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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

Page 14

by Samuel David

  John then turned to the camera and said to the world, “We also will be in Kansas City broadcasting live on Thursday, Jack’s sermon. We will have additional information on schedules soon for this event live on Bear News. Well folks, it just keeps getting more interesting as the day progresses. We are going to cut away to regular news and try to figure out how to get coverage of a new island being formed in the Pacific, starting at 1:15 p.m., a few minutes from now, as Jack has predicted. Therefore, now he will be four for four at zero odds, if he is correct. He hesitated to let it sink in. “Stay tuned to us and we will bring you up to date as soon as we can confirm or not confirm Mr. South’s latest prediction.”

  Chapter 46

  12:59 PM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Viewing Room

  We wandered back to the glassed in viewing room. Lunch had been set up for everyone. I got a cup of ice for a soda and started nibbling on a finger sandwich. Mark had followed me in, but had said nothing, and I sat down and stared through the glass at the monitors as John Roddenburg continued from the news desk. I turned to Mark and said, “That was interesting today.”

  Mark just shook his head and said, “This has been a very long day.”

  “Yes indeed and it is not over yet.”

  “Where are we going from here?”

  “I’m not sure. I assume that Gabriel and Ariel have something setup for us. I know I’m supposed to be going soon to the Middle East.”

  “Well just to bring you up to date, I have my ear to the attorney general’s office in Washington, and so far there does not seem to be any hurry to snatch you off the streets for anything yet. We are though, getting ready to sue the network for breach of contract and liable. That should happen by Friday at the latest.”

  “Thanks Mark. We need to destabilize them as much as possible. They are owned and run by The Waldger Group anything we can do to discredit them, will be to our advantage. We are running a one man army here against some really powerful people in the world and we do not have much time.” I noticed some of the panelists entered the room and Cleric Mohammed walked up to me by the buffet table. He was getting a drink and I asked him if we could talk a moment.

  He said, “Yes.”

  We walked over to a couch and sat down. He took a drink, and said to me, “I find you interesting Jack.”

  “So does the rest of the world Mohammed, but I want to ask you, why did you not get on the bandwagon of trying to nail me about Allah and my God?”

  “Simple. If I started that question in lieu of what is going on today and what I am seeing, riots would break out everywhere. I did not want that to happen today. It is the wrong time.”

  “Thanks, I do appreciate it. I really felt it was going to be the other way. Your insight may well have stopped even more disaster today. I sincerely appreciate it.”

  “I understand. The world is changing and I have read your bible prophecies. We have many of our own and they are very similar.” He paused, and said, “I really believe you are the witness as described in your scripture and I feel for you. Very soon, everyone will hate you on earth. You know, that don’t you?”

  “Yes I do.”

  He got up from his chair and said, “I do not need to stay to see if your prediction is true. I know it will happen. I have no doubt. We need to talk again Jack, very soon.”

  He got up and bowed. I returned the gesture and he left the area. I assumed he was leaving to go and discuss this with his colleagues.

  I then turned my attention to the monitors showing the broadcast from the news desk.

  Chapter 47

  1:20 PM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Desk

  John Roddenburg was on the TV monitor and we saw a piece of paper was, handed to him by a page. He read it and then turned to his co-anchor and said, “We have breaking news.” He then turned back to the camera, “Satellite pictures are showing a disturbance about four hundred miles off the coast of Hawaii. It appears there was an undersea earthquake in that area at approximately 1:15 p.m. and there is notable ash coming from the sea floor to the surface. That is all the details we have for now. We will have more for you later as more information is available, and that would mean viewers, that Jack South, self proclaimed Witness of God, is right again.”

  Chapter 48

  8:25 PM CEST Day one of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, 42nd Floor

  David was listening to the announcement from Bear News on the monitor. “Jack was right again,” he heard John Roddenburg say. “He had challenged the panel and won, yet again. That was impossible, yet he did it.

  They had heard from Aafre after the panel interview, and learned the person owned by The Waldger Group was the Hindu. It appears he was trying to get Jack to say it is either my God or no God and all the rest will go to hell. Well, he did not quite pull it off, but there was damage.

  We had thought the cleric would capitalize on the next session, but he did not. In fact, he probably helped Jack out, especially with the challenge. Jack and his God, if there was one, had pulled off another exact prediction. Fortunately, it was in a remote area in the Pacific and damage to property or people was not a concern. It was just a show of power or, as Jack put it, of his God.

  Aafre was starting to address us, so I turned my thoughts to his words. “Gentlemen, we now know for sure he is our man and we also know that the plan that we have worked on for years must now start to be put forward. That means events as we think they are going to occur, will allow us to start to taking control of the world’s affairs at the insistence of the countries themselves. However, before all that happens, we need to start moving our assets out of harm’s way. The first obviously is the Transatlantic. Traffic will be difficult for the next few weeks due to the predicted hurricanes, so we need to reroute everything to minimize damages.”

  “Stevenson,” referring to the U.S. President on the monitor, “you may have to declare martial law in your country very soon and start moving things like the stock market and the government to other cities temporarily. New York will certainly be uninhabitable for sometime it appears. In addition, I am sure that Jack is not through with the U.S. He may well unleash more carnage and damage on North America. However, if the hurricanes he has predicted are all category fives and fours, it will paralyze the Gulf coast states, your refineries, and major ports. I would suggest that at the first start of trouble, you start gas rationing and shut down unnecessary transportation in general, at least until things stabilize.”

  Richard Stevenson said, “We will have our best people working on scenarios regarding the eastern seaboard and the Gulf coasts, along with the expected rain falling in the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys, which usually follows hurricanes. Within the next few days, we should have a plan to evacuate these areas sooner than later. Regarding our oil facilities and refineries in the Gulf, they are a matter of national security and we need to figure a way to handle the lack of fuel that, as you well know, runs our nation. This matter is of the utmost importance to us. We are also concerned that many of our, seaports will either be closed temporarily or severely damaged. This means, most likely, airfreight will become the primary source for some time. This also means, with the shortage of fuel, we may have even more problems.” The President stopped for a moment, and then asked, “Aafre, do you have any idea why we are being singled out?”

  “No. We do not know the answer to that.” However, Aafre did have an idea on why, but was not going to share that at this time. It would not be in anyone’s best interest.

  “Thanks Aafre. I think it will be best that in lieu of what’s is happening here, we move the U.S. government to Cheyenne Mountain as soon as we can to make sure our government is secure. However, Aafre, I really think we need to move on Jack, or this so called witness, and put him through a questioning session to get information from him. I think he is not telling us everything he knows.”

  “No Mr. President. That would not be wise. If we were to take him with the power he
has, it would possibly unleash disaster that we could not contain or be able to control our losses. In time, he will be, taken care of. I am only going to repeat this one more time for everyone. This person is hands off. The people themselves will hate him in a month, along with his other witness, wherever he is. Do I make myself clear?”

  The President said yes and a formal nod of heads and murmurs were, heard.

  The President of Valenzuela spoke up and said, “Do you know if he is planning any other rallies other than the Kansas City one in the States at this time? I really do not want him in my country.”

  “No we do not know his plans, but he is free to go wherever he wants to go, including your country. We cannot afford to have the entire earth, rise up against us, not this early in the game. That is what will happen if we try and contain him, at least for now.”

  “Alright, sir, we will comply. Also,” the President of Venezuela said, to the U.S. President, “We will be suspending shipping oil to you through the Gulf and Atlantic, until these disasters are over to protect our ships, but will resume once the ports are reopened.”

  “Thank you,” the President said. “I appreciate that.”

  David thought to himself, now that is interesting. These two countries in public act as if they hate each other, yet in here; they are all like best friends amazing!

  Aafre then said, “We need to have a meeting scheduled very soon, maybe right in Kansas City after Jack South’s speech. There we can introduce our new champion to battle Jack and the other witness. I would like to thank all of you for attending on such short notice. However, I need to take care of some other business and see what else these witnesses may have in mind. This is the end of the meeting today.”

  As David started to get up and follow everyone out, he overheard Aafre quietly asking the Cardinal to stay.

  Chapter 49

  1:30 PM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Studios, Helipad on top of Corporate Building

  Finally, the whirlwind day was winding down and it was time to go to the next phase of my mission. All I knew was that the next thing on my agenda was to fly to the Middle East where I assumed I was to meet my fellow witness and introduce him to the world. I just was not sure when. Then I am off to Kansas City on Thursday for the first of many stops around the world to proclaim the message.

  We took the elevators down to the ground floor assuming Gabriel had arranged transportation. As we stepped towards the door leading out of the network, we could see through the glass, the mass of people and police attempting to hold them back and saw no limousine there. I stood back looking out the door and asked Mark, “How do we get out of here now?”

  At that same moment, a page came up to us and said, “Mr. South, can you follow me? We are going to take you to the roof.”

  As we were following the page to the elevators, I asked, “Why are we going to the roof?”

  “There is a helicopter there to pick you up. I thought you knew that.”

  “No, I didn’t.” I looked at Mark as I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I guess we are really going to fly with angels, assuming that Gabriel arranged this.” The assistant just looked at us saying nothing. He seemed more in shock than anything from my comment. He must have watched the broadcast.

  As we walked out on the roof from the elevator, we saw the helicopter. It was a Bell Long Ranger, six-seat commercial passenger copter. We hurriedly moved across the roof to the pad, then ducked down under the rotating blades and climbed into the open door.

  When we got in, I was not surprised to see Gabriel and Ariel. Someone had shut the door and then we were quickly airborne. I looked out the window and saw the cameras on the roof. They had evidently been filming our departure. “Now they can go and say, ‘Elvis has left the building,’ maybe that will make the crowd outside the building disperse,” I said to no one in particular.

  “Where are we going?” I asked looking at Gabriel.

  Gabriel answered, “To LaGuardia airport to take a jet to Israel. You have a lot to do and a short time to do it in. I will meet you there after you land. I have other business to attend to.”

  I nodded. “I thought that was tomorrow?”

  “No, it is better you go now Jack,” as he handed me a bound folder. “Read all of this and memorize it. It tells the story you need to start relating to the world, not as man wrote it, but as God and Jesus wrote it. You will be the second mortal man to, ever read the Word of God directly from his hand. Memorize and believe, for you are the one who needs to tell the Gentiles the truth.”

  Gabriel then turned his attention to Mark and asked, “Do you have everything in place in your office for the fallout that is sure to start coming?”

  Mark said, “Yes, and I need to get back to my office to attend to business.”

  “The pilots will drop you off at the airport with Jack and you can catch a limo back to your New York office.”

  “No,” Mark said, “I can catch a shuttle back to Chicago. I need my resources there if that is okay.”

  “That’s fine Mark, but be careful. We cannot protect you in public like that.”

  Mark replied, “I will be fine. They are interested in Jack, not me. I guess we will all meet up again in Kansas City on Wednesday or so for the Rally Thursday?” he asked.

  “No Mark. We need you where you are. I think you will be very busy the next few days.”

  “Okay Gabriel, as you say,” Mark said.

  I looked over at Gabriel and said, “I have invited the Reverend Marks, whose first name is, by the way, Thomas, to handle the Kansas City rally for me. I also asked him to be my right hand man. I hope that is okay.”

  Gabriel smiled and said, “You’re doing well Jack. You have a Mark,” pointing at Mark, “and now a Doubting Thomas. I am also glad you are taking on the responsibility for your sermon there. You will soon be totally on your own with only your friends you trust, and the other witness around you. Choose carefully each one of those friends, for there is always a traitor in every group.”

  “I know Gabriel. I am well aware of betrayal.”

  “We’re landing soon Jack. God be with you, and also you Mark,” Gabriel said, and then he sat back and was quiet.

  The copter landed at LaGuardia and as we stepped off the aircraft, there was a car waiting for us that whisked me off to a waiting jet on the tarmac. As I got out, I told Mark, “Thanks and I’ll call you later.” I then walked up the steps of the private jet. I was, greeted by one of the most beautiful women in the world I had ever seen.

  She said, “Take your seat and buckle up Mr. South, we need to take off.”

  Chapter 50

  2:00 PM EST Day one of 1260 somewhere over the Atlantic

  As the jet took off from the airport, and it dawned on me I had no luggage, no passport, was hungry, and tired. I looked around my surroundings and took notice that this was a private corporate jet. I assumed some of the lottery winnings had bought it. Mark was really, good I thought. He knew how to get things done. He had gone through a lot today and what was now in his mind was more than any one mortal could comprehend, I assumed. I hoped he was okay.

  I looked at the binder in my hand Gabriel had given me and just stared at it. I was afraid to open it. This was God’s message I was to start preaching worldwide. I was the one to teach and evidently punish the Gentiles. The other witness would deal with the Jews of the world and their conversion to Jesus.

  As I closed my eyes, I wished that I had a cigarette or a drink. I wondered if that was a sin. I had committed so many sins in my life up to this point that I still could not comprehend why I was, chosen. I also was thinking that my time here on earth was also limited and I thought of my family. I would be dead in a little over three years.

  As I was in my own world, I felt a tap on my shoulder and the cabin attendant was standing there with a package of Marlboros, a lighter, and a cold Coors Light. She said, “I think you might want this. It might help you relax.”

  “I said thanks.
” I asked her where she was from and her name.

  “My name is Veronica. I am from just about everywhere.”

  “Are you a friend of Gabriel or Ariel I asked?”

  “Yes. I, like them, and I am here to help and protect you.”

  “Are you an angel?” I asked, for I did not know of any female angel names.

  “It’s best that you do not concern yourself with angels just now. I am here to help you with your journey. For the next three and a half years, someone will always be with you to help.”

  “Well that’s good. Can you answer a question for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Is smoking this cigarette and drinking this beer a sin?”

  She laughed. “If you do in moderation and follow the Ten Commandments, then there is not a sin in smoking or drinking. If it destroys God’s gifts, then yes, it is a sin. I do not think that you are sinning by drinking a beer. I will also have some dinner for you in a few minutes. If you like, there is a phone on, board. Your wife and family have been trying to reach you all day, especially since the TV news has you on nonstop and worldwide. I am sure your wife is worried.”

  “Thanks.” I looked at the sky phone, as I was trying to think of what I was going to say. I never really told them what I was really going to do, just that since we won the lottery people would try to take advantage of us and I had them move out of the country. Now she will know the truth and I needed to comfort her and the kids’ somehow. How, I did not know. I laid the binder on the seat beside me, as I lit the Marlboro.

  I finished the one cigarette then lit another and stared at the phone.

  Chapter 51

  9:00 PM CEST Day one of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, Aafre Waldger’s Office

  After everyone left, Aafre and the Cardinal went to his private office to talk and have some dinner. After they were through and the service was, removed, he turned to the Cardinal and said, “It is time to implement the plan Cardinal. It must be, done soon. We need to start to battle these witnesses sooner and not later. Are you in agreement that it is time?”


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