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Death's Storm (The Divinities Book 2)

Page 8

by Lia Davis

  Damn it. Lo, when you step in it…

  This wasn't happening, couldn't happen. No. Her imagination was running rampant. Worry for the Dark Divine children had raised her stress levels and pushed her senses into overdrive. That had to be it, and not the fact that Jagger could be her magical mate.

  A steamy cup of coffee appeared in front of her face. She flinched involuntarily but took the cup. She followed Jagger with her gaze as he leaned against the railing and studied her.

  “You're tense. Why?”

  She took a sip of coffee and moved her gaze to the river below. “I'm worried about the children.”

  He reached out to caress her cheek, and she stepped back. His eyebrows dipped in a frown before he said, “Let’s eat breakfast and then go to the Divinity House to check in with your sister.”

  Khloe moved toward the door, stopped, and turned to face him. “For the record, I still don't like you.”

  As soon as she entered her family’s farmhouse, Khloe darted off to the downstairs master suite in search of her sister, leaving Jagger alone in the living room. She had to focus on finding the children and not dwell on the fantasy of finding a second mate, especially with a hot-as-hell, passionate Death Demon.

  That’s what you get for being so impulsive.

  Her impulsive nature was what got her heart broken the first time. She’d jumped at the thought of having a mate to share her long life with and had spilled all her secrets without a thought to how he would react. She should have known better, but her instincts weren’t one of her strengths. Her ability to think and react quickly, however, had gotten her out some sticky situations. She laughed, thinking of the times when her jump-in-and-go-for-it personality had gotten her into trouble just as much.

  Opening the bedroom door, she was greeted by an eerie silence along with an odd feeling.

  “Close the door.” Kalissa’s soft voice drifted from the bathroom.

  With her heart sinking to her stomach, Khloe did as she was asked and slowly walked to the bathroom. Inside, Kalissa sat on the edge of the tub, staring at something in her hands, a mixture of shock, happiness, and fear coloring her face. Chest tightening at the possibility that something terrible had happened, Khloe advanced closer. Her twin lifted her gaze, then Khloe saw what was in Lis’s hand.

  A pregnancy test.

  All fear fell away as though washed out by a tidal wave. Khloe dropped to her knees in front of her sister and took the test. Two pink lines. She squeaked and grabbed Kalissa in a tight hug.

  “I’m scared, Lo.”

  Drawing back to meet her stare, Khloe smiled. “You set the psycho on fire. Nothing scares you anymore.”

  Kalissa laughed and took the stick back to study it. “We’re in the middle of a war. What if I’m not a good mother?”

  “Don’t be silly. You’ll be perfect. If anyone was born to raise dozens of happy babies, it was you.” She took her sister by the hands and stood. “And Ayden will be a great father. Does he know?”

  “He told me to take the test.”

  “Damn empath.” Khloe tugged her laughing sister toward the living room.

  After breakfast, Khloe snapped back into her stay-the-hell-out-of-my-way mood. Jagger liked her playful, sensual side from the night before better. This new side of her was different from when they’d first met. She was closed off, as though she didn't trust him, or herself. They didn't speak when they’d first arrived at Divinity House. Instead, she’d pushed past him to find her sister. All he could do was watch her rear end move as she walked away.

  “She's a handful.”

  Jagger jerked his head towards the voice now entering the house behind him. Zach. The empath needed an off button. “It's rude to read people’s emotions without permission.”

  A familiar presence came into the room from the kitchen. “You don't need to be an empath to know what you are thinking or feeling, brother.”

  “Can it, Lex.”

  A knowing gleam appeared in Lex's eyes but vanished when the twins came into the room, and the very pregnant Lydia stepped off the bottom step of the staircase.

  Kalissa and Lydia took a seat on the sofa while Khloe picked up a remote control. A white screen lowered from the ceiling, and she fired up a laptop. Zach moved in to set up a projector.

  Jagger was confused about what they were doing until the screen filled with the same image as the computer. “A map?”

  “That's not just any map. It’s the blueprints for the warehouse that is currently Grayson Distributions.” Khloe's voice held a hint of mischief. He stared at her, unsure where she was going with this display. She rolled her eyes. “I hacked into the security system. I also have live video.”

  “When?” Jagger hadn’t noticed her slip away.

  “It’s what I was working on at breakfast.”

  “Unfortunately, it tells us nothing,” Zach said in disgust.

  “That's why I think we should go down there. Snoop around a little.”

  Zach shook his head at Khloe. “That's breaking and entering.”

  “That's bullshit, Zachary! These are demons. Human laws don't apply to them.” Her distress laced her voice, and her teal eyes flashed darker.

  Jagger moved closer to Khloe as Zach’s magical signature darkened slightly. It wasn’t enough to alert anyone but him, and maybe Lex, but he still didn’t like the feeling there was something under the deputy’s easy-going front.

  “I'm going in,” Khloe announced.

  “Not alone,” the group said at once.

  The twins locked gazes, and Jagger guessed they were telepathically conversing. After a few seconds, Kalissa threw up her hands and left the room.

  “I won't be alone,” Khloe spoke loud enough so that her voice carried throughout the lower floor. “Jagger's going with me.”

  Chapter 14

  The sun was setting by the time Khloe and Jagger materialized a couple of blocks from the warehouse where Demetrius—Khan's demon general—played human businessman and owner of Grayson Distributions, a medical supply company.

  Zach had given orders to wait for him and Ayden before making a move. Apparently, the demons brought out the serious side of his cop. That irritated the hell out of Khloe. She was more than capable of taking care of herself.

  Kalissa normally would have accompanied her husband on a mission like this, especially since the two of them were more powerful as a bonded pair. But not today, or anytime in the next eight months or so. Khloe smiled. She was going to be an aunt. Oh, how she planned to spoil the hell out of the little one.

  “They’re here.” Jagger's voice brought her out of her pleasant musings. She shifted her gaze to the next block over.

  “Okay, so why can't we mind link? Ayden and I can, and I know you can with any one of us.”

  Jagger narrowed his eyes like she should know the answer but explained anyway. “Demons will pick up on the magical energy it takes to link together.”

  And electronic gadgets were out. They couldn't take the chance the demons had something to detect radios and other communication devices. Much to her displeasure, the men thought it was a better plan to go in quiet and undetected.

  Completely against her nature.

  Patience was not her strongest attribute. In fact, she didn't remember a time when she was successful at waiting for anything, and waiting outside a building crawling with demons was so not what she wanted to do. Nope. She wanted to charge in and take as many of those fuckers out as she could.

  She needed a distraction before impulse took her over. “What are they doing?” she growled in irritation.

  “I’ll flash over and see what they want to do.” She jerked her head in his direction, eyebrow raised. He chuckled and leaned into her to whisper in her ear. “I'm a demon. They won't be looking for my energy.”

  His scent was too tantalizing, too seductive. She had to turn her head away. She didn't want him to know how much his warm breath on her neck affected her. If she peered into his dark b
rown eyes any longer, she’d have a distraction neither of them needed.

  She felt Jagger’s presence fade, and she turned to watch him materialize behind Zach and Ayden. Zach jumped, and Khloe stifled a giggle. She was betting Jagger’s mouth twitched.

  A slight burning sensation on the inside of her left forearm startled her. She turned her arm over and cursed. Her fear was confirmed at the sight of the faded second rose, mirroring the one she’d been born with. Fuck. She should be happy to get a second chance, a second life companion. Her perfect mate…was a demon.

  But could she trust that this one wouldn't feed her to the wolves?

  Jagger popped in beside her. She glared at him, waiting for an answer. “They said to wait and watch the loading area.”

  “Great. That's exciting.”

  The heat of his body enveloped her, and she stilled. His lips brushed her ear as he spoke. “I can think of a few things to pass the time.”

  So could she…Wait. Damn. He thought to lure her in with his seductive whispers? And his incredible body?

  She spun around to face him and instantly regretted it. The red swirls in his chocolate-brown eyes glowed with passion. Her body heated with her rising desire as memories of their tangled, naked bodies took over her thoughts.

  “Stop.” She managed a firm, calm voice and placed her palm on his chest.

  Jagger encircled her wrist with his strong fingers and brought her hand to his mouth. Desire raced through her like a raging river. His lips moved to her wrist, and he froze.

  He held out her arm where the two of them could see her Divine Roses. “When did this show?”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. His voice held more amusement than anger. He probably guessed the answer but needed her to confirm it, and he would make her say it. Damn him. “Just now. And it's not yours.”

  Maybe if she convinced herself, it would go away. Her heart wouldn't survive another betrayal from another supposed mate.

  The look in Jagger's eyes told her he was about to call her bluff. All of a sudden, he stopped and tilted his head to the side as if listening to something. Khloe started to ask what it was, but he placed a finger over her lips to silence her. If there had been no danger of demons finding them, she would have taken that finger into her mouth and teased him with her tongue.

  His eyes flicked to meet hers. He leaned into her and brushed his lips against hers. “Save those naughty thoughts for later.”

  “Are you reading my mind?”

  “Nope, just smelling your desire.” He said it in that low, seductive whisper he used to melt her. Damn demon senses. He probably knew that her attempts to push him away were failing.

  “Two Lackeys pulled up to the loading dock.”

  “What are we waiting for? Let's grab the bastards for questioning.”

  “We'll do this together.”

  “Okay, you grab one, and I'll get the other. Then we can take turns pounding them until they sing.” A half-smile lifted the right side of his mouth. She returned it with one of her own. “You like that idea.”

  “Together, Khloe.” He leaned into her, crushing her back against the wall, and captured her lips in a dominating kiss.

  He released her, and she staggered to the edge of the corner to peer at the two demons as they unloaded the truck. These two didn't even try to hide what they were. Their true demon forms shone like neon lights over a nightclub. One had blue and gray marbled skin and long, silver hair. The other had a red tint to his skin and short, black hair.

  Demons were classified by their strengths and abilities. The skin color almost never mattered. Jagger and his brother were called Death Demons because their powers were one step below that of the gods. At one time, they’d served the Underworld gods by collecting the souls of the dead to bring over into the Afterworld.

  The Lackeys a few yards away from Khloe were considered nobodies, servants of the Regals and Amiddians—the upper and middle classes of demons, according to power and influence.

  “What are we waiting on?” Khloe clenched her teeth. She hated to wait. Gods knew those vile creatures hadn’t waited to kill her parents or snatch those innocent children. Jagger remained silent beside her. Her patience was starting to run super thin, and her muscles twitched. She couldn't stand it any longer and darted around the corner. Jagger's curse followed her as she crept along the wall closest to the delivery truck.

  He came up beside her and growled, “Together.”

  “Hush,” she snapped and watched the demons carry boxes from the back of the truck to inside the warehouse. They were close enough to be heard by the Lackeys.

  From her position, she could still see Zach and Ayden. Both of them looked less than pleased with her. Oh, well. They'd get over it. She was going to find out where those kids were.

  She turned toward Jagger and gasped at how close he was. With a palm flat on his chest, she whispered, “Go to the other side and we'll block them in. I'm hoping Zach and Ayden figure out what we are doing.” She started to turn back to the Lackeys but remembered something. “You can tell them, right?”

  “Wait. Here.”

  His two clipped words were heavy with annoyance and sounded too much like a demand. She'd have to deal with his bossy ass later. That thought brought a frown to her face. She had to get away from him and clear her head. Jagger was slipping further into her life the more time they spent together.

  She knew the minute he materialized behind her, but she remained still and refused to give him even a fraction of her attention. He stepped into her and pressed his front to her back. With his lips inches from her neck, he whispered, “They're going to come from the other side of the building. We move in together.”

  She shivered as his warm breath caressed her sensitive skin and slightly cursed her weakness. With a nod, she stepped away from him.

  A few seconds later, Ayden and Zach appeared at the opposite corner of the building. The demons were trapped. Zach counted on his fingers to give the go-ahead. Once his third finger went up, they moved in as a team.

  The demons saw Zach and Ayden first and tried to run, only to come to a halt a few feet from Khloe and Jagger. She smiled and stalked toward them. Jagger muttered a protest, which she ignored. He would learn she wasn't easily controlled. Well, at least outside the bedroom.

  Trapped like a couple of bunnies facing a pack of wolves, the demons looked confused but determined. They searched the area with their gazes. Then they stilled and listened.

  Khloe backed up into Jagger. “What's coming?” Whatever it was, it could only be heard by supernatural hearing. Most humans might classify the Divinities as supernatural, but they were more like humans than most wanted to admit. Meaning no ultra sensitive hearing or night vision.

  “Others are coming.”

  “How many?”

  “Not sure. A couple. Maybe more.”

  The words hadn’t completely left Jagger's lips before the metal door slammed opened and out came three large Amiddians.

  The Lackeys took the distraction as an opportunity to strike. The blue-skinned demon came at Khloe. She braced for impact as he barreled into her, knocking her to her back. Pain rode every nerve ending, and she bit back a scream. A wave of magic washed over her, familiar and pure. It was Ayden. Of that, she was sure.

  Drawing in a deep breath and soaking up the magic through her pores, she concentrated on healing. She willed herself to move. A second later, she was able to buck the demon off her and send him flying over her head.

  She stood and conjured a dagger. A scream made her whip her head around in time to see the reddish-skinned demon dissolve into ash with a smirking Jagger standing over it. Damn, her demon was sexy.

  His muscles contracted as his chest rose and fell with deep, even breaths. As though sensing her, he turned and came at her and didn't stop until they were nose-to-nose. He closed the few inches of space between them and snaked one of his large arms around her waist. Before she could protest, his lips pressed
against hers.

  He broke the kiss and thrust his hand out to the side. Blinking rapidly to clear the fog from her mind, she looked to see another pile of demon ash at their feet. “Damn,” she breathed out.

  Ayden and Zach were holding their own with one demon each. She scanned the area. “Hey, Jag. Wasn’t there another Amiddian?”

  A high-pitched alarm sounded within the building. Jagger met her eyes. “Reinforcements,” he said as he grabbed Khloe by the upper arm and dragged her away from the building with his super-human speed. Just before flashing from the scene, he called over his shoulder, “Abort!”

  Chapter 15

  “You really need to stop teleporting me around like a child.” Khloe shoved at Jagger the moment they took form inside Divinity House and walked off.

  If they’d been alone, he'd silence that sharp tongue of hers by putting it to good use. But they weren't alone, and the situation with the demons had just gotten more complex.

  “They knew we were there,” Zach blurted out as he flashed inside the living room and sat down on the sofa.

  “It might be a coincidence that they were there.” Ayden pulled his wife into a hug and kissed the top of her head as soon as he sat beside her.

  Teddy-Bear raised their large heads off the floor where they lay in front of the fireplace. “Nothing with demons is a coincidence,” Teddy said with a snort.

  Bear shook his head. “Nope. They are smarter than they look. Well, some of them are.”

  “If they didn’t know before you got there…” Teddy started.

  “…they knew when you arrived,” Bear finished.

  Khloe came back into the room with a tray and set it on the coffee table. “I think your source is feeding both sides, Zachary.” Annoyance was evident in her tone. She picked up a package of crackers and handed them to Kalissa then proceeded to pour tea.


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