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Stardust: Half Light

Page 15

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  They were soft, exactly the way I pictured, and pretty soon I knew a chaste little kiss wasn’t going to cut it. I deepened the kiss, eager to explore her mouth, and loving the soft moan that my attention elicited. She tasted sweet, like taffy-candy, and I couldn’t get enough.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in. And that was it. I could have died in that moment and felt as if I’d lived fully.

  But I didn’t die. Instead we were interrupted.

  “Are you serious?” Angie snapped from behind me. “Noah. Really?”

  Rachel pulled back away from me, and I turned ready to face Angie’s wrath. But her anger disappeared and was replaced by a smile. She was smiling. Maybe this was all one big messed up dream.

  “Why are you smiling?” I really hoped it wasn’t a dream.

  “Because you’re glowing. You never glow anymore. You never even look happy. I like when you’re happy.”

  Rachel hopped down from the counter. “I started it so you can blame me. I asked him to kiss me.”

  “I just told you guys I’m glad he’s happy. But you do need to get out here. We can’t do anything unless we know more of the story.”

  “We’ll be right out.”

  Angie shook her head and headed through the doorway.

  I looked at Rachel. “So, yeah. Was that what you expected?”

  She shook her head and panic struck me.

  She smiled. “It was better than I expected. I didn’t know a kiss could feel like that.”

  “Neither did I.” After the relief set in I brushed my lips against hers. “And just so you know, that wasn’t selfish at all because you made me feel something I never thought I would again.”

  “Happiness?” She wrapped her hand around mine.

  I nodded, resisting the urge to claim her lips again.

  “You gave me that for the first time.” She headed out of the bathroom, pulling me with her.

  22 Two


  “Are there other females on Andrelexa?” Carl jumped right back into questions as soon as we joined the circle. Angie must have told the others what she’d walked in on because Dale kept winking at me. His attempt at winking was really blinking because he struggled with the whole closing only one eye thing.

  “Yes. Of course there are.” Rachel leaned into my side. “Plenty of them.”

  “Yet he chose you as his mate?” Carl sat cross-legged. “Not that you wouldn’t be life mate material, but…”

  “I can see why he chose her,” I spoke out loud before really thinking it through.

  “Yes. Obviously. Angie told us. Good for you. Now let Carl talk.” Dale had abandoned his attempt to wink.

  “I don’t know why he chose me. I can’t trust anything he, or anyone else there, has ever said so even if someone else had explained it, it wouldn’t matter now.”

  “And it doesn’t matter.” It didn’t. Obviously everything about her time on Andrelexa mattered in some way, but it wasn’t a big deal. There were far bigger questions to contend with, but I’d humor Carl. He usually had a point to the things he said.

  “Yet you didn’t want to be with him. At first I thought it might be an innocence thing, but uh, according to Angie you’re comfortable with some level of intimacy, so am I correct that that isn’t the problem?”

  “Something changed for me my last few weeks there. I already mentioned the fog… it’s like everything was suddenly different. And even if I had wanted to be his life mate—not in that way. Not with the way he gave me the medallion without a choice.”

  “Then why didn’t you give it back?” Angie asked. “Not to be pushy… I mean plenty of girls keep engagement rings after breaking off engagements.”

  “I wish I could. And I tried. But it’s Narva gold.”

  “And?” Carl put his palms up in his lap.

  “And it can’t be broken. At least not in any way I know.”

  “Wait. So you’re stuck with that thing?” What luck. She was stuck with a reminder of the biggest betrayal of her life. Not to mention that creepy creatures obviously wanted it.

  “Yes. Otherwise I would have left it behind.”

  “Why did the creature want it?” Dale asked a surprisingly useful question. “That’s probably the bigger issue right now.”

  “Because these medallions are powerful. They serve as keys to all the strongholds. Because the Emperor would do anything to get it back.”

  “Where’s your ship?” Carl folded his hands. “Sorry for the abrupt change in conversation, but that seems relevant. Where did you hide it? I would have heard if there was a spaceship lying around the garden district.”

  “Oh. It’s in here.” She tapped her watch.

  “No. Freaking way.” Dale crawled across the circle to examine her watch. “The ship is actually in there?”

  “Well, the pieces of it. It can’t be stored in its completed form, but in theory we could rebuild it. Yes.”

  “What else does the watch do?” I gently took her wrist and got another look at the watch.

  “What doesn’t it do?”

  “Wait. Does it have GPS?” I remembered our early conversation about it.

  “It has a locator function, but someone would have to know to look for it.”

  “Did anyone hear that?” Angie angled her head back.

  We fell silent.

  I heard nothing at first until there was a jarring sound and the glass sunlight above the kitchen came crashing down in a torrent of glass and white plaster. A figure came with it.

  Before I even made it to the kitchen to investigate a man stood up from the center of the mess and started to brush off debris. I prepared myself to come face to face with Caspian—to fight him if I had to— but this wasn’t Caspian. At least I didn’t think it was. He was tall—incredibly tall—but he had to be at least fifty-years-old.

  He looked right past me. “Thank you. Thank you.” He fell to his knees. He was speaking in English, but by his height and the type of outfit he was wearing—solid black bodysuit—I assumed he was from Andrelexa.

  “Telton?” Rachel stood right beside me. “What are you doing here?”

  I grabbed her hand without really thinking. She squeezed mine back. I assumed that meant that had been the right move.

  He scrambled to his feet. “Telton? You stopped calling me father? Never mind. It doesn’t matter. I am so proud of you. I knew you could do it. I never doubted it for a second.”

  Deep lines creased her forehead. “You lied to me. Everything you ever told me was a lie.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “That’s not true.”

  “No?” Her voice lilted. “How about Earth? Let’s start with that. This is a pretty nice place for a planet that was destroyed thirteen years ago.”

  “Rachel. I can explain everything.”

  “Then explain.” She put her hand on her hip. “Explain it all now.”

  “We have no time. But I promise everything I did was for the greater good. And I promise I did believe I was doing the right thing when I took you.”

  “Took me.” Her voice grew angrier. “You make it sound so innocent. You kidnapped me. You pulled me from my life.”

  “A life of loss and despair.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “My brother was neither of those things.”

  “You don’t remember what came before. You don’t remember why you were in New Orleans.”

  “And whose fault is that?” She yelled. “Whose fault is it that I don’t remember?”

  “The fault belongs to no one.” He spoke in barely a whisper. “Earth infants cannot remember things.”

  I couldn’t just stand there and say nothing. “Why are you here?”

  “Because Rachel has succeeded and now the next stage of the plan must begin.” His voice held excitement but deep sadness marred his face.

  “What did I succeed in?” Her hand tightened around mine.

  “You found your way back here with the medallion.
Everything hinged on that.” He walked over and stood a few inches from us. I debated stepping back and pulling Rachel with me, but I was afraid that might come across as overprotective or something.

  “You knew Caspian was giving me the medallion?” Hurt was in her voice clear as day mixed in with the anger.

  “What?” Confusion crossed his face. “Hasn’t Kelby explained everything already?”

  “Kelby?” Rachel frowned. “What does he have to do with any of this?”

  “Oh.” The man rubbed his temple. “Oh dear. He hasn’t made contact with you yet?”

  She shook her head. “No. Of course not. What are you talking about?”

  “Rachel.” He reached out for her hand and then dropped it. “This has always been the plan. To get you and the medallion back here.”

  “But why?” She leaned heavily into my side. I dropped her hand so I could put my arm around her.

  He closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them. “It’s time for you to join the fold.”

  “What fold?” She sighed.

  “Why the resistance, of course. We are going to take down the Emperor, but we can’t do it without you.”

  “Oh my god.” Dale gasped. “We are living a ‘welcome to the rebellion’ scene. I can barely handle this.”

  I shot him my best ‘shut the hell up’ look.

  “We have to go now, Rachel.” The man fell on his knees in front of her. “The fact that Kelby is late can’t be good. We have to leave.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “You have to. Others have detected you. I just killed a Fleshard outside. They never work alone and are always hired out. He’s told others. I’m certain.”

  “Do Fleshards have bloody fangs and hate water?” Dale asked.

  Telton looked at Dale. “Who are you?”

  “Rachel’s friend.” He puffed out his chest.

  “Yes. I take it you met the one I was talking about.”

  “Noah splashed him with water and got us away.” Rachel straightened up and took my hand. “I’m not going anywhere without him.”

  “I assume Noah’s the one whose hand you hold?” The man had an amused expression on his face.

  “Yes, I am.” I tried to sound far more confident about the situation than I really was. There was so much going on, it was hard to keep up.

  “Well, then he can come. Kelby won’t be happy, but he’s the one who’s late.” Telton looked out the window. “But come on. Let’s go.”

  “Nope. No way. Noah isn’t going with you. Are you kidding me?” Angie grabbed my arm. “I’m not losing another brother.”

  The man shrugged. “Then you can all come. But we have to act fast. Take off your watch, Rachel,” Telton directed. “That should buy us time.”

  “What about my ship?” She hesitated with her fingers above the strap.

  “I have everything we need.”

  “I can’t trust you.” She shook her head.

  “Yes, you can.” Telton’s eyes locked on hers. “You have to.”

  She shook her head. “I need more than that.”

  Telton nodded. “If you come with me now and help the cause, I will make sure you reunite with your brother.”

  “How does that give me a reason to trust you? You’ve lied time and time again before.”

  He put his hand on his own watch. “Watch this. But we are running out of time.”

  The hologram of a woman with a long brown braid came into view. “Rachel, you can trust Telton. I am so sorry you feel betrayed, but this is the only way. I swear to you this is the right thing to do.”

  “Alda?” Rachel looked to Telton. He touched his watch and the image disappeared. “Alda is in on this too?”

  “Please, Rachel. I understand you’re angry, but if you care at all for these people, or anyone, you need to come. It is true Earth wasn’t destroyed before, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be soon.”

  Something about his words, or maybe that image, got to her. She nodded and took off her watch, placing it on the table by the computers. “If any of this is a lie I will never forgive you.”

  “That is fair. You are making the right decision.”

  Rachel looked me directly in eyes. “I can’t ask you to come with me. I can’t do that to you… But I don’t want to leave you.”

  “You don’t have to ask. I’m coming.” There was no way I was letting her go. Not after the years of numbness. I couldn’t.

  Dale grinned. “See, I told you renting that old house was a good idea. You’re the one who wanted to stay on campus. You can thank me later.”

  “Mom and Dad are going to kill me,” Angie groaned.

  “But before we go, can I ask one question?” It was an inconsequential question in the scheme of things, but I was going to ask it anyway.

  The man nodded.

  “Can someone tell me who Kelby is?”

  The man removed a stray piece of glass from his suit. “Caspian’s cousin.”

  I went with the next question. “And why won’t he be happy to have me around?”

  “Because he’s in love with Rachel.” He headed toward the door. At least he wasn’t planning on leaving the way he came in. “I’m half convinced Kelby signed up for this crazy ride just to get her away from Caspian.” Telton laughed. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t let him hurt someone Rachel cares about.”

  “So, we’re really doing this?” Angie sighed. “We’re going along with this crazy plan?”

  “Yes. Yes we are.” I hadn’t been so sure of anything in my life.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing.” She frowned.

  “I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing, but I don’t see why that should stop us. And you don’t have to come.”

  “I do. I’m not losing you.” Her expression said it all. There was no reason to try to convince her otherwise.

  “We have to go now.” Telton’s voice was stark. “We’ve been located.”

  “By who?” Dale asked. “One of those Fleshard things?”

  “No.” Telton touched his watch. “Someone far more dangerous.”

  “Caspian…” Rachel trailed off. “It’s him. Isn’t it? He came after me?”

  “You can’t trust him, Rachel.” Telton took her arm. “You have to believe that.”

  “I’m well aware.” Her eyes were cold. “Get us out of here.” She pulled me closer to her side. “I’m glad you’re coming with me.”

  “You and me both,” I whispered as a bright light filled the room, and I lost all sense of space and time.

  Thank You

  Thank you for reading Stardust (Half Light #1). I hope you enjoyed it! Please consider leaving an honest review at your point of purchase. Reviews help me in so many ways!

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  The Half Light series will continue with Stargaze coming May 24, 2018.

  Please keep reading for a preview of Beckoning Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #1), a YA Fantasy Romance by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  To stay up to date on Alyssa’s new releases, join her mailing list:

  Beckoning Light

  As Charlotte steps through the gate, she has a strong feeling that nothing will ever be the same again.

  Moving back to South Carolina after three years away, Charlotte knows she’s going to have to face people from her past and adjust to a new high school, but she’s completely unprepared for what else waits for her in Charleston.

  Drawn th
rough an old garden gate, Charlotte discovers a hidden world where she meets Calvin, a boy to whom she is inexplicably attracted. As Charlotte is pulled deeper into this hidden world, it’s up to her older brother Kevin to rescue her. No matter how hard Kevin tries, the rescue depends upon Charlotte fighting her intense feelings for Calvin while mastering a set of abilities that she has only just discovered she possesses.

  Chapter One


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  We were flying over Canada when the panic set in. I felt a mild tightening in my chest as I thought about the plane that was taking me closer to the place so unimaginably full of memories that I couldn’t quite process it. As I sat there, earphones still in my ears even though I had turned my music off hours ago, the one thing keeping me from becoming physically ill was that I wasn’t completely alone. My older brother Kevin was dozing in the seat next to me.

  Looking over at him, I couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy. There was something unfair about two siblings being so different. Physically, we shared some traits, dark brown hair and above-average height, but that was where the similarities ended. Kevin moved through life with an almost effortless ease, usually getting exactly what he wanted without even contemplating another outcome. He was social and confident, the opposite of me; I found social situations intimidating and absolutely hated being the center of attention.

  I had been wide-awake for the entire flight. I was tired, but sleep wouldn’t come. We still had another plane to catch once we got to Detroit. We had left Fairbanks early in the morning, and we wouldn’t get to our final destination, Charleston, until late afternoon. It was a long day of traveling, but at least we had one-way tickets.

  I kicked at the winter coat stashed on the floor by my feet, relieved that I wouldn’t need it much in South Carolina. I guess I was being louder than I thought because Kevin started to stir.


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