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Reforming Her Vampire

Page 6

by Marie Medina

  “I will. I promise.” Sean nodded to both of them and said, “I’ll go write to Gregor so he knows to expect us.” He bowed briefly and left the room, his stomach in knots suddenly. Lucas’s silly rules didn’t bother him. As many times as he’d seduced women and men alike, he knew very little about making another’s heart yield. In that area, he was as inexperienced as Iris.

  Chapter Four

  Two Days Later

  Iris watched the trunks being loaded onto the back of the carriage. The courtyard teemed with people, but her brother wasn’t among them. She scanned around again, but still she didn’t see him. Erik looked around as well, so she walked over to him.

  “I’m as guilty as he is of avoiding talking about the situation, but is he going to come to say goodbye at least?” Iris asked Erik. Lucas had emerged for dinner the previous night, but he’d only made small talk at the table, staying silent when Iris’s trip came up. He didn’t seem upset any longer, but that didn’t mean he was exactly happy. Lucas and Sean had exchanged a few words about a mutual friend in Gregor’s dominion, but they hadn’t interacted in any other way.

  At least, not that she knew of. She did wonder if they’d talked alone in the last couple of days. Sean seemed calmer yet still somewhat nervous where Lucas was concerned.

  “If he doesn’t, I’ll drag him out of the castle myself,” Erik said.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Lucas said from behind them.

  They both turned around to look at him. When neither of them responded, he sighed and said, “I’ve been watching from the window up there. I knew the glare of the sun would hide me.”

  “I’ll leave you to it,” Erik said, walking away before either of them could reply.

  “I understand you’ve given Sean a lot of rules to follow,” Iris said. “He only mentioned them last night after dinner. He actually didn’t want to tell me about them at all but decided he had to. Said he didn’t want me upset with you, but in the end, he figured he couldn’t start out hiding things from me. Plus, it would’ve been hard to hide once we got away from here.”

  “It’s not going to be that bad,” Lucas said.


  “I want to be wrong about him. I really do,” Lucas said.

  “Why are you so worried about him seducing me?”

  “I’m worried he’ll break your heart. I don’t want to talk about any of you … having that kind of relationship, but it’s going to happen. I just think you’ll be able to keep a clearer head if things like that aren’t happening.”

  “That?” She laughed. “May I quote you?”

  Lucas looked miserable standing there, and she decided to take the first step. She hugged him close and said, “You’ve taken such good care of us, and you and Erik are the perfect models of a loving couple. Just trust that you raised us right.” She drew back. “You did, you know. We’re all going to be fine. Our lives will all take different paths because we’re different, but that’s all right. We think for ourselves, exactly as you and Erik taught us. I was shocked, too, when Sean told me. I had some doubts right away. But I feel as if he’s truly been waiting his entire life for this moment. He’s like a different man. So nervous and concerned. I think he’ll have a nervous breakdown if it ever rains on me.”

  Lucas made a face and then laughed. “That would be funny.” He took a deep breath and looked across the courtyard, where Sean stood talking with Agatha. “He does seem far more serious now. I expected him to be kind of, I don’t know, petulant? I felt sure there’d be opposition to anything I said or did.” He paused and met her gaze. “He agreed to my terms with no argument.”

  “Did he? He didn’t tell me that part.” She hesitated before asking, “Are they really that big of a deal? He said we can’t ride in a carriage alone. That’s the only one he’s told me specifically so far.”

  Lucas actually looked a little embarrassed this time. “They aren’t … too bad.” He lowered his voice. “And you know Agatha’s going to let you get away with things she deems all right. I had to be cautious. She’s going to toe the line between what I’ve said and what she thinks appropriate.”

  “Then why did you pick her? I’m not complaining, but I didn’t expect you to say that.”

  “I still trust her.” Lucas turned back to her. “I’m sorry about the way I acted at first. I’ve been struggling with how to say that to you.” He paused for a few seconds as he slid his hands into his pockets. “If Sean were fated to another, I’d be making jokes about what his mate is in for.”

  “But his mate’s your sister.”

  He gave her a lopsided smile that didn’t truly reach his eyes. “Yep.”

  “I only have one request.”

  “What’s that?”

  “If he does do me wrong, stand back and let Violet take care of it?”

  “Hmmm,” Lucas said, echoing her earlier response.

  She poked him in the ribs for that. “Laugh for me again. Please? I need to know you and I all right.”

  Lucas frowned. “Of course we are. I never meant for you to think we weren’t. I just needed to get my head around it all.”

  “And now?”

  “Getting there.”

  She crossed her arms and leveled her gaze at him. “Please don’t drive Erik crazy. We won’t be gone that long.”

  “I know, but you have a big decision to make. I’m going to worry.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t.” She caught Sean’s eye, and he began walking their way. “Does Lord Gregor have a mate? I don’t remember.” She actually knew Gregor hadn’t found his fated mate, but she didn’t want to just be standing there silently when Sean came up to them.

  “No. He’s in his early fifties, I think, but hasn’t found his mate yet.”

  “Are we about ready?” Sean asked when he stopped beside them.

  Iris noticed he held himself very rigidly. “Yes, I think so. We were just saying goodbye.”

  Sean turned toward Lucas and held out his hand. “One of us will write you once we arrive.”

  Lucas shook his hand. “Good. Thank you.” Once he let go, he clasped his hands behind his back. “Looks like the weather will be nice.”

  Weather. Yes, wonderful conversation topic. Iris tried her best not to sigh as she looked at the two of them.

  “Yes, I thought Iris and I might ride behind the carriage the first part of the trip, then see how the weather is.”

  Iris looked over to the stables and saw Moonbeam, her dappled gray mare, being petted by Violet. Sean’s own horse stood on the other side, and Daisy and Flora were admiring the enormous brown stallion. “What’s your horse’s name?” Iris asked.

  “Gentry. He’s big but very gentle.” Sean glanced over. “And he loves women fussing over him. He’ll be cranky about me putting a stop to it.” Sean looked back at them and gave a slight bow to Lucas. “We’ll keep you informed.”

  Once Sean walked away, Iris let out her sigh. “I hope he gets his personality back when we leave here.” She shifted her weight when she felt Lucas watching her. “I mean, he can be annoying, but he’s always been able to make us all laugh.”

  “I’m sure he’ll still annoy you. He’s a hundred years old. It would be hard enough to change a man your own age.”

  “I’ve already had this talk with Agatha. I know not to head into a relationship thinking I can change the person, but some things will change.”

  “I certainly hope so.” He leaned over and hugged her again, kissing her cheek. “Take your time. It’s not a done deal yet. That’s one thing Sean and I agree on—this is your decision. Just listen to your heart.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  The rest of the goodbyes took nearly twenty minutes, and Iris actually felt relieved when they set out.

  Once they’d made it out of the village and onto the main road, Sean turned and asked, “Where are Heather and Adam heading for their honeymoon?”

  “First to visit Adam’s grandmother, who couldn’t travel for
the wedding. Then into the mountains. Erik arranged for them to stay in a lodge his cousin Vane owns. We’ve all been there before, and it’s very beautiful. There’s a waterfall, and it’s so lovely in the morning.”

  “Yes, I’ve been there before, though it was before Vane owned it.”

  “Romantic getaway or hunting trip?”

  Sean pressed his lips together as he glanced down at his reins. “I did head there in pursuit of someone. It was far more rustic back then, I’m sure. I had little interest in hunting and didn’t stay long.”

  Iris looked up into the sky. “The clouds are moving off. I think the weather will be nice enough for us to ride all the way.”

  “Unless you get tired. Just let me know.”

  Iris smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll speak up.” She glanced up the road at the carriage. “You did this so we can talk, right?”

  “So we’d have the chance, yes. I like Agatha, but I’m nervous enough without an audience.”

  Iris burst out laughing, doubling over.


  Sean couldn’t do anything but stare at her. “I don’t see what’s so funny.”

  Iris managed to contain herself eventually. “If anyone had told me you would be so self-conscious around your mate, I’d have laughed just as heartily.” She laughed again. “I’m flattered, but I simply don’t understand. What do you think you might say or do to scare me off?”

  “I don’t know. That’s what worries me,” he said, wanting to be honest.

  She calmed down and considered him a while, her gaze open yet searching. “I never would’ve picked you. I’ll admit it. I’m attracted to you, but I never could’ve imagined anything more than sleeping with you once.”

  The surprise must have shown in his face because she quickly added, “Not that I was giving it a lot of thought, but I am eighteen. I have thought about sex more than once, believe it or not.”

  “Of course. Your honesty surprised me. That’s all.”

  She seemed to consider that a moment. “Sometimes girls like to have their first time be with someone who knows what he’s doing.”

  “I know.”

  She frowned then. “But I’m getting off topic. I only mean to say that you should be yourself. What I was getting to is that, even though I never gave you much thought, I’m open to this. I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t.”

  “So you are attracted to me?”

  She smiled. “You know you’re attractive.”

  “I think I am. I wouldn’t say I know it. And everyone likes different things.”

  Her smile faded then. “You’ve always seemed to prefer men. You’re fine with being mated to a woman?”

  “Yes. I am.”

  She hesitated and repeated his question back to him. “So you are attracted to me?”

  Sean purposely let his gaze sweep over her slowly. “Yes, Iris. You’re very beautiful. I’ve had trouble sleeping the last couple of nights.”

  “Thinking of me?”

  He nodded. “Oh yes. If we get to that point, I want it to be perfect for you.”

  Iris blushed but only looked away a moment. “I know it will hurt, of course.”

  “But it doesn’t have to hurt much at all.”

  She eyed him but didn’t say anything for a moment. “I am a virgin. Guessing you knew but just so you know for sure. I didn’t exactly come out and say before.”

  “Based on things you’ve said, I thought that was the case.” He cleared his throat, not sure what to say next.

  “Perhaps we should’ve brought Violet along to keep conversation going,” Iris said.

  Sean looked over at her and mirrored the grin on her face. “I don’t know. She’d be asking if we’d kissed yet and what it was like. If we’re going to wait until we’re mated to have sex and how many kids we’re going to have.”

  Iris snorted with laughter. “Gods, she would ask that stuff, wouldn’t she?” She looked over at him after a moment. “Not that we’ll likely get a chance, but … do you think couples should do that before committing?”

  “Have sex?”

  She nodded.

  He believed they should but didn’t know if he wanted to say that.

  “Be honest. Please,” she said after a few seconds.

  He cleared his throat and said, “I think they should. They should know if they’re compatible. If there’s real desire there.”

  “But if you love each other, won’t it be good no matter what?”

  “I would think so. I’ve never been in love before.”

  She jerked her head up. “No one? A hundred years and you’ve never been in love?”

  Her reaction caught him off guard. “Not everyone falls in love at all. And like I told your brother, I’ve been waiting for my mate since I was barely of age.”

  Her brows came together in confusion. “But you can’t control it, can you?”

  “I don’t think you can. I’m not really sure. You can’t control being attracted to someone, but love takes time.”

  “You don’t believe in love at first sight?”

  He shook his head. “Not really.” He tilted his head, curious. “Do you?”

  “Like the idea. Most men I liked right away ended up being boring. Or shallow.”

  “You’ve never been in love then?”

  “No. Of course not.”

  “Of course not? Why do you say that?”

  She looked at him as if he’d asked a silly question. “I’m so young. I even told you I’d never had a decent kiss before.”

  “Age has nothing to do with it, though I’m glad to hear my kiss was decent.”

  “It was much better than that.”

  “Yes, I thought so, too.”

  She looked over at him again. “I always thought being a fated mate would be so romantic, but it’s kind of weird.”

  His stomach pitched a bit. “Weird?”

  “Not bad, just … odd. It’s exciting, but I feel like we still have an audience even now. Like the gods are watching or something.”

  “Can I do anything?”

  She bit her lower lip. “I shouldn’t have said weird. That hurt your feelings.”

  “No, but it worried me. Nothing’s written in stone.”

  “But it’s written in my blood.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is, but we still have free will.”

  Iris grew quiet, and they rode in silence for several minutes. When she finally turned back to him, she said, “I like you more than I thought I would.”

  “Is that a compliment?”

  She shrugged. “An observation.”

  Sean smiled as they turned eastward, more pleased by her “observation” than he ever had been by any compliment.


  Iris began unpacking her trunk after taking a quick turn around the room she’d been given in Lord Gregor’s castle. He hadn’t come to greet them. Gregor’s steward, who seemed very young to be in such an important position, had come rushing out to welcome them. The young man had even rushed over to her horse to help her down, holding her waist a little too long and smiling flirtatiously as he greeted her. The steward, whose name she hadn’t caught, had gone pale when Sean had appeared at his side and thanked him for “being so ready to help my mate.” She’d bristled at the possessive action but had to admit she hadn’t liked the steward’s familiarity. The breach of etiquette in acknowledging her first had only made his attention stand out even more. She was wondering if Sean would always be jealous when men paid attention to her when Agatha came bursting into the room.

  “I don’t think the steward’s balls have dropped yet!” she said, not even bothering to do so quietly. “And it took me five minutes to get here. What kind of chaperone sleeps a mile away from her ward?”

  “He does seem young. Perhaps he misunderstood your role.”

  “No, Lucas wrote to him, and I’m sure there was no mistaking the situation.” Agatha gazed around the room. “It’s beautiful, and quite clean, I’ll say that.
Mine’s clean enough but a bit drab.” She sighed as she continued to scan her surroundings. “If I can’t get them to move me to this hallway or an adjourning room, you’ll have to promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “Be … careful?”

  Agatha turned to Iris and smirked. “Iris, it’s me. For all his flaws, Sean has lots of appeal. Can you really look at me with a straight face and say you won’t be tempted at all? After a little wine and a little charm and—”

  “Agatha, I’m not going to simply fall into bed with him!”

  “You can say that, but what if he bites you? I mean, you don’t plan to deny him that, do you? It’s going to affect you, too, you know.”

  Her face grew hot. She remembered the day he’d told her. He hadn’t drunk from her since then so she hadn’t given it much thought.

  “See? You’re bright red and can’t look me in the eye. He’s got something stirring inside you.” She moved to the bed and gave the mattress and push before lifting the duvet and inspecting the sheets and blankets. “I’m not criticizing, dear. I should hope you feel something for him. I can’t imagine you’d lead him on.”

  “No, of course not.” Iris looked at Agatha, curious. “Did you mean be careful not to be seduced or not to get caught?”

  “What I meant was don’t get pregnant, actually. I promised I’d look out for you.”

  Pregnant? She hadn’t really thought of that either. “You don’t think it’s wrong for us to have sex?”

  “To protect my own hide, I’m not going to answer that question, but sex isn’t wrong. Timing and place can be wrong, though.”

  “I’m his mate. Makes it seem right.” She sat down on a surprisingly hard chair and smoothed her skirt, feeling fidgety. “I don’t think I’m ready. Not yet.” She shifted positions as she tried to figure out how anyone who had ever sat down could find this chair acceptable.

  “That’s what matters. I don’t want to spoil what’s happening between you two, but me being closer to you might keep him on his best behavior. If I’m in the next room or a few doors down, he might fear my door swinging open.” She laughed. “Would be funny to catch him. See his face.”

  “I think his nerves will keep him on his best behavior. He’s very self-conscious. It’s kind of strange.”


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