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Reforming Her Vampire

Page 10

by Marie Medina

  Then his speculations all began to fade away. All of his thoughts circled around Iris and what came next.

  Gregor had sent her letter off, so Erik and Lucas would know what had happened by tomorrow evening, if not sooner. Sean could already imagine the look on Erik’s face. The other vampire loved his mate’s sisters so much, and Sean had never seen any man dote on children quite the way Erik did. A smile came to his face as it hit home that he and Iris would have children one day. The idea excited him, and he glanced in at Iris again, wondering what the children would look like. They’d be golden haired, of course, but he hoped the children would get the red highlights Iris and her siblings had. He frowned as he realized they couldn’t have blue eyes like Iris. They’d be born vampires, so their irises would be white. Then he laughed at himself, knowing it wouldn’t matter what they looked like. If they had children, it would mean they were together, that Iris loved him. How could anything make him unhappy if that happened?

  “Are you that distracted, or do vampires not have good hearing?”

  Sean’s head jerked up as he realized Iris was standing beside him. “We have pretty good hearing, but I was distracted.”

  “And tired, I’ll bet.” She yawned and reached for his hand. “Come to bed. I promise not to take advantage of you.”

  “I was just thinking. Letting you sleep.” Sean smiled as he rose. “But I had every intention of joining you.”

  Once they were inside with the balcony doors closed, she turned around and held up her hair. “Loosen the laces, would you? I don’t want to sleep in this.”

  Sean tried to focus his gaze on his fingers as he undid the laces enough for Iris to slip out of the dress. Every little brush of his fingertips against her skin made him anxious, but he managed the job well enough. She crossed the room and disappeared behind the dressing screen. He quickly shed the outer layers of his robes and got into bed. He usually slept naked, but that would never do tonight. As much as he wanted her, it simply wasn’t the time or place.

  Iris emerged wearing a nightgown that billowed around her the way children’s nightclothes did. She twirled when she saw him watching. “See? Who could seduce anyone wearing this?”

  Several teasing retorts came to mind, but he held them all in. Throwing the blankets back, he said, “Come to bed. I’ll get the lanterns and candles.”

  She crawled back into bed but said, “Leave one lit?”

  “Of course.” Once he’d extinguished all but one candle, he climbed back into bed. Iris snuggled up against him right away, and he went still as she got comfortable. When it seemed she wouldn’t move anymore, he put one arm around her.

  “See? I don’t bite,” she said, yawning again.

  “Well, actually, you do.”

  Iris laughed against him. “Don’t make me laugh. I’m too tired.”

  “You started it.” He kissed the top of her head. “Good night, Iris.”

  “Night,” she said, sounding half asleep already. Within moments, her breathing had steadied.

  Sean tilted his head so it rested just above her head, and he fell asleep enjoying the floral scent of her hair.


  Iris pulled two dresses from her trunk and folded them again. She’d slept until noon and woken up to find Sean gone. A note on his pillow said he was next door packing, and she’d used the connecting balcony to go and see he was doing exactly that. Excited as she was about being a vampire, she didn’t really want to go home just yet. She’d imagined Sean might wake her with a kiss and perhaps even make love to her. But he seemed completely focused on getting them back to Erik’s castle.

  Is he going to make some sort of declaration to my brother? Is he going to ask for my hand because I was born human? Will he propose? She sighed heavily. How can he control himself like this? Never seen him control a single urge before now.

  She glanced to the balcony door a moment. He said he thinks he loves me. That I’m it for him. But do I love him? He seems so different now.

  Once her trunk was packed, she sat down on the end of the bed and thought about what she’d say to her family. In that moment, she knew she had to say something to Sean right away. Going out onto the balcony again, she paused at his open door and knocked. “Sean?”

  Sean shut and locked his trunk and then looked up. “Yes? All packed?”

  “Yes, we can head out whenever you want, but I wanted to tell you something first. Before we see my family.”

  Sean crossed the room and took her hand, kissing it. “Of course.”

  She reached for his other hand as well. “My answer is yes.”

  Sean went completely still. “Yes?”

  She nodded. “To the mate bond. To being with you. I woke up without you this morning and didn’t like it. I wanted you there. I’d like you with me all the time.” She swallowed as she looked into his wide eyes. “I think I love you, too.”

  Sean let go of her and crossed the room, leaving her puzzled. He shut and locked his door and then he did the same to the balcony door.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, even as her heart raced because she felt sure she knew the answer.

  “How do you feel about leaving first thing tomorrow instead? I haven’t even told the servants yet. I was still a bit dazed when I woke up.”

  “Then you should’ve stayed in bed with me,” she whispered.

  He smiled. “I’m about to make it up to you.”

  She gasped as she was swept off her feet and taken to the bed. Once she’d been set down, Sean began to strip. His robes lay in a pool on the floor within seconds, and she found herself seeing a man completely naked for the very first time. She’d seen plenty of shirtless men before, but her expectations regarding everything else had been only half formed.

  As she looked at him, he reached down and stroked his shaft. That excited her, though she had no idea why. She didn’t know if he was average or not, but it looked pretty big to her.

  “I’ll be gentle. And you can tell me to stop at any time,” he said.

  “Gentle? Isn’t that what they say in romance novels before the heroine is ravished repeatedly?”

  Sean smiled. “You like romances?”

  “They’re all right. Some are pretty good.” She began to unlace her bodice, but Sean knelt and stopped her.

  “Let me do that,” he said softly, his eyes going black.

  “Your eyes finally changed.” She smiled as she felt his warm fingers brush her flesh.

  “I’m about to make love to my mate. I couldn’t have stopped it if I’d tried.” His fingers seemed to get tangled, and then he ripped the dress down the front and parted the material.

  She gasped as he began kissing her stomach.

  “Sorry,” he said against her breast. “I couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “Mmmm. Liked it,” she said just before his tongue circled one nipple. She gasped and reached up to hold his head there. As he suckled there, little tendrils of pleasure moved all over her body, focusing on her core. “Like how strong you are.”

  Sean drew back and took her face in his hands, kissing her first tenderly and then hungrily. She could feel the bond he’d spoken of even more now. His emotions seemed so much clearer as she looked at him. Soon she’d been disentangled from her dress, and Sean kissed his way down her body.

  “Do you know about what I’m about to do?” he asked.

  Blinking through the fog of pleasure, she said, “I know how sex works.”

  He chuckled against her thigh. “Not what I meant.”

  She struggled for words but gave up when she spread her legs and licked her sex. Girls at Erik’s castle had talked about this, but Iris had never given it that much thought. She gripped the pillows behind her as he explored with his mouth and then his fingers. He probed gently at first, and she gasped when his tongue swirled quickly around her clitoris. When she arched, he pushed his fingers forward. She felt a little stab of pain as the barrier inside her was broken, but then he rubbed the heel of
his hand against her slit. He dropped light kisses on her skin as he did this. Her channel had grown slick, and two of his fingers slid into her easily, though she still felt a little discomfort. She wanted to thank him because she thought he’d broken her hymen with his fingers to lessen her pain later, but his breath on her skin and his fingers inside her had her addled. She glanced down at him and smiled, his gaze making her want more.

  “Do you touch yourself?” he asked.

  Though her face grew hot, she said, “Yes.”

  His tongue slid over her clitoris, and her hips jerked. A third finger entered her as his tongue focused on pleasuring her. She’d always thought having a man go down on her would be embarrassing, but now she understood why girls smiled the way they did when they had a lover who “did it right”. She arched against his mouth, liking the feel of his fingers inside her.

  “Sean,” she said as she felt the orgasm coming. The tension seemed so different than when she did it for herself, and she propped herself up a bit to look at him better. Their eyes met, and his fingers thrust deeper as he sucked her clitoris. When his teeth raked over it, she fell apart. She tried to hold his gaze, but her head fell back. He continued to flick at her with his tongue until she wiggled away. He chuckled and kissed her thighs before moving up to hold her.

  She felt hot all over, her sex throbbing in the most delicious way. She wanted him to touch her more, and she kissed him before asking him to do so.


  Sean trembled as Iris asked him to keep touching her. Though he was still hard and aching, making her come had been even more satisfying than he’d imagined. Especially when she’d propped on one elbow to watch him. He kissed her as his hands moved up and down her body. His hand moved between her legs to cup her sex. Her pussy was so slick and hot, and he slid two fingers back inside her. She arched against him, and then, to his delight, she bit his neck. He let her drink for a moment, and then he drew back. She licked his wound closed before raising her wrist, but he shook his head. Moving down between her legs, he bit her thigh and drank from her. She arched off the bed and cried out his name.

  If the others hadn’t guessed what was keeping them before, everyone knew now.

  Once he’d sealed his bite, he moved up her body and wrapped her legs around him. He feathered kisses over her face as he nudged at her entrance. He went slowly, but when she moaned with need and arched up while running her nails over his back and shoulders, he finally slid into her faster. Her tight pussy drew him in and squeezed him. He closed his eyes at the pleasure and began to move in and out. She held him like a fist, caressing him so perfectly.

  “Won’t last long. Can I come inside you?” Sean said.

  “You better,” she said before drawing him down into a longer kiss.

  Gods help me. His hips moved faster as she flexed around him, her hands moving frantically as her breathing increased. She whimpered as one of her legs tightened around him and then her sex began to convulse. She gasped against his mouth as she came.

  He was done for. He moved as much as her tight pussy would allow, and he spilled within seconds. Stars danced before his eyes as he gazed down at his beautiful and surprising little mate. They moved as one slowly until they were both spent, panting and gazing at each other with smiles on their faces.

  He held her a long time before either one of them spoke. He asked, “Was it what you expected?”

  “The pleasure was more than I expected, but it wasn’t the best part.”

  “What else is there?” he asked, no idea what she might say.

  She rolled a bit and looked at him. “The way you looked at me. Watching your face. You’ve been with hundreds of people, but I could feel I was different.”

  He nearly choked laughing. “I haven’t been with hundreds of people.”

  “Less than a hundred?”

  “Yes, my love, less than a hundred.” He laughed again. “You really thought that?”

  “I only had rumors to go on.”

  “Well, rumors be damned. My mate is the only one for me.”

  She smiled at him, her hand lowering to her stomach. “Could I be pregnant after just once?”


  “You don’t have children, right? I think I asked you that.” She giggled. “Seems so long ago, but it’s only been days.”

  “No children. Yet.” He let his fingers caress hers. “I used to think the idea a bit scary, but you’d be such a good mother. I’d love taking care of you both.”

  “How do you know I’d be a good mother?”

  “You’re so kind and loving.” He looked into her eyes. “So sweet. And it will be a baby born of love.”

  She blushed a little and bit her lip. “I believe we’ve both just said we think we love each other.”

  “Hmmm. Then let me remedy that.” He got off the bed and pulled her to the side to sit. He knelt down and said, “I do love you, Iris. And I can’t wait to have our mate bond ceremony. It’s going to be perfect. You’ll have the most beautiful dress, like a wedding gown. Everything you want.”

  She smiled at him. “I never used to dream about my wedding.”


  “I was too busy dreaming about the man.”

  Sean felt his stomach flutter. “And I’ll do?”

  She rocked backwards with laughter. “Did you hear me scream your name a minute ago? I know everyone else did.” She blushed over almost every inch of her body. “Not sure I can face anyone now.”

  Sean rose and pushed her back on the mattress. “Then let’s stay right here.”


  Iris tried her best to keep her pencil steady, despite the occasional jostling of the carriage. Agatha had stayed behind at Gregor’s castle, but Iris still made Sean sit across from her so she could sketch without him seeing.

  “We’ll be back at Erik’s in just a few minutes, I’d say,” Sean said, looking out the window. “Can’t I have a little look?”

  “When I’m done. It’s a very specific design, and I want it just right.”

  “I thought you said you’d never given much thought to this kind of stuff.”

  “To a wedding, no. But matehood jewelry? I’ve always loved hearing how people picked their designs.”

  Sean didn’t reply, and she looked up when she felt him staring at her. After a moment, he said, “You aren’t sketching lots of different ideas? I assumed you were.”

  “No. I’m seeing if the design will work best on a bracelet or a necklace. Rings are too small.” She adjusted the positioning of the little writing desk on her lap, drawing her knees up even more.

  “That’s a very unladylike way to sit,” Sean said.

  “It’s fine if you can see up my skirt. You’ve been up there before.”

  Sean laughed. “I’m more concerned with you slipping to the floor if we hit a big bump.”

  She smiled up at him. “If that happens, it will be your duty to catch me.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  She eyed her work and felt proud. She scribbled out the designs she’d rejected and held the piece of paper up triumphantly. “Here. It’s a bit different from other designs, but I’m sure it won’t be a problem.”

  Sean snatched the paper up the moment she offered it to him. “Anything you want, you’ll have.”

  She held to the little handle on the inside of the door and moved to sit beside Sean. “It’s a bracelet, but I want a series of silver discs linked together, not just one dangling from a chain. The blossoms can be arranged differently on each one. And with a different combination of gems to represent the years we were born. What’s your birth year? I was born in the Year of Gods, so my stone is yellow.”

  “3058. The Year of Blood.”

  “Rubies. That should be pretty.”

  Sean stared at the design a moment. “Those are cherry blossoms?”

  “Yes,” she said, wondering if he knew what they meant.

  His lips curled into a smile. “New beginnings

  “You like that?”

  The paper fluttered to the floor as he drew her into a kiss. When the carriage halted, she pulled away and arched a brow at him. “That means yes?”

  “That always means yes.”

  She giggled, but then she saw Sean looking behind her with some concern in his face. She turned and looked across the courtyard.

  Lucas sat on the steps. He’d probably been there most of the day, waiting on them to arrive. If Gregor’s message had been fast enough, he might’ve been sitting there most of yesterday as well.

  Iris grasped her mate’s hand. “Let’s get on with it. He seemed to have softened a little by the time we left.”

  “If you say so,” Sean said quietly.

  They stepped out of the carriage, and Lucas was already on his feet. And running toward them.

  “What is he doing?” Iris said.

  Lucas barely managed to skid to a halt in front of them. He stared at Iris a moment as he struggled for breath, and then he pulled Sean into a hug. Iris blinked, not sure what to say and also unwilling to disrupt things since Lucas didn’t seem angry.

  Backing up at last, Lucas took Sean’s other hand. “Gregor sent a letter along with the one Iris wrote. He said you never left her side from the moment it became clear something was wrong.”

  “Of course I didn’t,” Sean said, sounding as stunned as Iris felt.

  “You saved her life,” Lucas said before hugging Sean again. This time, when he pulled away, he said, “I’m sorry. I completely misjudged you. It wasn’t fair.”

  “There’s no need to apologize. I have a little sister myself, as I said.”

  Iris grinned as she pulled her brother into a hug, which he returned right away. “You better be sorry.” She winked at her mate. “Sean’s been a perfect gentleman.”

  Sean struggled for a moment yet managed to keep a straight face.

  Lucas drew back, looking grave. “And I must apologize to you as well. You’d never have been at Gregor’s if I’d acted more rationally.”

  She blinked and then shook her head, not wanting Lucas to dwell on that. “You couldn’t have known. No one could’ve.”


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