake and fear grip hold of her heart. His drool dripped from his razor-sharp teeth as his eyes roamed over her breasts. He was a beast, and she didn’t want to belong to him.

  Suddenly Bethany’s voice filled her mind.

  “He does not have power over you, child. It is you who holds the power of the earth and all other realms. Unless you accept his claim on you and he leaves his mark upon you, you can fight him.”

  In the distance, Charity could hear the fighting from the others in Devlon’s pack. It sounded as though his soldiers were being attacked by something. A bright, orange light illuminated the forest. It was gorgeous, and she practically felt the goodness surround her. Charity felt the fight within her extrasensory abilities sending her messages of what to do. There was an innate desire to survive and to defeat Devlon’s attempt at abducting her. She had no idea where the energy and aspiration had come from, but suddenly she felt stronger. Numerous images flashed through her mind, making her focus on her destiny and a need to protect and serve.

  Reaching down, she quickly opened the golden locket as she thought about her parents, her loved ones, and all who suffered death just to keep her safe. A bright white light jumped from between the golden hearts, shooting straight through Devlon and connecting with the orange glow. Devlon went flying backward, his back striking into a larger tree. He lay unconscious below it as the swirls of light lifted Charity through the forest and away from danger. Closing her eyes, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

  * * * *

  On her journey, she saw the powers she possessed, her purpose on this earth, and her need to protect the were packs from annihilation. Although the Fates had ultimate control over her abilities, she was meant to only use them for good and not for evil.

  When Charity awoke, she sensed the strength and control within her. There was no evil where she lay. Looking around, Devlon and his pack were nowhere to be found.

  Reaching for the locket, the one safety net she always found comfort in holding, she realized in terror that it was no longer there.

  Panic sunk in as she lost her breath.

  Did Devlon have it? Where was the locket? It was the last memory of her parents and family. She knew of their existence for such a short period of time. Her parents had given her to a healing woman Charity knew as Bethany. It wasn’t until her eighteenth birthday that Charity found out she was not an orphan child, but the daughter of two great warriors. Her birth and existence were kept a secret for her safety and that of all realms. That was until Devlon found out she was indeed alive. By killing her parents, he thought he would have control over Charity’s soul as well as her gifts.

  Something tingled over her right breast. Pushing her blouse aside and then her bra, she saw the mark. A small red heart lay embedded in her chest. Upon her fingertips touching it, the mark glowed. The thought intruded her mind and the emotions she felt. It was the power of the locket, an eternal symbol of her quest, of the journey set before her as the Chosen One.

  * * * *

  6 Years Later

  Feldman stood in front of the Fey Goddesses. It was Bethany, the Goddess of Vaneer, who shared her insight into the foreseeable conflict. She had chosen a garden area filled with elaborate species of roses, lilies, and wildflowers. It was absolutely stunning, and Feldman had never seen any garden on earth comparable. He especially enjoyed watching the tiniest of fairies, fluttering from flower petal to flower petal as if they had not a care in the realm. The sight never ceased to amaze him. With their tiny bodies, translucent wings, and little high-pitched voices, they were intriguing. The little outfits they wore were priceless.

  Feldman bowed his head and gave his most respectful greeting to the Goddess as the sweet fragrance filled his nostrils.

  “It is always a pleasure to be summoned by you, Bethany.”

  She chuckled at him, and he knew if she weren’t a goddess that she would be blushing from his blatant flirtatious demeanor. She truly wasn’t that much older than him. He had always been quite the popular fellow, but for the first time in centuries, he felt desire.

  Her shiny, auburn hair was abundant with curls that cascaded over her shoulders and down the center of her back. She was breathtaking.

  “Ahhh, it is I who receives the most pleasure from your call. Though they are rare, they usually evolve into something exciting or complex. What precisely have my cousin Lexi and her spirit sister Antoinette gotten themselves into this time?” Feldman asked.

  Bethany smiled.

  “A little mischief here and there keeps most of us young and vibrant. It is not what they have done, but rather what they choose to do when their powers are tested and called upon,” she added, sounding mysterious.

  Feldman felt the seriousness of Bethany’s tone. They were no longer fooling around. This was a serious matter.

  “Are they in danger, Goddess?”

  “Not yet, but I would be lying to you if I said it wasn’t something to be concerned about. You know I am not at liberty to expand or reveal information of the future, Feldman. However, I fear that the evil powers of Storm and Pragan are just the surface of both Lexi and Antoinette’s fight. Stay nearby and I will call upon you when the time grows closer.”

  “As you wish, Goddess.”

  Feldman bowed his head as the Goddess disappeared.

  * * * *

  Royal Venificus Mansion

  Lord Maximus Venificus was superior in nature besides genetics, so Latikus watched his Alphas closely. Maximus was a wolf to reckon with. His eyes alone dispensed authority and challenge.
Only the weak-minded fool would even think of challenging anything that Maximus, Dante, or Luther stated. They were magnificent leaders and superb warriors. This new information was going to stir their anger, and he for one did not want to be in the line of fire. Just then Maximus looked at Latikus with a frustrated expression.

  * * * *

  The meeting was taking forever. Maximus didn’t even have to look at his brothers Dante and Luther for them to hear his thoughts. As triplets, they could read one another’s minds. They were feeling the same way, but it was their job to oversee all aspects of the Venificus pack. As top Alphas, they currently held control over all packs within the United States as well as others throughout the globe. With such power and control came responsibility and many meetings. The recent increase in attacks on wolf packs in the United States and even abroad was a concern. No one seemed to have any suspects, and he hadn’t heard from the Circle of Elders either.

  This discussion about power over the security firms seemed minimal now, but perhaps it was a sign of trouble. His wolf had been antsy and irritable the last few days. This was surely a sign of what was to come.

  “Lord Dante, please understand the council’s concern with this matter. We are not seeking justification for Delta’s actions. He did not have the right or authority to take the business from Ferlow in regards to Selcon, but the business is failing. Delta and his pack would be the better choice to take over the small security firm. Selcon is losing business because of Ferlow,” Spencer, an omega from the Trinity pack, stated. He was supposed to play a neutral role in such pack dilemmas, but it seemed to Maximus that he had a personal interest in the elimination or takeover of Selcon.


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