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Page 5

by Merel Pierce

  With his free hand, he lifted December’s shirt away from her belly and pulled it up her chest to hook the hem over her own shoulder. The better part of her torso and both breasts were exposed by the action, and when she frowned back at him, she found him smiling with lazy contentment. His eyes were truly black now, the pupils so dilated that only the slimmest ring of brown remained around the edge of the iris. It was both frightening and sexy, knowing she was responsible for his arousal.

  Sensing movement, she redirected her attention to the palm full of captured cum as he moved the hand away from the cock that still dripped sluggishly between her legs. He tilted his wrist, spilling his catch over her thighs and hip before continuing upwards to spread it across the skin he’d just bared.

  She watched for several moments, dumbfounded and morbidly intrigued. She’d heard of this before, but she’d never seen it firsthand. Alphas liked to scent-mark their females. He was marking her, as if she were already his. She shook her head briskly and wrinkled her nose as she tried to sit up, determined to protest the vulgarity of what he was doing.

  He pulled back from her makeshift sheath, simultaneously pressing his hand to her breastbone. She cursed again when he shoved her flat on her back, his fingers leaving sticky prints where they settled against her chest. He leaned over her, blown pupils leveling her with such an intense glare that she froze, as if he’d scruffed her again.

  “I told you to be still, and yet you keep trying to squirm away.” He rumbled huskily, the muscles in his jaw twitching as he studied the confused and flustered girl beneath him. He smirked at her, shaking his head. “Tsk, tsk. Perhaps if you apologized, I could forgive you. I’m certain this is all very overwhelming.”

  December frowned, finding the prospect of forming an apology difficult, when all she wanted to do was tell him to get the hell off her since he obviously wasn’t going to fuck her. He seemed to understand that her pride was suffering though, judging by how his smirk widened almost affectionately.

  “I understand how difficult this must be for you. I confess, I didn’t intend to take it so far on our first evening together.” The alpha crooned, leaning nearer until the heat of his breath warmed her cheek. “You do make it difficult to be decent… But little wolf, you must learn to obey me, even when you do not care for what you have been asked to do. For now though, kiss me, and let us forget it.”

  Her brow knit when he touched noses with her, making her eyes cross at his nearness. He chuckled throatily in response, those ridiculously thick lashes of his finally fluttering down as his mouth covered her own. The male resumed his purring as his tongue teased her lower lip, and her annoyance wilted under the pleasantness of the sound that rumbled from his muscled chest.

  He continued to suck and nibble at her mouth until she parted for him obediently, and she couldn’t help but moan when his tongue delved inward and she gained her first taste of him. The hair on the back of her neck prickled, and a violent shiver sent threads of pleasure singing through her body. The man was just as delicious as he looked. December diligently tried to ignore the next wave of heat that cramped her abdomen, determined not to let it spoil her mood as their tongues tangled and the kiss intensified.

  While she lost herself in the self-appointed task of tasting him, he took the opportunity to begin spreading the cooling mess of his cum across her skin. He rubbed it into her breasts, belly, hips, thighs, and finally delved between the lips of her sex to mark her there as well. She grumbled a half-hearted protest at his violation, but couldn’t bring herself to turn away from his mouth long enough to curse him. Most especially, when he sank two fingers into her aching pussy and ground the heel of his hand against her clit.

  December jerked and whined, trying futilely to tilt her hips towards where his still swollen cock lay hot and wet against her outer thigh. Nikolai forced her ass to the mattress with the fingers that were still hooked inside her pulsing walls, adding a third and then a fourth as he used his hand to fuck her into submission.

  It didn’t take long. The man continued to devour her mouth and pull the very air from her lungs as his fingers pumped in and out of her body, stretching and burning their way through her inner channel until she was sobbing frantically with need. Just when she’d begun the long climb towards her climax, he withdrew his hand and broke their kiss, leaving her gasping and dazed as he sucked his fingers into his mouth once more. He continued to purr at the agitated female when she glared up at him while he licked himself clean.

  “That was very good. Thank you,” he praised her warmly, observing her so cautiously that it seemed to her that he was waiting for something. When she realized that he didn’t intend to finish what he’d started, her eyes narrowed hatefully. She rolled out of bed and huffed angrily at him as she came to her feet.

  “You’re an asshole!” She spat as she stalked towards the bathroom without sparing him a backwards glance. In truth, she didn’t look because she was scared she’d see him following her. But, thankfully, he didn’t. While she was surprised that he allowed it, she was miserably grateful he had.

  She couldn’t stand the embarrassment of her own shameful behavior and didn’t think she could lay in bed with him one second longer, knowing he’d used her with no intention of letting her gain the same enjoyment from the experience. She knew he was using her, so why she was so irrationally angry about not getting to orgasm was totally beyond her comprehension.

  Feeling as unstable as she did, she knew if she stayed in bed it was likely she’d end up punching him in his smug face. The enjoyment his broken nose would bring her would have been far too short-lived to be worth it. Instead, she retreated.

  The instant her hand closed over the brass knob, Nikolai called out to her, his voice heavy with a sense of amusement that only made her cheeks burn more furiously. “If you wash it off, I’ll just do it again.”

  Chapter 4

  Putting distance between them didn’t help as much as she’d hoped. In fact, the hazy fog in her head hadn’t cleared much at all in the past ten minutes she’d been pacing across the tiled bathroom floor. She was still impossibly agitated and horny. December chewed her lip in frustration as she stalked back and forth, angry that the scent of his drying cum on her skin seemed to be the reason she couldn’t settle down. She desperately needed to wash it off, but he’d already told her what would happen if she did.

  She didn’t think she could handle another round of whatever that was. She’d strangle him if he masturbated himself with her body again without fucking her. December growled and kicked the waste can, sending it skittering across the floor to bounce off the wall with a shrill metallic clang. She knew she shouldn’t have wanted him to touch her at all. But right now, it was the only thing on her mind.

  Desperate to cool her fever, she went to the sink and turned on the faucet. She leaned over the basin and splashed cold water on her face repeatedly, groaning as she tried to ignore the cramps that continued to twist her most private places in knots. When her skin finally grew clammy and chilled, she turned off the faucet and forced herself to stand up straight. She leaned heavily against the ceramic bowl and blew out a sigh as she took in the sight of her reflection for the second time that evening.

  What she saw made her snarl. Her pupils were dilated obscenely, and she looked more ashen than before. No doubt a product of the bastard practically dehydrating her with all his growling and petting. Her lashes fluttered when her gaze landed on her throat, a strange twinge of heat sparking low in her belly at the sight of the circular bruise and pinkened flesh left by his bite.

  “Prick.” She frowned unhappily. She didn’t like that the sight of it excited her. If this is what it meant to be omega -- reckless, mindless, consumed with hormones and conflicting emotions -- she wasn’t looking forward to her first heat cycle.

  As if her throat didn’t look awful enough before, now his half-assed mark had colored the meager amount of skin that wasn’t already mottled by bruises. She supposed she should be gra
teful that he didn’t actually break flesh. Thankfully, she couldn’t imagine someone like him doing something so careless as bonding himself to a female he had no intention of keeping. Everyone knew what happened to bonded pairs that were separated. It wasn’t pleasant for either party.

  Turning away from the vanity in disgust, December moved to the toilet and retrieved several handfuls of tissue to try and sop up some of the mess between her thighs. She wrinkled her nose when all of the gathered material quickly became saturated with her own slick, forcing her to gather another fistful as she tried to wipe away the remaining release that he had not rubbed into her skin. When the paper began to abrade on her thighs, she stopped. Handling them like dirty rags, she moved to set the trash can upright with the intention of dumping them inside.

  When she bent to drop the fistful of tissue, she paused, catching his scent as it wafted up from the bundle in her hand. She licked her lips, unconsciously bringing the material closer to her nose as she inhaled again. December whined throatily in response to the male’s pheromone-laced fluid, her brow pinching in distress as another rocky wave of lust broke over her. When her eyes opened again and she realized what she was doing, she cursed and quickly dropped the sticky tissues into the can.

  As frustrated as she felt, hiding in the bathroom wasn’t doing her any good. He’d seen to that when he told her not to wash off his scent. She brushed the remaining fibers from her skin and grunted her annoyance when little tingles of sensation rushed through her body in result. Her pussy was still throbbing disappointment between her legs, and she briefly considered finishing what he started. However, it seemed unlikely that the male would let her finish in peace.

  December threw open the bathroom door, paying no mind to how it bounced back against the wall and rattled a nearby picture frame. She stalked into the bedroom, her body language still just as hostile as when she’d left it several minutes before. At the center of the bed, the male lounged on his back with one knee crooked and both hands beneath his head. He hadn’t bothered to cover himself, of course. She bit her tongue as her eyes darted towards his half-hard cock when she skirted around the bed, angry that he seemed to still be taunting her unchecked arousal.

  He was silent as he watched her circle to the opposite side of the bed from where she had been laying, one brow quirking in silent question when she grabbed the edge of the blanket and tugged. When she merely huffed and glared down at him, he surprised her by obliging the unspoken demand. He lifted his hips from the mattress far enough that she might pull the comforter back. Despite his compliance, she frowned disapproval as she slid onto the edge of the bed and pulled the blanket up as far as it would go, annoyed that his weight kept her from lifting it higher than her belly.

  Not daring to give him her back, she lay with her shoulders pressed to the mattress, eyeing him sourly from the corner of her eye as she fidgeted and tried to get comfortable.

  “If you’re going to punish me like that every day, I’m going to need more fluids. I’m practically dehydrated,” she grumbled hoarsely.

  She saw his lip twitch, but he had the good sense not to smile as she chastised him. Instead, he began purring lazily at her. “The physicians advised me that your hormone fluctuations might be unpredictable this first cycle,” he murmured huskily. “I suppose I should have warned you. But I confess, little wolf, I did not think you would be so responsive. I am quite pleased.”

  “Well that makes one of us.” December snapped, folding her arms over her chest defensively as she tried to keep from sniffing at the infuriatingly appetizing musk of the male at her side. When he rolled toward her, she flinched, half expecting him to strike her. Instead, he smoothed the tangled hair away from her face gently.

  “Discipline is not meant to be pleasurable, December. Not for you, anyhow,” he chuckled. “For all you’ve cost me, I would be justified in punishing you every day and night until well after your cycle has ended. I confess, I have considered it.” She went rigid at the thought, her pussy clenching as she quivered shamefully under his threat. “But I am just a man, and I don’t believe I have the conviction to torment such a wanton little creature by depriving her when she responds so beautifully to the call of her alpha.”

  “You aren’t ‘my alpha,’” she hissed, narrowing her eyes at him unpleasantly. “Let’s not pretend this is something it isn’t.” The man’s jaw tightened, his purr stopping abruptly as he dipped a hand beneath her head to tangle in the hair against her scalp. She winced when he gave a little jerk, forcing her to angle her face towards him.

  “I am your alpha for as long as I desire to be, and it will serve you well to remember that the situation will be much worse if you fail to uphold your end of our arrangement.” His fingers tightened until tiny threads of pain sizzled through her head as the roots threatened to tear, and she couldn’t help but whimper. Angry, but realizing that he was growing tired of humoring her, she submitted.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled begrudgingly, attempting to take the edge off her words with a feminine sigh. “I just…I feel sick, and I’m tired and horny and I don’t like how this feels.” She cast her eyes away from him, licking her lips in a well-executed attempt to redirect his attention. The male’s lashes fluttered, the stiffness of his jaw easing as he resumed his purring.

  Her feigned submission was blessedly successful in returning him to his formerly docile state. His grip loosened, now lowering between her shoulders to roll her with him as he lay back. She went awkwardly, stiff against his side as he nestled her beneath his arm with her head on his chest.

  “Tomorrow, we shall try again, little wolf. You will be more mindful of your tongue, and in return, I will try not to tease you so cruelly.” December shifted uncomfortably as the arm about her shoulders lowered to her waist so he might press her flush against him.

  She frowned at his declaration. She didn’t feel very positive. How could tomorrow be any better when she felt so wretched and out of control? With her ear to his chest, she could hear his heartbeat and feel the reverberation of his purr. It didn’t take long for the fight to bleed right out of her.

  Despite her frustrations, she was tired, and the warmth of the massive male was more appealing than she cared to admit. Somehow his scent had even altered under the influence his purr, his musk now comforting where before it made her restless and hungry.

  Her eyelids drooped when her captor began to hum for her softly, lulling her as if they were lovers. She didn’t know the song, but it didn’t matter. The deep, smooth tenor of his voice conveyed the message well enough. Tragic and beautiful, a love song minus the customary happy ending, if she had to guess. How very Russian of him.

  Consciousness began to fade more quickly than she anticipated, and she wasn’t sure whether to accredit it to her weakened state or the male’s efforts to soothe her. Either way, the weight of her eyelids soon became too heavy a burden to manage, and she reluctantly surrendered to sleep.


  He supposed it was unfair of him to tease her like he had, knowing how rattled she was by the removal of the implant. But her body wasn't ready for him to take it further, and as much as he wanted to plow the feisty little female into oblivion, he'd have regretted it if she were injured by his impatience.

  Instead, he focused on stoking the girl's desire for him. When she suggested he'd done it to punish her, he found humor in the prospect. If sexual deprivation was all it would take to correct unwanted behavior in her, he'd count himself as lucky. He was definitely going to enjoy breaking in his new pet.

  Despite the doctor's warning about the unsuitability of the female as a mate, Nikolai was extremely pleased with their progress. He was vaguely curious as to whether any alpha would have been as acceptable to the recently awakened omega, or if it was his musk in particular that roused the girl's interest so quickly.

  He briefly considered testing the theory, but realized he'd be putting any other male that came within spitting distance of the little silver-haired wo
man at risk of being maimed or torn apart by his own hands. When she sighed sweetly in her sleep, Nikolai's fingers dipped lower to trace the line of her hip over top of the blankets, enjoying how she shifted against him in response.

  Even given her odd appearance, she was far too appetizing a creature to risk another alpha taking interest. As the effects of the implant wore off, her scent was becoming increasingly more appealing. He couldn't imagine what it would be like when she finally reached estrous. He didn't dare let another challenge worthy male in sight of her until he'd claimed her formally, which he fully intended to do.

  Despite what he'd told her, there would be no end to their contract. He had already decided to keep her, whether or not she produced an heir. It may have seemed a rash decision to some, but Nikolai could tell that there was something unique about the girl that went much deeper than the color of her hair. Instinct told him it would be wise to keep her close.

  He would try the gentle approach first, employing charm and patience in an effort to win over the female and give her a chance to submit by choice. Should he be unsuccessful, he'd take her by force. Either way, she'd wear his mark by the time her cycle ended. Content, Nikolai closed his eyes.

  Chapter 5

  December stirred slowly, so comfortable that she couldn’t quite bring herself to open her eyes. Instead, she buried her head in the pillow and inhaled deeply. Her senses hummed with pleasure at the smells invading her nose. The most prominent of which was the heady musk on the linens beneath her head. It was familiar, but in her sleepy haze she couldn’t quite place it.


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