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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Luther spoke up next.

  “Why is it that Selcon is failing? As head Alphas, we should have the ultimate control and ownership of all security firms protecting the packs. Why not merge Selcon into V-Con?”

  Spencer glanced toward the two other omegas then to Ferlow and Delta.

  Maximus was not a patient man, and it appeared his omegas were holding back information.

  Releasing a sigh, Maximus rubbed the small patch of hair below his lip and chin. The two gold hoops clinked together. Spencer swallowed hard. Maximus knew he was feared by everyone whether he was in human form or were form. He wasn’t arrogant, and he didn’t use their fear of him against them. Maximus welcomed anyone who challenged him, and no one would be so foolish to do so. He was confident, not cocky or at least he hoped he didn’t come across that way. Spencer avoided making direct eye contact with Maximus, obviously, fearing the power of his hypnotizing spell. Maximus knew that his appearance had a lot to do with the respect he received from others around him. Standing at six foot three and having solid muscle on top of solid muscle was enough to intimidate even the bravest of beasts. It was also known to never make direct eye contact with Lord Maximus Venificus. Not unless he wanted to feel pain or perhaps death.

  Spencer cleared his throat and looked toward Dante, the more approachable and diplomatic of the three triplets.

  “It seems that the international security firm called Caliber is gaining the interest of Selcon’s clients as well as others here in the US.”

  “Caliber! Why does that name keep popping up?” Luther asked.

  Silently he spoke to his brothers about the meeting he had the day before yesterday with Latikus, the director of V-Con.

  “It is a security firm that started in Europe approximately five years ago. They provide security for all the were packs, fairies, vampires, et cetera. Ever since Storm and a group of rogue wolves attempted to take Kellmore, Sinclair, and the Crimson Alphas’ mates, there have been random attacks and violence. Our own company, has subcontracted agents from Caliber to assist due to the fear circulating amongst everyone,” Latikus stated.

  “Latikus, why is this the first we are hearing about Caliber and the deliberate attempt of a takeover? Who is the owner? Why have we not fought to maintain control over all security fronts?” Maximus raised his voice, and the room fell silent.

  “Brother, let’s not rush to judgment. The pack numbers have increased dramatically over the past couple of years.” Dante interjected then stopped talking after the look Maximus gave him.

  “How does it look for V-Con, which has always been controlled by the Venificus family, to suddenly lose clientele, never mind subcontract out work by another company we don’t even know? Who is the owner of this Caliber?”

  Maximus stared at all those surrounding him at the table. When his stare was met with silence, he rose from the table.

  “Laticus, Ferlow…Delta?” He raised his voice an octave higher.

  Maximus slammed his fist down on the table, and the men all jumped in fear.

  “You mean to tell me that no one knows who the owner of this security business is?”

  He growled his question, and the sound of his roar was surely heard through the meeting room walls.

  Dante and Luther urged the omegas for an answer.

  “No one knows? None of you have heard anything about who owns Caliber?” Dante asked in his calming voice. It appeared to ease the atmosphere somewhat, because at that moment, Delta spoke up.

  Clearing his throat, the young omega kept his head down and spoke more to the cherrywood table than to his Alphas.

  “I have heard, Lord Venificus, that no one knows who actually owns the security company. The word on the streets for anyone looking for security is that the company provides the best-trained individuals. It has been said that the price is well worth the service.”

  Maximus remained silent a moment.

  “I want you, Dante, to find out whatever you can about the owner of this company. I want to know their intentions in regards to their Alpha.”

  “That’s assuming that the owner is one of us, a were,” Dante added.

  Maximus looked toward his brother, his eyebrows crinkled in anger.

  “Would other packs, my packs, feel safer with a non-were protecting their interests instead of me? Are we not still the royal family?”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Dante spoke firmly. He was more sensitive and easygoing than Maximus. Most were knew that and approached him with concerns or challenges. His other brother Luther laid somewhere in between, usually breaking up the differences between Maximus and Dante. There was no denying that Maximus was the muscle and the warrior of the three. It was only right for him to be head Alpha. However, their bond was strong and Maximus looked to his kin as equal.

  This time it was Luther who intervened before things got out of hand between Dante and Maximus.

  “Perhaps instead of jumping to conclusions, we should figure out who this owner is and extend an invitation to next week’s party at the mansion. It would be a way to see who they are, determine friend or foe,” Luther suggested as Maximus strolled toward the window that overlooked the gardens below.

  They all waited for his response.

  “Maximus, there hasn’t been anything done to make the owner of Caliber appear our enemy,” Luther stated.

  “I agree with Luther. Let’s see who this person is. If they are an enemy, then here, in the family mansion they would be foolish to attack,” Dante added.

  The others in the room could not hear their conversation, and the triplets didn’t let on to their mind conversation. No one knew that the triplets could speak telepathically.

  “Fine. Do it, and we will take the necessary steps once we know for certain who or what we are dealing with,” Maximus ordered then dismissed everyone from the meeting.

  His brothers remained behind.

  * * * *

  Dante watched as Maximus shuffled through the papers on his desk. He was still annoyed at the fact that the company, Caliber, had been slowly overtaking the Venificus security firms. Dante looked at his brother Maximus with envy and sympathy. He was a great Alpha, exceptional compared to all other Alphas. He took his position serious and always put their people first. He had denied himself true happiness, weighted down by all his strength and concern for Dante, Luther and their pack. Lately Maximus kept to himself, and that was a concern that Dante and Luther had not confronted their brother on yet.

  His brother’s pain was felt through the walls he tried to put up in defense. That was Maximus, always sacrificing himself. Maximus fit the role of the head Alpha, the ruler of all packs. From his large build to his superior demeanor, the man was intimidating. Besides the use of his special gift to hypnotize with his gaze, he was strong, quick, and fierce in battle.

  It wasn’t that Dante and Luther were inferior in any way. He smiled, filled with pride for his brother Maximus. There could only be one Alpha. One Lord of Venificus.

  The triplets were identical, but their differences were obvious and made apparent by small distinguishing features. Dante looked at his brothers as Maximus checked over some files from Latikus.

  The tattoos on his biceps and shoulder added a roughness to his demeanor. He always dressed in black, whether jeans, dress pants, or suits. His mysterious, intimidating persona served him well. Dante used to tease him about the black, but the color did coordinate well with the deep, dark green of his eyes and his masculine build. He was a perfect specimen and symbol of the Venificus genes. He also displayed an expression of superiority and anger. The three of them were a force of superior power.

  Dante in comparison was more subtle and approachable. He was labeled the calm one and tended to be more sympathetic in nature. He was handsome in a gigolo actor kind of way and dressed to perfection. He always got the woman he set his eyes on. He was charming, charismatic, and filled with lines to woo the ladies. He had large muscles just as Maximus but was leaner in
build. He enjoyed dabbling in sword fighting for fun. When it came to casual, his jeans were designer. With dark green eyes and a defined dimple in his left cheek, the man was a magnet for the ladies. He loved women, and he adored their need to feel desirable and as if they were beautiful. He had gotten so used to analyzing women and summing them up in a matter of minutes that he had become bored with most female were around the territory. But not so much that he gave up having sex. Wolves were sexual creatures, and certain needs had to be provided for. They had their entourage of women to take to bed each night if wanted. They enjoyed certain female company, but learned quickly that those prolonged and frequent relationships could be misconstrued as commitment or dedication. Royalty had to be careful with whom they mated.

  Then there was Luther, the youngest of the three by three minutes at birth. He had a short, thick beard only on his chin and a thin line of hair that bordered the frame of his face. His hair was cut very short in a military style that showed a few faint scars from battle. A gold hoop stood out on his left eyebrow, and his eyes were light green with specks of black. He was a hair shorter than his brothers but just as massive in muscular build, and in personality he was a combination of the two. He was possessive of what belonged to him, except when it came to his brothers. They shared most everything, including women. They had tempers and demanded respect. As royalty they were number one.

  The silence was killing him, so Dante initiated the small talk.

  * * * *

  Dante poured himself a glass of water.

  “So what do you think, Luther?”

  Luther gazed at Dante with a smirk on his face.

  “I think that my possessiveness has rubbed off on Maximus.”

  Maximus glared at Luther.

  “The fact that neither of you feel any concern for this matter is upsetting, to say the least.”

  “Oh, come on, Maximus. You’re jumping to conclusions. Perhaps we should have spoken to mother and father before sending an invite to this mysterious villain, considering that mother and father have insisted on monitoring the security firm even in retirement,” Luther added.

  Maximus was staring out the window as Dante spoke.

  “No time like the present. You should really control that roar of yours,” Dante stated then chuckled.

  Maximus turned to address his brother in a not-so-calm matter when he spotted his mother by the doorway. The scowl on her face told him he was in trouble.

  “Maximus Venificus! I want to know what caused such a roar of anger from you that I nearly spilled my cup of tea,” Celeste Venificus probed as she strolled farther into the room.

  Their mother was petite and strong willed. Her fragile appearance was definitely a façade. But the brothers knew better than to show any disrespect or recalcitrance toward her. Their father wouldn’t tolerate it either.

  Maximus crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.

  “Am I not allowed to get angry and raise my voice in my own home?”

  “Maximus?” she repeated.

  “Maybe Dante and Luther would like to explain since they are so unconcerned.”

  Celeste looked toward her two sons, waiting for an explanation.

  They explained about Selcon.

  “Did you say the other company was called Caliber?”

  The men noticed their mother’s facial expression change. It was apparent to Maximus that his mom held back information.

  “You know of this Caliber and who the owner might be?” Luther asked.

  Celeste took a few uneasy steps toward the chair by the table. Luther grabbed her arm to assist her.

  “Mother, what is it?” Dante asked.

  Celeste remained silent a moment.

  * * * *

  Celeste had sensed the uneasiness, the feeling of dread, for several weeks now. The phone call from Brutas, a leader of the council, had expressed some concern over the organization, Caliber, gaining control and momentum in various realms. He warned of the potential for possible takeover of V-Con. Then there was the gossip about a few pack leaders stirring up trouble about Venificus gaining a monopoly over the US werewolf packs and European werewolf packs. It appeared that trouble was on the horizon. Some individuals were expressing interest in challenging the existence of the royal family. They felt that having one dominant were pack above all would prove disastrous in this day and age. The council had been created to stop any such event from taking place, but still gossip was spreading throughout the were packs.

  She just wasn’t certain if Caliber was friend or foe. With all the random violence lately and no leads by the were authorities, it seemed that all they could do was wait.

  “I have heard of this Caliber before. Brutas contacted me weeks ago with concern of Caliber controlling all aspects of security, including V-Con, but none of us have been contacted. They would have to appear before the Council to get that permission.”

  “Why is this the first we are hearing about it then?” Maximus asked.

  “Brutas asked that I wait. I’m sorry, Maximus, if it caused any trouble. I’m certain you can get to the bottom of this. We’re just not sure if this Caliber is an ally or an enemy. There has been some talk to take power from the royal family and make us equal to all Alpha pack leaders. That would leave the council in full control of all laws and decisions. ”

  “But then if someone with a desire to cause trouble and gain control as leader wanted to, he could infiltrate the council, fill it with other elders who believe in his teachings and beliefs, and eventually take control as a single leader. That doesn’t make any sense. We need to remain as the royal family. We’ve always done what is right and just. Who dares to challenge our bloodline?” Maximus asked, sounding perturbed at the accusations.

  “We shouldn’t jump to conclusions. We extended an invitation to the owner of Caliber for the party here at the mansion next week,” Luther announced.

  “You what?” Celeste asked, standing from the chair.

  “I’d like to meet in person the individual who thinks they can come in here and take over our entire corporation. V-Con and Venificus have been head of security for centuries,” Luther countered.

  “I think Brutas should be made aware of this. As a head of the Council, either he or another representative should also attend. Precautions must be taken, Maximus. For all you know, this owner could be the one responsible for the attacks on our friends as well as the individual spreading thoughts of a takeover.”

  “Let them try to take over my royal position. We will fight for this family’s deserved royalty and power. I will call Brutas myself. I would like more information about Caliber, and perhaps he has some insight.” Maximus walked toward the desk.

  “Maximus, Luther, and Dante, please handle this carefully. I have had an uneasy feeling for weeks now, and I fear there is trouble ahead for the Venificus family.” All three men instantly felt their mother’s fear and concern. She had a gift of foretelling certain events. Silently they acknowledged it as Maximus made the call.

  Chapter 2

  Charity sat behind her desk in her private home office. She had just finished finalizing the security for a high ranking lycan in Europe when a call came in from the main office line.

  “Hello, Val, what can I do for you?” Charity asked as she placed the documents back into the blue folder and filed them in her desk drawer.

  “I just received word that there was an attack on Rhonan’s pack out in New Mexico.”

  “Oh my, was anyone seriously injured? What happened?”

  “Only Rhonan and three others survived.”

  Charity gasped in shock. Caliber was not responsible for providing constant security for Rhonan’s pack, only on special occasions and upon his request. She wondered what had led to the attack and who was responsible.

  “I sent out a team immediately. They should be arriving momentarily. Initial interviews with Rhonan and the three other weres claim that an unknown group of werewolves and lycans are responsible. They
were larger than normal werewolves and unstoppable, from what Rhonan stated.”

  “We don’t know who this group is or why they chose Rhonan’s pack?”

  “Our investigators are leaning toward a renegade group who have been slowly gaining recognition as anarchists against the council. They want their own rules and to do away with the council.”

  “That’s ludicrous. The council is what has kept all were races alive for centuries. What about the FBI? Any of our guys in there have more information?”

  Val was silent a moment, and Charity became concerned.

  “What is it, Val?”

  “They have received some information from undercover agents about a pack of wolves, lions, and other magical beasts organizing a rebellion. They seem to have their eye on Venificus.”

  Charity nearly lost her breath. It was Venificus that she ultimately was protecting. All the were packs throughout the US and Europe were nearly completely under either Caliber’s protection or V-Con’s. She couldn’t help but wonder who was in charge of the takeover and if it could be Devlon.

  “Do they know who the leader is?”

  “No, Charity. Other packs are catching wind of this attack, and I haven’t confirmed it yet, but it appears there was a similar one in New Jersey just a few weeks ago.”

  “Is the same group responsible?”

  “It appears so. At least that is what our agents in the FBI are stating. There were two wolves identified as members of Storm’s pack.”

  “Storm, huh? I wonder who he’s working for now, considering his last attempt at a takeover sent him into fey confinement. How the hell did he escape, anyway?”

  “There are renegades even in other realms, Charity. It could have been anyone.”


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