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Reforming Her Vampire

Page 7

by Marie Medina

  “He has seemed different.” And then she smiled. “Maybe you’ll reform him. He already seems ready to follow you around like a little puppy.”

  She laughed. “He has been attentive.”

  A knock came at the door.

  Iris bolted to her feet, praying whoever it was hadn’t heard the puppy remark or her laughter. “Come in.”

  The door opened, and Sean poked his head in. “There you are.” He strode into the room, giving it a quick once over. “I’m not sure about this new steward. Doesn’t seem old enough to grow a beard.”

  “Agatha was just saying something similar,” Iris said.

  “Balls haven’t dropped is what I said. And if they have, he thinks with them,” Agatha said. “You should’ve bared your fangs at him for what he did. Far too familiar. She’s a vampire’s mate and another vampire’s ward. He had to know that.”

  “I don’t think useful information finds his brain a hospitable environment,” Sean said.

  Iris laughed. “You two are awful! He’s just young.”

  “He might be Gregor’s lover. His household staff has been known to change based on who’s in his bed.”

  “Terrible idea,” Agatha said. “I liked his former steward better. I’m not sure what happened to him.”

  “Really?” Sean said. “Must’ve been sudden then, if you don’t know.”

  “Calling me a gossip, my lord?” Agatha asked, though she smiled at him as she did.

  “A fount of information. Very handy,” he said, returning her smile and finally seeming more at ease.

  Agatha cleared her throat. “Where have they put you? That’s a muddle to start with.”

  “The room next door. I think my balcony connects with yours,” Sean said, pointing to the right.

  “Not my balcony. They’ve put me halfway across the castle,” Agatha said.

  Sean’s eyebrows rose. “You’re not in here?” He glanced to the bed. “I assumed that was the reason for the bed the size of a boat. Mine’s barely big enough for me, even though the room is of similar size. For once I’m glad I’m not taller.”

  “No, I’m not in here,” Agatha said. “I’m not even within shouting distance.”

  Sean clasped his hands behind his back. “I’ll speak to Gregor. He’s down in the gardens, I was told. I was going to take Iris down and formally introduce her.”

  Iris said, “I’ve been introduced before, but I don’t think he’s ever taken much notice of me.”

  “He’ll take notice now,” Sean said, coming forward and grasping her hand. He kissed it and then put her arm through his. To Agatha he said, “I’ll see what I can do about the rooms.”

  Agatha crossed her arms. “If I didn’t have faith in Iris’s ability to inspire any man to worthy behavior, I’d say you’re possessed by a demon. Or some mythological shape shifter has stepped in and the real Sean is dead in a ditch somewhere.”

  “Agatha! Oh, my gods!” Iris said. Inspire any man to worthy behavior? I can’t believe she just said that!

  But Sean laughed. “I am possessed, but not by a demon. I’ve always wanted to find my mate. Maybe I’m not that devout, but I think the gods know what they’re doing. My own parents are blissfully happy.”

  Blissfully happy? Iris found herself staring at the floor suddenly. I’m not sure I could make anyone that happy. Or be made that happy by anyone. She glanced back up at him a moment, feeling full of questions and finding no answers in sight.

  “Do as you like about the rooms,” Agatha said. “I don’t think it’s going to matter in the end.” She swept out of the room before either of them could question what she meant.

  “We have Agatha’s approval?” Sean said. “I’m amazed. And perhaps suspicious.”

  “Just thinking exactly that,” Iris said. “What did she mean by…” She trailed off, suddenly not sure she wanted to know.

  “That it won’t matter in the end?” Sean said quietly.

  Iris shrugged one shoulder but still nodded.

  “She could mean I’m going to corrupt you no matter what. Or that she thinks we’re a good match. Or that it’ll all work out the way it should no matter what.” He shrugged as well. “I welcome her confidence. I try not to question my elders.”

  Iris couldn’t stop a laugh from bubbling up. “Your elders? You’re Agatha’s elder by fifty years or more.”

  “But in terms of maturity and experience, I’d say she has me beat.”

  He really isn’t as arrogant as I always thought he was. And he’s funny. Not just silly jokes for Violet kind of funny. He’s sort of clever. Witty almost.

  “Do I want to know what you’re thinking?” Sean asked.

  She realized she’d just been staring off to the side as she thought about what he’d said. Struck by a desire to tease him, she said, “Perhaps not. Agatha gave me much to think about.”

  Sean began to lead her from the room. “She’s going to keep me on my toes no matter where her bedroom is.”

  “Lucas did pick her for a reason,” Iris said.

  “Hmmm” was the only reply she got to that.

  They continued down the hall and out toward the gardens, and Iris tried to remember all she could about Lord Gregor. She had a vague feeling Violet didn’t like him much and struggled to remember why.

  Chapter Five

  Sean found Gregor lounging on an oversized fainting couch in an equally oversized gazebo nearly half a mile from the castle, almost at the very edge of the formal gardens. The number of wine decanters lying around gave him pause. Gregor looked up as they approached, his gaze traveling slowly over Iris. Sean stopped a few feet away and made introductions, feeling uneasy because of the lethargic, almost gloomy expression on Gregor’s face. Gregor did not seem to want guests, and he almost wished the man had written back and told him not to come. But Gregor rose and gave a partial bow before extending his hand to Iris. She slid her fingers into his palm, and Gregor kissed her hand, finally smiling, if only for a second.

  “She’s lovely, Sean. You’re a lucky man,” Gregor said before his expression turned glum. To Iris, he said, “I believe I missed a wedding a few days ago. Forgive me. I haven’t been in the mood for seeing happy people for some time now.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, my lord,” Iris said.

  Sean couldn’t hold back his concern. “Is something wrong? I would’ve given you more time to respond, but you were the one who suggested I drop by before leaving the area.”

  Gregor sighed. “I may not be good company, but I’m glad you’re here.” He briefly glanced to Iris before saying, “The man I love is someone else’s mate. I kept telling myself I was fine, but it’s not working anymore.”

  “I’m so sorry, my lord,” Iris said before Sean could manage to react. “That must be so hard.”

  “It is, my dear, it is,” Gregor said. “People keep telling me I’ll find my own mate one day, but you’re the first person to acknowledge how hard it is for me. Except for Kit, of course. He was kind to me even after I acted like a spoiled child.”

  “Kit?” Iris said.

  “Christopher. That’s his name, but everyone calls him Kit.”

  Sean gaped at Gregor he finally made the connection. “Byron’s mate? Your ward? The little fox shifter that Maggie raised after … well, the tragedy.” Byron and Erik were cousins, and Sean vaguely remembered the couple being at Heather’s wedding. Kit didn’t seem like Gregor’s type at all, but he could see how years of watching over the young man might’ve inspired affection in Gregor.

  “Yes,” Gregor said quietly.

  “I’ve been around him several times, my lord. At family functions,” Iris said. “He’s very kind. Your feelings are easy to understand.”

  Gregor let out a deep sigh. “You’re the only person not telling me to snap out it, so to speak, and that’s making me want to do exactly that.” He gave his robes a once over, shaking his head as he tried to smooth some wrinkles but failed. “So rude of me to…” He trailed
off with another shake of his head. He pushed his long, dark hair out of his face, his expression clearing some. “Byron and Kit were at your sister’s wedding, but they stopped by to visit Maggie beforehand. They came to see me, and it only reminded me how alone I am. No mate of my own and no one in my life to compare to Kit. Stupid, really. They’ve been mated three years.”

  “Your feelings are never stupid,” Iris said.

  Sean didn’t know what to say, but he admired how Iris handled the situation. Gregor could be very intimidating to some people.

  “I’m serious,” Gregor said. “I want you to enjoy your visit. I’ve moped long enough. And been rude. Not coming out to greet you and all.” Clasping his hands before him, he asked, “Have you two set a date yet?”

  Sean’s mouth fell open. “Um, no. We’ve only known for a few days.”

  “Really? You seem quite natural together.” He looked back and forth between them. “A good sign.”

  “I think so,” Iris said.

  Gregor eyed Sean. “You’re not as chatty with her at your side. I like that.”

  Iris laughed, and Sean found himself at a loss again. Finally, he said, “I’m trying not to be smarmy. A little bird told me I’ve been accused of that.”

  Iris actually rolled her eyes. “I’ll never live that down, I see, but don’t expect an apology.”

  “Certainly not,” Gregor said. “He needs a mate who speaks her mind. I’ll admit I’m surprised the gods chose a woman, but perhaps they recognize he needs softening. A woman’s critical eye to improve him.”

  Sean bit his lip to avoid a cutting remark. They’d been friends so long he certainly could’ve come up with one. Iris seemed to be cheering Gregor up with very little effort, and he had no intention of disrupting that. Gregor in a dark mood could be hard to deal with. “Speaking of critical eyes, there’s been a problem with Agatha. She’s meant to be our chaperone, but her room is not close to the one Iris is in at all. While mine is right next to it.”

  Gregor sighed and rolled his own eyes. “I daresay that’s my steward’s doing. Probably thought he was doing you a favor. Thinks of nothing but sex.” He shook his head. “He’s crawled into my bed twice. Literally. I’m going to have to get rid of him.”

  “Yes, he was very familiar with Iris,” Sean said. Gregor certainly must be upset if the handsome young man doesn’t interest him.

  “Was he?” Gregor said. “My household’s an absolute wreck.” He tapped his chin with two fingers, his brows coming together in concentration. “Pick any room you like for Agatha and tell a maid to have it ready. The kitchen staff can function without a steward. They actually prefer to be left to their own governing. And a couple of village girls came looking for work just last week. I’ll get everything sorted somehow.” He sighed again.

  “My lord,” Iris said, “if you only mention needing help to Agatha, she’ll jump right in for you. Be glad to do it.”

  “But she’s a guest. She shouldn’t be put to work,” Gregor said.

  Iris laughed. “Any other time, I’d agree, but I’m willing to bet she’s already bored. She likes to be in charge of things and put them in order. This disorder here might actually be annoying her, if I’m honest.”

  “If you’re sure…” Gregor straightened his robes again. “Let me go see to sending Perin on his way. Then I’ll begin to see what can be made of his study.”

  “Oh, set Agatha to that,” Iris said. “She’s Matthew’s wife, and to hear her tell it the true reason he’s such an excellent steward for Erik.”

  Gregor gave her what seemed to be a genuine smile. “I think I’ll like her then.” He began to walk away but stopped. “I hope you aren’t trying to get her out of the way so you can have your way with Sean. I hear his reputation is mostly fabricated.”

  Iris gaped at him. When she managed to shut her mouth, she said, “I’d be insulted if that joke wasn’t more cutting to him than to me.”

  Gregor laughed. “And I think I’m going to like you, too.” He waved his hand as he walked away. “Make yourselves at home.”


  Iris watched the vampire walk away and then turned her gaze to Sean. He has been less chatty today. Is it really because of me? “Does he always take little jabs at his friends the way he does with you?”

  “Yes, but I think having my newly discovered mate here made him a bit worse.”

  “Really? To amuse me or embarrass you?”

  “Both, I’m sure.”

  She sighed, her chest feeling a bit heavy. “Three years and still so sad? I feel awful for him.”

  Sean looked in the direction Gregor had gone for a moment. “I had no idea about Kit.”

  “It’s not the kind of thing you go around telling people,” Iris said. Something came to the edge of her memory. “Though I sort of remember Violet telling me he did something once.”

  “Who did something?”

  “Oh, Gregor, sorry. I was trying to remember.” She still struggled a moment. “As we were walking out here, I was thinking Violet didn’t like Gregor and was trying to remember why. Mention of Kit sort of helped. He was rude to Byron or something at a family function. Not their mate bond ceremony but around that time. Violet always gets the best gossip from the servants.” She shook her head. “I can’t remember exactly what happened.”

  “I’m sure Violet will remember, but that sounds like Gregor. He definitely gets caught up in his own point of view.”

  “That would explain him not getting over Kit.” She frowned. “It’s much too long to brood. If Kit and Byron came here to visit, they must be over anything that happened. Or do you think they never knew? That can’t be true since Gregor told us so readily.”

  Sean took her hand and said, “I’m sorry this isn’t exactly the most romantic getaway. Gregor’s mercurial at times, but I never expected this.”

  “No need to apologize. Life goes on whether people come to visit or not.” She squeezed his hand. “Maybe he truly will cheer up. Seeing Kit might’ve just brought it all back to the surface.”

  “He said he acted like a spoiled child, and that’s something he does from time to time. He’s fifty-two, but that’s young for a vampire, in a way.”

  “Unhappiness isn’t known for bringing out the best in people.” Iris noticed they hadn’t let go of each other’s hands. “You are less chatty. Like he said. Is it me?”

  He looked at their hands as well. “I’m not used to being so self-conscious.”

  “I shouldn’t have asked,” she said as she drew her hand away. “How can you even answer a question like that?”

  He frowned at her. “I wasn’t trying to avoid answering it. I’m not used to thinking about my actions being influenced, I guess. But I think you are affecting me. I’m trying to impress you but not in the same way I’ve always tried to impress potential—” His mouth snapped shut, but then it fell open again. “Uh…”


  “I was going to say lovers. But yes.”

  “You saying that wouldn’t have bothered me.” She turned to admire the wisteria covering the gazebo. It was a bright yellow she’d never encountered before. “Perhaps I should have mercy on you and stop asking questions.” She looked back to him. “We’ll figure it out. And we’re supposed to be getting to know each other, not analyzing every little action.”

  He chuckled. “You’re right, but I never realized what it would be like. Finding a mate unexpectedly, I mean.”

  “You assumed you’d find the person in bed, right? I think you said something like that.”

  “I think I was sneakily trying to excuse my reputation.”

  She grinned at him. “But I hear that reputation is mostly fabricated.”

  He walked over to her and drew her to him, his expression serious. “The joy you take in teasing me has my blood running hot.” His gaze moved slowly over her face. “I hope I get the chance to prove my reputation is deserved. Especially since it doesn’t seem to bother you.”

/>   Muscles in her abdomen clenched, and her breasts felt heavy as he held her against his body. “I was always told teasing meant a boy liked me. And Lucas and Erik tease all of us. Isn’t it how boys show affection?”

  “Boys, yes. Men ought to be better at showing their feelings but often aren’t.” He licked his lips. “Are you trying to show affection to me?”

  “I haven’t run away, have I?”

  “Not what I asked,” he said, his head tilting a little.

  Their lips met, and his other arm went around her. This kiss held far more heat and hunger than their first one had. Instead of slobbering all over her, he knew what he was doing. He managed to tilt or move his head just right at every move she made, even though she felt lost to sensation. She didn’t know how to kiss a man, not really, but it seemed she didn’t need to. Her chest heaved as they parted, and his eyes lowered briefly.

  “That answer your question?” she asked, more to fill the silence than to seem clever.

  He chuckled again, the sound much warmer now. His hand came to her cheek. “I think it does.” His gaze lowered again. “May I bite you? I never had any chances to ask while we were still with your family.”

  “Yes, but…” She bit her lip, not sure how he would react.

  “But what? I’ll be gentle no matter where I bite you.”

  “I don’t want to lose my head.”

  He looked confused, but then he loosened his grip on her. “I promise I won’t do that. I’ve never used my bite to get anyone into my bed. I hope you believe that.”

  “I wasn’t thinking that. I’m sure you never had to do much more than hold out your hand, but—”

  He cut her off with a laugh. “I’m not that skilled, my dear.”

  She gazed down, shrugging one shoulder as her face grew hot. When she looked back up, she said, “I think I only want to go all the way if I’m in love. I know that might be hard for any man—”

  He cut her off again, this time placing his fingers on her lips. “That will make it all the sweeter. I’m as new to love as you are, despite my experience. That could be something we end up exploring together.”


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