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Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4)

Page 8

by Perkins, Crystal

  “Nope,” he tells me as he walks to me and scoops me up in his arms. “I caused all this, so it’s going to be you who sits down while I clean it up.”

  “I caused it, too. I shouldn’t have said anything to Owen. I was just mad at him.”

  “I’m glad you told him. I had a talk with my family tonight because of it. I’ll fill you in on that once I take out your trash.” He puts me down and kisses me lightly on the mouth.

  “If you promise to kiss me again, I’ll let you clean.”

  “I’ll kiss you all night if you’ll let me.”

  “I might.”

  It only takes him a couple of minutes to scoop everything into a trash bag, and then he runs it down to the dumpster. It was actually kind of hot, watching him clean up the living room for me. Who am I kidding? Kind of? I’m about to swoon off the chair right now. Luke comes back inside, picks me up and then sits on the couch with me on his lap. I get another kiss, this one longer and a little more passionate. “I heard you’re pretty good at slapping a guy. Which I also find hot, by the way.”

  “You think me slapping someone is hot? You want me to slap you around a little?”

  “No. That would not be hot.” He laughs and so do I. “It’s hot that you slapped Owen because you were mad for me.”

  “Glad we cleared that up. And don’t even think about slapping me, either.”

  “Never crossed my mind, Ollie. I would never lay my hands on you that way.”

  “Even during sex?”

  “Especially then. When I finally get the privilege of making love to you, it’s going to be slow and sweet and full of my love for you.”

  “Oh.” I try to hide my disappointment, but I guess I don’t do it well.

  “Is something wrong? Is it because I’m assuming that we’ll be together like that?”

  “Nothing’s really wrong. And we will be together like that as long as you don’t dump me again.”

  “I’m not stupid enough to do that twice. Now, tell me what you’re thinking.”

  I can’t tell him. How can I tell him? I’m looking down, and he’s letting me take my time. When I realize that he’s not going to change the subject or let it go, I decide that I need to believe him and not be embarrassed. I should be telling him what I want because I want him to feel comfortable telling me as well.

  “Nice and slow will be great for our first time especially because I know it will hurt.”

  “It will, Ollie. I wish it wouldn’t, and I almost wish I wasn’t your first so it wouldn’t be me causing you that pain. On the other hand, I fucking love that you’ll only be with me.”

  “I’m not worried about the pain, and I’m glad you’ll be my first.”


  “But I’m not your first, and I’ve heard things, Luke.”

  He looks a little angry now. “What have you heard that has you worried? I told you I don’t do kinky so if you’ve heard anything like that, it’s a lie.”

  “It’s nothing kinky. It’s…I’ve…oh God.” I may have a panic attack before I can get it out.

  “Breathe, honey.” Luke starts rubbing my back. “Just talk to me. No matter what you say, I’m not going anywhere unless you want me to.”

  I take a deep breath and say the words fast. “I heard you’d get so horny that you’d take girls against walls or on the floor of their dorm room because you couldn’t wait to get to their bed. I want you to lose control like that with me. I want you to want me so bad that you take me like that.”

  Luke doesn’t say anything, and I feel like shit. I shouldn’t have told him. Nice and sweet would be just fine. Better than fine. I had to open my big mouth. Again.

  I start to move off him, but he stops me and turns me to straddle him. He grabs the back of my head and makes me look into his eyes before he speaks. “I wasn’t so horny with any of those girls that I couldn’t wait. I just didn’t care enough to make it to their beds. I wanted a release, and to know I was the one giving them pleasure. Me. Not my brothers. I wanted to make them yell my name so I could feel like I was doing something right. Like I could measure up in at least one way. It didn’t matter where we had sex. I just needed that end result. If it made them feel like I was out of control with lust for them, well, it was no harm to me.

  “You and only you have ever made me crazy with lust. Just seeing you makes me harder than I’ve ever been in my life. Maybe you haven’t noticed that I never tuck my shirts in anymore. I need them loose over my crotch to hide my erections. I’ll make love to you anywhere and any way you want, Olivia. Just know that whether it’s slow and sweet or rough and dirty, I’m always going to be out of control when I’m with you.”

  Oh wow. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “Nice? You thought that was nice?” I nod, and he pulls me close. “I’m going to leave soon so that you can still think I’m nice, but right now, I need to kiss you.”

  “Where are you going to kiss me, Luke?”

  “Just your lips tonight. You didn’t make me grovel too much, but it’s important to me that I show you how special you are.”

  “I know that. Now, which lips are you kissing?” We’ve never done anything below the waist, but I think I’m ready to.

  “Ollie,” he says with a warning in his voice. “Not tonight.”

  I know I’m pouting, but I don’t care. I want more tonight. “Please.”

  “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you? I just want to do the right thing, honey.”

  He looks so earnest that I let him off the hook. “You win. Just kissing. But, I can’t be responsible for my actions after tonight.”

  “Deal.” He moves in to kiss me, and I realize something I’ve forgotten.

  “Wait, Luke. I’m so sorry. I totally forgot.”

  “Forgot what?”

  “I forgot to tell you that I love you, too.”

  “You do?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Thank God.”

  We spend the next few hours kissing. Just kissing, since Luke won’t budge and pulls my hands away when they wander. My lips are swollen and sore, but I love it. He pulls away and says it’s time for him to go. We kiss a few more times at my door. Little kisses because we really don’t want to part. Of course it’s Luke who’s sensible and finally steps back.

  “Goodnight, Ollie. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Luke. And it was an amazing night.”

  I close the door and then realize there’s an entire flower shop on my breakfast bar. What the hell am I going to do with all those flowers? I fill half my sink with water and put the different bunches in there for the night. I’ll figure it out tomorrow.

  Chapter 8


  Olivia had plans with Rose all day yesterday, and then she had her and Alex over for a sleepover at her apartment, so we didn’t get to see each other. We texted and talked on the phone, though. She told me she was keeping a tight hold on her phone since some of our conversations weren’t exactly PG. I love that she feels comfortable enough to say dirty things back to me. Hell, I just love her, period.

  She’ll be here tonight at my game. So will all of my family. I’m really looking forward to having them all here, but I also need to keep my head in the game. It’s against one of our toughest rivals and I want to win. I skate out with the rest of the guys and immediately see the signs my family are holding up with my name and number. A burst of pride shoots through me.

  Ollie, Rose, and Alex are wearing painted shirts with glitter. They must’ve made them last night. My girl’s says “I Love #10” on it. Hell yeah, that’s hot. A few of the more desperate puck bunnies try to catch my eye—most backed off when they saw me leave with Olivia the last few weeks—but I ignore them and skate over in front of her. I smile at her and crook my finger, calling her down. She jogs over and I put my hand up against the glass. She mirrors mine and points to her shirt with her other hand. I nod and mouth “I love you, too” to
her before skating back to my team.

  It’s a rough game and I get a couple of penalties, but we manage to pull out a win. I didn’t get a goal, but I assisted for two. Hearing my family and my girl yelling my name was better than any goal could ever be. I quickly shower and then go out to meet them in the stands.

  Ollie lets my family hug and congratulate me while she hangs back with Rose. I let it go on for a couple of minutes, but I need her, so I break away and walk over to where they’re standing. I give Rose a hug and thank her for coming before turning to her sister and reaching out to cup her cheek. “Hi.”

  “Hi, Luke. You played great.”

  “You always say that. You’d probably say that if I was on the bench the whole game.”

  “I probably would.”

  “You know I’m gonna kiss you now, right?”

  “With your family here?”

  “They need to get used to it. I am addicted to your mouth.”

  “Umm, yeah, so I’m going to go over by Alex now.”

  “Sorry, Rose. I’m just in love with your sister, and I don’t hide it well.”

  “Don’t apologize. It’s cool. I’ll just give you guys some space.”

  She walks away, and I drop my gym bag. I think we both move at the same time. All I know is I have my arms around her and she’s bunching my sweater in her hands as our lips meet. It feels like more than a day since we kissed. We keep our tongues to ourselves since we’re in a family place, but it’s still pretty hot. I don’t want to let her go, but I know everyone’s waiting for us. I take one last sip at her bottom lip and then break away.

  “This isn’t over for the night, Luke,” she tells me as I lean down to pick up my bag.

  I throw my bag over my shoulder and wrap my other arm around her, pulling her close. “You can’t say things like that to me when I’m about to go see my mom.”

  “Your shirt’s untucked under your sweater.”

  “Yeah it is,” I concede as I kiss her forehead.

  “Hi Olivia. It’s great to see you here.”

  “Hi Mrs.—I mean, Maggie. It’s good to see you, too.”

  “Thank you for what you’ve done for my son. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have known about this game, or his teaching, or the other things he’s been too scared to tell us.”

  “Thanks for slapping Owen, too. We’ve all been wanting to do that,” Scott adds.

  “Shut up, asshole.”

  “I’m sorry, Owen. I know I’ve said that already, but I shouldn’t have slapped you.”

  “I already told you there’s no reason to apologize. It’s pretty awesome of you to stick up for my brother that way. I deserved it.”

  “Now that we’ve established that my girlfriend’s pretty awesome, can we go get some food? I’m starving.”

  We pick a place and head to our cars. Alex drove Rose and Olivia here, so she could ride with me. I unlock the doors and open the passenger side for her. “Wow. It’s like a spaceship in here.”

  “It is pretty cool.” I forgot that she’s never been in my car.

  “I won’t touch anything.”

  “Touch whatever you want, Ollie. No one’s ever broken anything before.”

  She doesn’t smile or say anything smart back to me, which is weird, but I let it go as I get in and drive to the restaurant. I park and get out, planning to open her door, but she gets out before I have a chance. “I was gonna get that for you.”

  “It’s fine. I can open the door by myself.”

  I reach for her hand, but she steps away and walks inside. Dammit. If my family wasn’t inside waiting for us, I’d haul her back into the car to talk about what made her upset all of a sudden. Instead, I put on a fake smile and follow her back to the tables where everyone’s sitting. They saved us seats next to each other, and I pull out her chair before she can protest.

  “Oh, look. Little brother finally got a hot girl in that badass car of his,” Ryan says, and I flip him off.

  “Hey, I’m a hot girl, and I’ve been in that car.”

  “You’re our niece so that doesn’t count.”

  “What about me?” Rose asks.

  “You’re jailbait. So you don’t count either. Sorry,” Scott chimes in.

  Olivia leans over and whispers in my ear. “Wait. You’ve never driven a girl in your car?”

  I shrug. “I’ve never had a reason to before.”

  “So when you said no one’s broken anything in there before you meant your family and my sister?”

  “Yeah.” Then it dawns on me. “You thought I was talking about other girls. Is that why you’re upset with me?”

  “No. Yes. I just…I know it’s dumb, but I want to be your only, too. I know I can’t, but I wish I could.”

  I take her hand, and she lets me hold it this time. “You’re my only girlfriend in the last 8 years, Ollie. And the only girl I’ve ever loved. No girl’s ever been in my car or apartment or bed. You’ve been in two out of the three, and I hope we’ll cover the third soon, even if it’s just to sleep. I want you to come to my family barbeque next Friday. That’s something I’ve never taken a girl to before, either. I wish I could give you more, but that’s all I have.”

  “It’s more than enough. I shouldn’t get upset. I guess I’m just worried.”

  “About us?”

  “Kind of.”

  “Enough whispering you two. We all want some Luke time,” Owen interrupts before I can find out what’s really bothering her.

  “We’ll talk later. I need to know what you’re worried about.”

  “Okay.” She says. I can tell she’s nervous and that makes me nervous, too.

  The rest of the night passes without us getting a chance to talk. My dad and brothers relive plays with me while Olivia talks with my mom and the other girls. We hold hands when we’re done eating and we steal kisses every once in a while, so I’m not too worried about what’s bothering her. It can’t be that big of a deal if she’s being affectionate with me.

  We close the restaurant and then take our time saying goodbyes in the parking lot. Olivia gets in the car and is asleep before I pull onto the road. When we get to her place, I gently wake her and ask if she wants me to carry her upstairs. She tells me that would be nice, so I go around the car to get her out and do just that. She opens her door, and I take her into her bedroom, which is all silver and hot pink. It’s super girly but sexy, too. I lay her down, kiss her goodnight and then let myself out. I have to sit in my car for a few minutes because being in her bedroom almost snapped the last of my self-control. I can wait for her as long as she needs because I know we’ll eventually be together. That’s enough for me. Well, that and my right hand.

  * * *


  It’s been a crazy week. I’ve been prepping for next week’s mid-terms, and Luke’s been busy talking to his advisor and the schools he’s deciding between for next year. Plus, I have work, and he has hockey practice. We’ve been talking, texting, and being sexy phone buddies, but we haven’t seen each other since Sunday night. It’s Thursday and I’m going to Erika’s house for girls’ night tonight. She’s a good friend of Candi’s, and I’ve gotten to know her and the rest of their circle of friends really well. Once I started working with Candi, they invited me to hang with them at these once a month gatherings. I think Luke’s going over to Owen’s place for poker night, but I’m not sure.

  English class has just finished and I was happy to see I got an A- on my last essay. Luke’s going to be a great teacher. I’m gathering up my stuff when I hear a commotion at the top of the lecture hall stairs. I look up to see Luke walking down towards me while most of the girls in class are trying to get his attention, some of them even following behind him as he walks. He ignores them all, which makes me so happy I can’t keep the big smile off my face. He smiles back.

  “Luke Griffin, shouldn’t you be in a kindergarten class right now?” Tracy asks him.

  “The teacher offered to cover so I could
come see my girl.”

  “Oh, that’s nice of you Luke, but I’m spoken for.”

  He laughs and then goes over to hug her. “You know I have the hugest crush on you, Tracy, but I meant Olivia.”

  “Olivia?” She looks at me and then back at Luke as he walks over to my desk. “And you? I know her grades have gone up, but I didn’t know tutoring had gone that well.”

  Luke grabs my bag out of my hand and throws it over his shoulder. “Tutoring’s the best. I owe you big time.” He leans down and kisses me softly. “Hi, Ollie.”

  “Hi, Luke. Thanks for coming to surprise me.”

  “I’d do it every day if I could.”

  He takes my hand as we say goodbye to Tracy and start up the stairs. I lose count of the dirty looks I get, and I think Luke’s oblivious, until he stops and pulls me into his arms, kissing me hard. He looks me in the eye as he addresses our audience. “You keep glaring at my girlfriend, and it will just make me kiss her more. Since that’s my favorite thing to do I won’t complain.”

  I laugh and give him a quick kiss on the lips before pulling on his hand to get him to walk faster up the stairs. I want to get out of here and have him to myself. We walk outside and head to the parking lot. “Do you want to get some lunch?” I ask him.

  “Yes, but I was hoping we could grab something to take back to your place or mine so we can finally have our talk about what was bothering you on Sunday.”

  “Oh. It’s nothing. Don’t even worry about it.”

  “Nope. We’re not doing this, honey. I want us to be completely open and honest with each other. I’ve seen how secrets have almost destroyed my brothers’ relationships, and I want us to be different. So, please, will you talk to me?”

  This is important to him, so I can embarrass myself even more and tell him what I’ve worried about. It’s a small price to pay for making the guy I love happy. “Yes, I’ll tell you. It’s really embarrassing, though.”

  “How about I kiss you after you tell me, for as long as it takes to make you not embarrassed anymore?”

  “I think I can get on board with that.”


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