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Reforming Her Vampire

Page 9

by Marie Medina

  Sean sighed. “I want it to be Perin so we know who to go after. Whose throat to rip out.”

  “That’s for the magistrates. Didn’t you hear what I just said? If vampires go around acting like beasts, it won’t be long before war and dark times come again. We’ve had peace a good long time, and I’d like for it to stay that way.”

  “Gregor could override the magistrates and pass judgment himself. He was likely the true target.”

  “Exactly why they’d defer to someone else.”

  “I suppose so,” Sean said softly, no longer feeling like arguing. “Justice and vengeance are very different.”

  “Worry about all of that later. All right? You’ll give her nightmares talking like this.”

  Sean bit his lip as he considered her words. “You’re right. I’ll go get some air. Like you said.” He kissed Iris on the forehead and then rose as slowly as he could so he wouldn’t jostle her.

  “I’ll be back later.”

  Sean nodded as Agatha left the room, and then he walked over to the balcony doors. His head understood that vampires couldn’t go around seeking vengeance, but his heart still felt the call to do so. He went outside but remained standing, looking in at Iris. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically, and her golden hair spilled over her pillow. His chest tightened yet again. Turning her had given them a bond, and Sean reached out through it, trying to be gentle and not disturb her. He drew back when he felt a sense of peace wash over him.

  She’ll think I’m crazy if I say I love her already, but what else could it be?

  She stirred a little, her hand reaching out over the blanket spread on top of her. He rushed back in and laid his hand by hers. Her fingers brushed his, and she sighed as she took in a deep breath.

  Her eyes snapped open, and she blinked a few times before sitting bolt upright and glancing around anxiously. Sean gently reached for her shoulders to steady her. “You’re safe,” he said softly.

  One hand clutched at her throat, though he couldn’t be sure if she was thinking of the poison or his bite. She blinked a few more times. “I’m a vampire,” she said at last.

  “Yes. I had to. I couldn’t lose you.”

  She looked into his eyes. “I agreed. I certainly didn’t want to die.” She drew closer and ran a hand over his chest. “I can hear your heart. Clear as anything.”

  “You’ll tune it out eventually. You’re probably hungry.”

  She looked outside. “The suns have set. How long has it been?”

  “A few hours.”

  “What happened? It’s a blur. I remember people talking, but all I really recall is you holding me.”

  Sean cupped her cheek. “Poison, in the lamb. They’re pretty sure they found the bottle. Creeper weed. One of the women in the kitchen died. Everyone’s being questioned, but Perin’s a suspect.”

  She pressed his hand to her face. “The guy did make me uncomfortable. But poison? Because he lost a job?”

  “Maybe. We don’t really know. And there’s always a chance it was someone else.”

  She continued to rub his hand and press it to her cheek. “I’ll need to send word home. If news travels quickly enough, Erik and Lucas will be beside themselves.”

  “Yes, we can do that right away.” He paused, looking at her clutching his hand. “You can drink, if you wish. Your fangs should descend easily enough.”

  She turned her head slightly, and her lips brushed his wrist. She seemed hesitant, though, even as her eyes told him she wanted to.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  She shook her head and bit into his wrist. He had a feeling something was troubling her, but the feel of his mate feeding from him banished everything else from his mind. His body responded as she drank, and when she drew back, her lips were swollen as she licked at the puncture marks and healed them. She panted, her breasts heaving as she looked up at him. She drew closer, her hands moving over his chest.

  “Iris, I believe the blood is making you feel this way,” he said. He had no desire for her to stop, but he didn’t want her to regret anything that happened.

  “This way? You mean wanting to rip your clothes off?” Her eyes glinted as she looked up.

  Sean laughed. “Yes. And I won’t take advantage of that.”

  She tilted her head, looking puzzled. “I’m your mate. You’ve turned me. How would you be taking advantage? I was attracted to you before I even knew we were mates.”

  “You said you want … to be in love. Before you go all the way.”

  She hesitated, her eyes focused on the rug even as her hands still caressed him. “No. I said I thought I did. And maybe I still do, but…” She sighed as her brows came together. “I dreamt about you. I’m trying to remember.”

  “Did you?” His heart quickened at that.

  She nodded and looked up. “Your heart is beating faster.”

  “It is.”

  She ran her hand over his and clasped it. “I feel as if I know you better now.”

  “We have a sort of link. Not like mind reading or anything, but a bond. A very intimate one.”

  “It’s like I can feel how much you care for me.” She looked up into his eyes.

  “I do care for you. Very much. Losing you would’ve hurt more than I care to think about.”

  Her other hand slid over his leg, much too close to his half-erect cock.

  “And you’re aroused. At least a little,” she said, stopping her progress but not pulling her hand away.

  “I am. And Agatha could come back at any moment.”

  Iris pulled both of her hands back, making him miss her touch instantly. “It’s your blood. My change. You’re saying what I feel might not be exactly right?”

  “Suddenly being all for us having sex? Yes, that is definitely because of my blood inside you.”


  I’d prefer more than your blood inside me, but just my luck you’ve decided to reform and be a gentleman. She clasped her hands together, trying not to be angry with him. He could have yielded to her desire right away, but he hadn’t. The lust surging through her certainly wasn’t like anything she’d ever felt before. Was he feeling something similar? She really wished his eyes changed colors as easily as some of the vampires she’d met.

  “So we’re just going to sit here with our pent-up desire?” she asked.

  He gave her an apologetic look. “Don’t be angry. I’ve wanted you since that first taste of your blood. But I also want a happy mating.”

  She thought about that as she studied his expression, which struck her as anxious, almost nervous. “You think after it’s over I’ll feel differently? Think it was a mistake?”

  “Something like that.”

  She rose and walked over to the desk on the other side of the room. “If anyone had told me I’d have to beg you to touch me, I’d have laughed out loud and probably ended up convulsing on the floor.” She drew out a piece of paper and reached for a quill. But she didn’t see any ink. “At least make yourself useful by helping me get this letter written. Can’t find the damned ink.” She began opening drawers and plundering around in them, feeling very agitated suddenly.

  Sean was at her side soon enough, looking in some of the deeper drawers on the other side. He found a jar of ink and set it down by the blotter.

  “Thank you,” she said, feeling a little bad about what she’d said. She stared down at the blank piece of paper for a few seconds before looking up at Sean. “Sorry.”

  “For what?” Sean asked, leaning on the edge of the desk beside her.

  “Being bitchy.”

  “You’re not being bitchy. You’re on edge. My blood probably only gave you a little relief.”

  She shifted in her seat, and as she did so, she noticed Sean’s lids lower a little bit. “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that there are other things we could do besides actually … doing that.”

  “No, you don’t,” Sean said in a low voice. “But I do think you should write to your broth
er and Erik. Since one of the women in the kitchen died, news may indeed travel quite fast.”

  She took the lid off the jar of ink and dipped her quill, pausing only briefly before starting her letter. She tried to be brief but still reassure Lucas and Erik. A smile came to her lips as she finished it up.

  “What?” Sean asked as she blotted the paper and then folded it.

  “Violet is going to be jealous. And want to know everything. She’ll think being poisoned is exciting.” At the odd look on Sean’s face, she laughed. “Because I survived, of course.” But her laughter faded. “Though, not everyone did survive, so Violet probably won’t ask about that.” She found an envelope and slid the letter into it, then sealed it. “Who was it? The woman who died?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t left your side, and I’ve only talked to Agatha. I heard Gregor screaming and smashing things. Agatha says he’s angry he wasn’t fast enough.”

  “He gave the others his blood?”

  “Yes, but he didn’t turn them, of course. I could’ve simply given you my blood, but you seemed to be in pain. I felt how scared you were. And like I said, I was afraid of losing you.”

  She rose and kissed him, pushing between his legs and pressing up against him. To her relief, he didn’t push her away. His cock pressed against her stomach, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  A knock came at the door, and she groaned as Sean broke the embrace.

  “Come in,” Sean said, putting a little more distance between them.

  Lord Gregor came in, and he smiled and rushed over when he saw Iris. “You’re awake. Thank the gods.” He actually shoved Sean aside and took both of her hands. “What do you need, my dear? Anything, and it’s yours.”

  “I’m fine, my lord.”

  Gregor eyed her a moment. “Yes, it seems you are.” He cocked his head over at Sean. “A successful turning, I take it?”

  “Yes. She slept for a while, but everything seems fine.”

  Gregor looked back to her, the relief fading from his eyes. “I’m so sorry. We’ll find who did this, and that person will pay.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for. You couldn’t have known.” She wished he’d let go of her hands. They were warm and strong, and she was starting to see what Sean had been worried about. Gregor was handsome, and her agitated state had her taking more notice of that.

  Sean seemed to sense this, given the way he shoved her letter at Gregor suddenly. “She’s written to Erik and Lucas. Can it be sent right away? If this doesn’t reach them soon, Erik will be racing here before we know it.”

  Gregor let go of her hands and took the letter, not seeming to notice anything amiss. “Yes, of course. I’m going to the village to help with the search. I’ll send one of the fastest messengers myself.”

  “Will you be gone long?” Iris asked.

  “Late as it is, search parties are forming. I imagine I won’t be back tonight. But Agatha has things well in hand. The castle will be completely secured the moment I leave with the magistrate’s men, and I have men I trust patrolling.” He looked between the two of them. “You will stay with her, Sean? I can post a man out in the hall if not.”

  “I’m not leaving her side ever again,” Sean said.

  Iris looked into his eyes a moment before turning back to Gregor. “I’m so sorry someone died. Who was it?”

  “Isabelle. One of the cooks. A very dear woman, but not in the best of health.” His expression darkened. “I wasn’t fast enough. I had no idea what to do. If not for Agatha’s quick thinking, you all might’ve perished.”

  “The others are recovering?” Iris asked.

  “Yes. My blood was just the thing.” He sighed as he looked at the clock. “The men are probably ready to go. I’ll send word if there are any developments.”

  “Is there anything we could do?” Sean asked.

  “She should rest, and you should be with her. I’m sure Agatha will send word if you’re needed.” He turned to leave.

  “All right,” Sean said.

  “Thank you,” Iris said. When Gregor was almost to the door, she added, “And tell Agatha I’m awake but won’t be needing her anymore tonight.”

  Gregor turned with his hand on the doorknob. “I’ll be sure she knows you’re well attended.”

  Once he was gone, she went back over to Sean and put her arms around his neck again. “Where were we?”

  “You mean before you started staring at Gregor as if he were a piece of chocolate cake?” Sean asked.

  She frowned. “All right. I get what you’re saying. I’m not exactly myself. But I don’t want him. I want you. I simply took a bit more notice of him.”

  “Mmmm hmmm.”


  “Of course.”

  She’d expected him to deny it. “Why?”

  “Because I think…” He stopped, sliding his hands around her waist.

  “Think what? I’m not ready?”

  “I’m sure you’re more than ready for that, but maybe not for what I’m about to say.” He licked his lips and then said, “I think I love you. The thought of losing you made me feel hollow inside. I know it hasn’t been that long, but I believe I’ve fallen for you already.” He gave her a little smile. “How could I not? You’re lovely. Sweet and kind. Playful. Intelligent. Caring.” He pressed closer. “And you feel good in my arms.”

  “Are you asking for my answer?”

  He shook his head. “No. I’m telling you that you’re it for me. If we make love tonight, you’re going to have a damn hard time getting rid of me.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest. He loves me? Actually loves me? Is it even possible? She looked up into his eyes as he seemed to grow more anxious with each passing second. “I don’t think I want to get rid of you. You said you wouldn’t leave my side. You don’t really mean to stay in this room all night and not touch me, do you?”

  “I believe you were the one who pointed out that we could do other things.”

  She bit her lip to avoid blurting something out. She didn’t really know exactly what she wanted him to do, but she doubted he’d need any guidance. “I did, didn’t I?”

  Loud voices drifted in from the open balcony door, and after a few moments, they couldn’t be ignored. She loosened her grip on Sean as they exchanged concerned looks. They both rushed outside, and Iris gazed down, blinking as she realized how her eyesight had improved. She saw Gregor with some other men, and everyone seemed to be talking at once.

  “I suppose we should go down and see what’s happened,” Sean said. “If you feel up to it.”

  Iris started to reply, but she stopped when she saw two bound men being led into the courtyard. A couple of the larger men stopped Gregor from rushing at the bound men, and Iris tried to focus on them. “Is that Perin? Looks like him.”

  “It is, but I don’t know who the other man is.” He took her hand. “Let’s go find out what happened.”

  “Yes, I want to know.” She gazed down at the scene as the two men were bustled into a carriage. Some of the other men mounted their horses and moved into position, perhaps to escort the carriage. “Are they leaving?”

  “I’d bet the magistrate doesn’t want to leave them here for the night. Lord Fergus lives nearby. His home is an old fortress. The main floors are lavish, but the lower levels are still used to house prisoners in the area.”

  She focused on Gregor. “He does look ready to murder someone.”

  “I feel ready to, after nearly losing you,” he said, kissing her hand and then gripping it tight. “Come on. And don’t leave my side.”

  “I think I’d lose skin if I tried to pull away,” she said, giving him a quick smile.

  He kissed her hand again. “I meant what I said, my lady. I’m entirely yours.”

  She led him out into the hallway. “The quicker we find out what happened, the quicker we can get back to the business at hand.”

  “The business at hand?” Sean said, a hint of laughter in
his voice.

  “Yes. If you’re entirely mine, you better start doing as I say.”

  “Yes, my lady,” he said softly before they hurried downstairs.

  Chapter Seven

  Sean carried Iris into her bedroom and reluctantly laid her on the bed. Holding her felt wonderful, under any circumstance. After they’d been told all that had happened, Iris had fallen into step with Agatha getting things sorted out downstairs. Sean had been pleased because her focus on getting him into bed had worried him. But contact with other people had brought her out of her shock over her own situation and seemingly overridden what her transformation had been doing to her. She’d gone right away to sit with some of the maids, who seemed frightened and upset. Everyone had eventually started going to bed once Gregor had returned from the village around midnight.

  She mumbled something but didn’t actually wake up. Sean kissed her brow and pulled the blanket back over her. Tempting as it was to undress her, he knew she’d probably wake up if he did so. If she reached for him again, he knew they’d end up having sex.

  He went out onto the balcony as he chuckled to himself about her earlier comment. If anyone had told me I’d have to beg you to touch me, I’d have laughed out loud and probably ended up convulsing on the floor. He cast another glance at her before sitting down and resting his eyes. Perin had apparently blurted a confession when Gregor had lunged at him, but he’d qualified it by saying that the other man, Derrick, had been the mastermind.

  Derrick had denied the charge, but his struggling had caused his shirt to rip, revealing a red tattoo. Derrick had stopped talking immediately when everyone had seen that it was the Eternal Eye—a triangle with a swirl in the center of it—inverted and pointing downward. This symbol made it clear that Derrick was a member of the Black Sun sect, a group that had split off from the Blood Clan when their new leader had set reforms in place to make vampires the allies of the Blood Clan instead of their enemies. Everything seemed clearer now, but Sean hoped the trial would reveal even more so they could be ready for any other attacks.


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