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You Lucky Witch (A BBW Paranormal Romance): Demon Brothers

Page 7

by Marie Mason

  “Well, that explains the tin can on wheels you call a car.”

  “I’ll have you know I paid for that car all by myself.”

  “I wasn’t doubting that for a moment, sweetheart.” He stretched his arm across the back of the seat as they fell into an uneasy silence. After a moment, the tips of his fingers found the loose strands of her hair falling around her shoulders. Absently, he rubbed them between his fingers. Kayley grew still, wondering if he’d take it any further. Like touching her. Or kissing her.

  “Here we are.” The sudden jar of him braking crashed through her daydream. He’d driven her back to the grocery store parking lot.

  “So we are.” She placed her hand on the door handle and turned slightly in her seat. The move pulled her hair from his grip. “I hope you find your brother before anything happens.”

  “Thank you, Kayley. I appreciate that.”

  “Well, I guess I better go.” They hadn’t spoken about their night together.

  He leaned toward her, his face just inches away. “You’re a very beautiful witch, Kayley. Even if you can’t cast a spell worth a damn.” Then his lips covered hers in a hard, hungry kiss that was over far sooner than she wanted. He pulled back, leaving his taste lingering on her lips.

  Heavens above, how was she going to survive her broken heart?

  “Goodbye, Roark. I hope you find Rafe soon.” And I hope you come back for me. She didn’t say it, but she wanted to. Wanted to say it with all her heart.

  “Goodbye, Kayley.”

  Roark stood on top of the mountain overlooking a small town. He and Remington had finally tracked Rafe down in the middle of fucking nowhere. Rafe stood at his side, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his worn jeans. Reluctantly, Roark had to admit this was pleasant. The fresh air, green grass. He’d gotten used to the temperatures in hell but the cool breeze rolling off the mountain was amazing. Was he allowed as a big badass demon to even think that?

  “You can’t tell me you don’t feel it too?”

  “Feel what? The breeze? Yes, it does feel good, but then throwing water on lava rocks in hell feels good. What’s your point?”

  Rafe sighed and gave Roark a look that said it all — in his mind, Roark was a dumb fuck.

  “It doesn’t matter; you have to go back.”

  If any male from the Conroy lineage stayed in the human realm too long, they would die. That’s why his parents divided their time, literally, between heaven and hell. The curse was simple, straightforward. The witch who had cursed the first demon hadn’t been very creative.

  “I think I found the answer.”

  For a brief moment, hope flared in Roark’s chest, making his heart race. Would it be possible to stay with Kayley, take her as a mate, and start a new life, here?

  No, he couldn’t hope and he lashed out at his brother. “Don’t you really think someone in our family would have discovered an out by now?”

  Demons lived a hell of a long time and many had traveled back and forth between all the three realms — human, hell, and heaven. He and his brothers were a product of a demon and angel union. Their mother, when they were younger had lived in hell with them. Now, their parents lived apart most of the time. Staying too long in hell aged supernatural beings who shouldn’t be there. Angels certainly weren’t meant to be there.

  Neither were witches. Immediately, his thoughts flew to Kayley and her delicious curves. He hadn’t gotten enough of her. He didn’t know if an eternity would be enough to satisfy his hunger for her.

  “Do you want to know what I discovered?”

  “Sure, why the hell not?” Fuck, he couldn’t be more depressed if he tried. He picked up a rock and threw it into the air. It fell back down to the earth, rolling down the ridge into the naturally formed valley between the two mountains on which they stood.

  “Our curse can be broken when a demon finds true love.”

  Roark snorted. “I dare you to say that to Mom.” While Roark was not a proponent of true love — he only believe in lust at first sight — he knew his parents had something special. Something, if he were honest, he envied. Then, envy was one of the original seven sins.

  Rafe laughed. Both brothers knew you didn’t say shit like that to their mother, especially tell her she and her mate weren’t really in love.

  “No, thank you. I like my balls too much.” While their mother was truly an angel, their father was a demon of the highest rank. And nothing and no one upset his mate. “There are a couple of catches to unlocking the curse.”

  “Naturally.” Roark picked up another rock, heavier this time, but he slung it the same distance. This time he listened to it as it tumbled down. It was a lonely sound.

  “The demon has to fall in love with a witch.”

  Roark’s body stilled and then vibrated as an emotional twister tore through his soul. Was he in love with Kayley? Could he be the one to break the curse? Just as he was about to ask, his brother spoke again.

  “Of course, the real catch is… the witch has to love him back.”

  Refusing to show any sign of weakness, Kayley stepped confidently through the portal her father had opened. She paused, looking back at her family. Her father hugged her mother to his side and winked at her. Her sisters smiled, calm and collected. Rafe gave her a thumb's up and she wanted nothing more than to be able to turn him into a toad — or something. When he’d come to her house, explaining what he’d discovered about the Conroy family curse, she hadn’t hesitated in declaring her undying love for Roark. It wasn’t until he’d revealed she’d have to confront Luke, the guardian of Roark’s particular realm of hell, and holder of the curse, that she’d become a tad upset. She had cast a spell and was pleased to say he now sported a purple stripe of hair down the side of his head. She didn’t know how long it would take to fade. She hoped it was a long, long time.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried not to choke on the sulfur smell that rose to greet her. She put her arm over her nose and mouth and breathed into the pocket of air made by the bend of her elbow.

  A few steps and she was no longer in the human realm. She was in hell.

  She jumped when the portal closed behind her with a hiss that sounded suspiciously like a snake.

  Two men appeared in front of her, dressed as Egyptian guards. A swath of material wrapped around their man parts and they sported a headdress made of gold and rubies. Their skin shone in the flames — yes, the walls were on fire — burnishing them in a golden glow. She wondered what sin they had committed to end up as the doormen to hell.

  “Come.” They motioned for her to follow. Apparently, she was expected. Besides the man hunk guards and flaming walls, which surprisingly did not give off any heat, hell was much as she expected. The walls were granite and the air smelled of fire and brimstone. The humidity was stifling and soon her clothes were soaked as if she’d been out in the rain. The guards guided her through a mass of caverns. She quickly realized she had no hope of remembering the way back out. She hoped Roark knew. Rafe had warned them that Luke would have stripped Roark of all his abilities. Her father had given her an amulet that would boost her power and allow her to open a portal should she fail to get Roark released and they had to run for it.

  Soon, the three of them came to a set of double red doors that towered some twenty feet in height. The guards opened them and Kayley heard another hiss. Taking a deep breath, she took a step forward and then another. As soon as she cleared the doors, they slammed shut behind her, making her jump. In the middle of the room stood a large man, taller even than Roark. His back was to her. He was dressed in a silk smoking jacket, reminiscent of Hugh Heffner in the 1980s. Her lips curled into a smile. The room would have looked right at home in the Playboy Mansion. It was a large room with richly, polished wood covering the walls and ceiling. Large fur rugs lay against the planked wooden floor. She shivered, wondering if those were the skins of animals or shifters.

  “Kayley, how nice of you to join me.”

  Yeah, lik
e she had a choice.

  He turned around and she almost lost her breath he was so handsome. And when he smiled… no wonder women sinned. For a moment, she almost forgot why she was here.

  “You seem a little surprised by your surroundings, darling. Hell not what you expected?”

  Kayley licked her dry lips and his eyes followed the movement. She stopped immediately. She hadn’t done it deliberately, but she had no desire to ignite his fire, so to speak. She wanted to get in and get out.

  “It’s lovely.” She had not expected anything like this room. It reminded her of a showcase home of the ultra-rich. Was this how Roark and his family lived? If so, did he really want to be set free?

  “I, umm, I’m here to get Roark.”

  “Of course, sweetheart. Of course.” Another lightning smile as he walked toward her. As he neared, his features blurred, the beauty faded. He stopped inches from her, leaning down from his great height to whisper in her ear. “But what are you willing to pay, my dear?”

  Kayley stepped back. Her father had warned her to be very careful what she said to this man. “There is no price to pay. The curse is lifted.”

  “Says who?”

  “Says this.” She took out the scroll her father had given her. He had spent the last two months trying to find a supernatural council willing to provide a writ of stay to the devil. She held out the document, half-afraid it would go up in flames when he touched it. Instead, the parchment straightened out, hanging in midair. He didn’t say a word as he read it.

  “So, you profess to love this demon?”

  “There is no if. I love Roark Conroy.”

  He snapped his fingers and her heart dropped as the document disappeared. He turned and walked to a large oak desk, taking a seat behind it. It sat at the side of the huge fireplace that dominated the room. Again, the flames didn’t seem to produce any heat. No doubt, if this man wanted it to, it would.

  “Come, sit down, my pretty, and let us discuss this issue.”

  “There is no discussion. The curse placed upon the Conroy family is now lifted.”

  “So you say.”

  Kayley held her tongue and gripped her hands together when all she wanted to do was flick a disappearing spell at the man. Maybe it would just make his dick disappear.

  “I will need proof.”

  “Proof?” Oh, shit, Kayley thought. How did she prove she loved Roark? Some kind of mind reading? She had no desire to let this man wander around in her head, but how else could she prove it?

  He studied her with a piercing gaze then laughed as if he had read her thoughts. He leaned back in his chair. “Did Rafe tell you the other part of the curse?”

  “Yes.” Did Roark love her? That was the wrinkle in this great escape plan. Even if Roark didn’t return her feelings, she still had to try. She loved him that much.

  “Don’t worry, little girl, it won’t be difficult.”

  “Come.” He rose to his feet, and with a powerful stride, he headed toward the door. It instantly opened, but Kayley didn’t see the guards.

  They walked down the granite hallway. The walls had stopped flickering with flame and she wondered if that had been a parlor trick to scare her. On and on they walked, twisting and turning through the catacomb of rock. She clutched the amulet around her neck. It would be okay, she told herself repeatedly. It would be okay.

  They slowed down and entered another hallway. This one was dark with large torches mounted on the wall. They came to a section where the granite had been hollowed out and large steel bars covered each opening. Jail. She was in hell jail, she realized. The air was hot, so hot it almost took her breath away.

  They continued to walk. Grunts and groans came from the depths of the cells. There was no light in the area except for the torches in the hallway. She didn’t know if there were humans in the cells or creatures like the one that had come through the portal at the grocery store.

  “Is Roark in one of these cells?” she demanded, coming to a stop.

  The man turned and looked at her. “Would it bother you if he were?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t hesitate in her answer. Besides refusing to turn his brother in, what had he done to deserve this? Love her?

  Oh, how she hoped that were true. Not that he was in one of the cells, but that he loved her.

  The man moved forward again without answering. As they walked, the hallway opened up, until there was nothing but space all around them. “How much further?”

  She hated to ask for a break, but she wasn’t use to this much exercise and in such humid conditions. Her breath came in short pants and she felt slightly dizzy. She couldn’t get dehydrated that quickly, could she?

  The demon didn’t answer and she wondered what her punishment would be if she gave him a streak of purple hair. His attractiveness faded with every step she took. On the other side of the large, open space was another hallway and she silently sighed, thinking how much further she needed to go. Roark. She had to remember the end game. Roark.

  They stepped from darkness into light. Literally. It was as if hell had fallen away and she was once again in the human realm. In front of her were houses and lawns, people walking up and down concrete sidewalks, smiling and joking. It reminded her of a movie set.

  “This is where Roark lives?” She couldn’t keep the irritation she felt out of her voice. She’d thought of him down here suffering for what he’d done. Maybe being burned alive. She didn’t want something that severe happening to him… but still. If he lived in this section of hell, he certainly wasn’t suffering. She, on the other hand, was having a heat stroke.

  “Yes, my dear. Over there.” He pointed to a large house on the hill. It reminded her of a manor house straight out of the 1800s.

  It seemed to be miles and miles away. Again, another silent sigh and she continued to walk forward. Minutes seemed to turn into hours and a step into a mile. She walked and walked but didn’t get any closer to the house. She turned toward Luke. He was beside her, smiling. His beautiful clothes now hung in tatters from his body and the stench of brimstone surrounded him.

  The walls burst into flames and long, black tendrils of what appeared to be smoke stroked over her skin, swirled around her face, and entered her mouth and nose. She couldn’t breathe. She clawed at her throat, trying to dislodge what she knew was a manifestation of evil. Darkness ebbed in around her.

  “I’m not going any further. You bring Roark to me.”


  “YOU WILL DO exactly as I say, my plump little witch, or you will never see your demon lover again.” He locked his fingers around her wrists, tighter and stronger than any metal handcuffs could ever be. Kayley fought like a wildcat but she was no match for his superior strength. She kicked his shins. Aiming for his crotch with her knee, she was rewarded with a grunt of pain when it landed.

  She was about to go for another strike, when a deep voice sounded behind her.

  “Don’t you think that’s a little overkill, Luke? Your tailor is going to be very upset with you.”

  The demon gave her a mighty push that sent her reeling backward. She landed hard on her bottom, but sprang up immediately, running toward Roark. A thousand pinpricks stabbed her scalp when the demon caught her by her hair and brought her to an abrupt stop. He pulled her face closer. Before she could even attempt to get away, his mouth covered hers, his tongue pushing through her resistance. He tasted of mint and coffee, not at all what she’d been expecting. Maybe death and ashes?

  A second later, she was ripped from his arms and pushed behind Roark’s big, rugged body.

  “Enough.” His roar echoed off the burning walls. For a second, all sound ceased except for the hiss and crackle of the flames. The temperature spiked as the two males faced off.

  Another pair of strong hands grabbed her arms. She instantly started to struggle.

  “Hold still, little sis. I’m here to help.” Kayley craned her neck to see who held her in the tight grip. He was a man she’d n
ever seen before. She did recognize his voice and he had Roark and Rafe's dark, good looks. The missing brother?

  “Name’s Remington.”

  Their attention was recaptured by the scene unfolding before them.

  “Now, now, Roark, don’t get your panties in a wad because I’ve been spending time with your girlfriend.”

  Kayley tried to break away from Remington’s hold and go to Roark’s side. He wouldn’t let her. “I gave you the parchment,” she shouted at Luke. “Now let him go.”

  “Oh, my little witch, it’s not that simple.”

  “I’m not your witch. I’m his.”

  “That remains to be seen.” He circled the room and immediately Roark and Remington made a barrier between her and the demon. There was no way the other man was getting to her. She wasn’t worried about herself. She touched the amulet under her shirt. Besides allowing her to open a portal, it would allow her to contact the human realm. She trusted her father — her family — with her life. Now it was time to trust them with Roark’s.

  She closed her eyes and started the chant her mother and sisters had made her practice.

  All three men froze. Roark was the first to speak. “Umm, sweetheart, this might not be the best time to cast a spell.”

  She ignored him and concentrated on the words.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, little witch.” Luke snarled, his face taking on a grim continence. Kayley was aware that he knew what she was doing. She summoned her father.

  Her father. A man who was part human — and all kick-ass demon.

  In what felt like only seconds, her father appeared in the cavern. Knowing him, he’d probably already been on his way.

  Luke’s expression changed immediately to one of cordiality and welcome. “Ephraim, so good to see you.”

  “You might not think that in a minute, Lucifer.” He turned to look at the two men guarding his daughter. “Kayley, are you okay?”

  She tried to break away again and Roark growled at her. “Stay still, woman.”


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