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Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4)

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by Perkins, Crystal

  Learning To Love

  Book #4 of The Griffin Brothers

  by Crystal Perkins

  Copyright © 2014 by Crystal Perkins

  Cover Design by Helen Williams

  Ebook formatting by Jesse Gordon

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  Table of Contents

  About Learning To Love

  Other books by Crystal Perkins

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23



  Sneak Peek of Designing The Love

  About Learning To Love

  A good girl who’s trying not to be bad…

  Olivia has never been able to please her parents, no matter how hard she tries. Getting a good job, along with her own apartment, has given her some confidence, but their approval is still important to her. She needs help to keep up her perfect image, and unfortunately, Luke Griffin’s her only option. Sure he’s hot and every girl on campus wants him, but he also terrorized her almost a year ago. She can’t forget that.

  A bad boy who’s really good…

  Living in his brothers’ shadows has never been easy for Luke. He’s made some bad choices in order to distance himself from the constant comparisons to them. Like sleeping his way through college, and hanging out with the wrong guys. He gave that all up almost a year ago, choosing to focus on school and the hockey league he plays in. When he’s asked to tutor Olivia, he jumps at the chance to show her that he’s not the guy she—and everyone else—thinks he is.

  A love so good, it can’t be bad…

  Nights of tutoring and hockey games soon lead to romance. As Olivia learns to trust in Luke, her love makes him realize that just being himself is enough. But when her parents’ dislike of Luke threatens to destroy her family, she begs him to keep their relationship a secret. When that secret’s revealed, will Olivia make the right choice or will Luke be left behind once again?

  Can you learn to love yourself enough to trust someone else?

  Other books by Crystal Perkins

  Gaming For Love (The Griffin Brothers #1)

  Building Our Love (The Griffin Brothers #2)

  Creating A Love (The Griffin Brothers #3)

  For Tera

  There is no better friend, cheerleader

  or drill sergeant than you!

  Chapter 1


  I can’t believe this is happening. Things have been going so well. I have an awesome job working with Candi, my parents have been laying off me about being the perfect daughter, and I’m moving into my own apartment this weekend. How can I be failing English? If I can speak English, I should be able to pass the damn class. But no, not me. Apparently speaking it isn’t enough.

  I haven’t been listening to Dr. Childs because I’m seriously freaking out. It’s not until I hear the words “mandatory tutoring,” that I tune back into the conversation with a start. “Tutoring? How much will that cost, Dr. Childs?”

  “I’ve told you repeatedly to call me Tracy, Olivia. As for the tutoring, I know you’re on a Millennium Scholarship, so I arranged for you to have a free tutor.”

  “Free? Really? I didn’t know the university did that.”

  “It’s not through the university. Luke is a former student who wants to be a teacher. He doesn’t need the money at all. He just enjoys helping other students and has helped several pass this class.”

  “Wow. He seems almost too good to be true.”

  “Oh, wait until you see him, Olivia. Then you’ll really be thinking that. He’s never had a shortage of girls following him around, although I’ve not seen him with anyone in the past few months. He’s always taken his studies seriously, and now it seems that he’s doing the same with his personal life. He’s a great guy, and I know he’ll help you.”

  “Great. Thank you so much. When do I meet him?”

  “He should be here any minute. I asked him to come by so the two of you can work out a schedule and get started right away. I don’t want you to fail this class, Olivia.”

  “I don’t want to fail, either.” I can’t fail. My family would freak out and try to make me move back home. I’m twenty-one now, but I still care what my parents think. I don’t know that I could say no if they gave me an ultimatum. I’ve lived my life doing everything I can to not let them down. I don’t want to start now.

  We chat for a few more minutes, then turn at the sound of a low, sexy voice. “Hey, Tracy. Sorry I’m a little late. I got stuck at the school I’m teaching at this semester.”

  “It’s okay, Luke. Come on in and meet Olivia.” He has a smile on his face until he sees me.

  No. No, no, no. This is not happening. It can’t be happening. The guy, Luke, who is supposed to be tutoring me, is one of the assholes who was terrorizing me at the bar I used to work at. It was the night I met Candi. She’d come to my rescue, and then given me a job. This guy had been waving around a bunch of cash while his friends, and my manager, tried to get me onto his lap.

  Luke recovers and smiles again, but it isn’t reaching his eyes this time. “Olivia.” He says my name on a sigh, and despite my horror, I’m a little entranced by how sexy it sounds on his lips. Not enough to completely lose my wits, though.

  “He can’t tutor me. I need someone else.”

  “What? I don’t know that I can find you someone else. I thought you were serious about wanting to pass this class.”

  “I do want to pass. I-I can’t do this. Please, you have to find me someone else.” I’m losing it, and it embarrasses me a little, but not enough to stop begging. I’m so scared right now. I feel myself start to shake.

  “I won’t hurt you, Olivia. I swear. I’m so sorry for my
behavior the night we met. It was a wake-up call for me, and I stopped hanging out with those guys. I’d like to make it up to you. Let me tutor you. Please, let me do this.”

  “I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but I can assure you that no one has ever complained about Luke. I believe you’ll be safe with him, Olivia. I would never recommend him as a tutor if I thought you would be at risk in any way.”

  They’re both looking at me now, waiting for my answer. I know what it’s going to be before I even say it. I need to pass this class to graduate. I can’t fail because I’m worried about some asshole guy. If Dr. Childs—Tracy—says I’ll be safe, I have to trust her. I won’t trust Luke, but I can make sure we meet in public places.

  “I don’t really have a choice. I need to graduate. We can only meet in public places, though. I’m not comfortable being alone with you.”

  “We can do that. I’ll meet you wherever you want.”

  “I’m glad this is settled. I have to get to a meeting, so I’ll leave you guys to it. You know the drill, Luke. It’s up to the two of you how often you meet.”

  “Yeah. I got this, Tracy.”

  “Thanks again.”

  Tracy leaves the classroom, and I’m alone with the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in my life. Who also happens to be one of the guys who scared me more than I’ve ever been scared before in my life. And not in a sexy way. Although he is sexy. I doubt there’s a woman at this university who would be able to deny that. From what I’ve seen around campus, very few probably deny him, either. But that’s none of my business. I need his brain and nothing else. Not his tall, muscled body, or brown hair that’s a little long on top and looks so soft. Definitely not those green eyes that are looking at me like he’s trying to figure out how to handle me. I’m in deep trouble, because despite what my brain wants, I think my body would like to be handled by Luke.

  * * *


  Fuck. This is bad. Candi’s been trying to figure out a way to introduce me to Olivia without freaking her out. She has no idea that her savior and boss is engaged to my brother. Candi nearly kicked my ass when she recognized me at that bar. I explained everything to her, and she knows I wouldn’t hurt Olivia, but Olivia doesn’t know that.

  Candi and Owen have mentioned that Olivia’s commented on how familiar Owen looks, but she hasn’t put two and two together. My brother and I share many of the same features, but he’s leaner than me—most of his muscles come from moving paintings and sculptures with an occasional trip to the gym thrown in. I play in hockey leagues and work out regularly to keep my strength up for that.

  I know we’re going to have to tell her now, though. There’s no way she won’t find out if we’re seeing each other regularly. I want her to know. I think knowing that Owen’s my brother, and that he and Candi can vouch for me, will help. Her sister, Rose, is also best friends with my niece, Alex, so I’ve been around her a ton, too. I’ve even driven her home a few times. She’s not scared of me. I have no one but myself to blame for Olivia’s fear, though. I told her the truth when I said that I don’t hang out with the idiots from the bar anymore. I needed that wake-up call, but I’m sorry it came at her expense. I’ll let her have control of the tutoring, of her time with me. I think that might help her feel better. It’ll be a start at least.

  “You’re pretty much the boss here. I mean, I have my student teaching, and I play in a hockey league on Sunday nights, but otherwise I’m yours whenever you need me.”

  “Can we go somewhere to talk? I’d rather not be alone with you.” She’s eyeing me warily.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This is going to be tough. But I deserve it, and I want this girl to like me. Not just because she’s smoking hot, with her dark hair and hazel eyes, but because I want her respect. I need it, actually. I’ve stopped acting like a jerk, and I want at least one of the people who saw me that way to know I’ve changed. I know Candi does, but she knew me before the bar. Olivia didn’t, so that’s all she has to go on. I’m going to prove to her that I’m a nice guy. No matter what it takes.

  “Sure. Let’s go to the Student Union.” I move to the door and let her walk out into the hall before closing it.

  We walk across campus in silence. I want to talk to her, but since she’s uncomfortable, I let it go. We walk into the Student Union, and I go over to the smoothie place, placing my order and then asking her if she wants one. She tells me she does, but that she’ll pay for her own drink. “Seriously? I can’t even buy you a smoothie?”

  “No. You cannot.”

  “You can buy me a drink, Luke.” I turn and see a blonde I fucked last year behind us in line.

  “No thanks.” I can’t even remember her name, and I’m sure as hell not going to buy her anything. Especially with Olivia here. I turn back around, but she grabs my arm.

  “Seriously? After what I let you do to me last year?”

  “Umm, maybe we should talk another time, Luke. I don’t want to interfere in your love life.”

  “First off, there’s no love involved in what’s going on here. And second, I’m not into any freaky shit. So, although I did take this chick home and fuck her, there’s nothing I should feel bad about. I always get the girl off first, so I know she was happy when we were done.” I turn to the girl in question. “I’m positive I told you the score. I’m a one and done guy. I say that to every girl before we hook up. I’m sorry if you didn’t believe me, but that’s the way it is.”

  She slaps me and then turns to go. To my surprise, Olivia grabs her wrist. “That was totally uncalled for. From what I’ve heard, he’s upfront with those of you who choose to sleep with him. You shouldn’t go around slapping people who show you a good time.”

  I’m literally shocked speechless as the girl storms away in a huff. “Go ahead and sit down, Luke. I’ll get your smoothie and some ice in case it swells.”

  She turns back around, giving me no choice in the matter, so I find us a table and sit down. A few minutes later, Olivia joins me with our smoothies and the cup of ice. She wraps some ice in napkins and reaches out to place it on my cheek. I put my hand over hers, and she withdraws it quickly, her cheeks turning pink.

  “That should keep any swelling down. For someone so little, it seems like she slapped you hard. You wouldn’t want it to ruin your date.”

  “Date? I don’t have a date. Why would you think that?”

  “Oh.” She looks a little embarrassed. “I figured you’d have a date every night of the week.”

  “I don’t. I have to do lesson plans for the class I student teach, and well, I just haven’t met any girls recently who’ve made me want to put my work aside.” Except for her. Olivia intrigued me from the moment I met her in that bar. Did I want her on my lap? Hell, yeah. Just not because she was forced there. The circumstances of our meeting, and how things took a bad turn, hasn’t stopped me from wanting to have her riding my cock. Or mouth. My fantasies about her over the last year have been endless.

  “Great. I mean, not great. I mean…”

  Is she as affected by me as I am by her? Her face is completely red now. “Let’s talk about us and not anyone else, okay?”

  “Us?” I nod as she swallows hard. “Oh, you mean tutoring.”

  “I mean whatever you want me to mean, Olivia.”

  “I-I don’t sleep with random guys, Luke.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to. I’m not going to lie and tell you I don’t want you, though.”

  “I need your help, but if you think it will be too hard for you because, well, because nothing else will come of this other than a passing English grade for me, then I can put up an ad or something.” She’s looking a little nervous again, and I definitely don’t want that.

  “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I do like you, Olivia. Despite what you may think because of my past behavior, I would never try to force you into something you don’t want. I promise you’re safe with me. I’m going to make sure you pass English, and hopefully
, prove to you that I’m not a complete asshole.”

  “If you can get me to pass, I’ll definitely think you’re an okay guy,” she tells me with a little smirk. She’s got some fire in her after all.

  “Deal. Now, when do you want to meet? And where?”

  We go over details and set up some times and places. I ask her to leave me with her last couple of essays, so I can see what I’m working with. After, I remember that I need to pay her for my smoothie, but she refuses, saying she owes me so much more than a smoothie. I let it go—it’s kind of nice to have someone pay for me—and then head to my car. I need to go see Candi and Owen to let them know that they need to tell Olivia who I am before she finds out from someone else, and it blows up in all our faces.

  * * *


  I’m off today, but I need to talk to Candi. She was there when I met Luke the first time, and I know she’ll want to know that he’s my tutor now. I hope she doesn’t go off on him, or have her friends or Owen hurt him. He seemed sincere, even when he was flirting with me. I know I’m inexperienced with guys, but I believed him when he said he was sorry. He never did anything to make me feel threatened, and he ignored all the girls who tried to hover near our table. I got quite a few death glares, which if I’m being honest, was pretty good for my ego.

  I pull up to the converted warehouse where Candi has her photography studio and apartment. I carry in the treats I picked up from Drago Sisters Bakery for us to share while I tell her my news. She had a shoot this morning but should be free now. She’s working less now that she’s pregnant, but she’s still really busy. As I punch in my code and start to open the door, what I hear makes me stop short.

  “I’m not lying to Olivia, Candi. You need to tell her or I will.”

  The voice sounds like Luke’s, and when I push open the door, I’m shocked to see that it is him. I’m more shocked to see him standing next to Owen. Now I know why he always looks so familiar to me. They’re obviously related although Luke’s more muscular and has longer hair, along with being clean shaven. Candi’s sitting on one of her couches in front of them with her head in her hands.


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