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Death's Storm (The Divinities Book 2)

Page 9

by Lia Davis

  “I don’t think so. She’s as much a part of this war as the rest of us.”

  “How so?” Kalissa asked.

  The doorbell chimed, halting Zach’s reply.

  Teddy-Bear rose and followed Ayden to the door.

  A few moments later, Ayden returned with Desiree Sanders from the Oceanway Coven.

  Khloe stepped closer to the other Divinity with concern etched on her features. “Is everything okay?”

  Desiree’s ice-blue gaze scanned the others in the living room. She wrung her gloved hands nervously in front of her. “Yes. Everything is fine.” She looked at Jagger then peered past him to Lex at the kitchen bar. “I want to join the fight.”

  Khloe crossed her arms. “Just like that? Have you ever fought a demon?”

  “Lo,” Kalissa warned.

  “She can fight, or at least she can defend herself.” Lex broke his usual silence and stood from the barstool to move closer to Desiree.

  Jagger studied the witch again. She was small, very young—maybe in her early twenties—and very powerful. Lex had picked up on something he couldn’t. By the way Teddy-Bear stood in front of her, the hellhounds did, as well.

  Her shoulders dropped. “My ruling elements are Fire and Spirit. I’m also a Porter.”

  “Aren’t Porters dangerous?”

  “No, Khloe. Considering they all went extinct about three thousand years ago.” It was Zach’s turn to be annoyed.

  Kalissa stood and offered her hand to Desiree. “Come in and sit. Everyone has apparently taken their rude-ass pills today.”

  Desiree offered a weak smile. “It’s okay. After the attack on my coven, I thought it was time to put my undesirable gifts to use.”

  Khloe laughed. “In that case, welcome to the war.” She extended her own offer to sit, but Desiree shook her head and said she had to get back to the coven to help her mother.

  After she’d left, Jagger shifted closer to Khloe when she settled into an armchair. His thoughts were on Desiree and the news of her being a Porter. Her power would certainly up the Divinities’ game plan. With the right training, she could become even more lethal.

  Khloe’s pinky finger extended out and brushed against his leg, bringing him out of his musings. At first, he thought it was unintentional, but she didn't remove her hand and continued to caress him with light, circular motions just above his knee. Waves of desire rolled through him until it was almost too much to take. He didn't dare move or respond for fear she'd stop.

  When her hand wrapped around the back of his knee, he almost lost control. Quickly, he stepped away from her and walked to the back door. The crisp, winter, night air greeted him as he stepped onto the back porch. He took deep breaths with his eyes closed and tried to calm his mind. That was next to impossible with Khloe invading his every thought.

  The scent of chocolate with a hint of rose reached him and stroked like tiny caresses all over his body. “Do you need something?” He didn't dare turn around. She was too much of a temptation.

  “I wanted to talk to you.” It was a soft-spoken request.

  He turned to face her. Teal eyes rimmed in jade holding a mixture of fear, desire, and something else he couldn't quite place stared back at him. “What's wrong?”

  “I can't do this again, Jagger.” She looked away and leaned against the railing.

  “Do what again?”

  She shrugged. “This…whatever this is between us can't happen. I won’t allow it.”

  “I don't think you can stop what’s fated.” Jagger stepped closer to her.

  Khloe shook her head. “I can. I do have a choice.” She turned around, and with his night vision, he saw the hint of tears threatening to spill between her lids.

  He reached out and stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Who hurt you?” May the gods help whoever it was. She gave another shake of her head and moved to leave. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and pressed his lips to her cheek. “Stop running,” he whispered.

  She took a deep, shaky breath. “It was five years ago. Mark was human…is human. He was my magical partner. The one thing precious to my kind.”

  He knew all too well about finding the one person fated to share a prolonged life with. He'd gone the last three thousand fifty-two years believing he'd never find his until he saw Khloe. But he remained quiet and let her speak.

  “I tried to explain what it meant and that he would take my lifespan through the binding ritual.” She paused. Jagger hugged her closer. “He…he said I was a black witch come to take his soul. He even went to the newspaper and sold an article about the coven being full of black witches.” Khloe turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his waist. “I’ve never been so destroyed and hurt in my life. You see… I can't do that again.”

  Jagger let out a chuckle. When she tried to pull away, he held her in place. “I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you. It's just ironic.”

  “How so?” Her tone held anger and annoyance.

  “I'm a soul-stealing demon.” He laughed again, unable to stop himself.

  Khloe relaxed in his arms, and a few seconds later, her shoulders shook with laughter. She lifted her head and smiled at him. “You don't steal souls. You guide them to the Afterworld.”

  “To this human, there's no difference. Is he still alive?”

  “Yes, with his human wife and a kid on the way.”

  They were silent for a few moments. Jagger was enjoying holding her, the feel of her body fitting perfectly against his. He lifted her chin with his index finger and softly kissed her.

  A moan escaped her as she pressed into him and deepened the kiss. He growled in acceptance of her forwardness. That was his Khloe, taking what she wanted. He was going to give her everything he could.

  The familiar presence of his brother made him growl in frustration. He broke the kiss and faced his brother's smirk.

  “Hecate wishes to speak to both of us. Now.” Lex then turned and walked toward the barn.

  “Will you be back?”

  Jagger cocked his head, confused by her question. “Of course. Why do you ask?”

  She shrugged and waved it off as though it didn't matter. “I don't know.”

  “I promised you we'd find those children. I never break promises.” Besides, he could never leave her side longer than he had to. She was his, and he was going to keep her for as long as he lived.

  After a quick kiss, he flashed to the Afterworld to meet with the goddess.

  What was she doing? Khloe was falling for the demon. Hard. The more time they spent together, the harder it would be to let him go when the children were recovered, and Demetrius's plans to control the Dark Divine were derailed.

  And it was all her internal love meter's fault.

  She peered down at her birthmark, now double red roses. One was slightly darker than the other. A smile formed on her lips. Jagger wasn't evil by any means, but he was a demon. It made sense that his rose was a deeper red, almost burgundy.

  A moment later, Kalissa walked out onto the porch and leaned against the railing next to her. Khloe laid her head on her twin's shoulder and sighed. “I'm not sure I can do it.”

  “You really don't have much of a choice. Of course, you could deny it and go your separate ways, but you'd never be complete.” Khloe raised her head and studied her sister's profile. Kalissa spoke from experience. She had been lost during those fifteen years away from Ayden, no thanks to the memory spell her psycho ex had put on her to keep them apart. Khloe had watched her cut off the world and withdraw from family and friends without a clue as to why. Would that happen to her if she chose not to mate with Jagger?

  “But when Mark and I broke up, after I got over the pain, I didn't feel incomplete.”

  Kalissa shrugged. “Maybe Mark wasn't your true partner.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Of course, you two were in love and compatible up until you told him about us and our world. You could have lived a very long life together,
happily. But things happen for a reason. Maybe Mark has a different path to walk. Maybe he's not meant to be a part of this war.” Kalissa twisted to face her and frowned. “Why are you crying?”

  “Because you're pregnant, and I think I'm getting your hormone imbalance. And you sounded like Mom just now.” Her sister laughed, and Khloe couldn’t stop herself from returning the laugh.

  “It doesn't work that way, and you know it.” Kalissa took her hand and tugged her to the door. “Think about what I said. Don't pass up the chance to have your true life partner.”

  Khloe nodded, not wanting to argue with her sister. She would think about what she’d said. Hell, she agreed with most of what Kalissa had said about Mark. But, could Jagger truly be hers? Did he want to spend the rest of his existence tied to her?

  The living room lights were dimmed, and furniture had been moved to the side to reveal the three-foot-diameter circle etched in chalk on the hardwood floor. Four white candles were lit and placed around the circle at each directional point. Melaina stood inside the circle and held a small mirror in her hand.

  “What's going on?” Worry filtered through Khloe’s mind. Surely her twin wouldn't cast a spell on her. That was just wrong.

  Kalissa giggled, obviously reading her thoughts. “No spells, silly. We're calling Barbra. Ayden suggested we ask her to spy on the demons.”

  “Oh.” Embarrassment crept up her cheeks. She was becoming paranoid of everything and everyone around her. Man, she had to get a grip. Then Kalissa's words sank in. “That's a great idea. Do you think she'll do it?”

  Barbra Loomis was Liam's—Kalissa's psycho ex-boyfriend—mother. She’d hung herself ten years before, after discovering that her husband was a demon. Apparently, Barbra had magickin blood in her family, so she was given a choice of being a spirit guide or spending the rest of eternity with her human ancestors in Heaven. She’d chosen to serve the Divinities as their spirit guide, kind of like their guardian angel.

  “I'm certain she will.” Kalissa paused for a passionate kiss from her husband that was enough to make Khloe blush, which was a hard thing to do.

  With a smile, Khloe walked into the circle and rolled her eyes. Mel cracked a smile.

  A few moments later, Kalissa joined them inside the circle. “Where is hubby going?” Khloe asked.

  “Shower and then to bed.”

  “Oh, I guess we need to hurry then.” Khloe dodged Kalissa's hand swat.

  She wondered if it took the three of them to call a ghost. The question was answered when Kalissa took the mirror from Mel and held it flat between them. Khloe couldn't help but ask, “So, how do you call a ghost?”

  Her sister didn't bother to look up at her. “Hush and watch.”

  Khloe pressed her lips together to keep the laugh from escaping. Kalissa's maternal instincts were kicking in already. Next, she'd get the snap of the fingers. A giggle bubbled up and out of her lips. Kalissa's eyes snapped up and narrowed at her. “Sorry.” Taking a deep breath, she focused on the task.

  As one, they closed their eyes. Khloe focused on her twin’s voice and let the words take her into the meditation needed to start the chant.

  After Kalissa spoke the last word of the chant, the air in the room grew thicker. Khloe opened her eyes in time to see a flash of light so brief she wasn’t sure she’d seen it.

  Barbra's solid form appeared in a white, floor-length gown. Her dark chestnut hair was beautiful against the dress and her milky skin. Her eyes lifted as she smiled brightly at Kalissa. “Lissa, darling, is everything okay?”

  Kalissa opened the circle and returned the smile. “We are well.” She went on to tell the ghost about the missing Dark Divine children and asked if she'd help.

  Barbra didn't hesitate. “Sure. What's the plan?”

  Chapter 16

  Jagger twitched at leaving Khloe behind, while at the same time, he was relieved to get away to meet with Hecate. Not only did he have to give her a report on the Dark Divine, he also wanted to ask about his biological mother and how to contact her.

  After materializing in the living room of the home he and Lex had lived in with Hecate for the last couple of centuries, Jagger sensed the goddess’s rage. It was dark and thick in the air. A moment later, she entered the living room. She glared at them as if waiting for them to share something positive.

  Jagger frowned and shook his head. He didn’t need to tell her they had no good news. So he and Lex remained silent.

  “I draw the line when children are in the line of fire. Khan is doing something to block me from seeing him and his demons.” She paced, curling and uncurling her hands while her magic spiraled around her. “I need the two of you on the front lines with the Divinities. Khan will not win this.”

  When she paused, Jagger took that moment to tell her his theory about the Sinew and Khloe. “I believe the demons have a piece of the Sinew, and they are looking for someone strong enough to charge it.”

  “That I know. They will not succeed because you two will not allow Khloe or Kalissa out of your sights. I’m searching for a loophole in Zeus’s law for me to stay out of the war. Until then, you and the Divinities are free to call on my hounds and any other of my resources.” She faced them and stared at Jagger.

  His skin tightened, and his heart thumped wildly. The way she’d fixed on him, he guessed she knew he was going to seek out his mother. “Jagger, speak.”

  “I wish to make a bargain with my mother.”

  “I see.” She glanced to Lex. “Leave us, please.”

  Lex gave a short nod with his lips pursed. However, his brother knew Jagger would fill him in later. Much later. When Lex dematerialized, Jagger met Hecate’s stare. “We don’t know which Fate is your mother.”

  “Then I’ll summon all three.”

  She stepped closer to him and cupped his cheek. The love of a mother lit up her eyes. “You have the power within you to change your own fate. Making deals with the Fates is dangerous. But you are a very stubborn male. Just be careful, and be aware of your surroundings.”

  Her words circled in his mind. He was a son of the Fates. His powers came from them and his demon father. Understanding settled in with clarity. “I could change fate.”

  Hecate’s eyes went round, and she shook her head. “There is always a price. The balance of the universe must not be disturbed. What you change will have the opposite effect.”

  “I know, and I will only use the power if I can’t keep her alive without it.” She frowned, and Jagger shook his head. “I promise to be careful, mother.”

  She released a sigh and stepped back. “You should return to your mate and stop whatever Khan and his demons are planning.”

  He gave her a kiss on the cheek and teleported back to the Divinity House. The sight of Khloe peacefully sleeping relaxed him. He would give his own life to ensure that she was safe.

  Startled, Khloe rolled over, and her eyes snapped open. She relaxed and smiled at the sight of Jagger lying on his side next to her. Watching her sleep, no doubt.


  “Morning.” He kissed her forehead, nose, mouth, and down her jawline to her neck.

  She moaned as his lips glided over her skin, leaving behind a trail of hot desire. When his warm tongue lapped at her jugular vein, she nearly cried out. The memory of his bite from two nights ago was still etched in her mind, and a stream of lusty need flared straight to her core.

  With one hand fisted in his black hair, she tugged and pulled his head up so she could claim his lips. He complied willingly, thrust his tongue into her mouth, and sought hers out in turn. His hand traveled up her outer thigh to her waist and stopped to cup her breast. She arched into his touch, wanting more. No, needing more.

  He did things to her. Things she didn’t completely understand. Not knowing where they were headed or how they would get there scared her. She was addicted to him. There would be no one else, ever.

  Oh, gods, I hope my heart doesn’t break.

  The l
onger she was with him, the more the wall around her heart crumbled. Before long, Jagger would break through that barrier completely. No. She had to reinforce it. She couldn’t be vulnerable, not when they needed to get those children out of Khan’s hands and back with their adoptive family.

  “Jag,” It came out as a breathless whisper, and she cursed herself for the weakness.

  He lifted his head, and his dark chocolate eyes met hers. Oh, hell. How was she going to say no to that face? Not to mention the promise of complete bliss in the depths of those eyes.

  Giving up on her internal battle between what she shouldn’t have and what she wanted, Khloe fisted her hand in his black hair and pulled his lips to hers once more. Jagger met her demand and thrust his tongue inside. She moaned and rubbed her body against his.

  The sound of breaking glass in the hallway outside her room made them freeze. A feminine gasp followed by a painful moan spurred Khloe into action. She pushed against Jagger’s chest, relieved when he didn’t protest. She rushed to the door and yanked it open.

  Lydia was doubled over, one hand gripped tightly around the railing and the other placed on the side of her round stomach. Khloe took a step forward but stopped when Jagger gripped her arm.

  “Glass.” He released her arm, stepped over the broken cup to lift Lydia, and carried her to her room.

  Khloe darted after them. By the time they’d reached Lydia's door, Ayden and Kalissa were climbing the stairs. Ayden had his cell phone pressed to his ear. No doubt calling Bethany, Zach’s sister and the coven’s midwife.

  Khloe didn’t wait for them. She charged into the room as Jagger laid Lydia on the bed and stepped back. Kneeling at the side of the bed, Khloe laced her fingers with her best friend’s. Worry and fear whirled in her gut.

  “Something’s wrong,” Khloe said as Kalissa and Ayden entered the room.

  Her brother-in-law leaned over and placed his hand on Lydia’s stomach. His sigh of relief and the smile on his face eased Khloe’s anxiety a little.


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