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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

Page 15

by Samuel David

  “Yes I am. We have always been ready. We also know the prophecies of Saint Malachy. It is time for the last Pope to arrive. It is also now time for Peter to take power of the church, is it not?”

  “Yes it is, yes it is. Do you have a timetable and is your Peter ready?”

  “Yes, he is ready. We have spoken several times before and he knows the plan and his role in it.”

  “How are you going to depose of the current Pope?”

  “That is our problem, but as you know, he is old and not doing so well. Therefore, his death will not be a surprise to anyone. We have already taken steps to ensure that Peter takes office on the very first vote without any no’s, but all yeses. We will take care of it as promised, and soon.”

  “Well within the week, two at the most please, for we need to move forward as soon as possible.”

  “It will be done Aafre.” The Cardinal stood, bowed, and took leave of the room.

  As the Cardinal left, Aafre was thinking about how they had waited for this time to come for thousands of years and the Master had laid out every step from this point forward and now The Waldger Group would be the one to carry it forward. He knew that his faith in his God, known only as the Master, had always shown him that the earth did belong to him and that title of the earth was, given to him a long time ago. However, God had reneged on the deal and sent Christ to reclaim the earth for God. It was a bad bet, and the Master had been fighting it ever since.

  The final battle for earth was now less than seven years away and with the Hebrew God trying to destroy a large portion of, mankind in these next few years, they had a lot to do to minimize damage and maintain the infrastructure needed for the final decision.

  He had listened to this witness on TV today and was surprised at how nervous he was. Not at all a Moses or Abraham, but seemingly doing what he needed to do on autopilot, being almost afraid. The close up showed the fear in his eyes.

  At this point though, he was more concerned about the other witness, the one that would preach to the Jews of the world and try to turn them from their belief to accepting Jesus as the Messiah. Aafre also thought, it would be this other witness who would take on the Arabs, and other Muslim countries and turn that entire region into chaos. He was sure of it. This Jack South though, would learn more and become even more powerful. However, they were ready for it all, and he would soon announce not only the Prophet, but also his selected leader that all would accept very soon. Not much longer, the clock was ticking soon, very soon.

  Chapter 52

  2:00 PM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News, John Roddenburg’s Office

  John Roddenburg was sitting in his office exhausted. Between the climatic earthquake in California and Jack South today, he was almost brain dead. His team was working around the clock to get an angle on what the effects Jack predicted would have on the earth and experts would be following these prophecies, or predictions, as Jack called them, over the next few days.

  I was also concerned that there was no infrastructure in the U.S., let alone the world, for multiple disasters, which were to happen in the U.S., Africa, and parts of the Middle East. There was not enough labor or resources to deal with what was starting to look like fifty Katrina like disasters in thirty days.

  I had wanted to try to get some interviews setup about the government’s take on Jack South’s predications. However, everyone just clammed up. Every senator, every congressional representative, and public servant in Washington had not said a word. It was if they no longer existed and someone had put out a gag order on the government. All he knew is that there was to be a closed session sometime tomorrow for Senate and House Leaders, and the President’s Cabinet in Washington. There was not even an announcement of where this was to take place or the exact time.

  We also had to get the machinery in place for the rally in Kansas City. It was going to be a mess there and we needed to get the equipment and personnel ready. I had planned to be at the epicenter in California by tomorrow morning, but he could not do both. By tomorrow afternoon, we would be broadcasting from Kansas City for the rest of the week.

  As I continued my thoughts, I knew I was not only concerned but also fearful. I knew with all his heart that what Jack South said, was true. The world was on the brink of total chaos and disaster. I needed to get out my Bible and read Revelations and Daniel again. It had been some time since I had. It might give me some insight on what was transpiring and who the other parties were that would soon be appearing. There is always a second party to all issues. I knew this from being a reporter. I wondered if it was some of the group, we had been harassing for the past ten years. Then a passage of scripture came to mind. I jumped up and started looking for a Bible.

  Chapter 53

  2:00 PM EST Day one of 1260 Washington, D.C. - White House, Oval Office

  President Stevenson and Jamal walked out of the War Room and the President motioned for him to come into the Oval Office. As they entered the room, the President asked the secret service agents to wait outside the door, so he and Jamal could have some privacy.

  As they sat down, the President behind his desk and Jamal on the other side, the President said, “As you heard in the meeting, Jack South has basically declared war on the world. That is the first problem and one we will address soon. But I want you to figure a way to get him to come to the White House to meet with me privately.”

  “Why?” Jamal asked. “Did you not hear Aafre in the meeting? We were told specifically to leave him alone.”

  “Yes I heard, but a friendly agreed upon meeting is not picking him up or harassing him. And he said that was okay.”

  “Why would you do that anyway Robert?”

  “Because like Jack, I am an American, and he might listen to me if he knows about the other side of the real story, not the fairy tales he was taught in Sunday school. I think we might be able to persuade him, but if not, then we will make Mr. South’s life miserable. In addition, we will do it without arresting him. It’s a strange thing to be really hated by almost everyone and that may be Jack’s legacy in life.”

  “Also Jamal, I need you to call all the cabinet members from wherever they are, to be here by tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. sharp, and then transported to Camp David. Also, get a hold of the Vice President in China. He needs to be here now. Use Air Force transportation or any military transportation available for anyone not here in the capital. Call the House and Senate leaders and ask them to attend also.” The President paused, and then said, “And one more thing, Jamal, this is top secret. Do not talk to any aides, only the principals involved. Even though it is being held at Camp David and the press are likes flies over there, tell them to keep it under wraps and,” thinking about his next statement said, “have all of them all bring an overnight bag. We have a lot to do and accomplish in a very short period of time.”

  “Yes sir.” He turned to leave the Oval Office to do the President’s bidding.

  Chapter 54

  2:45 PM EST Day one of 1260 somewhere over the Atlantic

  On the private jet, I had finished a dinner of salmon, asparagus, and small potatoes. I had another, beer and I was smoking a cigarette as Veronica cleared off the dishes. I had been hungry and had eaten all of it. Amazing I thought, that the aircraft I was flying in could be like a four star restaurant. It is amazing what money could buy you.

  I stared at the telephone. I had not yet made the call home, but I knew I really needed to. I picked it up and started dialing the number Veronica had given me to call my family.

  The phone started ringing and as I heard the phone on the other end answer, I heard my wife’s voice say “Hello?”

  “Hi honey. It’s Jack, how are you?”

  Lois shrieked, “Jack, where are you? What is going on? You did not tell me about all of this.” She kept on, almost screaming on the telephone.

  After listening to her I said, “Lois calm down. I am sure you have been watching the news and know everything now, at least as much as an
yone knows. In addition, we have talked about Revelations before and how I felt about it. But I did not know how to tell you I was to be a participant.”

  “Where are you?”

  “On a plane headed for the Middle East.”

  “Why are you going there? Are you not coming home to us, your family?”

  “Lois I will try and explain it all to you later, but now is not the time. Right now, I am more concerned about you and the kids’ safety and that you are protected. There are many people looking for me now and they might try to get to you and the kids. I need you to calm down and listen.”

  I could hear the tears rolling down her face and waiting for the next statement I knew she was about to make. “Jack if you are one of the witnesses, then you will be killed in three and a half years.” She paused, and then asked, “Are you hearing me?”

  “Yes Lois. You are right about that. We both know that this life is temporary and that we have eternity to live together. It will be a very short time, but now I have a service to do. I did not ask for it, but it was, given to me and I must fulfill those responsibilities. I have been chosen, and you my wife, need to understand that.”

  I could hear the pain in her as we spoke, but the conversation slowly moved to talking about the kids adjusting to the surroundings and the ever presence of the guards. I finally closed our conversation with the following words, “Lo, like Joseph and Mary, we all now have our cross to bear and I have faith you will carry that cross and then spend eternity with me and our family forever. I need you to do that. I need to know you are always there for me. Now I have to go, but I will see you soon. I love you and will talk to you later.”

  She sobbed out an, “I love you,” and I in turn told her that I loved her again also. Then we hung up.

  Chapter 55

  7:50 AM CEST Tuesday June 2nd Somewhere over the Mediterranean

  Veronica woke me and said, “We will be landing in about an hour. There is a shower at the end of the galley and a change of clothes and some boots, which will be much better for you where we are going.” She handed me a cup of coffee with creamer, already mixed in.

  I immediately took a swallow and said, “Have I been asleep long?”

  “About seven hours.”

  I got up from the seat, took my coffee with me, and went into the galley and pulled the door shut. I looked around and saw the shower stall and a table that was setup with a pair of khakis, a white shirt with safari pockets, and hiking boots. Not quite what I usually wore, but I guess it would do. I also noticed that there was shaving equipment, deodorant, and other miscellaneous items.”

  I looked at my watch and it was 12:54 a.m. EST, so if I added seven hours to that, it was around 7:50 a.m. in Israel. As I turned on the shower, I started thinking about today and what, it would bring. I had not seen the news since we had left New York. It was another day, the first one of many that I would be alone in the world, hated by almost everyone, especially in the next thirty days. I was beginning to understand how the prophets felt in the Old Testament of being alone and hated by almost everyone they saw.

  The ones that did not hate you would then fear you. You were a man of God and people just did not like being around a man of God. Too many things might happen that many felt would not be in their best interest. Now to add to it, I was going to meet the other witness as foretold in the Bible. This one I knew would bring havoc to Jews worldwide, in an attempt to convert them from Judaism to Christianity. Therefore, we now get to fight a two thousand year old war for the souls of man. The world as we know it, will crumble around us, I thought.

  It would start raining in the Sahara today. According to geologists, the Sahara used to be an inland sea and then the rains stopped. The area turned to desert and everything around it turned to desert. The biblical lands of the Old Testament literally turned into deserts and if not for the advent of finding oil in the regions, it would not even be a blip on the earth and long forgotten in the modern world. However, oil and riches changed all that and gave certain countries unprecedented power over other parts of the world. Even though it would not be a worldwide flood, the rains would flood a large portion of the Northern African Continent; make access to some of the oil field regions difficult. It also would probably slow down the transportation to and from parts of the affected areas and slow delivery of oil to the world.

  The hurricanes, seven of them hitting the south and eastern coasts of America, would literally paralyze the country for some time. Geo politics will be on hold for the U.S. In very short order, the U.S. would not have all the fuel necessary to fuel their economy. The world would be, crippled temporarily in the financial markets and the industrial North America. Oil refining in the south and the Gulf States will come to a halt and parts of America’s breadbasket in the Midwest will flood, destroying crops and property due to the heavy rains. Once the hurricanes hit, they normally travel north.

  I could feel the plane starting to tip forward, so I quickly shaved, turned off the shower, dried off, and got dressed. I transferred all my things to the new pockets, and noticed my passport on the table. I put it inside the safari type pocket of my shirt and buttoned it down. I guess someone packed for me. All my favorite toiletries were there for me. Then it dawned on me, my passport was with my wife. Therefore, someone had to have gone and gotten it. I wondered why Lois did not say anything to me about it when I called. I guess she was so upset that she forgot. I would have to ask her about it next time we spoke.

  As I came out of the galley area, Veronica was, buckled into the seat facing mine. She simply said, “We need to buckle up. We are ready to land.”

  I asked her, “Are we landing at Ben Gurion Airport?”

  “No, too many people, too many questions. We are landing on a private airstrip near the Jordan Border.”

  “Why there?”

  “That is where we will meet the other witness. It is important that the two of you meet. When he talks from now on, it will bring havoc to the world and the Jews. You in turn, will be his opposite and try to appease others and try to deal with all the Gentiles of the world. You know Jack, that includes almost everywhere in the world, China, India, all of Europe, and the Americas. You have a very short time to accomplish so much.”

  The other witness will also protect you. If you are, threatened by, any country, any individual group, he will use his power over everything on earth to cause them to leave you alone, while you go about your work. He in turn will deal with God’s chosen people on his own terms and he will make many enemies. He will also deal with the Muslims and Israel’s enemies. However, like you, God protects him until the halfway point of Tribulation. Then at that time, your work will be done.”

  I just looked at Veronica and did not know what to say. I could say absolutely nothing. I was still in shock that my God and my savior Jesus Christ had chosen me to do this. It was literally overwhelming to me and I now had the fear of God in my heart.

  Veronica must have seen that I was uneasy and she simply said, “You spent your whole life selling things to people they did not want. You are well, trained and will do well. You will succeed Jack, you will succeed.”

  I saw the cabin lights flash denoting we were landing and my mind started to move off in a far away direction.

  Chapter 56

  7:50 AM CEST Day two of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, David Matthews’ Office

  It was almost 8:00 a.m. in Brussels when I unlocked the door to my office. I liked to get here before my assistant, who arrived around 9:00 a.m. It gave me some time to sort through the things I was looking for and plan the day. It also meant that it gave me plenty of time before the U.S. woke up, especially today, to find out on the net what had happened overnight in regards to Jack South.

  I had talked to Presley last night and evidently, they lost Jack when he and his attorney left the roof of Bear News in a helicopter. They were able to track down his Attorney Mark though. He flew back to Chicago to his home in the No
rth Suburbs.

  They also knew that Jack would be in his hometown Kansas City, on Tuesday or Wednesday, to hold a rally of some sort on Thursday. David needed to get tickets to the U.S. soon, then a connecting flight to Kansas City. He wanted to see the man in person. Then he would feel closer to knowing the man himself, which would make his job easier. He was also, told to go.

  Right now, he needed to find out where Jack went after the helicopter landing at LaGuardia. He just disappeared. Amazing what millions of dollars could do. You can literally disappear.

  I noticed that Jack had called his wife in South America from a skyphone from a plane. The number he called from was blocked. Most skyphones were, so that would not be of any use. However, he knew that he was on a jet going somewhere and it was not Kansas City. He pretty well assumed he was going to Israel where he may introduce the world to the other witness. However, he checked all the flights and flight plans, from New York to Ben Gurion Airport and there was no Jack on any flight.

  Therefore, I thought it was most likely that he flew a private jet. Maybe he had or maybe not, but he would figure that one out eventually and Jack would never slip through my fingers again. In the meantime, we had our people in Israel and the U.S. on the lookout for him. Worst case, we would see him on Thursday.

  I logged onto the internet and set out to make travel arrangements to Kansas City. I immediately found I would need to pull some strings. All flights were booked and there were no flights to KCI or St. Louis. I now needed to get other transportation and knew just who to call.

  Chapter 57

  8:45 AM CEST Day two of 1260 Somewhere near the Israeli Jordanian Border

  When we landed, we left the jet and as we walked down the steps, I looked around. There was almost nothing there but dessert. A landing strip in the middle of nowhere I thought. That is great. I wondered where they were taking me. The lights on the runway, which were oil lamps, were out already. They must only light them when a jet is coming in. I noticed an army canvas covered troop carrier sitting at the edge of the tarmac.


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