My Sexy Santa

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My Sexy Santa Page 5

by Weston Parker

  “Yes,” I answered emphatically. “Absolutely yes.”


  And then I was moving backward. It was such a strange sensation to be a grown woman being carried somewhere, but it was also kind of thrilling. I could feel my adrenaline spike even more, and by the time he was setting me on the bed, I was practically vibrating with need.

  His hands went to my belt first, and he pulled away from our kiss once more. His lips were swollen and slightly wet, which made me wonder exactly what I looked like after his ravaging.

  “May I?” he asked with hooded lids.

  God, he was so thoughtful, so tender, and yet, so obviously full of desire that I felt like my brain was shorting out.

  “Yes,” I answered breathlessly.

  His fingers went to work, and within seconds, he was pulling the strap of fabric from me. I would need to remember to give that back to Jo, but for now, my mind was pretty much completely occupied.

  After my belt, his fingers found the bottom of my sweater and started wiggling it upward. The excitement was ramping up in true fashion, and I helped him as best I could by raising my arms and arching my back.

  Then, it was up over my head, and the cool air of my apartment brought me back to reality a bit. I kept my heat low to save money on my bills, but I was tempted to turn it up for just this occasion.

  However, all thoughts about utilities faded when Drayer’s hands finally went to the buttons of his own shirt.

  Yes! I didn’t realize I had been waiting for this moment, but I was absolutely breathless as I watched him undo button after button. It was the slowest, most subtle striptease I had ever experienced, and I loved it.

  His slightly tanned skin was revealed to me bit by bit, and soon I could see his entire sculpted upper torso. How much time did he spend in the gym to be so ripped? I wasn’t sure, but I certainly was a fan of the build. More than I ever thought I would be.

  It seemed we were taking turns because then, he turned his attention to my leggings. Hooking his long digits into the waistband, he pulled them down until finally, I was in only my underclothes.

  I expected him to focus on his own pants, but no. He leaned down over me, his hand sliding under my bra to play with one of my pert nipples. Once more, I found myself gasping and arching up into him.

  His fingers rolled the bud between them while his teeth went to work on my neck. The counterpoints of pleasure and pain were extraordinary and almost too much to handle.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he rasped into my neck.

  Huh, he really knew how to talk to a woman. I didn’t know what to say to that, though, so I just pulled his mouth to mine once more.

  I was lost in the bliss for several minutes, and I didn’t mind one bit. But eventually, Drayer seemed to want to move on, and he pulled away, coaxing me up with him so he could unclasp my bra.

  He didn’t waste a second after that, and soon my panties were off, too, leaving me completely bare before him. I could feel him lean down again like he was going to settle, but I stopped him with a single hand to his chest.

  “Don’t you think you’re a little overdressed?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  His responding smirk was true sin, and he stood to unbuckle his belt and then went about removing the rest of his clothing. He didn’t draw it out like the shirt, and thank goodness for that because I was about to collapse in on myself from anticipation.

  I wanted him. I wanted him so badly. Perhaps more than I had ever wanted anyone else in my life. And if I didn’t have him inside me soon, I was going to go absolutely batshit crazy.

  But then he was pulling off his boxers, and my breath was stolen away.

  He was certainly … equipped.

  While it was by no means scary-porn length, he was certainly intimidating and already standing at full attention, as eager for me as I was for him.

  Then he was lowering himself onto the bed and over me, kissing up my frame as he went. For a moment, I thought that he would just enter me, and I felt a sliver of nerves, but instead, his fingers ghosted over my entrance with reverent attention.



  That was nice. He teased at me, never applying full pressure, only dancing around, until finally, he found that very specific button of pleasure at the apex of my thighs.

  I moaned without restraint, so loud that I was sure that the neighbors could hear, but I didn’t care. I was utterly lost with the sensations running through me, and it should have been illegal to feel so good.

  But then, when I thought I was feeling about as great as was possibly human, one of his fingers slid gently into me and curled slightly.

  “Oh my god, Drayer!” My breath was coming fast, and cold was so far from my mind as my body blazed with fire.

  “Yes,” he practically purred. “Just like that.”

  Just like that, indeed! He was slow, almost infuriatingly so, but I was too high on his ministrations to object. Not too much later one finger became two, and I felt my climax rapidly approaching me.

  “Drayer, I’m gonna … I’m gonna—”

  “I know,” he said, voice as electrifying as ever. “I can feel it.”

  I couldn’t say what about that set me off, but it was so goddamn sexy, I was swallowed up by one of the strongest orgasms I’d had in ages. My breath left me, my vision practically left me, and every cell of my body was suspended in pure, undiluted bliss.

  I came back to earth as Drayer aligned himself with my entrance. I could tell he was trying to take it slowly to be thoughtful to me, but I wasn’t having any of it. Wrapping my legs around him, I pulled him into me, so he was filling me up almost instantly.

  Oomph! He let out a hiss, and I felt my walls stretch to accommodate him, at max capacity with his girth. But it was an addictive sort of pain, and soon I was lifting my hips in an insistent rhythm, trying to goad him to thrust into me with those muscled thighs of his.

  He didn’t leave me waiting long, and after a second to catch his breath, he started to move against me. His first thrust drove the air from my lungs, leaving me panting desperately as he withdrew. The second filled me with such a tension in my middle that I thought I might break in two. The third had pleasure rolling through every single cell in my body until all I could do was repeat his name over and over again.

  And the whole while, he was looking at me with such affection, such adoration, that it made me feel that much more beautiful and desirable. This Drayer wasn’t like anybody else, and I didn’t think I would ever forget that.

  “I’m not going to last much longer,” he breathed, pausing for a split second to wipe the sweat from his brow.

  “Me either,” I answered. “I’m almost there.”

  I felt him throb within me at that revelation, and his fingers were once again moving. Diving between us, they found that sensitive bud and gently skimmed over it before working it in a tight circle.

  That was apparently what I needed because my orgasm crashed over my head and everything went white. Heaven filled me, making my toes curl, my back arch, and my mind take a total vacation.

  I had never known bliss so wonderful, and I let it swallow me whole without any fight. When I did finally slowly float back down to earth, I was covered in sweat and panting like I had run a marathon.

  “That was amazing,” Drayer breathed, collapsing next to me.

  “It was, wasn’t it?” I managed to get out between my greedy gulps of air.

  His arms wrapped around me, and he pulled me to his side where I snuggled like I belonged. Which I felt I did. Nuzzling into his chest, I let myself drift off.

  Chapter 11


  I woke up slowly, feeling more content than I had in ages. I didn’t remember having any particularly good dreams, so at first, I couldn’t figure out why, but as my eyes opened, the previous night’s activities came swirling back to me.

  Right. Ella and I had slept together. I almost didn�
�t believe it was true, but I could hear her breathing beside me and still smelled her and the laundry detergent she used on her sheets in the air.

  I felt something warm and soft against my side, and I didn’t dare move. Trying to crane my neck as slowly as physically possible, I looked down at Ella as she slept.

  She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty but without all the creepy connotations that came with those fable’s backstories. I wanted to reach up and stroke her messy hair from her face, but I didn’t dare disturb her.

  Although Ella was always pretty amiable, there was a certain aloofness to her that intrigued me. But now, with her snoring ever so slightly into my side, she looked so open and serene.

  I must have stared at her for too long, because her eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at me with confusion before realization took its place.

  “Good morning,” she murmured, voice slightly raspy.

  “Good morning,” I responded. “Do you have to get to work?”

  She shook her head. “No, I usually have Sundays off. I just picked up an extra shift last week.” She sat up, and my body instantly missed the warmth of her at my side. She kept her apartment pretty chilly, but if I put my clothes back on, I was sure I would be fine.

  “How do you feel about some breakfast?” she asked, sliding out of bed. “I make a pretty mean omelet.”

  “Hey, I’m not one to turn down free food,” I answered, watching her as she walked away. She looked borderline angelic in the morning light, the illumination slipping between her heavy curtains and caressing her body in a particularly artful way. Of course, my eyes went right to her backside, which jiggled when she walked in just the right way to make me wonder what her stance was on both quickies and morning sex.

  She laughed at my comment, crossing to her dresser to pull out a pair of what looked like woolen pajamas. From there, she went to the bathroom, and I figured I should get dressed too.

  I was just putting my jeans on when she came out and went straight for her kitchenette. First thing she did was pour both of us a glass of water and then put a coffee pot on.

  I joined her, giving her enough space so I wouldn’t get in her way, and downed the water quickly. I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was, but after last night’s activities, it really wasn’t a head scratcher as to why I might be a little dehydrated.

  I barely set my cup down when she took it from the counter and refilled it with water from her fridge. I had no idea how she had been watching me closely enough to know I needed more, considering she had two pans going and was cooking an omelet in each, but I knew better than to ask questions and disrupt her concentration.

  It had been so long since I had someone else cook a meal for me that I didn’t have to pay for at a restaurant, and I felt myself getting all sorts of warm and fuzzies over it. I realized I kinda liked being looked after. Not that I expected it of her or that I couldn’t do it myself, but there was something especially comforting that her first thought after waking up was making sure I had sustenance.

  “Hey,” I said abruptly once I saw a safe spot where she wasn’t juggling frying pans or trying to flip the eggy creations.

  “Hey what?” she shot right back, pulling some plates from one of her two cabinets.

  “I’d like to take you on a date sometime. A real date. Maybe we could go out to dinner or see a movie. Whatever you want, really.”

  The smile she sent me was so sweet, I swore I got cavities on sight. “Sure. That would be nice.”

  “Great. What day works for you? Sundays, obviously, but anything sooner?”

  “How about Wednesday? That’s my other day off.”

  “Sure, I work, but I get out at five. Want to do something then?”

  “Yeah, that sounds like it’s doable.”

  She finished whatever it was she needed to do to finish the food and then quickly plated it before leading me to her couch. There, we both dug in, and it was absolutely delicious.

  “This is amazing!” I said around a mouthful of egg.

  She just laughed, and the expression made her look that much more beautiful. “Thanks. If you think this is good, you should have my lasagna sometime.”

  “Hell, yeah!” I said, pumping my fist into the air.

  That seemed to amuse her even more, and I basked in the affection. Although everything had happened so fast, I was more than enthusiastic about how everything was panning out.

  I could already see future dates, her curling up in my oversized comforter at my place, taking turns cooking for each other, and making so many terrible puns.

  But I really shouldn’t get ahead of myself. We’d had one roll in the hay together and hadn’t even gone on our first date. For all I knew, she would decide she didn’t like me after I bombed our first night out on the town and that would be that. I needed to play this cool, and what would be would be.

  But still, I couldn’t help it as excitement bubbled up in me. I chowed down happily, knowing that no matter what happened, I would always have last night to think about. And I knew, without a doubt, this week was going to be absolutely fantastic.

  All I had to do was make it to Wednesday.

  Chapter 12


  “No! You didn’t!” Jo gasped, her hands going to her mouth.

  “Yup,” I said, looking around for the billionth time to make sure no one would overhear. “I didn’t plan on it. I guess I didn’t mean to, but it just kinda happened.”

  “But it was good, right?”

  I could feel myself blush vibrantly, and I dipped my head down for a moment. “Yeah,” I admitted. “More than good. It was incredible. The best in my life, actually.”

  Jo let out a caw of victory, and I had to quickly slap my hand over her mouth until she quieted down. It took a couple of seconds, but she calmed, and I carefully withdrew my palm. “That’s awesome,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, yeah it was.”

  “And so, is that it? Just a wham-blur-thank-you-sir and now you’re over him?”

  “Not quite. We’re going on a date on Wednesday. A real date. Like to the movies or dinner or something.”

  “I knew it!” Jo was shouting again, and I shot her an urgent glare. Thankfully, she remembered herself and lowered her voice again. “I knew the two of you would get together. I could tell from the moment you freakin’ sat on his lap. I wish you could have seen the both of your expressions from my point of view. It would have been so obvious.”

  “Wow, calm down there with all that meant to be stuff, Jo,” I said, somewhat defensively. “We had one hookup and haven’t even gone on a date yet. For all I know, we’ll find out we’re not compatible at all and that will be the end of it.”

  “If you say so,” Jo answered with a shrug. “But there is something you need to keep in mind.”

  “Oh, really?” I countered. “And what’s that?”

  “He’s a seasonal employee. And a Santa at that. As soon as Christmas is over, he’s totally gonna be bye-bye birdy.”

  I froze at that, my mind blanking out for a solid second. “W-what?” I managed to sputter.

  “Come on, Ellie-babe. Don’t tell me you never realized that.” She gauged my expression and let out a sigh. “Oh, you didn’t, did you?”

  “No,” I breathed, my thoughts scrambling to catch up. “I never thought about it.”

  Suddenly, I was very uncomfortable. There was a time limit to whatever was going on between Drayer and me, and I didn’t like that. I wasn’t sure exactly how I felt beyond my excitement, and I didn’t want to be rushed about it. And yet, it seemed like that was exactly what was going to happen.

  “Earth to Ella, we should probably get to work. Otherwise, you won’t get to see him a whole lot sooner.”

  I shook my head and brought myself back to reality. “Yeah, you’re right.” I chugged the rest of the drink and headed out, but my mind was already returning to the latest plot twist to my life.

  This time
of the year was not a great time for me to make personal decisions for … reasons. And I had just met Drayer. There was no way I could make a decision about him in less than a month. That was how you got your heart broken.

  I sighed to myself and went about my work. But like always, I couldn’t keep my eye off of the door as I waited for Drayer to arrive in the middle of opening duties. Sure enough, he strolled in fifteen minutes before his shift with Nick, both of them armed with coffee.

  I didn’t have time to go and greet him in the break room, so I would have to resign myself to talking to him at our lunch break. But still, my eyes were automatically drawn to him as soon as he came out, decked in his red velvet suit and bushy, fake beard.

  I made sure to keep up with my work, but I spent more time than I probably should have watching him with the kids. He was so sweet, so attentive. I knew a lot of macho, manly men who were so insecure in their masculinity, they would never be able to get into the character of a holly, jolly old man so convincingly, but Drayer didn’t care. All he seemed to worry about were whether the kids and the parents were happy.

  Maybe trusting him wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world. He was obviously thoughtful and actually cared about emotions, which seemed to be a rarity nowadays. And when I had told him I had issues with my ex, he hadn’t pushed, hadn’t tried to get his way. He’d just listened and treated me with the utmost respect.

  God, I sounded so sappy. I needed to get it together. I felt like I needed to punch a bear or chug some terrible IPA so I could recover from the gooey romance flooding my mind. I was a smart girl, and I needed to handle this like a smart girl.

  But still, it was hard to be smart when he was so damn hot. And I couldn’t stop thinking about how thoroughly he had worked me over on Saturday. I was still somewhat sore but in the most delicious way possible. Already, I could feel myself wanting more, even as the logical side of my brain told me I needed to take it slow.

  I heard the shrill cry of an infant, and my gaze was drawn right back to the North Pole set up we had. A kid was bawling his eyes out, upset that Mommy had put him in a stranger’s lap. But Drayer handled it like a pro, craning around to look the kid in the eye. I couldn’t see what expression he was making or hear what he said, but whatever it was cheered the kid right up, and in less than a minute, they were ready for their picture.


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