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Queen Bitch of the Callowwood Pack (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 9

by Siobhan Muir

  A little unease tarnished Julianna’s euphoria. Sebrina had mentioned them, but she didn’t understand their significance.

  “These tests will be administered without prior knowledge of the Candidates. They will happen wherever and whenever the case may be. You’ll be judged on your poise, actions taken, resolutions reached, and character displayed. You must pass all seven tests to be chosen as the Luna, Mate to the succeeding Alpha of the pack. Good luck, ladies, and may the Lady Moon watch over you in the trials ahead.”

  Applause rose like a wave, and the spotlight finally turned off, allowing Julianna to sink back into her chair as her heart rate slowed. Unexpected testing meant the judges would decide whether she was worthy of leading by her everyday actions.

  “Sebrina, what if no one passes the tests for Luna?”

  “Then the pack will either search for other suitable candidates from the other packs bordering ours or wait for the younger alpha female packmembers to mature.”


  This is going to be more stressful than my thesis defense!

  Did she really want to be Luna of the pack, to always be in the public eye of the Moon Singer population like the first lady of the United States?

  Honestly? Hell no! She didn’t really want the leadership role. She’d always be watched and required to set an example for all the other females in the pack. She hated performing for the crowds, preferring a normal life.

  What about Jeff? Don’t you want him? Isn’t he worth all this?

  Julianna’s gaze shifted from the table, and she scanned the crowd beginning to rise and mingle. She found Jeff standing beside his father near the podium, speaking with several young males. His head turned, and he met her eyes as if her very gaze called to him. The recognition and attraction were immediate, and she shivered as she fought the instinct to rush into his heady embrace.

  Could you live with the knowledge that another woman got him because you weren’t willing to make the effort to have him? Could you stand to stay in the town where he lives with and loves another woman? What if it turns out to be Brenda Solaris? Could you stand knowing she’s fucking him?

  Anger burned through her in a fiery torrent with the thought of anyone, ever, touching her Mate, but she forced herself to smile mildly and accept congratulations from the packmembers who approached her table. She would fight for Jeff. She couldn’t bear to lose him to any of the other women. It’d kill her, twisting pain through her worse than Terence ever had. Her Sister wolf rose up inside her and snarled, Jeff is yours. Yours! The other bitches better steer clear of him because he is yours!

  Calm down! I have to set a good example.

  Growl, snarl, bark!

  I concur, she agreed, laughing inwardly, but kept her expression serene. She might not know all the rules to this game, but she’d learn fast and play hard.

  * * * *

  Goddess, I hate political parties.

  Boring, full of posturing and false smiles, each party ended with him constantly getting fawned over by the mothers of the alpha bitches as if the laundry list of their daughters’ accomplishments would sway him in their favor. All of them were pretty enough, dressed to the nines and elegant, though there was one notable exception. Tammy Cutter looked more like she’d attended her prom than a political evening party. But none of them did anything for him.

  Except her. Julianna Morris.

  His dick wanted to sing an aria over her.

  Julianna was the only bright spot in his entire evening, though she was also a burning distraction. In the den before the party she’d been so beautiful and succulent he’d barely been able to hold himself apart from her. He knew his father had noticed but was too much of a politician to say anything. And when Richard had goaded Julianna, Jeff’s outrage and protective instincts had roared a battle cry, ready to take down anyone threatening his Mate.

  Despite Richard’s efforts to shake Julianna, she’d carried herself like a queen, elegant and poised, and she’d passed his father’s tests with flying colors. She was definitely worthy of her nomination of candidacy for Luna.

  Throughout the party, he’d watched her, trying to keep the others around him from noticing his attention sticking to her too long, but Zach Bushman, his best friend and First beta, smirked knowingly at him a time or two. Zach stood taller than Jeff by a good five inches, but the big, broad-shouldered blond man’s personality was quieter, watchful, and downright scary sometimes. Jeff suspected Zach knew the direction of his alpha’s thoughts.

  At dinner, Jeff had damn near drooled all over himself watching Julianna eat, excited at her placement in the buffet line. Only one person separated them because of Sebrina’s sponsorship, and he’d wished Sebrina had moved back one rank so he could feel Julianna’s warmth beside him. At the table, he’d watched her converse with the other women around her, his sister and Sebrina claiming most of her attention. She was regal and confident, though she’d choked on something and blushed furiously over it. Jeff had been thinking lascivious thoughts at the time and fervently hoped she hadn’t heard them.

  Then she’d lifted her chin and smiled confidently at him and his insides had liquefied. Damn, but she was perfect. Her eyes sparkled beneath her arching brows, and the tendrils of loose hair around her face gave her a playful look.

  I’d take playful anytime. Want to come home and play with me, little girl?

  When she’d closed her eyes and inhaled with a rapturous expression, he thought his cock would explode. How could she make every motion look sensual? Every other alpha female in the pack paled in comparison, and he’d wanted to leap across the table and take her right there on the floor in front of everyone, proclaiming her his. That she liked his mother’s favorite scent combination of jasmine and hazelnut hadn’t hurt, either.

  Leaving the table to stand with his father at the podium had been excruciating, but he’d gone, knowing he’d left part of his awareness back with the beautiful female in the blue-green dress that hugged her breasts as lovingly as his hands wanted to. His palms had tingled with the thought, and he’d had to clench his fists a few times to keep the urge from moving to other pieces of his sensitive anatomy and giving him away.

  Jeff caught his father looking at him a few times, surely scenting his arousal, but Jeff kept his expression bland, and Richard said nothing. When Julianna rose to perform the induction ritual and took Richard’s hands, Jeff had gripped the edges of the podium to keep from tearing out his father’s throat. His Brother form had screamed outrage at another male, even his Alpha, touching his Mate, but Jeff held on, clenching his teeth and concentrating on the crowd around them.

  Julianna hadn’t looked at him during the ceremony, a blessing in disguise because his control had been tenuous at best. But at the end, her eyes had sought his and he couldn’t keep the jubilation and triumph from his expression. She looked like she wanted to throw her arms into the air and dance, but she demurely nodded and returned to her seat until Richard announced all the candidates by name and ranking.

  Julianna had been named last because of her newness to the pack, but she’d claimed top rank in Jeff’s heart.

  “I’m going to go make the rounds,” Jeff murmured to his buddies.

  Zach nodded, but said nothing, his expression watchful as ever. Jeff knew Zach trusted very few people and tolerated even less.

  Kyle Howler, Jeff’s Second beta, grimaced and shook his head. “Good luck, man. Have fun with the matchmaking mommies.” He gestured with his clean-shaven chin at the Winthrops’ table, his green eyes winking in the light. Jeff didn’t have to turn his head to know Catherine and Cameron were burning a hole in his back with their laser gazes.

  He’d known the Winthrops all his life, and despite their very well behaved and groomed daughter, he’d never had more than a passable liking for her. She was beautiful and demure, lovely and elegant, but she was too perfect, too refined and controlled. She had no wildness left, and Jeff needed to play with fire.

ef had washed through him when Julianna received a nomination for candidacy.

  Thank the Holy Goddess above! I don’t have to choose just anyone. My Mate’s here at last.

  He shivered with excitement and refocused on Kyle’s knowing smirk. “Thanks a lot. I’ll be sure to give Ms. Eloise Farkas your respects. I see she’s sitting with the Cutters tonight.”

  Kyle grimaced and put his hands behind his back to keep them from rubbing his neck nervously, his tell. He’d pined after Eloise for years, but before he found the courage to ask her out, someone else had proposed.

  “Yeah, well, don’t go out of your way on my account.”

  “You sure? I’d think she’d want to know you’re thinking of her.”

  “She’s engaged!” Kyle’s usually good-natured face curled in disgust. “To Scatterstone. She doesn’t want anything to do with a lowly beta.”

  Jeff snorted. “You’re about as ‘lowly’ as I am, Kyle. Plus you’re part of the Successor’s cadre. That wins you points right there.”

  “Not in her eyes,” Kyle remarked sullenly.

  Jeff clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about that too much. It’ll all work out.”

  “Like it did for you?”

  Jeff grinned, his thoughts returning to Julianna. “Damn straight.”

  Kyle just shook his head, but his expression had relaxed into his customary smile. “Go make the rounds. We’ll make sure everyone waits their turn properly.”

  “And Eloise?”

  “Yeah, tell her hi for me.”

  “Will do.”

  Jeff nodded and left his friends behind, starting the rounds of congratulations for the Luna candidates. He knew Kyle carried a torch for Eloise, but he’d never told her in time to stop Tommy Scatterstone, an alpha in rank, from snatching the pretty female up. Jeff suspected Eloise was Kyle’s True Mate, but his Second hadn’t mentioned anything about feeling the mating heat. Watching him now, Jeff hoped Kyle would come out and claim Eloise before it was too late in the eyes of the human laws.

  Focus, jackass! Quit stalling and get the congratulations over with so you can spend time with your Mate.

  He sighed inwardly and strode toward Brenda Solaris’s table, plastering pleasant cordiality on his face.

  The pale blonde shifted her body to give him the best view of her voluptuous breasts straining from the top of her dress. She was tall and curvaceous and elegant…and she did absolutely nothing for his libido. Her scent filled his nostrils with sweet apricots, but the smell overwhelmed his nose as if she wore too much perfume.

  A Moon Singer wearing perfume?

  He fought to keep the grimace off his face when she took his hand.

  “Congratulations on your nomination, Mistress Solaris,” he intoned, nodding.

  “Thank you so much, Jefferson. I’m delighted to be included.” Her blue eyes raked him over like a delicious meal set in front of her, and he suddenly understood why women hated it when men checked them out that way. It felt invasive.

  Jeff returned her look with his bland half-smile. “We’re glad you could be here. Good luck with the tests.”

  “Thank you, Jefferson.” She winked, and he retreated from her overwhelming stench of fermenting apricots.

  Just a few more before you can speak to your Mate!

  That only mildly lifted his spirits as he closed on Mrs. and Mistress Winthrop. Both women watched him hungrily, though Cameron’s expression smoothed out to sweet demure attraction as he closed on them. Cameron’s mother, Catherine, couldn’t quite hide her disdain for Brenda Solaris before Jeff reached their table.

  “Congratulations, Mistress Winthrop.” He extended his hand with only a small fight against his revulsion.

  “Thank you, Jefferson. I’m honored and grateful to be here tonight,” she replied, inclining her head gracefully.

  He knew she tried to make her voice melodious, but it only sounded breathy to him, and he clenched his jaw to keep from reacting with annoyance. Her scent was a mixture of oregano and mint, with a hint of dusty farm thrown in. He admitted it wasn’t the worst scent he’d come across, but it didn’t make him want to get too close. His cock and libido remained dormant, and he tried to ignore the stench of desperation wafting from Cameron’s mother.

  “Can we invite you over for dinner next week? We’d love to see you, and Cameron recently made the Leland Observer’s Hero of the Month with her work with homeless humans.” Catherine looked over at her daughter proudly, and Cameron smiled self-consciously, blushing a little.

  “Really? That is great, Mistress Winthrop. I’d be happy to come by. Which day would be best for you?”

  “Tuesday evening? Would that work?”

  “I’ll be there. Thank you for the invitation. Congratulations again.”

  “We look forward to it, Jefferson,” Catherine replied as she waved heartily.

  Jeff couldn’t escape fast enough. His heart already raced as he strode through the tables toward the one female he couldn’t live without. At last, he’d be able to touch her, however briefly, and let her sweet scent envelop him, pushing away the odors of all the other females desperately sending out come-here hormones. Goddess, if the tents weren’t open, it would stink like a whorehouse inside!

  Julianna stood beside his sister, Tawny, chatting with her and two other beta women, Marybeth and Jennilynn Grayhound. They were twins and looked identical except for the color of their clothes, the cut of their hair, and the placement of the dimple in opposite cheeks. He liked the Grayhound twins. They were friendly and jovial, often speaking before they thought, but never unkindly.

  He made himself turn his attention back to his duties, no matter how much he wanted to buck tradition and visit Julianna first. I have to follow the protocols and rankings. Dammit.

  When he reached the Cutters’ table, he was momentarily distracted by Tammy’s twitching and chattering about her pleasure at being chosen as a Luna candidate, but she couldn’t hold his attention. She smelled like baby powder and bubblegum, and he could barely make out the individual words in her torrent of speech. He tried to focus, but his hyperawareness of Julianna across the tent kept him barely civil.

  “You simply must come to our restaurant for dinner next week,” Michelle insisted as she smiled brightly. She looked like an older, more worn version of Tammy. Fortunately, she wasn’t chewing gum. “Are you available Friday night?”

  Not if I could help it. “Friday night? Yes, I believe my schedule is open.”

  “Excellent! We look forward to seeing you then. Tammy will have something new to tell you then.”

  That she’s won the National Gum Chewing Competition?

  “I look forward to it.” A flicker of motion to his right made him turn his head. He recalled he’d promised to speak to Eloise Farkas when he saw her cough into her hand. “Ms. Farkas, I hope you’re doing well, this evening. Mr. Howler sends his regards.”

  Eloise was a pretty woman, but her expression pinched at his words, and sadness filled her eyes. “Does he? That’s nice of him. Isn’t he here this evening?”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Then why did he send you, Jefferson, instead of coming to speak with me himself?”


  “I believe your fiancé made it clear that Mr. Howler should keep his distance.”

  Eloise’s expression darkened. “Ah, I see. Well, thank you for passing on his message.”

  “Happy to help.” Jeff looked away from the pain radiating from the young woman’s body language and focused on the Cutters once more. “So, I shall see you on Friday evening. Again, congratulations, Mistress Cutter.”

  Tammy tittered and turned her head to look at him out of the corner of her eye. “Thanks!”

  He walked away, leaving the bubblegum and sorrow behind gratefully. Jeff wished Eloise had been more receptive to Kyle’s message, but he suspected she was more disappointed with Scatterstone’s warning to Kyle than Kyle’s lack of delivery.

  Jeff tried
to keep himself focused on his next destination, but Julianna’s scent permeated the space beneath the tents, and he wanted to seek her out like a bloodhound and rub his nose through her fragrant hair. Stay focused on what you need to do! What was that, again? Oh, yes, greeting all the candidates impartially. Right.

  He tried to keep his attention on Mischa Wolensky when he arrived at her table, but it kept drifting to the movements of the peacock green dress wrapped around his Mate’s glorious body.

  “Thank you, Jefferson,” Mischa said coolly.

  Her voice jerked him back to himself. “You’re welcome, Mistress Wolensky. See you then.”

  Jeff had no idea what he’d agreed to, but he no longer cared. He’d done his due diligence and visited all the candidates before his Mate. Now he was free.

  His attention never wavered from Julianna as he honed in on her. Just one look at her sent lust straight through his body and her scent drew him like a compass needle. He had to grit his teeth to keep his cock from announcing itself before he arrived at her table.

  “I am so happy for you, Mistress Julianna,” Tawny said as he approached, clapping her hands. “You’ll be a fantastic Luna. I can see it in you.”

  “I’m glad to hear you have such faith in me,” Julianna replied wryly.

  “Oh, I do.” Tawny’s face creased into a knowing smile as her eyes caught Jeff standing behind the candidate.

  Julianna stilled in awareness and slowly turned her head to meet Jeff’s intense gaze. Her eyes widened a little, and his body tightened as he caught her scent. It was a combination of the delicate feminine musk he remembered when she’d teased him as a teenager and climbing gardenia with a hint of vanilla. His mouth watered, and he was sure his tongue hung out in hopes of tasting her. He watched her nipples harden beneath her bodice, the scent of her arousal filling the air between them.

  “Congratulations, Mistress Morris.” His voice sounded hoarse to his ears, but he tried to smile to cover his raging need.


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