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Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4)

Page 2

by Perkins, Crystal

  “Oh my God.” It’s all I can say as the pastries start to slip from my hand. Luke rushes over and grabs the container before it hits the floor. He looks up at me, and I swear his eyes look sad, but I don’t know what to think right now.

  “Olivia. I can explain.” Candi rushes over to me. “Will you let me?”

  I look at the woman who has done so much for me. She came to my rescue when I called her that night. She’s given me a job that pays me really well. And she’s been supportive of me, and listened when I vented about having to be the perfect daughter. I’m hurt and angry, and I don’t know what else right now, but I’ll listen to her.

  “Yes. I owe you that for all you’ve done for me.”

  I walk over and sit down on a couch. Luke sits next to me. Not too close to make me uncomfortable, but close enough to let me know he’s interested in how I’m going to react. He holds out the pastry container to me, but I shake my head, so he just sets it between us. Candi sits across from me with Owen, who’s holding her hand and giving her a reassuring smile. She takes a deep breath and then starts to talk.

  “When I came to help you that night, I had no idea Luke would be there. I was honestly horrified when I saw him, but I was more interested in getting you out of there than having a confrontation. After taking you home, I found him sitting outside my door, wanting to talk. I was angry, and wanted to just kick his ass, but since I’ve known him for a few years and was dating Owen, I let him in and listened.” She pauses and looks at Luke. “Do you want to explain what you told me or should I?”

  Luke looks at me. “It’s up to Olivia. Who would you like to hear everything from?”

  “You, Luke. If what you said convinced Candi, I want you to convince me, too. Especially since we’ll be spending time together now.”

  He looks nervous but manages to smile at me. “I’ll give you a shortened version since I’m in a little better place than I was then. Basically, I was the big man on campus in Chicago, and then pretty much lost that all when we moved here because I stood up to a fraternity jerk who said things about my brother Scott’s wife, Yasmin. I was lost and didn’t know what to do. It’s no excuse, but I want you to understand that I was in a pretty bad place when those guys asked me if I wanted to hang out with them. I wanted to belong to something.”

  “You always belonged to us, Luke.”

  “I’m not going to get into it with you, Owe. I have some issues I need to deal with still. Candi helped me with some of them, but I’m not ready to discuss them with you or the rest of the family yet. Right now, this is about Olivia.”

  “We will discuss it, bro, but go ahead with your story.”

  “I started hanging out with those guys, and soon realized they liked to bully and scare people. I did what I could to diffuse situations by waving my money around and taking them out to clubs, or going to gamble at the casinos.”

  “I still can’t believe you used the money that Dad, Ryan, Scott, and I worked hard for to keep those assholes in line. That was the stupidest thing you’ve ever done, and I’m not okay with it. I know Dad talked to you about it last year, but you need to know how I feel. Ryan and Scott, too.”

  “Let him finish, Owe,” Candi places her hand on his forearm and gives him a fierce look. “He was helping people. You have to realize that and not think about the fact that those idiots profited from it.”

  “Go ahead and continue. But, again, we will be discussing this at some point.”

  “Actually, I’m out. I can’t do this.” Luke looks like he’s about to break down. That can’t be right. He’s too cocky for that.

  “Owen didn’t mean it like you’re taking it, Luke.”

  “Really? Because I’m pretty sure he did.”

  I watch with wide eyes as he storms out of the studio. I’m following him before I can even process what I’m doing. I don’t know why, except for the fact that seeing the vulnerable side of Luke made my heart hurt a little for him. Today has made me realize that there’s more to him than I thought. He’s not just a man-whore who’s looking for the next girl. He’s a smart, nice guy who I think I might like. Perfect Olivia shouldn’t be having those thoughts, but something about Luke Griffin is making me not care about being perfect for once.

  Chapter 2


  I had to get out of there. Hearing Owen talk about how I was wasting money that everyone else made really hurt. I work at the company every summer, doing whatever anyone needs me to, and I take part in some decisions, but I know I’m not really contributing. I talked to Candi about it last year. She told me my family would want me to follow my dreams, even if that meant not working in the family business. I took that talk to heart and continued my Education major, as well as joining the local hockey league.

  I’ve also made an effort to spend a lot less. I sold my condo and moved into a smaller apartment, telling my family I didn’t need such a fancy place. That was partly the truth, but I also felt bad about spending money I hadn’t earned. It’s always been my parents’ practice to split all of the earnings from the company equally between us. No one’s complained until now, but I’ve been expecting it. Waiting for someone to realize that I don’t deserve anything. I didn’t know which of my brothers would bring it up, but I knew it would happen.

  I’m leaning against my Tesla trying to control my breathing. Just because you know something’s coming, doesn’t mean it won’t hurt when it does. Olivia bursts out the door and stops in front of me. “Thank Godyou’re still here.”

  “I’m sorry I had to leave. I know you deserve the rest of the story.”

  “I just need you to answer one question for me. Were you going to hurt me that night, Luke, or force me to… know?”

  “Never. I swear I would’ve protected you if it had gone any further. I was already planning some exit strategies when Candi came through the door.”

  “I believe you.” She reaches out to move a lock of hair from my eyes. The action seems to surprise her as much as it does me.“I’ve heard from my sister about how great your family is. I think you’ve even driven her home before.”

  “I have. Rose is a great girl. We’re all happy that Alex connected with her at school. She really needed a good friend.”

  “From what I’ve heard, they’re practically inseparable, especially since Alex has her own car now. I don’t spend much time at my parents’ place, but the times I’ve met Alex, she’s been really cool.”

  “She’s awesome. I’d do anything for her.” It all of a sudden hits me that Olivia came out here after me. “You came out here to find me. Why?”

  “You looked so upset when Owen yelled at you. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “But why? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you came out here, and just talking to you has calmed me down a little, but I don’t understand why you’d want to do it.”

  “I-I like you, Luke. You’re helping me, and you gave me all of your attention earlier in the Student Union even though there were all those girls hovering around us. I heard you telling Candi you wouldn’t lie to me earlier. It means something to me that you said that. You were going to make sure I knew about everything, even if I hadn’t come here today.”

  “I was. As for giving you all my attention, well, I like you too, Olivia.”

  It gets a little awkward at this point. I don’t think either one of us knows what to say next. I feel a little like a young teenager again, crushing on the girl in middle school. It’s not necessarily a bad feeling, just one I’m not used to. I don’t do crushes or date girls. With Olivia, I think I might want to. I’ll admit that I’m just a little freaked out by that, but not enough to walk away. I don’t want to spook her, so I vow to let her set the pace. We’ll start with tutoring, and see where it takes us.

  * * *


  We just both said we liked each other, and now we’re just standing here. I don’t know if Luke meant that he just likes me as a friend, or as something el
se. Hell, I don’t really know what I meant, if I’m being honest with myself. He’s definitely beyond hot, and this new side of him I’m seeing is messing with my head a little. Not enough to initiate anything, though. I need tutoring from him and that’s it. One of us needs to say something. Might as well be me.

  “So, your car is pretty cool.” Actually, sexy is a more accurate word, but I’m not going to say that.

  “Thanks. I wanted something eco-friendly but sporty at the same time.”


  “It’s electric.”

  “Oh wow.” Yeah, there’s definitely more to Luke than just a hot man-whore. This is so not good. My resolve to keep this professional is dropping by the minute. I need to get out of here.

  “Is that a good wow?”

  “Oh…umm…it is, yeah. I try to be eco-friendly, too, although I don’t recycle or anything as much as I should.”

  “Anything helps.” He gives me a big smile as he says it. It should be illegal for him to smile like that. His whole face lights up, and his eyes become sparkling emeralds. He could probably sell anyone anything with that smile.

  “I guess that’s true. So, I’ll see you in a few days?”

  “Yeah. I mean, unless you want to go get something to eat.” I feel my breath catch at the thought of going out with Luke. But I just promised myself that I’d keep things professional. I need to stick to that plan.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “Of course. Why would you want to go out with me? Just forget I said that. I’ll see you later.”

  I can tell he’s hurt, but I don’t know why. He must have a bunch of other options, and although I know I’m pretty, I don’t think I’m that special. “Luke, come on. You must have every girl on campus’ number. I’m sure you can find someone who’s more—“

  “More what, Olivia?”

  I take a deep breath and answer him honestly. “More willing to go home with you after dinner.” There, I said it. I didn’t admit that I’m a virgin, but I let him know that I don’t put out.

  “I didn’t ask you to go home with me, Olivia. I asked you to have a fucking meal with me. God, you must really have a high opinion of me, huh?”

  “I only know what I’ve seen around campus, and what I’ve heard other girls in my classes say when they’re talking about you to each other. What do you expect me to think?”

  “Nothing. I expected nothing. Or at least that’s what I should’ve expected.”

  He throws open his car door and gets in before I can say anything. What can I say, though? I’m the last person who should be judging someone else by what I hear and see, and not by what they’ve told me themselves. Luke looks at me with his jaw clenched before gunning his engine and driving away. I screwed this up, and I need to find some way to apologize. His words and actions today showed me a nice guy. I was trying to protect myself by remembering the rumors about him instead. That didn’t help either one of us. I’ll see him in two days for my first tutoring session, and for both our sakes, I need to fix this.

  I get in my own car and drive to my apartment. As soon as I walk in the door, one of my roommates, Jenny, comes out of her room. “I was hoping that was you, Liv.”

  “Hi, Jenny.”

  “Spill, girl. I heard you were with Luke Griffin at the Student Union, and he ignored every other girl who tried to talk to him. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  Jenny is the ultimate party girl and I should have known she’d have the gossip about me and Luke right away. “He’s tutoring me. There’s nothing else to tell.”

  “Oh, yeah, I heard he tutors. I should’ve known it was something like that. I mean, no offense, but you’re definitely not his type.”

  She looks me up and down, and I am once again happy that I’m moving out. My roommates have never been mean to me, but I know I don’t fit in. I should be happy with being myself, and for the most part, I am. But it still hurts a little, knowing people see me as not good enough for someone like Luke. I don’t think he sees me that way. He did ask me out. I could say that right now, but I don’t think it’s anyone else’s business. I just shrug and head into my room to do the last of my packing.

  * * *


  It’s been a couple of days since I saw Olivia. She texted me yesterday to make sure we were still meeting today. I told her yes, because I committed to tutoring her. Although, I’m not sure it’s such a good idea anymore. I mean, I want to help her, but I also want her, despite what she said about me, and how she turned me down for dinner the other day.

  I don’t know what it is about her, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Olivia since that night at the bar. It hasn’t stopped me from fucking other chicks, but I’ll admit that I imagined it was her I was with more than a few times. Yeah, I’m an asshole, but we’ve already established that I don’t promise girls anything other than an orgasm or two. At least they got that, even if I did pretend it was her screaming my name sometimes. Okay, if I’m being honest, I imagined it was herevery time.

  After she said no to dinner, I went out to one of my usual clubs and picked up a girl. For the first time in my life, I couldn’t get it up. Even putting Olivia’s face on hers wasn’t enough. I just wasn’t into it. I left her apartment with her pissed at me, but it is what it is. I went back to my place and started thinking of Olivia in my bed, which is another thing I don’t do—girls don’t come to my place. Ever. But thinking of her spread across my sheets got me that missing hard on. I stroked myself to one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever given myself, imagining it was her hands on me.

  I’m starting to get hard again just thinking about it. Which is not a good idea at the moment, since I’m in the middle of a classroom full of kindergartners. I love these little guys, and they deserve my full attention, so I think of the cougar moms who hit on me, and that softens my cock right up. Don’t get me wrong, I love all women and have been with some several years older than me in the past, but if you’re old enough to be my mom, I’m not doing you. It’s just too weird.

  I manage to finish up the afternoon with the kids and high five them all before walking them outside to their parents and buses. I get them all taken care of while fending off the moms, and then I see her. I knew Olivia was meeting me here but actually seeing her takes my breath away. She’s got on a green coat that hits the top of her thighs and skinny jeans tucked into boots with a wedge heel. Her hair is loose around her shoulders, making me want to grab onto it and kiss her senseless.

  Again, not the place for these kind of thoughts. Plus, she’s made it very clear that she wanted nothing to do with me in a personal way. This is all about the tutoring for her, and it needs to be for me, too. But if that’s the case, why is she smiling as she walks towards me? She’s also holding a Starbucks cup and a pastry box. I guess she needs a snack.

  “Hi, Luke.”

  “Hey, Olivia. Thanks for meeting me here. I’m not sure if it’s out of your way, but I know you wanted to meet somewhere public, and I have some lessons to plan.”

  “It’s fine. I appreciate you finding time for me.”

  This is all so formal and I’m hating every second of it. Even though nothing’s going to happen between us, we should at least be more than civil to each other. I don’t know how to make that happen, though. I’ve never had to try with a girl before. Maybe that’s some of Olivia’s appeal, but I don’t think that’s all there is to it. I lead her to my classroom and let her walk into the room in front of me.

  “This is super cute,” she says as she takes in all the decorations around the room. “Did you do this?”

  “Yeah. The teacher wanted me to fully take over and make the classroom my own. It was fun.”

  “I bet. Those kids are adorable. Their moms, too.”

  “Umm, well, the kids are definitely cute. The moms, not so much.” I realize how that sounds. “I mean, I guess they’re cute, but I’m not into older women.”

p; “Good to know.” I lead her to my desk and one of the only two adult sized chairs in the room. Before she sits down, she remembers what she’s holding. “Oh, these are for you. I got you a hot chocolate and a cupcake. I hope that’s okay. I thought you might need a snack, and I wasn’t sure what you’d want. It was kind of cold out for a smoothie.”

  “It’s great. Thanks. How much do I owe you?” I take out my wallet to pay her back.

  “You don’t owe me anything, Luke.” She’s looking at me curiously. “Has no one ever treated you before?”

  “Not really, no. I mean, my parents and my brothers have. But a girl? No.” Actually, not even the guys I’ve hung out with have ever picked up a check. That’s what happens when your family are billionaires, I guess. I’ve never really thought about it.

  “Is it alright that I did, or is it weird? I wanted to thank you, and well, apologize for my behavior the other day.”

  “It’s actually more than alright. Most people expect me to pay for everything. It’s nice to have someone buy me something. Why do you think you need to apologize?”

  “I shouldn’t have judged you based on what other people say about you. I know how hard it is to live down things people say, and to live up to expectations that are placed on you. You were nothing but nice to me, and I was kind of a bitch to you.”

  “Kind of?” I ask her with a smile.

  “I’m really sorry, Luke. Can I take you to dinner?”

  “No.” I see her face fall. “I’m all for you buying me drinks and pastries and shit, but if we go to dinner, I’m paying. My mom would kick my ass if I let you pay.”

  “Really? This is the 21st century, Mr. Caveman.”

  “Yes, really. And I’m so not a caveman. That would be my brother, Ryan. I am a gentleman, however, despite what you may have heard.”

  “I honestly don’t care about what I’ve heard, Luke. I meant what I said.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it. Now, let’s get to work so I can take you for some dinner.”


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