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Page 4

by Merel Pierce

  Nikolai rolled to his back the moment the door was sealed, pushing the blankets away as he fisted his neglected cock with one hand. He stroked himself idly as he waited for the girl to return, closing his eyes on a sigh as he brooded about just how much more difficult it was going to be to handle her gently as he’d promised.

  It would have been easy enough to force her, less time consuming to take what he wanted instead of attempting to rouse his little captive’s desire. That was more his speed, after all. But he also knew it was less likely the girl would conceive if she were terrified.

  The doctors hadn’t thought it advisable to give her fertility drugs so soon after the implant was removed, so the only chance he had of impregnating her this cycle was to draw on her body’s innate need for an alpha. Caring for her and protecting her would make her more comfortable, and the more at ease she was with him, the more likely she would submit to her own biological needs when the time came.

  Of course, if she decided to fight him, it wouldn’t be necessary to restrain himself. Nikolai smirked and began jerking himself more quickly at the thought. The idea of her forcing him to break his promise so that he could handle her roughly was almost worth having to wait another cycle to impregnate her. Either option seemed acceptable at this point. Only time would tell which way it would go.

  Chapter 3

  December blew out a relieved sigh as she lowered herself onto the closed toilet lid, grateful he hadn’t insisted she leave the door open or followed her in. She propped her elbows on her knees, dropping her head into her hands as she tried to slow her galloping heart.

  She had known the moment he unveiled his plan that the situation was going to be difficult. What she hadn’t expected was for him to act so decently. Of course, she was sure it was some sort of ploy. She’d heard enough about Nikolai Petrovski to know that he wasn’t a gentleman’s alpha, so to speak. Aggression and ego, she knew how to handle. That’s what she had expected when she woke to find him at her bedside. But this odd quasi-relationship behavior wasn’t something she’d anticipated.

  It didn’t help that she felt so unlike herself -- more anxious, impatient and irritable, her body betraying her by reacting to his nearness, scent, and purr. That wasn’t normal either. It wasn’t like her. Moments ago, when the alpha had been pumping his fingers in and out of her sex she’d tried and failed to remain unfazed. In fact, she’d irrationally wished it had been his cock stretching her instead of his fingers.

  “Jesus, you need to get it together.” Her imprisonment with this strange man -- this crime lord her entire city feared -- was a punishment to be borne with stoicism, not a vacation meant to be enjoyed.

  After a time, December drew herself up from her seat to approach the vanity mirror above the sink. She couldn’t help the grimace that formed upon seeing her own reflection. She looked terrible. Her skin was more pale than usual, and the dark circles beneath her eyes made her look haunted.

  That wasn’t even taking into account the mottled bruises that encased her throat. They were all shades of purple, blue, green and yellow. It really was a wonder she was still alive. She slid her hands up over the sides of the vanity, bracing herself on its top as she continued to stare into the mirror, chewing her lip distractedly.

  She had no idea what she was going to do. She didn’t dare attempt an escape so soon and thought it unlikely he’d allow her the opportunity anyway. She’d agreed to stay willingly and let him see her through her very first heat cycle. She’d agreed to let him tend her as a mate would. She initially felt she could manage it.

  Given the unpleasantness during her youth, maintaining a certain level of detachment was almost second nature to her. Keeping an emotional distance from the situation and keeping an eye on the goal of her freedom seemed like an easy enough undertaking, even if that meant allowing a man she didn’t know to use her body.

  But now, given the effect that the male had after such a short period of time, she found herself feeling confused and unsure. Neither emotion was familiar nor welcome. Had so much really changed simply by removing the heat suppressant device he’d claimed was inside her? According to Nikolai, the medication was still leaving her system, and she was concerned how she’d feel once its influence was gone completely. Just how different a person would she be without the implant? It was worrisome, to say the least.

  “Do you need help finding your way back?”

  She startled at the muffled sound of the alpha’s voice. Despite his casual tone, there was a clear command to “come” buried in the undercurrent of his words. Her pulse fluttering anxiously as she smoothed her hair and turned to flush the toilet she had yet to use. She turned on the water, letting it run a few moments to perpetuate her lie before she shut it off and reluctantly turned towards the door


  December returned to the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind her. She paused near the dresser, feigning distraction as she turned to inspect the flowers in the vase resting on the marbled top. She extended a hand, lightly tracing the external petals of a rose with her fingertips as she avoided the dark eyes of the man whose gaze she could practically feel gliding over her skin.

  “Do you like them?”

  “They’re pretty,” she conceded. “They smell nice too.” The alpha seemed pleased.

  “Both of which are qualities you also possess.”

  December’s lip twitched, and she had to refrain from sneering at him. Instead, she folded her arms over her chest and made a study of the room. She looked everywhere except the bed, where she could see the man at the corner of her eye in all his nude glory, stroking himself.

  “Come back to bed.”

  “I’m not tired. I’ve been on my back enough the past few days.”

  “You’ll spend plenty more time on your back before the month is out.”

  Affronted, she sent a narrowed-eyed challenge to the lounging male. “I’m not interested in watching you jack off. I thought I was supposed to be resting anyway.” He grinned wickedly, crooking a finger on his free hand in silent command for her to accept his invitation.

  “If you come here, I won’t make you watch.”

  She was doubtful, but knew his easy manner wasn’t likely to last if she continued to refuse him. Unhappily, December did as she was told.

  Despite declaring her disinterest, she found it increasingly difficult to keep her eyes off the man’s cock as his hand lazily worked its length as she approached.

  It was unlike anything she’d ever seen. For lack of a better word, it was huge. Thick veins wove a spider web of patterns across the smooth surface, pulsing his life force into its girth, as his meat stirred and jerked in his fingers.

  Her nostrils flared when she paused at the bedside, arms tightening over her chest when the scent of his arousal clouded her senses. She felt dizzy. She sniffed the air again in an instinctive bid to gather more of his pheromones, her eyes darting towards the male’s beautifully flared glans where a pearly bead of liquid had formed at its opening. Unconsciously, she licked her lips.

  December frowned when his closed fist briefly obscured her view. But when his fingers receded, she discovered what he’d done. The head of his cock now shined with the appealing wetness he’d spread across its tip, and when she dared an accusatory glance upward, she found his smirk had returned. He was trying to bait her. She frowned in disapproval, and the man had the gall to chuckle.

  “You can taste it, if you like.”

  She turned away, jaw clenching as she tried to ignore the hungry rumble that echoed through her midsection at the less-than-subtle invitation. The truth was, she wanted to. In that moment she wanted nothing more than to press her tongue against his glans and taste the hormone-laden precum he’d smeared there. She briefly imagined sucking the head of his cock into her mouth, and was dismayed to feel wet heat bubbling at the mouth of her sex in result. Her face scrunched unhappily.

  “No thanks.”

  Before she had a chance to react, he’d
spun her around and jerked her backwards onto the bed. December yelped as he crushed her to his chest, binding her to him with an arm across her torso. She twisted and squirmed, putting her heels to his thighs and pushing hard as she tried to put distance between herself and the hard slab of meat prodding at her backside. The band of his forearm tightened around her ribcage, punishing her protest by restricting her ability to breathe.

  “Be still!” The male growled hotly against her ear. December froze, whimpering as her stomach cramped and a gush of warm slick dampened her thighs. “If you don’t behave, I’ll fuck that little hole of yours right now. Do you understand?” She nodded mutely, pinching her eyes closed as her head swam under the influence of the alpha’s growl. The moment she went limp, he began to purr a soothing rhythm against her throat. “Good girl,” he murmured softly into her skin, his hold on her middle lessening with her compliance.

  While still husky, his tone was absent the guttural echo of promised pleasure it held only seconds before. She couldn’t decide if she was grateful or devastated by that fact, considering that she already felt like she was floating on the cloud, due to the solitary rumble he’d given her. It was a uniquely unsettling experience.

  He rolled his hips lazily against her backside, lowering the arm around her middle so that his fingers might spread over her belly and press her back into the hardened rod of flesh that was now nestled between the cheeks of her ass.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he rasped, his tongue lapping and sucking its way over still sore skin as he spoke. His attention drew an involuntary groan from his captive, and the air spiked with the scent of her own arousal.

  December cursed her body for a traitor as Nikolai drew his hips back, pivoting them downward to catch the head of his cock at the cleft between her thighs. She jerked nervously, only to have the fingers over her middle flex in an oddly reassuring gesture.

  “I wasn’t lying when I said I wished to know you, but there are many ways for us to become familiar with one another,” he explained lazily. The male pushed forward, his glans rubbing friction against her wet slit from underneath. When she gasped, he thrust his hips until the swollen head of his cock popped through at the front of her thighs.

  “I promised you wouldn’t have to watch if you came back to bed,” he reminded her as he drew his hips back again. The alpha dragged his cock through the false sheath of her thighs slowly, purring louder when she whimpered and twitched, as the heated rod seared a path against her most intimate places in its retreat.

  When he thrust forward a second time, the wetness of her slick coated the bulbous tip and smoothed out the initial jerkiness of his simulated penetration. December shivered, her hands clutching and pushing uselessly at his wrist where it still rested against her stomach. “Feeling it is better, don’t you agree?”

  “I want potatoes for breakfast,” she demanded breathlessly, her face contorting in discomfort as her insides began to churn and twist with heat. What he was doing was indecent. While she wasn’t surprised, she knew she should have been more upset than she felt. Making trivial demands was her pathetic way of trying to stay focused and feel as if she still possessed some scrap of control over what was happening to her.

  She yelped when he altered the angle of his attack, his cock splitting the lips of her sex on his next thrust. Instead of penetrating her, he rubbed friction against her clit with its length, teasing the little bud with the raised edge of his glans. She winced when his mouth sealed over the sensitive junction of her neck and shoulder, as he petted his way along her skin.

  “I said no marking,” she asserted shakily. Unbothered, he set his teeth to flesh, pinching just hard enough to send a bolt of unexpected pleasure zigzagging down her spine and leave her twitching in its wake.

  The sting of the bite was soothed with his tongue as he increased the pace of his thrusts. “You are being such a good little wolf. You shall have your potatoes.” The arm around her waist slid up to cup her breast, and she ground her teeth when the warmth of his hand bled through the fabric when he squeezed the malleable flesh almost possessively. “But only if you let me finish.”

  December grunted, unable to issue the protest her dwindling sense of indignation told her she should have. In truth, it was becoming hard to form rational thoughts, let alone speak in defense of her nonexistent virtue. What he was doing was far more successful at obliterating her concerns than she cared to admit. The effects of the male’s first true rumble still reverberated through her body, her insides tingling and pulsing under its influence.

  When she didn’t speak, Nikolai took her silence for submission. The alpha continued to knead her breast as he took to bucking his hips briskly, filling the air with the dirty music of skin slapping skin when he began to fuck in earnest. December’s thighs clenched tight as he pounded his way between them, and the male’s groan of pleasure drew another embarrassing gush of liquid that made her cheeks flush and her jaw clench in frustration.

  They went on like this for some time, with him alternating between brisk thrusts and more controlled movements designed to tease. December squirmed restlessly, and soon what had started as a humiliating and degrading experience became something else entirely. It wasn’t long before she was panting and struggling against him, her skin becoming so fevered that she thought she might burst into flames.

  Nauseating cramps continued to wring precious slick from her sex even as the male lavished attention on her with hand and mouth alike. When her own hips angled and jerked in an unbidden attempt to feel the head of his cock at her entrance, December cursed him for his part in her body’s betrayal.

  As he continued to use her, the girl’s mental faculties began to slip, and she became irrationally certain that his cock would break her fever and ease the ache that was pulsing through her barren pussy. When her hips jerked again, she managed to catch the smooth helmet of his glans against the mouth of her slit, but he immediately repositioned himself to avoid her trap. December hissed, her increasingly hormone-addled brain angry with him for refusing to fuck her, even though only moments ago she’d been dreading that same thing.

  When she started hurling emasculating insults to provoke him, she felt the pinch of his teeth grow more threatening as the male rumbled a warning growl against her throat. Like a scruffed kitten, she went completely still, her insides quaking and twitching as they released another flood of molten liquid from her core. Still the male continued his assault, even being so cruel as to lower his hand so the pad of his thumb might work her clit as she writhed against him.

  With his teeth still latched on her throat, the male let out a long moan, and as his thrusts grew shorter and more erratic, she realized he was nearing his climax. He continued to bounce against her, but the base of his cock was catching where it hadn’t before, the bulbous head butting against the junction of her thighs. The head of his shaft was no longer rubbing her sex the way that she needed. Distressed, she tried to work her fingers between them to rectify the issue. But the alpha growled again, and the viciousness of the sound halted her progress and flooded the sheets with more fluid.

  In response, he pushed his hands between their bodies and wedged her thighs apart. December made an anxious noise when he spread her far enough to seat the large knot that had inflated at the base of his cock, forcing it between her parted thighs. With the frightening bulge now tucked beneath her ass and the front half of its girth squashed by milky flesh, the male grunted approval and withdrew his hands.

  How he ever thought his meat could fit inside her, she didn’t know. But she wasn’t in a hurry to find out. The sizable threat of his knot cooled her hunger just enough for her to behave, not willing to risk earning a punishment that might involve his cramming it inside her.

  His fingers skidded heavily across her ass and up over her waist, pressing bruises into her hips as he gripped the small female tight and gave his final few thrusts. Only when the swell of his release made him cry out did his teeth loosen their hold on
her throat.

  While the male roared against her ear, December’s entire body shuddered with a mixture of terror and something akin to giddy anticipation. She could feel the mass of meat between her legs pulse and swell before the cum began to jet from his body, and bit back a groan when that first hot spray of his release splattered against her skin and saturated the bedding.

  Nikolai cursed, moving to cup a hand beneath the fountain of his dick as it continued to spurt wave after wave of cum. Befuddled and hazy, December craned her neck to see what the male was doing. The amount of ejaculation coming from the swollen and angry head was unlike anything she’d ever seen. Already his palm was full, and the pearly substance was leaking over to drip down her skin. When the scent of it reached her nose, she whined, and her eyes practically rolled back in her head.

  The overwhelming urge to taste it had her reaching for his still leaking glans before she realized what she was doing. “Stop moving!” Nikolai’s unexpected bark had her freezing halfway to her goal, fingers trembling as she balled them into a disappointed fist.

  “Just wait!” The command served its purpose. Even in her current state, instinct told her not to push the massive male too far. Undoubtedly, he’d push back. Instead, she fidgeted and ground her teeth.

  Watching his cum trail down her thigh and soak into the mattress made her miserably uncomfortable, as if he were wasting it somehow. The thought left her feeling disturbed and irritable. It didn’t help that her pussy was still aching and devastatingly empty.

  Finally, his orgasm abated, and the male’s muscles began to relax. December breathed a shaky sigh of relief, eager to get away from the intoxicating closeness of her captor and his spilled seed. He was tormenting her with his play, and she was desperate for the clarity she hoped putting space between them would award her. Before she could attempt to leave the bed, however, the male did something that both surprised and disgusted her.


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