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The Virginia Chronicles

Page 20

by Kayt Miller

  I chuckle because I refuse to cry. “Is there a way to find out if there’s more to this then just her being crazy and greedy? Maybe she’s got gambling debts. She’s into drugs, perhaps?”

  “I’ll call our attorney. He may be able to find out. Is Virginia okay?”

  “Yeah. She’s fine. Spooked a little bit.” I only hope she doesn’t see this as a problem between us. Maybe she won’t understand that my mom isn’t part of the package. “Damn it. I should have told her about mom.”

  “Baker. It’s fine. That girl loves you. She’ll stick. Just tell her everything now.”

  “You think she loves me?” Because I pretty much told her I loved her earlier. I wonder if she caught that?

  “I do.”

  I hope she’s right. “Alright. Call me later?”

  “I will. I’ll let you know what the attorney finds out. But, Baker?”


  “I’m sure it’s just about your money. She never got over the fact that your father didn’t get his inheritance.”

  “I know. I guess I was just hoping…”

  “That she wasn’t this bad?”

  “Yeah. I wanted to believe she had some redeeming qualities.”

  “She does. She had you. She gave us you, Baker. For that, I need to thank her. Maybe I will. Maybe I’ll give her some money. If she promised to leave you alone, I’d give her everything I had.”

  “No, Granna. That’s your nest egg.”

  Chuckling Granna sighs, “That’s some nest egg. It’ll be yours someday, sweetheart.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “Now, see? That’s what makes you so special. You actually love me for me, not for my money.”

  “Of course I love you for you. I’d be lost without you.”

  “Well, maybe before.”

  “Before what?”

  “Before Virginia. Now you’ve got two of us.”

  I do. I have two amazing women in my corner. “I do. Love you, Granna.”

  “Love you more, baby boy.”

  Chapter 45


  “Mom. Why are you here?” Mom and I are sitting at one of the back tables at The Coffee Bean. J.J. made us each a giant cup of hot chocolate with extra chocolate to ‘calm our nerves’ after the episode with Dawn.

  Reaching into her bag, she pulls out a large bundle of letters. “I gave up hoping you’d talk to me on the phone. I also know you’re not coming home for a while. So I wanted to hand deliver these.”

  I reach out with both hands to slide them toward me. There has got to be several hundred letters bundled together. I’m at a loss for words. What can I say? “Thanks.”

  “There’s nothing I can say to make you understand, but my frame of mind was a little warped. Your dad broke me.”

  “I know, mom. But, this,” I say pointing to the letters, “was wrong on so many levels.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I hope you and your dad can work things out. You deserve to have both parents in your life. I know he loves you very much. You were always his little Peanut.” A tear slides down her cheek. “I was so wrong, honey.”

  “Yeah, you were,” I sniffle. “I could have had all that time with him.”

  “Well, now you can make up that time. I get why you’re going to visit him for the holidays. He deserves to have you there. God, I’m sorry.” She wipes away several tears from her cheek. “I know it’s going to take time for you to forgive me. I’ll be patient. When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be there.”

  “That sounds like a good plan.”

  As she stands to leave, she turns to me placing her hand on my shoulder. “Oh, and Baker?”


  “He’s a stone-cold fox.”

  I throw my head back and laugh so loud several customers stare. “That he is.”

  “Is he good to you? Nice to you? Does he treat you with respect?”

  “Yeah, mom. He’s great.” He’s perfect.

  “I’m not sure how I feel about his mom. Oh, yeah, I know… I hate her.”

  I laugh a little more. “She’s not in his life. She just showed up for some reason. He hasn’t told me much yet, but I’m sure he will now.”

  “Well, be safe. She won’t be in jail for long so watch your back. I’ll kick her ass if she hurts you, angel.”

  “I know. So will Baker.”

  “I believe that.” Leaning down, mom kisses my cheek. “I’ll be ready to talk when you are, Virginia. I’m also going to call your dad. I owe him an apology.”

  I arch my brow.

  “Several apologies.”

  I don’t respond yet.

  “Fine. Several hundred apologies. I’ll call him.”

  “Good. I’m glad. It’s been long enough. Maybe you could start dating…”

  “No. I’m not ready for that again, sweetie. Maybe someday.”

  I stand up and hug her. “Love you, mom.”

  “Love you more, Virginia.”

  I watch her leave the coffee shop just as Baker reaches the door. Mom stops to speak to him. Nodding, Baker hugs her. Seeing the two of them together, hugging, gives me an odd tingling feeling down my spine. Like a weight just lifted off me and left me feeling light. Happy. Free.

  Chapter 46


  I find Virginia sitting at a table at the back of the coffee shop. She’s got her hand on something. Bundled up letters? “What’re those?”


  “Oh, uh, are you sending them or…”

  “It’s a long story but I’ll give you the gist.” She stands up on tiptoes and wraps her arms around my neck. “They’re from my dad. Every letter he ever wrote to me when I was a kid.”

  “Your mom saved them for you?”

  “Sort of. She never showed them to me in the first place. She kept them from me, told me my dad didn’t care about me.”

  I hear her sniffle so I wrap my arms around her.

  “For years I thought he didn’t love me. It broke my heart that he never remembered my birthday, holidays, or even my graduation. But, it was all a lie.”

  “What was? How?” I kiss the top of her head, listening.

  “Everything. Dad sent me letters and cards and money but mom hid them from me. The only reason I found out about them was because I called my dad a couple months ago to borrow some money. That’s when he told me he’d been putting away money into an account for me.”

  “So, when he was at your place…?”

  “It was the first time I’d seen him in years. We’re working on our re-relationship.”

  “Well, it makes sense then.”

  She lays her head back so she can look up at me, “What makes sense.”

  “As your mom was leaving, she told me to be there for you. You were going to need me.”

  “I do need you, Baker.”

  “I need you too, V.” More than she’ll ever know. Leaning down I kiss her lips lightly and give her bottom a little pat. “You ready to go?” I know she was due to get off work earlier but with all the shit with my mom and her mom she’s still here.

  “Yeah. I’m ready.”

  “I’ll take you to class and pick you up. Then we’ll go to your place so you can pack a bag. We need to talk tonight, and I’d rather do it at my place so we can be alone. We can order in some food.”

  “Sounds good. It’s been a pretty stressful and emotional couple of days. I’d love to skip my classes this afternoon, but that will only add to my stress. Do you have practice this afternoon?”

  “No, we lifted weights this morning. I went in after I dropped you off here then I had a class. I dropped by here after that. I’m glad I did.” I take her hand in mind and squeeze. “I’m sorry about my mom, V.”

  “I know. It’s not your fault.”

  “She’s unstable.”

  “You think?”

  “Yeah, I think. I’ll tell you everything tonight. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her sooner. You’d have been
better prepared if I had.”

  “Yeah. Maybe.”

  She leads me by the hand to the break room to get her things. Clocking out, she stops to tell the very exuberant J.J. that she’s leaving.

  “Oh, I forgot the tell you, no slumber party tonight, boo.” J.J. coos. “I’ve got a hot date with Jackson.”

  “Rain check?” she asks.

  “Of course. Rain check. We’ll make it an epic slumber bash!”

  “Sounds perfect.” She kisses J.J. on the cheek and pulls me out the door.

  What the fuck just happened? A slumber party? “Hang on, Virginia. You’re having a slumber party with another man?”

  “It’s J.J.”

  Like that alone explains it. “He’s gay, right?”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “Okay. You can have a slumber party.”

  She stops in her tracks jamming her fists on her hip. “You’re giving me permission?” She arches her brow. I know what that means, but I watch to see what she does next. “You know, Baker. I don’t need your permission. I can have a slumber party with whomever I choose.”

  “The fuck you can, Virginia.”

  “Don’t you start that macho bullshit with me, Baker Stark.” She stops talking and looks up at me, staring. “What’s your middle name?”


  She starts over, and it makes me want to laugh. “Don’t you start that macho bullshit with me, Baker Keith Stark! Oh, yeah. That was much better.”

  Chuckling, I wrap my arms around her again. “I’m sorry. I overstepped. You may have slumber parties with gay men and girlfriends.”

  “Baker,” she growls.

  “Seriously, Virginia. You can’t expect me to let the woman I love slumber with another guy, do you?”

  “The woman you l-l-love?”

  I know I said it before, but shit just got real now. “Yeah, V. I love you.”



  “I love you too.”

  “I know.”

  Laughing, she slaps my chest. “You do not!”

  “Yeah, I do. Granna told me.”

  “How did she know?”

  “Oh, well, you might as well learn this now. Granna knows everything.”

  Giggling, Virginia leans up and kisses my lips. “I love you, Baker Keith Stark.”

  “I love you, Virginia…”

  “Melody Murray.”

  “I love you, Virginia Melody Murray. It sounds like a song.” But it’s not as pretty as Virginia Melody Stark. Now, that sounds pretty fucking beautiful. Oh, Jesus. What happened to me? A month or two ago I was perfectly happy to hook up with random chicks, as needed. Now I’m planning my wedding? I’m so totally fucked.

  Chapter 47


  “Oh my god, Baker.” It’s Sunday and Baker, and I are hanging out at his house. I’m working on my ‘Kissing’ research and, of course, he’s watching football.


  “Did you know the world record for longest kiss is fifty-eight hours, thirty-five minutes, and fifty-eight seconds?”

  “Wow. Cool,” he says distractedly. Apparently, his team is behind.

  “Could you imagine kissing me for that long, Baker?”

  His head quickly swivels to look at me, expression serious, “Fuck yeah, I’d kiss you forever if I had the chance.”

  Aw, that was so sweet. “Baker,” I whisper. “You’re the sweetest guy in the entire world.” I see him blush and I want to hug him, so I do. “So, you know what that means?”


  “That you’re not only the world’s greatest goalie, you’re also the sweetest guy in the entire world and the best boyfriend ever.”

  Baker smirks and gives me a lazy, Sunday morning kind of kiss. The kind of kiss that leads to other things. Other things that aren’t so lazy. “Later, babe. I’ve got to get this damn research done.” I slide off the couch and back to the floor where I’ve got all my papers spread out.

  I pick up the information about the world record kiss. “Oh, you may change your mind about that sixty-hour kiss-fest.”


  “Well, for one, the rules are insane.”

  “Read them to me.”

  “Okay. Listen to this.” Reading from the Guinness Book of World Records website, it says,

  The Rules (If you want to break a record that is published in a record book or governed by an international authority, there may be other or additional rules.)

  The kiss must be continuous and the lips must be touching at all times.

  If the lips part - the couple are immediately disqualified.

  Contestants must be over the age of consent in the country the event is being held.

  The couple must be awake at all times.

  The contestants must stand during the attempt and cannot be propped together by any aids, such as pillows, cushions or people.

  No rest breaks are allowed.

  Incontinence pads or adult nappies/diapers are not allowed.

  Couples must not leave the venue during their attempt.

  “So, they can’t take pee breaks?”

  “Apparently not.”

  “I guess they probably get dehydrated so peeing isn’t necessary.”

  “Only and athlete would consider dehydration,” I giggle.

  He shrugs. “It sounds like it’d be tough to break the record.” Baker is now on the floor next to me; his hand has made its way beneath my big Iowa State sweatshirt. As it moves up, he stops at the place where my bra would hook, if I were wearing a bra.

  “No bra, babe?”

  “It’s Sunday.”

  His palm has moved back down and made its way into my comfy yoga pants. “Fuck. No panties?”

  “I need to do laundry.”

  Leaning into me, he snuggles against my neck. With a kiss and a lick he says, “You naughty, naughty girl.”

  “Baker,” I whine. “I’ve got research…”

  “This is research.” He lifts me by the waist and places me directly on his lap. He’s hard already. Jeez, the man is a machine––a sex machine.

  I straddle his legs and wiggle in his lap until I get everything just where I want it. I don’t waste time; I use my hands to pull his lips to mine. Baker’s hands find their way beneath my sweatshirt again and straight to my nipples where he tweaks and pinches them. Wriggling around a little more, Baker growls. “Someone needs to sit still.”

  It’s only taken him five minutes to make me this needy. “I can’t sit still.”

  Before I know it, Baker is up on his feet; my sweatshirt has been tossed to parts unknown. He’s pushed down my yoga pants to reveal my surprise. “You shaved,” he says huskily.

  “I did. I read it heightens, uh, the sensations.”

  “Fuck, yeah.” He lifts me up and sets me down on the couch. He kneels on the ground so his body is between my legs. Staring at my bare, uh, ness, Baker doesn’t even speak; he doesn’t need to. I see the desire on his face. The man is so sexy like this.

  “Lick me, Baker.” I’ve gotten a little brazen and a lot more confident about myself. I think knowing Baker thinks my body is the hottest thing in the world helps a great deal.

  “Say it again, V. Talk dirty to me.”

  “Lick me, babe. Lick my pussy.”

  “Oh, fuck yeah.” Diving in like his life depended on it; Baker does just that. God, I love Sundays.

  Chapter 48


  A lot has happened in the last few weeks. My relationship with Virginia has gone from zero to sixty for one, and I think I’m okay with that. There have been points where the intensity of my feelings has required that I stop and think. I’ve had thoughts like ‘Is this really what I want?’ and ‘Are we moving too fast?’

  Each time I question myself I look over at her in her nerdy reading glasses and her messy bun and I smile. She’s nothing like I imagined she’d be. You know? The girl I’d fall in love with. To be honest
, I don’t think I imagined anyone making it this far. B.V. or Before Virginia, my only goal was to just hook up with girls to get a little release now and then.

  Since the deal at the coffee shop with my mom, V and I have been inseparable. We’ve spent every night together that we could. I’ve had some away games that kept me out of her bed for a night or two; otherwise, we have our own brand of slumber parties every night.

  The guys on the team keep giving me shit about being ‘pussy-whipped’ and referring to Virginia as the ‘ole ball-n-chain'. It’s okay; I don’t mind. Besides, they’re giving Tig just as much shit. I just smile knowingly. No reason to get upset with the dicks on the team, they just don’t get it––yet.

  We’re about to enter into our first holiday season with Thanksgiving in five days, and I’m a little unsure what to do about it. I want to drive her to her dad’s for the holidays, but I know their relationship is fragile now. While I don’t want to interfere, I also don’t want my girl renting a car and being on the road alone for that long.

  Call me whatever you want, controlling, domineering, bossy… I want to protect her, keep her safe. I can’t help it. I know the best course of action is just to ask if I can go with her since I don’t think she’s going to ask me. She’ll assume I want to spend it with Granna. So, here goes, “Hey babe?”

  Virginia is working on her research again today. While she has until May to finish it up, she’s struggling to find the point to her research on ‘Kissing’. She’ll figure it out. All I need to do is encourage her and support her. Granna’s advice.

  “Yeah,” she responds absently.

  “Can we talk about the holidays?”

  “Sure.” She still hasn’t looked up at me.

  “I’d like to drive you to your dad’s for Thanksgiving.”

  She looks up at me blinking, “Uh, dad’s coming here to get me.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since he told me he didn’t want me driving alone or renting a car.”


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