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The Heiress and the Cowboy Contractor

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

“You’re kiddin’? I’d never have guessed that,” he said taken aback. “What about food, what’s your favorite thing to eat?”

  “I like food with bold flavor, and spicy. Really good Indian food, or Thai is great too. Your turn.”

  As the sun continued its journey across the sky, and the shadows grew long, they sat and shared, discussing, laughing and debating. When they’d finished off the wine and devoured every last crumb of the cheesecake, he took the empty wine glass from her hand and placed it carefully to the side.

  “One of these days,” he purred straddling her lap and taking her wrists and pinning them on either side of her head, “I’m gonna to take you into that thicket of trees, and do some really wicked things to you.”

  “Ooh, Beau,” she moaned squirming underneath him, I knew you would do this, I knew you would hold me down this way.

  “I’ll bring up some rope,” he whispered leaning into her ear, “and that riding crop, and make your hair stand on end, and I don’t mean the hair on your head.”

  A flood of longing sang through her sex, and she wriggled her pelvis as much as she was able under his weight.

  “Do you have either of those things in the car?” she breathed.

  “Naughty Nickie, you’re even naughtier than I thought,” he growled. “Tonight, if you’d like to stay, I might give you an appetizer, but it might be too much for you.”

  “I’d love it,” she moaned, “I’d love it so much. Whatever it is, it won’t be too much.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I just know, I can feel it, I love feeling your…”

  “My what?” he murmured.

  “Your control,” she whispered.

  He smiled a knowing smile, then moving his mouth to the base of her neck he trailed his tongue upwards, lightly touched her lips, then pushed between her teeth. As his lips pressed against hers and their tongues danced, he lowered himself on top of her.

  “I wanna devour you,” he groaned lifting his head and locking her eyes.

  “I feel so…swept up,” she sighed, “I love it here, I love being with you, I love everything about this place.”

  “You are refreshingly honest,” he grinned. “Sometimes it’s not so good, but other times, like this…”

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” she murmured.

  “Most girls, they like to play it cool, not show their feelin’s, but with you, I know what’s goin’ on with you all the time,” he chuckled, and before she could respond he kissed her again, a soft, warm, possession of her mouth that made her heart want to explode.

  How the hell am I going to tell you everything now? You’ve just told me how honest I am, but I’m not, I’m not honest at all. I have to tell you right this minute or I never will.

  As he sat up he saw her heaviness return; it was fleeting but it was there.

  “Do you think you can tell me what’s been botherin’ you?” he asked softly.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to,” she said softly, and sitting up she sent her eyes across the lake, then dropped them to gaze at the trail below, “it’s just…wait…look, Beau, look down there.”

  Following her line of sight he saw them; a group of mini-cyclists having a party.

  “I’m callin’ Tyler, he might just get ‘em,” he said eagerly, and jumping to his feet he raced to the car.

  Watching him jog back to the jeep, she sighed, frustrated and confused.

  I almost told you, I would have told you, fuck, I can’t stand it. Maybe I shouldn’t. Maybe I should just take care of this mess by myself and keep it quiet.

  As Nickie pondered the state of her life, and Beau watched the police surround the teenagers and place them in handcuffs, a black Mercedes 65SL cruised off the interstate highway and glided through the winding road towards Lake Shimwah. Behind the wheel, a dark-haired somber man checked his navigator; another thirty minutes and he’d be knocking on her door.

  Ten minutes after that, Nicole, you’ll be packing your bag and coming home, and this nonsense will be over.


  Though the moon wasn’t full there was enough to send a soft silver glow into Beau’s bedroom, and he and Nickie had just slipped between the sheets.

  A short time after they’d returned from their brief respite on top of the hill, Beau’s friend Tyler had swung by the house with good news; not only were the recalcitrant teens caught, they’d been found smoking marijuana and drinking beer, and since they were underage they were in a heap of trouble.

  Enchanted by Nickie, Tyler had accepted Beau’s invitation to stay for coffee and some of Gina’s famous cheesecake, and the trio had ended up chatting into the evening. When he finally left, with a twinkle in her eye she told Beau she was tired, and holding hands they’d climbed the stairs, shared a shower and crawled into bed.

  “What an evening,” she sighed as she snuggled close.

  “The night is still young. Are you ready for your appetizer?”

  “I’m not sure,” she quipped, “am I?”

  “Let’s see,” he crooned slipping his hand between her legs. “Naughty Nickie, wet again?”

  “It’s you,” she sighed, “it’s you…”

  “Have you ever been tied up?”

  “What? No, I think I would love that.”


  “Blindfolded?” she repeated.


  “No, but I enjoyed keeping my eyes closed,” she whispered as she squirmed against his fingers still softly playing with her pussy.

  “I hate to leave you for even a second,” he murmured moving his mouth across her neck, “but I promise I’ll be right back.”

  Slipping from the bed he disappeared into his closet, returning moments later with what looked like a thick scarf.

  “Your blindfold awaits,” he grinned. “Close your eyes, this is your first official night of trainin’.”


  “Yep, I told you I was gonna teach you things, and I didn’t mean just about horses.”

  A surge of energy rushed through her body, and as she stared up at him a deep moan escaped her lips.

  “Uh-huh, that’s what I thought,” he said softly, sitting on the side of the bed. “You may act like a little Miss Bossy Britches, but you were born to this. You’ve been waitin’ for a man to do these things for a long time, haven’t you Nickie?”

  “I guess,” she stammered gazing into his mesmerizing eyes. “I mean, I didn’t know it, but I do now. I’ve just always felt bored, and kind of frustrated.”

  “You won’t be bored with me, sugar,” he grinned. “Close your eyes.”

  As the soft black blindfold slipped into place, and he tied it securely behind her head, her heart began to skip and her breathing changed; she was panting.

  “Deep breaths, relax, we’re just startin’. You’ve gotta learn how to breathe.”

  “I’m so excited,” she stammered. “It sounds like such a lame word but it’s how I feel.”

  His lips were suddenly on hers, kissing her gently as his hand stroked down her back.

  “You’re gonna be just fine, you’re gonna learn about your body,” he whispered. “Lay back and be still for a minute. I’ve got a couple of things to do.”

  “How can I be still?” she mumbled.

  Abruptly grabbing her hip he flipped her over, landing three hard swats.


  “That might help,” he said firmly. “You think about your hot backside. That’s what happens when you don’t do as you’re told or you question my instructions. Do we understand each other now?”

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  “Good, now do as I said, lay back down and be quiet.”

  Nickie’s pulse was racing, her bottom was suddenly and unexpectedly stinging, and she had never felt so alive.

  I love this. Is there something wrong with me? God, I love this. He slapped me so hard. This is really happening, he’s going to do things to me. He’s
going to-

  The sound of him moving the pillows around the bed broke into her thoughts, and she listened intently trying to discern exactly what he was doing.

  “The pillows are next to you. Place yourself over them so your hips are raised, then spread your arms and legs.”

  She had a thousand questions, but bit her lower lip to stop herself from asking even one, and reaching out in the dark she found the pillows and climbed over them.

  Oh, this is…this is really…my ass is so high. What’s he planning?

  Lost in her thoughts she had forgotten to spread herself, and again his hand landed with a sound swat on each cheek.

  “What did I tell you to do?” he demanded.

  “Oh, sorry,” she gasped immediately splaying herself out.

  The soft thick rope circled each of her ankles in turn, and she felt the tug as they were secured to the footboard, but when he tethered her wrists she uttered a small cry.

  “Too tight? I don’t wanna hurt you.”

  “The left one,” she whispered.

  “Is that better?” he asked loosening the knot.

  “Much, thank you, Beau.”

  “You’re to call me Sir until we finish, and don’t question me about that unless you want another smack.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll remember.”

  Sir? I feel like I’m in a movie. Sir! I’ve never called anyone Sir, not even in school.

  “There you are, completely helpless and at my mercy,” he declared sitting on the edge of the bed. “Tell me everything you feel, don’t hold back.”

  His hand roamed across her back, gently smoothed the heat from her cheeks, then lifted her long hair from across her face.

  “I feel incredible,” she breathed. “I’m almost afraid to say how much I love this. No-one has ever done anything like this to me before. When you pinned my wrists down up on Flat Top Point it was amazing, but it was nothing compared to this.”

  “What else?” he pressed.

  “Um…it’s weird…having my ass so high. I feel a bit embarrassed, I feel really exposed.”

  “You are,” he remarked, “and in a minute I’m going to examine you.”

  “You’re going to what?”

  “I’m gonna let that slide; remember, you don’t question me. Next time you’ll get a swat,” he warned. “The idea of me examinin’ you, it thrills you, but it also makes you feel, what, Nickie?”

  “A bit, not scared but, weird and hot.”

  “I’ll bet if I touch between your legs I’ll find a very wet girl,” he purred.

  “I think you’re right,” she mumbled.

  “Sir,” he corrected.

  “I think you’re right, Sir,” she repeated.

  “Let’s find out, shall we?” he said calmly, and climbing on to the bed behind her he slid his finger into her delicious depths. “Just as I thought. Now, let me take a very close look.”

  His comment sent even more heat through her face, and she buried her head into the thick, down comforter, but she couldn’t deny its erotic charge, and despite her embarrassment she felt a fresh surge of need throb through her being.

  “How lovely you are, so swollen and wet, your lips are so pink,” he continued as he toyed, “it makes me wanna do all kinds of things to you, very corrupt things.”

  “Sir,” she whimpered, “I want you to. I want everything.”

  “I’m gonna to start with something very simple,” he said softly.

  She felt him leave the bed, but he quickly returned, and a moment later a soft hum floated to her ears.

  “You know what this sound is?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Are you ready to be teased?”

  “Ooh, yes, Sir, very ready, I’m ready for anything.”

  “That’s a very brave thing to say,” he smiled, and as he placed the vibrator lightly against her inflamed sex she immediately pushed back against it.

  “Nope, lesson number one, I have the control, Nickie,” he said firmly, pulling it away. “I will decide how much pressure. You stay still or I’ll have to make your restraints tighter and then spank you, hard. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she bleated.

  “Here it comes,” he warned.

  As he touched the bulbous head of the vibrating dildo against her clit, she let out a low moan and clenched her fists. He could see her aching need to wriggle and squirm, to exert some kind of control over the scintillating buzz zinging her sex.

  “Good girl, very good, would you like it to be harder?”

  “Yes, yes, please, Sir, yes,” she gasped.

  He pressed it forward, and holding it in place retrieved the condom he’d left on the bed. Ripping it open with his teeth, he slid it over his turgid cock, placed it at her entrance and plunged himself home; she cried out her surprise, and as he began to pump she wailed her pleasure.

  “Sir, I’m so close,” she panted, “it’s happening really fast, the vibrator…”

  He switched it off, then gently withdrew.

  “Ooh, Sir,” she moaned, “please…please…”

  “Don’t worry,” he said tenderly, “there’s more to come. First I have to paint your glorious cheeks.”

  She almost asked what he meant but she knew she’d find out soon enough, and a moment later he rested what felt like a small piece of leather against her cheeks.

  “Spankin’,” he said gliding it over her bottom, “can be for punishment or pleasure. You’ve had the punishment, so now…”

  He began lightly dancing the leather against her skin, giving it just enough bite to tantalize.

  “Talk to me, Nickie, how does this feel?”

  “It, oh, it’s, I want to wiggle, I love it,” she gasped.

  “You can wiggle in a minute, I want you to, I wanna see your ass dance for me, but right now you must stay very still, I’m gonna to move this on to your pussy. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she panted. My pussy, surely not?

  She couldn’t imagine it, and when he began flicking it against her lips she froze, but while it did sting it wasn’t a bad sting, and suddenly the sting transformed into something else.

  “Yep, now you’re feelin’ it, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir, it’s…ooooh…so intense but so…”

  He paused, and raising the small leather strap over her bottom he slid into her crack and began to slide it back and forth.

  “This area, Nickie, this will not be left alone for very long. One day soon I’ll examine you here as well. You don’t have to say a thing, just remember.”

  She heard his warning words, and while they registered in a distant, faraway place, her focus was still between her legs, the scintillating sensations continuing to pulse.

  Dropping the thin strap beside him, he picked up the vibrator, powered it back on, and placed it against her clit, eliciting a long, deep wail.

  “Now, sweet Nickie, now you can have your pleasure.”

  Sliding his cock home he fucked her with slow, measured strokes, occasionally pausing to enjoy the vibrator’s buzz, but holding himself at bay until she reached her apex.

  “Sir,” she gasped, “please may I come?”

  “You asked so well,” he growled as he accelerated his strokes, “yep, bury your head in the comforter.”

  He knew it would be a powerful orgasm, and even as he gave the instruction her pussy was grabbing his cock and her howls had begun. As he rode her with gusto delicious spasms jerked his cock, sending hot prickling needles surging through his body.

  His moment was passing but she was continuing to squeal with abandon, and he realized he was still holding the vibrator against her cunt. As he lightened the pressure she let out small whimpering sounds, then her body fell limp.

  Reaching across to the nightstand he grabbed a tissue and quickly removed the condom, then slipped from the bed. As he untied her ropes she didn’t make a sound, and crawling beside her, he removed her blindfold and pulled her against him.

>   “You okay?” he purred holding her warmly.

  “Okay?” she mumbled, “I’ve never been this okay in my life. Is there something wrong with me that I love this so much?”

  “Hey, from where I’m sittin’, there’s somethin’ real right with you. You’re special,” he purred kissing her softly.

  “I love it when you talk to me like this,” she sighed, “and the way you’re touching me, it’s heavenly.”

  “Gotta take care of you after a session,” he murmured, “it’s real important.”

  “A session?”

  “Yep, you had a little session, like I said, an appetizer,” he breathed kissing her neck.

  “I feel like I’m in a divine dream,” she mumbled.

  “You are, we both are, now let yourself drift off to sleep.”

  As she felt the delicious darkness descend, a fleeting thought crossed her mind.

  I have to tell you everything in the morning, I must.

  Sitting in the bar of the Hillsboro Hotel, the dark-haired man ordered a second martini and checked his watch; it was past midnight. His table gave him an unobstructed view of the front doors, and having already cruised the parking area and found Nicole’s Lexus SUV, it had become obvious wherever she was, someone else was driving.

  I’ll be keeping watch until you walk through those doors, I don’t care if I have to sleep in the frickin’ lobby.

  As he sipped his second drink he glanced up at the television over the bar. It was an old James Bond film, and as he watched an idea popped into his mind.

  Ah, yes, of course, that’s exactly what I’ll do. There’s more than one way to know if someone’s been out all night.


  Nickie was woken by Beau’s hand gently fondling her breasts.

  “I have to give these beauties far more attention,” he breathed lowering his mouth. “They’ve been sadly neglected.”

  “Mmmm,” she purred slowly blinking open her eyes. “It’s marvey to wake up like this, all warm and cuddly with you.”

  “Marvey? What kind of a word is marvey?” he chuckled.

  “My kind of word,” she muttered stroking his head as his lips played with her nipples.


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