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You Lucky Witch (A BBW Paranormal Romance): Demon Brothers

Page 8

by Marie Mason

  She resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him. Instead, she stood on her tiptoes to look over his shoulder. “He won’t let him go, Daddy.”

  Luke rolled his eyes. “Oh, please, don’t use that defenseless, little girl act. You were ready to de-nut me not two minutes ago. Now you have to call your daddy to fight your battles?”

  “Damn straight,” Kayley grinned at the disgruntled demon. She knew he was trying to bait her, bait anyone. Make them lose their cool so he would have the upper hand when emotions took over. His power fed off negative emotions.

  Her father crossed his arms across his massive chest. He was a big man. Almost as big as the Conroy brothers. “Why did she have to call me, Luke? Didn’t you read the order? You have no right to keep her demon. She loves him. The curse is broken.”

  “There’s just one little catch.” Luke walked over to stand in front of Roark. “He has to love her in return.”

  For a moment, Roark couldn’t catch his breath. It felt as if he were literally breathing the fires of hell into his lungs. “I do.” He turned to look at Kayley. “More than anyone will ever know.” He saw the tears form in her eyes and he knew he would remember this moment for the rest of his very long life.

  “Prove it.”

  “Anytime,” Roark immediately responded, goaded into speaking by the smug look on Luke’s face.

  “No!” Kayley screamed at the same time. “No, you can’t ask him to do that.”

  Roark pulled Kayley into his arms. “It’s all right, sweetheart. I do love you.”

  “I know you do, but —”

  He pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “But nothing.” He pushed her back behind him. “Bring it on, demon.”

  The two men circled each other. Roark knew his chances of besting his boss, no, his former boss were slim to none. If he’d learned anything these last few weeks, it was to hold on to hope. However slim.

  “So a witch has beguiled another Conroy demon. How disappointing.”

  “I’m in love. Not beguiled.”

  “Tomato, to-mah-to. It still means you’re in the hag’s clutches.”

  The insult to Kayley made Roark roar. He launched himself into the air and the other demon did the same. The sickening thud as their heavy bodies slammed together echoed throughout the space.

  Roark’s body screamed in pain after the mid-air collision. He was happy to note Luke didn’t look much better. They broke apart then slammed back together, throwing punches at the other whenever there was an opening. He heard Kayley’s cry of anguish in the background, but didn’t let it break his concentration. His brother was there to protect her and so was her father.

  Damn, the witch had a demon for a father. Why did that not surprise him?

  Hit after hit, the two demons tried to grind each other to a pulp. When blood had soaked both their shirts, they broke apart. Roark’s confidence of a happy outcome dwindled. “You’ve drawn blood, Luke. What more do you want?”

  “How about your soul?” The bastard was in rare form today. Roark had never liked the king of hell. He used every temptation at his disposal to beguile the people whose souls he wanted. Now that Roark thought about it, he used love an awful lot. The love a parent had for a sick child. The love a man had for a woman. He stopped moving. Was that what it would take to break this curse once and for all? Roark’s total unconditional surrender?

  If so, that’s exactly what he would give.

  “Enough.” He fell to his knees. “If it’s my soul you want, take it. Let Kayley and her father leave. Let my brothers leave. I’m willing to pay the price so they can find the same love I have with Kayley.”

  He looked up. His brother, Kayley, and her father stood behind Luke. She was now openly crying. Remington’s fierce grip encircled her upper arms, holding her back. He saw the anguish in his brother’s eyes and hoped he’d take this chance, go up top, and find a woman who could love him half as much as he knew Kayley loved him.

  He caught her gaze, the disbelief in her eyes at what he was doing, tearing out his heart. The terror she was experiencing was almost enough to make him come to his feet and kill the demon approaching him, sword in his hand.

  But he couldn’t. He couldn’t condemn Kayley to a life in hell.

  Luke swung the sword from side to side. “So you’re willing to give me your soul in exchange for your lover’s life?”

  “Yes,” Roark growled. “I willingly sacrifice my soul for her.”

  “Very well then.”

  “I love you, Kayley,” he said, a smile lifting the edges of his mouth as their time together played in his mind. “Even if you can’t cast a spell worth a dime.”

  She didn’t smile in return. Tears fell from her beautiful gray eyes.

  “Close your eyes, baby,”’ he ordered as Luke lifted the sword over his head. “Close your eyes, Kayley.”

  He didn’t close his, wanting her face to be the last thing he saw as he left this plane of existence.

  He felt the movement of the air as the sword came down. He waited for the pain, knowing it would be nothing in comparison to the agony in his heart.

  Instead of feeling the sharp steel slicing through his flesh, a loud clang sounded, followed by a blinding light. Instinctively, he rose, jumping toward Kayley in order to protect her.

  As he moved, he realized Luke had struck the ground with the sword, which accounted for the noise. He didn’t know what had caused the flash of light.

  “What the fuck, Luke?”

  The demon stood with the sword resting on the ground, his arms propped upon the hilt. He gave a huge sigh and spoke. “Roark Conroy, the curse placed upon your family is hereby lifted.” He waved his hand and bowed. “You may thank me at your leisure.”

  “You always were an overly dramatic little shit,” Kayley’s father grumbled. “Was all that really necessary?”

  “What are you talking about, Daddy?” Kayley pulled herself from Remington's arms. “You mean he wasn’t going to cut off Roark’s head.”

  “Hardly, baby. The writ I gave you broke the curse.”

  “Technically, it did not, Ephraim. It merely stated her love for the demon. Not his love for her.”

  “He said he loved her.”

  “Yes, but we all know demons can lie rather well. This way there was no doubt.”

  “You are a piece of shit, Luke.” Roark’s eyes narrowed as he took a step forward.

  The feel of Kayley’s hand on his arm stopped him.

  “Wait, let me.”

  She stalked over to the demon who smiled as she neared.

  “You are welcome, my dear,” he said. “Now you will always know that Roark does indeed love you.”

  “I never doubted it, you jackass.” She pulled back her arm and slugged him in the stomach. Luke was too tall for her to reach his jaw.

  The strength of her blow was considerable and the big man doubled over in pain.

  There was a stunned silence then all the men roared with laughter. All except Luke.

  He straightened up. “There was no need for such dramatics,” he said sulkily, still rubbing his sore stomach.

  “I think it’s time we got out of here.” Her father waved his hand and mumbled a few words. A large, pulsing portal opened in the granite walls. “Until next time, Luke.”

  “Kayley.” Roark cupped her face with his hands. He didn’t know what to say. She’d risked everything coming here. There had been no guarantee Luke would honor the terms of the curse.

  “Sssh, we’ll talk later. Right now, I’d really like to get out of here.”

  “Right.” He ran his fingers through his hair, hesitating.

  “You do want to get out of here, right? With me?” Her voice held a note of insecurity Roark never wanted to hear again.

  “Yes, baby. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?”

  “I… I don’t know.” He realized his life had literally changed from one heartbeat to the next. He was n
o longer confined to hell. His family was free of the curse that had plagued them for thousands of years. He suddenly realized someone needed to tell his parents.

  He looked at Remington.

  “I’m on it. If Luke hasn’t already spilled the beans.” His brother smiled at him, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, there was a sliver of happiness behind his dark eyes.

  “If you need to stay here, Roark, we will.”

  Roark pulled her in his arms. “What? No. Never. You belong up top. In the sunshine. With your family.”

  “You are my family now.”

  Roark didn’t want to let Kayley go, even for the short time it would take to step through the portal her father had left open. He wanted to meld her to his very soul. Stroking his thumb over the corner of her mouth, he waited until her mouth parted and then he took advantage. He bent his head, taking her lips in a kiss meant to show her just what she meant to him. The whole damn world. She welcomed him inside. Their tongues, tangling and tasting. He tucked her between his thighs to hold her close. The touch of her breasts, her supple thighs made his cock swell. His fingers dug into her hips, pulling her closer. He rubbed along her mound, hurting. He wanted her naked. Now.

  His fingers slid into her hair, cupping the back of her neck. Again and again he thrust his tongue inside her mouth, trying to eat her alive. Damn, she was as addictive as any heavenly ambrosia ever could be. And she was his. The realization hit him all at once. She was his and he could have her.

  He pulled back, looking at her, his eyes drinking her in. “Baby.”

  “Has anyone very told you that you are a very, very, very good kisser?” Kayley’s legs shook and her pussy was drenched with want by the time the kiss was over.

  “No one that mattered.”

  Roark smoothed the hair from her face and she stared up at him. He was so damn handsome he almost made her want to cry from his beauty. Today, she wanted to cry from the look of such love pouring out of his gaze.

  “And I matter?”

  “God, yes, Kayley. Haven’t I shown you that?” A humbleness in his voice soothed her soul. It was worth everything they’d suffered in the last few hours.

  “You have, Roark.” Closing her eyes, Kayley melded her lips to his, giving him every ounce of love she had in her soul. He didn’t move, didn’t react for a moment. Then, she felt the softening of his muscles beneath the palms of her hands. His lips beneath her mouth. She pulled back and saw the golden streaks in his dark eyes.

  “Now this is my kind of magic,” Kayley whispered, reaching up to pull his mouth back down to hers.


  Kayley stood inside the huge walk-in closet of her new house, trying to decide what to wear. Usually she wore her most comfortable jeans and oversized sweater for Thanksgiving dinner. This year was different. This year, she was meeting her new in-laws for the very first time.

  “What are you doing, Kayley?”

  She turned to see Roark propped against the door.

  “Trying to decide what to wear.” She smiled at him, still unable to believe this was now her life. A month ago, she’d bemoaned the fact she was going to celebrate All Hollow’s Eve alone, again. Now she had a demon of her own to play with.

  He moved, wrapping his arms around her middle. “What do you usually wear to Thanksgiving dinner? You didn’t say anything about your family dressing up for the holiday, baby.”

  “No, we usually don’t, but —”

  “No, buts.”

  “Your parents are going to be there.”

  “And your parents are going to be there.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve met my parents already.” She knew she had him there, even though his first meeting with her father hadn’t been under the best of circumstances.

  “Well, we still have an hour before we need to be there.”

  “And it will take me that long to decide.” She was nervous about this meeting. If his parents didn’t like her…

  His arms tightened around her when she started to pull away. He lifted one hand and slid his fingers through her hair, tilting her head back. “I thought maybe we could spend the time doing something else.” He nibbled along the length of her throat.

  “Oh, what did you have a mind, demon?”

  “A little of this, a little of that.” He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed. They had bought a house not far from Kayley’s work. Roark was still doing retrieval work for Luke, this time on a paying basis. He’d wanted her to quit her job, but she decided she needed to stay for a little while longer. She smiled thinking of the Christmas present she would give him this year. If she managed to keep her secret until then.

  He put her down on the bed. He’d just come home from work and was still wearing the leather pants and vest that looked so damn sexy. He pulled the oversized t-shirt she wore over her head and unfastened her bra. In seconds, she was naked and he was sucking her breasts. Her nipples tightened as the room’s cool air teased her wet flesh. She licked her lips as he took off his clothing. His cock, long and thick, saluted her from a thatch of dark hair. His scrotum hung full and heavy beneath.

  She didn’t stop to think, she simply acted on instinct. She moved to the edge of the mattress, sitting between his legs. She slid one fingertip down the length of his cock, wrapping her hand around him, or trying to; he was too wide for her fingers to fit around him completely.

  She tugged him forward until his knees almost touched the mattress. She stroked him up and down, loving the feel of his hot cock against her hands and fingers.

  This wasn’t just any male, any lover — this was her demon. Keeping her hand on him, she leaned forward and pressed kisses onto his beautifully sculpted chest. She teased her tongue against his nipples as he had done for her, sucking and nipping, licking. His cock surged in her hand. She wrapped her fingers just a little tighter.

  She kissed her way down his belly to the outside of his hips, stopping to lick and suck his skin along the way, marking him. She looked up at him as she swiped her tongue on the dripping end of his cock. When she pressed her tongue against the slit, he groaned. His cock swelled even more. She thrust her tongue against his slit again, twisting her hand as she stroked him up and down.

  She was dripping wet from her administrations to his body, totally turned on by his taste and the velvet heat of his cock against her tongue.

  “If you’re going to suck it, suck it,” he growled as he buried his fingers in her hair. She felt the sharp bit of pain and more cream poured from her body. She caught another drop of moisture on the tip of her tongue before steadying his dick, holding him around the base. Yes, he was a two-handed job. She knew she wouldn’t get half of his length down her throat, but she would certainly give it the old college try. She giggled as she took him in her mouth.

  That tore another growl from him. She bobbed her head up and down his length. What she couldn’t take in her mouth, she stroked with her hands. She wanted him satiated. Satisfied.

  “More,” he ordered. She felt the steel touch of his fingers on the back of her head. So far, she’d been in charge, free to take things as far as she wanted to. Now, he demanded more. And she gave it to him. She opened her mouth wide and took him down her throat. When she could take him no further on her own, he pushed the back of her head again. “Relax, baby. Take me down your throat. Take all of me, Kayley.”

  His fingers were harsh but his words held a note of desperation that made her want to please him even more. She deep-throated him and his cock swelled.

  “Now, Kayley.”

  She knew he was warning her he was about to come. The warm wash of his release flowed over her tongue and she swallowed his seed.

  When he was done, she pulled away, licking her lips. He tasted salty. And delicious.

  “On your back.” She obeyed, cat-walking on her hands and knees as she made her way back to the top of the mattress. She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Are you sure that’s how you want me?�

  She fell down, stomach first, stretching out.

  “Do as I say.” A sharp slap to her buttocks had her gasping in protest but obeying him.

  She turned over and watched him as he continued to stand at the foot of the bed. He stroked his cock as he watched her. Despite coming, he was still long and hard. Deciding to tease the demon a little more, she bent her legs, letting them fall to the sides, exposing her pussy. She knew it glistened with her juices. Sucking him off had turned her on. She pinched her nipple with one hand and the other traveled down the rise of her stomach to her core. She was no longer worried about the curves she thought she had in all the wrong places. Roark said that they were just right. Her finger found her slit and she rubbed up and down, closing her eyes. Adding another, she slowly circled her clit, pulling and pinching her nipple.

  “Tell me what you want, baby.”

  She closed her eyes, savoring this moment of perfection. Opening them, she stared straight into his. “I want you in me. I want to feel every inch of you pushing inside me, taking me.”

  “Kayley.” He dropped on top of her and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close.

  “I need you, Roark,” she whispered against the stubble-roughened skin of his jaw. “I need you so much.”

  His mouth captured hers in that hard and demanding kiss that she loved so much. Roark braced on one arm to keep his weight off her. He stroked his other hand over her breasts, down the curve of her hips. With no more hesitation on her part to give him full access to her body, his hand found its way to her mound, teasing the patch of curls guarding the secrets of her femininity. He explored her further, running his finger lightly along her pussy lips. “You are so wet for me, baby. So fucking wet.”

  She was wet for him. Ready for him to claim her, make her his. She shuddered beneath his touch, arching her hips up, trying to get him to penetrate her hole. Something.

  “If you’re going to do it, do it, damn you,” she moaned, throwing his words from earlier back into his face.

  He rose to his knees and clasped his hands behind her knees, pulling her to him. The move widened her legs and tilted her hips to meet him. He pressed the head of his cock to her sopping opening. He penetrated her in a hard and punishing thrust.


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