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Queen Bitch of the Callowwood Pack (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 10

by Siobhan Muir

  “Thank you…” She drifted off, seeking the proper form of address.


  “Jefferson.” She tilted her head a little and gave him her own version of his half-smile. “I appreciate being included tonight. I suspect being nominated as a Luna candidate was all your doing?”

  A charged silence settled around them as the other people nearby took in her words with sharp surprise, but Jeff only laughed. He hadn’t nominated her. That was against the rules. Fortunately, someone else had seen the potential in Julianna as much as he had.

  Of course, I might be biased by the fact that she’s my True Mate.

  “As a matter of fact, it wasn’t. I don’t know exactly who nominated you, but I’m very glad they did.” He almost reached for her hand to bring it to his lips for a kiss, but the reminder of their avid audience aborted his motion.

  “Thank you, Jefferson.”

  “Thank you for accepting the nomination.” Yes, thank you, thank you!

  “My pleasure,” Julianna replied huskily, her eyes promising just what kind of pleasure.

  He froze in place to keep from lunging at her and dragging her out of the tents and up to his room in the house. Damn…The woman was seductive and all she’d done was stand there, watching him with that challenging look in her eyes.

  His arousal roared its approval of her offer, but he clamped down on it, reminding himself they stood on stage. Her lips suddenly tightened as if she, too, realized they weren’t really alone, and he fought the urge to lick her flattened mouth. Her eyes flashed with restrained challenge, and he saw her hands tighten on the back of her chair.

  Jeff’s jaw clenched, and he nodded. His half-smile felt strained, but he forced it onto his face. It took a few seconds to tell his body that the conversation had ended, and a few more to make himself turn and saunter away to mingle with the other guests. He didn’t want to look away. Hell, he could barely stand to walk away, but he had to make it appear he was impartial. He could feel hundreds of eyes on his back, especially Julianna’s.

  Don’t look back, don’t look back, don’t look back!

  While Julianna chatted with Sebrina, Tawny, and the Grayhound sisters, Jeff continued his rounds. He visited with the oldest and respected families, most of whom were now headed by the members of his father’s cadre, and tried to ignore his Mate’s beguiling scent.

  The rest of his evening passed in a blur of people coming to congratulate him and ingratiate themselves to curry favor. He stood next to his dad, and he felt Zach and Kyle at his back, but his attention wandered, always seeking out Mistress Morris, and his cock hardened each time her skirt flashed her legs.

  Jeff was conversing with old Mr. and Mrs. Trackman when the acrid scent of anger flooded his nostrils and tugged his attention toward the back of the tent. He shifted a little to one side until he could see Julianna. Her body language translated suppressed fury, and he quickly scanned the area around her to see what might have set her off. The only suspects near her were Cameron Winthrop, who chatted easily with her parents, and Brenda Solaris, who glared at Julianna hard enough to burn a hole through her.

  When his eyes flickered back to Julianna, she gave him a tight smile, but her acrimony still burned in her gaze. What’s wrong? Has someone pissed her off? He’d happily beat them into a bloody pulp for her, though given the strength of her rage, she could probably do it well enough herself. He had the sudden urge to push through all the remaining guests and take her in his arms, soothing her enmity until it disappeared. Not to mention copping a feel while I’m at it. He bit back his grin before someone asked him what was so funny.

  He watched her say something to Tawny and the Grayhound sisters, then she strode purposefully toward him, her expression full of regal fury. She bypassed the last remaining guests with a sway of her hips that had his cock howling for release, and he gritted his teeth to keep his smile bland. Movement from another direction caught his eye, and he looked away from his Mate toward Brenda Solaris, who determinedly wove through people to reach him first. Jeff would have laughed at the competition if he knew the females wouldn’t turn their fury on him.

  Julianna stopped in front of his father a heartbeat before Brenda and the other woman checked her forward motion as if she’d run into a wall, her eyes flashing with ill-concealed frustration. Julianna’s angry scent intensified, and Jeff clenched his fists behind his back to keep from throwing a punch at someone, but his Mate smoothed her expression into a version of his bland smile and nodded to the Alpha.

  “Mr. Lightfoot, Jefferson, it’s been a pleasure,” she said formally. “Thank you for inviting me and inducting me into the pack. I appreciate it, but I have to get home to my mother. Since my father’s death, she’s been slow in recovering.”

  Richard took her hand, and Jeff felt his Brother form rear up, ready to attack the intruder touching his Mate. Locking his knees to keep from lunging at his father, Jeff struggled to soothe his Brother, reminding him that Richard wasn’t a threat.

  You beat him, remember? And he’s touching your Mate!

  It wasn’t a victory. It was a draw. And he’s still the Alpha until I’m Mated and she’s whelped a child. Calm down!

  Two years earlier, Jeff had challenged his father in Kerstance, the duel for supremacy, and fought him to a standstill in his Brother form. It had been a surprise to all of them. They’d been evenly matched and called it a draw, but Jeff suspected he’d have beaten his father if the fight had continued much longer. He hadn’t really wanted to be Alpha, but the Moon had been full and he had lost control of his Brother when his father reprimanded Kyle in front of him at the bar. He couldn’t stop himself from challenging, and he thanked the Lady Moon every night that he’d gotten enough control to keep from killing Richard.

  Not all stances ended in death. Most stopped well before when one of the combatants finally submitted to the victor. But the Kerstance often ended in death, or had until Richard’s grandfather put a stop to it. He’d decreed there was no need for death if the Kerstance was fought between father and son, and his Luna set up the Three Tests of Strength, Honor, and Humility for the Successor to determine if the challenger would do what was right for the pack. If the challenger was from a different family, however, the Kerstance could still end in death.

  Jeff’s near victory had caused Richard to reevaluate his position as Alpha, and he’d proclaimed Jeff Successor a week after their Kerstance. It had surprised and frightened Jeff when he realized what it truly meant, that he was ready to take over the pack. The selection process for the Luna candidates began a few weeks later. Eventually, Jeff would have to fight another Kerstance, but that wouldn’t be for many decades.

  And you’ll beat them, too!

  Jeff just snorted inwardly.

  “You’re more than welcome, Mistress Julianna,” Richard was saying. “We’re happy to have you home safe. Tell your mother hello for us, and I hope she gets through her grief soon.”

  “I will, Mr. Lightfoot.”

  Jeff stiffened when his father squeezed Julianna’s hand, and he made himself slip away before he jumped the old man again. His Brother prowled too close to the surface of his control when it came to Julianna Morris.

  The crowd focused on the Alpha and Mistress Morris as Jeff retreated back to the house. He wanted to give her a more proper good-bye out of the eyes of the crowd. He knew Richard would give her a token, proclaiming her an official Luna candidate, and then she’d be free to leave. His heartbeat kicked up a few notches as he thought of her striding through his house, all alone, and his cock reminded him of its pressing needs.

  He leaned his back against the wall of the hallway and closed his eyes, trying to coax his body back into tranquility. Unfortunately, his mind’s eye filled with images of Julianna laughing and smiling, along with the flashes of her legs while her skirt swirled around them. His cock only swelled in size.


  He breathed deeply to settle himself, and he caught the
scent of his Mate in the main corridor of the house. Lust and excitement surged, and he readied himself for her arrival.

  * * * *

  Julianna strode confidently through the house toward the front doors, her fury banked but still smoldering as she tightly gripped her purse, in which she’d dropped the token. She’d sought out Jeff, but he’d disappeared while Richard gave her the pendant, and he was nowhere to be found under the tents.

  It figures he’d make me look for him so I can seek his approval for departure!

  As she passed a darkened hallway to her right, a male arm reached out of the darkness and jerked her against a hard body. Rage blazed hot as she crashed into the wall of flesh with an unladylike grunt of surprise, but it dropped into icy fury as she slammed her elbow into her assailant’s gut.

  Her Sister’s nature surged into the forefront of her awareness and she turned on her attacker with pent up ferocity.

  He yelped as she stomped down on his instep, twisting in his arms. Then she shoved his shoulders back against the wall and slammed her knee into his groin. He collapsed, panting and groaning, when the irresistible scent of the desert rain penetrated her adrenaline rush.

  Understanding dawned.

  She’d just kneed Jeff Lightfoot in the balls! It would’ve been funny if she wasn’t so angry. His original grip had been sexually domineering, complete with raging hard-on.

  “Jeff?” She grasped his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

  “What the hell was that for?” he groaned, cupping his crotch protectively.

  “Haven’t you learned never to grab a woman out of the darkness?” Julianna shook her head as some of her anger drained away. “I lived in the big city for a long time. More than one man tried to take me down. Are you okay?”

  “No.” He sounded strangled, and she had to hide a smile. “Can’t breathe.”


  “Damn, woman!”

  “Damn, yourself! Why did you try to grab me?”

  “I didn’t want you to leave yet,” he whispered as he slowly straightened up. His face looked a little gray, but it might have been the dim light. “I wanted to say a more private good-bye, but I think I’m only going to say good-bye to my balls. Shit!”

  “I am sorry, even if I was defending myself.” She bit her bottom lip. “Do you want to sit down?”

  He nodded, and she slid one arm around his waist, lowering him to the floor.

  “Goddess above, you smell wonderful. How did you hide it for so long?” He dropped his head and nuzzled her neck and jawline as she sat beside him. Arousal pushed through her chagrin, tightening her nipples.

  “I didn’t.” She snorted. “I threw myself at you for years, and you ignored me the whole time, remember?”

  “More idiot, me.” He chuckled ruefully. “If I’d known you were a Moon Singer, I would’ve taken you years ago.”

  Suddenly, rage obliterated all the lustful feelings in her, and she snarled, scooting away from him.

  “Taken me?” she growled, pushing to her feet. “You would’ve ‘taken’ me? You asshole, am I nothing more than a piece of tail to you? If that’s the case, go grab one of those other bitches. I’ve already experienced being treated like a piece of meat. I’m sure Brenda would submit to you willingly enough, with her tits against the floor and her ass in the air!”

  Jeff stilled, and his hands warily covered his groin again as he looked up at her.

  “What’s wrong, Julianna?”

  “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” She barely held herself back from kicking him in the ass with her sandaled foot. “What’s wrong is that I’ve joined a pack that doesn’t see this”—she stabbed a finger at him sitting on the floor—“as something to be upset about! I want you, Jeff, but I’m not just a piece of ass that any alpha male can use when he’s feeling horny. I won’t be ‘taken’ unless I give permission. Do you hear me, Mr. Successor of the pack?”

  Julianna whirled and stomped out of the house, leaving Jeff completely nonplussed on the floor behind her ringing heels.

  Chapter Five:

  Interspecies Relations

  Julianna was mostly awake and dressed in a loose T-shirt, long shorts, and Teva sandals by the time someone knocked on her door the next morning. She’d been exhausted the night before, but still hadn’t slept well after her departure from Jeff’s prone form. Despite her anger at his “grab-ass” tactics, leaving had been the hardest thing she’d ever done. Her traitorous body fought her all the way to the valet, aching for more of his touches and scent. Sleeping had been nearly impossible.

  How can I want to screw a guy when I’m so angry with him?

  But if she were honest, she’d admit it wasn’t Jeff with whom she was angry.

  While she’d waited to say good night to the Alphas at the party, she’d learned it had been permissible in the past for unmated alpha males to use the widowed Lunas for sexual gratification because of the females’ loss in status. The idea had her completely unhinged. Tawny’s explanation had struck Julianna as barbaric, but the betas around her hadn’t seemed upset by it. They’d been surprised at her vehement response and she’d reminded herself to push her disgust down deep, but it still set her rage ablaze.

  Julianna clenched her teeth and tied her token around her neck, concealing the pendant beneath her shirt. If she became Luna, would she just be passed on to any alpha male who wanted her if Jeff got killed?

  Fat chance in hell! I’ll rip their dicks off and feed them to them first!

  No man would “have her” unless she gave her permission. Even if Julianna was no longer Luna, she wouldn’t be open for any asshole in the frame of mind to ravish her. She took a deep breath and released all her anger with it as she opened the door. Sebrina looked her over carefully, as if critiquing her choice of clothing, but when the old woman’s eyes met hers, Julianna realized she saw beyond the outer appearance.

  “I see your Sister has visited you,” she said enigmatically.

  “How do you know that?”

  “I can scent her closeness to you.”

  Julianna snorted. “I’m not sure if it’s her or her anger.”

  “Either way, this is good because you’ll need to be very familiar with her to become all you must. Are you ready?”


  “For the beginning of your Luna training. You did ask for my help, yes?”

  “Oh! Right. I’d forgotten with everything that happened last night.”

  Sebrina nodded sharply. “Come, we’ll go to a place I know and strengthen your acquaintance.”

  Julianna filled two one-liter bottles with water as she struggled to focus on the present. If she really felt her Sister’s rage, it wouldn’t do her any good while she trained with Sebrina. Julianna relaxed her shoulders, breathed evenly, and forced the livid anger away as she grabbed her keys and stepped out the door with Sebrina. She’d left a note and a text message for her mother, and brought her cell phone just in case she was needed. Sebrina eyed the little electronic intruder with mistrust, but she only said, “Vibrate,” and Julianna complied.

  The morning was a perfect midsummer day, and Julianna felt her shoulders relax as the sun caressed her body with warm light. It had started out cool enough to promise only mild heat when the sun rose higher in the sky, and the land seemed to breathe a delighted sigh of relief, releasing spring scents into the air. Sebrina took Julianna’s arm as if she needed support, and Julianna let herself relax into the older woman’s experience. Whatever they were going to do that day, Sebrina would take care of her.

  When they reached the corner of the road where it turned toward town, Sebrina released Julianna’s arm and strode away across the verdant summer grasses of the open space before the sparsely forested hills. Julianna followed her with excited anticipation. She had no idea what was coming, but she suspected it would be harder than anything she’d ever done before.

  They entered the trees without saying a word, and she felt the shade on her should
ers like a gentle benediction. Whatever was to come wouldn’t harm her, though it might be scary. She tried to take reassurance from the steadfast nature of the forest as Sebrina led her into a small clearing. No one would see or hear anything they did this far from the houses of Callowwood.

  “Sit down, daughter,” Sebrina instructed without preamble. Julianna dropped to the ground. “You must be connected with your Sister form at all times to be an effective Luna. The other members of the pack will sense this in you and lose confidence in you if you cannot assume her shape with but a thought. Because you’ve only recently become acquainted with her, this will be harder than if you’d been aware of her from birth.”

  Julianna nodded, wondering if it would really be that hard. She felt her Sister all the time these days, though she’d never willingly assumed her form.

  “Tell me what you feel when you commune with your Sister form.”

  “I don’t know.” Julianna shook her head with a frown. “My memories of each time are vague, like scenes from a movie I saw a long time ago.”

  “I’m not asking what you remember. I’m asking you what you feel when you’re with her.”

  Julianna bit her lip and thought hard. What did she feel when she shifted shape? Emotions surged through her as her Sister allowed some memories to slip loose. She felt fierce joy, release, freedom, excitement, exhilaration, lust, and overwhelming strength, as if she could run forever and take on any enemy. She basked in those feelings for a few moments until she remembered Sebrina was waiting for an answer.

  She recited the list, and Sebrina nodded with satisfaction.

  “That’s very good, daughter. You instinctually connect with her, and she’s willing to answer your call. But we must get you to be more than occasional compatriots. You must share this body, no matter what form it holds. While she must lend you her strength and endurance, you must lend her your intelligence and reason so you will both be more formidable together than you are alone.

  “Now, focus on more physical feelings,” Sebrina continued, moving to stand in front of Julianna. “Close your eyes. Find the memories of what it felt like to be in your Sister form. So far, daughter, I sense you’ve only become your Sister form a few times, but you took the back seat, and while your Sister is very powerful, she’s too instinctual. She doesn’t think enough about what needs to be done to keep either of you safe. You must be her leader, her protector against not only the humans but the others in the pack. It’s a delicate balance, and you must provide the direction. You must lead in your transformation from now on. It will keep you and your Sister safe.”


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