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The Heiress and the Cowboy Contractor

Page 11

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I’m gonna enjoy gettin’ to know you two,” he grinned.

  “I think they’d like that a lot,” she mumbled.

  “You just lay back and relax. I’m gonna have me a titty breakfast.”

  “You are so bad,” she giggled.

  “I hope you’re not complainin’,” he warned, “now leave me alone. These twins here are callin’ my name.”

  Closing her eyes she sank into his fervent attention, and as he licked and nuzzled and sucked and tongued, she could feel her needful wetness build between her legs. She bleated her pleasure, occasionally begging him to touch her pussy, but he was deaf to her entreaties, completely engrossed in consuming her breasts.

  “I can’t stand it,” she finally gasped. “You have to touch me or I’ll go mad.”

  “Is that right?” he said leisurely raising his head. “Hmm, well, I don’t want the men in the white coats to take you away, so let’s see what I can do.”

  Stretching across the bed to his nightstand, he searched in his drawer for a condom, finally finding one hidden in the very back.

  “I’d better buy a truckload of these today,” he remarked tearing open the packet.

  “I’m on the pill,” she offered.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he grinned as he slipped it on. “Where were we? Oh, yeah. You were sayin’ somethin’ about wantin’ your pussy touched?”

  “You’re a beast,” she groaned.

  Shuffling into position he knelt between her legs, and pulling her pelvis into his he lined himself up, then snaked his cock home.

  “I’m so horny,” he growled, “I’m gonna fuck you hard and not stop ‘til you come.”

  “The things you say,” she bleated, “I swear, I could climax just from you talking like that.”

  His thrusts began in earnest, growing in speed and power until she was gasping, clutching the sheets and calling his name.

  “That’s it sugar, you come for me big, real big.”

  Holding himself back he watched her gasp and utter her cries of release before he allowed himself to surrender, then closing his eyes he groaned loudly as his cock joyfully erupted. Moments later, as she rested against him, he held her tightly against him, inhaling her scent.

  “Now that’s how to start a mornin’ right,” he sighed.

  “Mmmm,” was her only response.

  “I was thinkin’, how about we go out to breakfast? I know this great little spot on the other side of the lake, then we can head on up to your house. I wanna take another look now that you wanna change things.”

  “Will it take much more work?”

  “Not sure yet. We can call Geoff when we’re there, tell him what we’re thinkin’. I can have a crew together by midweek, assumin’ they’re not all workin’. Even if they are I’m sure I can rustle up some casual laborers. Most of the tough stuff’s been done, and the changes, Dan will welcome them.”

  “My hero,” she sighed shifting her head and gazing up at him.

  “You’re a bit quieter than usual,” he frowned. “You feelin’ all right?”

  “My legs hurt from my ride on Trixie,” she said softly. “I’m feeling muscles I never knew I had.”

  “Yep, ridin’ will do that,” he grinned, “but you’ll soon get past it.”

  “You look so happy,” she remarked.

  “I am happy. I gotta tell you, I’m feelin’ real good.”

  “Me too,” she said, and I don’t want to spoil things, at least, not yet. Maybe it won’t be so bad, maybe you’ll understand and be okay with it all, maybe you like me that much. Fuck, what a nightmare. I don’t want to lose you, I just found you.

  “Whoa, girl, what’s goin’ on with you? You look sad all of sudden.”

  “I was just thinking about…stuff. Nothing I want to talk about. Let’s take a shower and go, I’m starving.”

  He studied her for a moment, then quietly said,

  “Nickie, there’s somethin’ goin’ on with you, and you’ve gotta tell me at some point.”

  “You’re right,” she admitted, “and I will, I promise,” I’ll tell you today, up at the house, if it feels right.

  He pulled her back against his chest.

  “You can tell me anythin’. I might not like it, but I’ll still try to understand and do what I can to help.”

  “Thank you for saying that,” she sighed. I hope you feel that way when I tell you. “I guess I just have to pluck up the courage.”

  “Hey, the worst that can happen is I might spank your butt,” he chuckled.

  “You! Everything begins and ends with spanking my butt,” she quipped.

  “Yep, and you’d better get outta bed before I take it into my head to do just that.”

  She squeezed him and kissed him on the cheek, then they slipped from the sheets and padded into the bathroom.

  A short time later they climbed into Betsy, and Beau took her on a short tour of some out-of-the-way shopping spots before pulling up to the lakeside cafe. The place was for locals, and as they sat outside enjoying the view and warm weather, Beau introduced her to a few acquaintances at neighboring tables.

  “I love it here,” she declared as the waitress took their orders. “Everyone is so real, so friendly.”

  “I lived in Dallas for a while, worked for a big-time trainer there but I had to get out. I understand the lure of it, the money an’ all, but I make a real good livin’ here and it’s a better way of life, at least for me. I like to sleep at night. The worst thing that happens around here is kids on bikes on the horse trails,” he chuckled.

  “It’s so peaceful. I’m never going back,” she said absently.

  “Really?” Beau asked.

  She stared back at him, a deer in headlights.

  “You okay?”

  “I didn’t mean to say that, it just slipped out,” she replied, her face reddening.

  “So, is it a second home, or…?”

  “I, uh, want it to be permanent, but I’m not sure how I can make that happen,” she said quietly.


  “Um, family stuff,” she mumbled. “My dad would have an absolute cow, and there’s something else.”


  “Like, is it okay if we just eat our breakfast first? I’ll tell you when we’re up at the house. There are too many people around us and I’ll probably get upset.”

  “Sure, later is fine,” he assured her. “You look worried and sad. I’ll help you if I can.”

  “You can’t, but thanks,” she muttered. “You’ll understand later. I’m sorry, things are feeling weird now and I don’t want them to be, that’s why I didn’t say anything earlier.”

  “Things aren’t weird, it’s just that there’s somethin’ we need to talk about and it’s worryin’ you. Here comes our breakfast, this’ll cheer you up. Wait ‘til you taste the potatoes.”

  He was right, and as she devoured the first mouthful her eyes lit up.

  “Oh, my, God, you’re right, this is fantastic.”

  “Why do you think I drive all the way around the lake to come here?” he smiled.

  The mood lifted, and he turned the conversation back to his horses, knowing it would bring a smile to her face.

  “I’m havin’ some people arrive tomorrow to try out a couple I have for sale. You’re welcome to come and watch, if you promise to behave and be as quiet as a church mouse.”

  “Not Trixie?” she immediately asked.

  “No, definitely not Trixie. She’s a sweet trail girl who will stay with me for the rest of my days.”

  “Whew, you scared me.”

  “You don’t know much about western ridin’, do you?”

  “Not a clue, I love to watch the show jumpers and dressage horses. To be honest, I don’t care what kind of riding I do, I just want to do it.”

  “I know, it was written all over your face,” he remarked with a grin. “Huh, it looks like you weren’t hungry after all.”

  She stared down at h
er empty plate.

  “Not at all, and the food, no flavor, overcooked,” she giggled.

  “Let’s get up to your house, see if we can’t figure this out so it won’t cost you a fortune and be just what you want.”

  “I want it to be like yours,” she said earnestly.

  “I’m sure we can make that happen, close anyway.”

  As they wandered out to the truck Nickie felt lighter; sharing even the small snippet of information had helped.

  I just have to be brave, I guess. Maybe if Beau isn’t too angry he’ll help me, support me, give me the strength to make the break.

  Betsy roared to life, and five minutes later they were driving slowly up the gravel driveway to the half-built house and rolling to a stop.

  “You know what’s strange?” she remarked climbing from the truck.

  “What’s that?” he asked walking up and taking her hand.

  “I’m looking at this house, and I don’t even like it now. It’s so, what’s the word, cold. You were right, it doesn’t suit this place at all. I’m sounding like a broken record, but I want it to be warm and inviting like yours.”

  “It will,” he promised.

  “Whenever I come here to the lake, after a couple of days I feel different, better. This visit, being with you, riding Trixie, wearing these jeans, and boots, I’m feeling like a different person.”

  “You look different,” he declared, “and now you don’t have to worry about messin’ up your shoes walkin’ into your house.”

  “This is true,” she giggled as she stepped through the dirt patch where the patio was supposed be.

  They wandered into the huge open space, and Beau began pointing out where she could easily separate the area into rooms without losing the sense of flow.

  “This is going to be so much better,” she beamed.

  “Yep, I reckon so, and if we put in a natural brick fireplace-”

  “YES!” she exclaimed, “sorry, yes, I would love that. It’s perfect, and we could…wait..what’s that? Is that a car?”

  “Sure sounds like it,” Beau frowned.

  “Are you expecting anyone to meet us here?”


  A cold chill zipping down her spine, Nickie turned and ran to the front of the house; coming to an abrupt halt she froze, staring in disbelief at the black Mercedes as it braked to an sharp stop.


  Her exclamation had been a whisper, but having walked up behind her Beau had heard it.

  “Nice car,” he remarked keeping his voice calm, “and I’m guessin’ you know who that fella is.”

  The tall, dark-haired, well-dressed man stepped from the black Mercedes SL65, and began striding forward.

  “He doesn’t look real happy,” Beau added.

  “No,” Nickie quivered, and turning around she stared into Beau’s quizzical blue eyes. “No matter what he says don’t react, okay? I’ll explain everything, I promise. Please, please trust me.”

  “Okay,” he said solemnly. “I won’t draw any conclusions till we talk.”

  The stranger had reached the wide patch of dirt and began to tread carefully through it, but paused halfway, raising his head.

  “Well, well, so this is your so-called vacation home,” he exclaimed. “Interesting front entrance. What do you call this? Patio Au Natural?”

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded ignoring his sarcasm.

  “What do you think, little girl, I’ve come to take you home. You’ve been very bad, out all night, tsk, tsk,” he said tersely walking through the rest of the dirt and stepping up into the house.

  “How do you know I’ve-”

  “James Bond, my dear. I put a little piece of string in your door jamb last night, and guess what, it’s still there.”

  “It’s none of your business,” she scowled.

  “I guess you think you’ll be her new contractor,” the man said, ignoring her and staring at Beau.

  “I am her new contractor,” Beau declared.

  “Not for long. Come on, Nicole, we’re leaving.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she spat, “go fuck yourself.”

  “I don’t know who you are,” Beau said calmly, stepping between them, “but I believe takin’ someone against their will is called kidnappin’, and that’s a felony.”

  “You’re right, you don’t know who I am, how rude of me,” the man said sardonically. “My name is Gerald Harris, and Nicole here is my wife.”


  Standing behind Beau, Nickie was grateful she didn’t have to see the look on his face, but she would have been surprised; it was deadpan. Thanks to her warning he was ready for just about anything, and when the slick, rude stranger made his declaration Beau was able to swallow his shock.

  “Then I guess I’d best leave you two alone so you can talk, but husband or not, you still can’t be takin’ someone against their will, so if she doesn’t wanna go with you I guess we’re gonna have a problem.”

  Beau could see Gerald Harris sizing him up. They were about the same height and build, and while Beau figured he was probably in better shape than the angry city slicker standing in front of him, it was hard to judge the man’s body under his loose jacket.

  “Nickie, I’ll be close by,” he said. “I think you two need some privacy, but give a holler if you need me.”

  As he turned her eyes begged him to stay, but he gave her a reassuring wink and ambled past her. She watched him for a moment, fighting the temptation to call him back, but Gerald began to speak.

  “Come on now, Nicole, be reasonable,” he began. “You know you have to come home with me, and I miss you, baby.”

  “You miss me? You don’t seriously expect me to believe that, and I’m not your baby! Just leave, Gerald. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that. I promised your father I’d bring you home, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I want to try again, you know we belong together.”

  “You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep,” she exclaimed, “and belong together? What the hell are you talking about? We’ve never belonged together. Where is all this coming from? I told you I’m filing for a divorce and that’s the end of it. Give it up, Gerald.”

  Beau could hear the ongoing argument as he made his way across the room, and covertly pulling out his phone he sent a text.

  At Nickie’s house on Viewpoint, come quick, bring George.

  Barely a second passed before he saw the response.

  Ten four.

  Relief flooded through his body, but just as he slipped the phone back into his pocket he heard Nickie’s plaintive cry for help; spinning around he saw Gerald had her by the arm was attempting to drag her out.


  She was struggling furiously, yelling loudly, but Gerald’s dark determination was obvious; he was intent on getting her into his car.

  Beau felt his pulse tick up as he strode towards them. He had no desire to fight the man but he would if he had to.

  “See, the thing is,” he declared as he approached, “if you don’t let her go I’m gonna have to hurt you, and I’d rather not do that, it’s not in my nature.”

  “Hey, cowboy, why don’t you go kick some shit.”

  Beau paused, put his hands on his hips, and purposefully looked around.

  “I said, why don’t you go kick some shit,” Gerald repeated raising his voice.

  “Hmm,” Beau frowned, “I’d like to oblige but I don’t see any shit to kick.”

  “Let me go you fucking bastard,” Nickie suddenly screeched, and yanking her arm back as hard as she could she managed to loosen Gerald’s grip; raising her booted foot she landed a hard kick against his shins.

  “YOU FUCKING BITCH!” he wailed, dropping her arm to grab his leg.

  “Damn, you’ve both got potty mouths,” Beau calmly remarked as Nickie bolted to his side. “Is that where you got that habit
from, Nickie, this charming husband of yours?”

  Gerald lifted his eyes, and Beau could see his sarcasm had only served to fuel Gerald’s rage.

  “You are such a fucking brat,” he hissed, “and you’re going to be sorry you did that.”

  “She can be a brat,” Beau remarked, “but she’s gettin’ better, aren’t you Nickie?”

  “Her name is Nicole, Nicole Harris, as in Mrs. Nicole Harris,” Gerald snarled straightening up, “now mind your own fucking business. Nicole, get in that fucking car.”

  “No! I don’t want to go with you, and you can’t fucking kidnap me.”

  Gerald’s eyes dropped to the floor, and Beau knew immediately the man was looking for a weapon; they both spied the lead pipe at the same time, but it was laying much closer to Gerald than to him.

  “Okay, now I’m going to get serious,” Gerald threatened as he lunged forward and picked it up. “Nicole, you get in that car or this cowboy is going to get his head bashed in.”

  “No, please, no, okay, I’ll go with you,” she stammered.

  “Nickie, you stay right where you are,” Beau said sternly. “Trust me, stay there.”

  “Beau, he’s got a fucking lead pipe, he’ll kill you,” she wailed.

  “Now, Nickie, you know what will happen if you don’t do what I’m askin’,” he grinned.

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re smiling about,” Gerald hissed lifting the pipe in the air, “but it doesn’t matter, you won’t be smiling for long.”

  Beau began to move around the room, stalling for time, and to his great relief he heard the sound he’d been praying for; a car racing up the gravel driveway.

  Kicking up dust and rocks the squad car came to a screeching halt, and pulling his gun Tyler jumped out. As he cautiously approached the house he saw Gerald holding the pipe in the air, and though Gerald had paused when he’d heard the car he hadn’t dropped his arms.

  “FREEZE!” Tyler yelled. “Kneel, place the weapon on the floor and push it away.”

  Behind him another cop lumbered forward, and as Gerald dropped to his knees he couldn’t believe his eyes; the man was huge. Though Tyler’s drawn gun was more than enough incentive to make him follow Tyler’s instructions, the sight of the Goliath in uniform scared him almost as much.


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