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The Virginia Chronicles

Page 19

by Kayt Miller

  Baker responds like he’s in pain, “I know.”

  Am I hurting him? “Baker? Are you okay?”

  “Great. The best,” he says wincing. He’s definitely not ‘great'.

  “Baker, if you don’t like it…”

  “Fuck, babe. I love it. You’re so tight I’m just trying to hold on long enough for you to come. I’m just trying to keep it together.”

  “Oh. Oh!” I moan. He’s moved a little bit, and now he’s hitting a new part of me. “Can you go faster. Please?”

  “Oh, hell yes.” He pumps into me harder than before then out. “Holy fuck, Virginia.”

  I’m going to take that as a good thing. “I kn-know. Don’t stop. Harder!”

  He doesn’t speak; he continues to pump into me thrusting his hips so hard the bed moves. It’s good. It’s amazing. It’s. “Baker!” I screech. I feel myself clenching around him like my body is trying to hang onto to him.

  “Oh, Christ,” he mutters as he thrusts even harder. “Sweet fucking pussy, V. The sweetest.”

  He mumbles more dirty words in my ear, which only makes me more turned on. I begin to move my hips with him, meeting him when he thrusts into me. I’m so close it’s my turn to do some dirty talking, “Oh, fuck. Baker. Fuck me. Harder. You feel so good. Your cock…” I don’t get the rest out when my orgasm suddenly hits. “Oh, God!”

  “Fuck,” he moans. He’s stopped moving and his hips are pressed tightly my body. “Damn.” Panting a little, he looks down at me from above and moves a piece of hair off of my face. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m good.” I lift my head to kiss his lips. “Very good. Thank you, Baker.”

  Chuckling, he kisses me one more time before he pulls out. “Don’t thank me, V.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because…” he stands up and I watch him as he slides the condom off. There’s blood. I wasn’t doing you a favor. I was sealing the deal.”

  “Sealing the deal?”

  Tying the condom into a knot, he tosses it into a trashcan near the bed. Crawling back to me, he lays by my side wrapping his arms around me, pulling until I’m practically on top of him. “Sealing the deal between you and me.”

  “We have a deal?”

  “Yeah. Of course, we have a deal. It’s official now.” I blink at him waiting for the rest. “You’re mine, and I’m yours.”

  “I’m yours?”

  “Yeah, and I’m yours.”

  “You’re mine?”

  He chuckles while kissing my forehead. “Yeah, V. We’re the real deal.”

  It’s okay. He doesn’t have to say the word for me to understand that for Baker, this means we’re in a relationship. A real one. Maybe the one. It hasn’t escaped me how much my feelings for him have grown since he finally pulled his head out of his ass. It’s been fast and furious.

  I kiss his nose then his mouth. Sighing, I lay my head on his shoulder. “We’re the real deal.” I fall asleep in his arms with a smile on my face. Best. Night. Ever.

  Chapter 43


  I’m awoken in the middle of the night by kisses and warm hands as they touch me. I moan hoarsely at all of the sensations he pulls from my body. “Baker,” I whisper.

  “I fucking love waking up with you in my bed, V.”

  “Me too.” Especially if he wakes me up like this.

  As he latches onto my breast, I turn my head. His clock is next to me. Blinking the bright red numbers, I realize I’m late. “Baker! I’m late!”

  “Late for what?”

  “Work! I was supposed to be there five minutes ago.” I jump out of bed in search of my phone. “Luckily, I don’t have to open.” Naked as the day I was born, wearing only those damn stockings, I run down the steps two at a time in search of my purse. “Ah ha!” I say nabbing it from the kitchen counter.

  I quickly find J.J’s number and hit send. “You’re late!” he shouts through the phone.

  “I know. Sorry. I’m at Baker’s. I’ll be there in a second.”

  “Nah, we’re good. Take your time. Be here before the rush, though.” The rush for coffee usually starts at seven thirty. That gives me an hour. I’m calculating the amount of time it’ll take me to get home, shower, change, and get to work when some big, warm arms wrap around my naked body. “Eek!” I squeak. “I’m naked!” I attempt to pull away from him, so I can grab something to cover myself. You know, like a blanket, a doily, anything.

  “I love that you’re naked in my house. We should institute naked Thursday’s immediately. Oh, and naked Friday’s and Saturday’s. And…”

  Giggling, I reply, “I get it. You want a lot of naked days.”

  “Absolutely. Every day is naked day at our house.”

  Our house?

  “V. You need to bring some clothes over here. I’ll clear out a drawer for you and some space in my closet. That way you can sleep over and not have to worry about going home before work.”

  “Um. Okay.” Wow, that seems like a gigantic step. “Are you sure?” Am I sure?

  “Of course I’m sure.” From behind me, he kisses my neck and shoulder. I feel him, his erection, pressed against my back. “Baker. I need to get home to change and shower.”

  “Let’s shower here. There’s room for an army in my shower.”

  I remember his shower with its multiple showerheads. “Okay. But no fooling around. I’m going to be late as it is.”

  “Scouts honor,” he says holding his hand up in front of me.

  “You were a scout?”

  “Nah. But, I promise to be good.”

  He lied. His intentions in the shower were less than honorable. “You’d have made a terrible scout,” I mutter as I lick my way down his body. He’s already given me one orgasm with his fingers, and he was going for another one with his tongue when I stopped him. “No. My turn.” I sit on the bench he has built into the shower and reach for him.

  “Oh, fuck, Virginia. I love your hands on me.”

  I remember what he told me the first time we were, uh, intimate, how he likes me to use my hands on him. He’s rock hard, and I see fluid on the end of him. I pull him closer to me using my hands on his thighs. When he’s directly in front of me, I look up at him and swipe the end with my tongue.

  His moan is so loud the inside of the shower feels like it’s vibrating. I do it again, this time with my hand wrapped around him. Sliding it up and down, twisting it as I go, I lick again.

  “Fuck, Virginia.”

  I take that as a good sign because I’ve never done this before. I grip him a little harder as I lick all around the head of his cock. I’m not going to lie, saying ‘cock’ is not easy for me, but being with Baker, knowing he wants to have sex with me is giving more confidence.

  “Look at me when you suck my big cock, babe.”

  Oh, hell. Can a girl come from dirty talk alone? I peer up and moan with my mouth around him.

  “Fuck, you suck me so good.”

  I’m encouraged by his words and begin to work faster pumping his shaft as I lick then suck him into my mouth. I can’t take him very far, but it must be far enough because he’s cursing each time I take him. Sliding his hand into my hair, I now understand why people like to do this kind of thing.

  Baker’s hips are moving back and forth with me, “Oh, hell. Let go. I’m going to come, V.” He backs away from me until I’m out of his mouth. I continue to use my hand on him until he releases a guttural sound. “Oh, Jesus. Yeah.” I watch him as he ejaculates, his head thrown back as he comes. It’s fascinating. There’s quite a bit of it. Some of it hits the wall of the shower, some the floor, and a little bit lands on my chest. Smirking, he picks up the drop on my chest with his finger and holds it in front of my mouth. I latch onto to his finger, sucking as I blink up at him. Salty. “Fuck. You’re so sexy, Virginia.”

  “I know.” I stand up and kiss his lips. “I’ve gotta get to work. J.J.’s going to kill me.”

  “Let me get some towels. Can you j
ust wear your dress from last night?”

  “Yeah.” I don’t want to, but I’ve only got ten minutes to get to work now.

  I finally get to work way over an hour after I was originally supposed to start. The Coffee Bean is busy with a line of four or five deep. Half the tables filled with students doing last-minute work on their computers or just trying to wake up for the day ahead. “Sorry. Sorry. Sorry,” I say running past J.J. working the register.

  “Hurry up, girl. Clock in. These people are turning rabid.” He winks at the next guy in line and whispers conspiratorially, “Not you, hon.”

  I toss my things into the break room, clock in, and grab my apron. “Where do you want me?”

  “Restock the sugar station then help Jackson.”

  I get right to work keeping busy right through my morning break. I volunteer to stay an extra hour to make up for my late start. “I can skip my afternoon class.”

  “No. Don’t skip class. I’ll find a way for you to make it up to me. Don’t you worry,” says J.J. as he wipes down the counter. “Oh, I know how you can make it up to me.” He says tapping his chin, “Since Jackson’s gone for the day, you can cover for me so I can run over to that gorgeous little shoe store that just opened up. I won’t be gone long.”

  “Sure. No problem. Sounds good.”

  “Awesome sauce! Be right back!!”

  I mumble an affirmative to him as he prances out the door. Yep. He pranced. Sighing, I head into the back room to get the ladder setting it up in front of the tall display shelves that showcase our coffee accessories. I absently dust and re-arrange the coffee cups and travel mugs as a figure approaches me from the left. I recognize her. She’s been sitting at the table in the corner nursing a Café Mocha for about an hour.

  “May I help you?”

  “Probably not,” she snaps. “I just came to see who has her hooks in my son.”

  “Your son? Baker?”

  “That’s the one. My precious boy,” she pouts. She inspects me starting at my shoes. Her eyes travel upward stopping briefly at my middle. “You’re not who I picture my son with.”

  Uh, oh. Here we go. “No? Why not?” Okay, why in the hell did I ask her that?

  “For one, you're quite fat, aren’t you?”

  “Okay. Sure.” I shrug. I’m plump. I don’t like that “f” word. I try not to use it. I peer down at her since I’m still up on the top rung of the ladder. I can’t help noticing she’s dressed for high tea with the queen. When she walked in, I saw her wearing a fur coat that looked real. Poor little animals.

  Now that she’s shed the layer of helpless, dead animals, I see she’s in all white: white sweater, white slacks, white heels, and white blonde hair that’s styled into a complicated sort of swirl on the top of her head.

  She’s staring at me blinking slowly like I’m the most boring thing she’s ever seen. “You’re wearing your outfit from last night? I assume that means you’re fucking my son.”

  That startles me. It was completely unexpected and inappropriate. I mean, how would she know what I was wearing last night unless she’s like a stalker or something. “That’s none of your business, ma’am.”

  “Call me Dawn. On second thought, why bother? You won’t be around long enough to know my name.”

  “I won’t?”

  “No. You won’t. Baker isn’t the kind of guy to stick with the same woman for very long––especially an unattractive, fat girl. I think he’s got some sort of sex addiction what with the way he bounces from girl to girl to girl.” She looks at her long red fingernails then back up at me. “But, no doubt you’re a money-grubbing whore. What are you planning to do? Get knocked up, so he has to pay you off with our money?”

  I’m stunned. I think I know why Baker doesn’t like his mom very much. She’s a bitch on wheels. “Ma’am. With all due respect, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. You need to leave.” I point to the door, but she doesn’t move.

  “Excuse me? You don’t think I know my son?” she says patting her chest to emphasize ‘my son'.

  “I don’t…”

  “That’s right. You don't! You don’t know a thing you little cunt.”

  “Ma’am. I…”

  The woman reaches out and grasps hold of the ladder pushing on it with each word she speaks. “Stop. Calling. Me. Ma’am.” On that final word, she tries to push the ladder one last time when another set of hands pulls her back stopping her momentum.

  I swing my arms around twirling them frantically backward in an attempt to stop the inevitable. Squeezing my eyes shut, I prepare for the fall, but instead of falling I’m held firm by big warm hands. “Baker?” He guides me down the steps on the ladder until I’m sure-footed again.

  “What the fuck, mom? What are you doing here?”

  “I, uh…”

  “Virginia? Was this woman assaulting you?”

  “Mom?” I haven’t seen my mom for well over a month. Not since I found out about dad’s letters. In that time, I’ve only really communicated with her via text or email, and that’s only if I absolutely had to. “What’re you doing here?”

  Ignoring my question she has one of her own. “Why is this woman trying to hurt you?”

  “It’s Baker’s mom. I think she’s insane.” I look over at Baker to make sure I haven’t said something that would upset him. He shrugs.

  “What?” she screeches. “You little bitch. I’m not insane.” Lunging for me, her rant continues, “I’m gonna…”

  “You’re going to leave before I call the police,” growls Baker.

  “Too late,” my mom says placing her phone to her ear.

  Dawn isn’t having any of that. She lunges for my mom but Baker intervenes again, “Jesus, mom. Calm down.” Baker cuts her off before she can get to her. I watch in slow motion as Dawn reaches out taking a swipe at Baker’s face. Now I know how he got those cuts on his face. It’s my turn to help. I leap forward and wrap my arms around Dawn’s waist holding her in place. Baker grabs Dawn’s wrists preventing her from clawing him again.

  Sirens whistle in the background as the two of us attempts to hold her in place. “Let me go!” she squirms in my arms.

  “Why are you here, mom?”

  “Cupcake,” she whines. “I was just trying to help you.”

  “Help me how, mother? By hurting the only other person besides Granna that I love?”

  Love? Did he say, love?

  “Y-you love her?” Dawn spits. “She’s a money-grubbing whore. She’s just trying to get knocked up, trying to take my money.” Her voice is at an all-time high, several octaves above average.

  “I think she needs to be sedated,” says my mom as she comes up behind me. “And some psychiatric help.”

  “I do not! You fucking cunts.”

  Just then, the door flies open, and four of Ames’ finest run into the shop. Luckily, no guns are drawn, but one of them has his nightstick out. I’d love to tell him to go for it––give the crazy lady a whack, but that’s wrong. Right?

  They quickly take over where Baker and I started; cuffing her behind her back and pushing her onto the ground, face first. One of the cops stays with her; another one talks to Baker and the third officer questions my mom and me. While all this is in progress, J.J. races in holding two large shopping bags, “What the kryptonite happened? I was gone for like five minutes and while I’m gone the S.W.A.T. team races in here like a house on fire? Someone, please tell me what’s going on?”

  That’s it. That’s exactly what I needed. I needed me some J.J. I start to giggle and giggle some more until I’m bent in half holding my stomach. God, he’s hilarious. A breath of fresh air for sure.

  “Sir. I’m going to have to ask you to step back.”

  “But, I’m the manager here.” The officer who approaches J.J. happens to be quite good looking. That alone can stop J.J. in his tracks. “I just stepped out for a moment. Is my Virginia okay?”

  “I’m fine, J.J. We're all fine. It�
�s going to be fine.” What? Too many ‘fines’?

  The cop in charge of Dawn pulls her up off the ground and starts to lead her out the door to the patrol car parked outside. “The fuck it is,” mutters Dawn. “I’ll be back to get my money, you ungrateful asshole.”

  Baker remains silent as they escort her out. He gazes out the window watching closely as they place her in the squad car. Wiping his face with both hands, he looks back at me. “You okay, V?”

  “Yeah. I’m okay.”

  “Okay. Then, uh, I’ll be back. I need a minute.”

  “Okay. Take your time.”

  He walks out the door and takes a left heading in the opposite direction of the police cars. I hope he comes back. We need to talk––about love.

  Chapter 44


  When did my life become a real-life episode of Jerry Springer? Oh, I know. The minute my mom showed her overly Botox’d face. I’ve never been close to my mom, but she’s never been this far out of control––this unstable. Sure, she’s always been obsessed with money, but there’s got to be more to this than she’s letting on.

  I tug my phone out of my back pocket and hit send. It rings three times. “Granna?”

  “Baker? What’s wrong?”

  I could argue with her. Tell her there’s nothing wrong, but I’m sure she can hear it in my voice. “Mom just showed up at Virginia’s job. She, uh, was about to push her off a ladder but I stepped in in time.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “She kept going on and on about the money. What’s going on with her? Why is she so desperate for this money? She’s unhinged.”

  “She’s always wanted the money.”

  “Yeah, but this… it doesn’t add up. Is it just because I inherited the first part of my trust?”

  “Maybe. Where is she now?”

  “In police custody.”

  “Oh, dear. Did it escalate?”

  “Oh, yeah. Virginia’s mom was there too. Mom tried to claw everyone’s eyes out.”

  “Maybe the police could trim those suckers down. They should be considered a deadly weapon.”


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