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Page 2

by Douglas E Roff

  “With kisses?” Misti asked, a slightly wicked edge to her question, reflected in her Cheshire smile. Misti knew this game and was better at it than most. She’d see where this went. The redhead was quite attractive and sweet. And even better, she looked yummy.

  The redhead answered, “Nope. Just on very special occasions. Like with two very nice and funny new friends. And I really do hope we can be friends. You really did a very nice thing, and I’m deeply appreciative.”

  Adam, seeing Misti in action, interrupted and said, “Well, I’m Adam and this is my wife, Misti. And, we’re delighted to have a new friend. Now, about that kiss? You did promise one, didn’t you?”

  “I did. I most certainly did. My name is Alana. Alana McCarthy. Now, as for that kiss. Where would you like it?”

  Alana turned to face Adam but was looking over his shoulder at his very stunning wife, trying to decide if her flirtatious nature had gone too far with Misti.


  “Forehead, lips, cheek or …”

  “Well, uh …”

  Misti returned Alana’s gaze, smiling, which she held for just the right amount of time. Then Misti pursed her lips blew Alana a kiss, signalling what she knew Adam would certainly enjoy and what she would certainly enjoy watching.

  “Then a kiss on the lips it is. That’s what you get when you answer too slowly. Now before we start, Mr. uh, what’s your last name again, mister?”

  “St. James, I think.” Adam wasn’t as adept at the game as was his wife, and was unaware of the silent communication going on behind his back. That he was on an airplane, sitting on the tarmac with passengers all around, had ceased to be of any concern. His full attention was now on the two women whose banter he was not fully translating.

  “Then Mr. St. James, I need a little more detail to get this right. You do want me to get this right, don’t you?”

  “I guess … I mean right, of course. Can’t be getting our friendship off to the wrong start.”

  Alana was in full flirty mode and was enjoying the banter with Adam and the conspiracy with his wife. Adam was fidgeting in his seat and Alana took notice.

  “OK then. Which do you prefer, short, medium, long or extra, extra long. Your kiss I mean.”


  “Well? What’s it going to be?”


  “I’m waiting.”

  “Uh, maybe it should just be a…”

  “Extra, extra long it is, then. You’re very slow at this, so I like to auto-fill your answers when the conversation lags. Mrs. St. James? Anything to add before I begin?”

  “He likes them big and wet, with lots of tongue. Lots.”

  “OK then. I have received your order and will now do my best to fill it.”

  Alana looked at a mystified Adam, and thought what a sweet, and nerdy guy he must be in the real world. Not his wife though. She was something else entirely and the redhead would look forward to filling her order in a more intimate setting if given half a chance.

  “The cabin doors have been shut and we’re now preparing for takeoff. Passengers should be seated with their seat belts fastened, your tray tables in their upright and locked position and seatbacks pulled forward for takeoff. Thank you and please enjoy our flight to Nome, Alaska.”

  There were immediate murmurs throughout the cabin. “Just kidding folks, just a little airline humor from the Captain. We’re off to beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii.”

  Alana looked at Adam and Misti and said, “Well that’s unfortunate. Looks like you’ll both have to wait to collect your reward when we get to Honolulu. You are staying in Waikiki, aren’t you?”

  Misti replied, “Indeed we are. The honeymoon suite at the Island Outrigger. And you?”

  “The Towers. Condo’s I think. Somewhere near Waikiki Beach, I’m told. My friend, who cancelled on me at the last minute, made the reservations. Never trust a man when it comes to romance.”

  “Hey, I’m romantic,” Adam protested. “And adorable, too, I think. Don’t forget adorable.”

  “I think you’re very sweet and adorable. Very much so,” said Alana, once again looking past Adam to meet Misti’s gaze. “And I hope I can talk you two into dinner one night, if I’m not interrupting. Or getting in the way. Your honeymoon, I gather?”

  Misti answered for her hubby, “Yes, it is. But there’s a back story and I’d very much like to share it with you. If you’d like to hear it.”

  “I would. Poor Mr. St. James, though,” said Alana. “We’ll have to talk across him.”

  Misti heard the invitation loud and clear. “Well, since we are just about to take off, why don’t you and Adam switch seats for the flight? I’d like to get cozy with you for a few hours and share some intimate thoughts. You know, thoughts.”

  Adam was disconsolate and knew he now had to move. A minute ago, he had been #2 but was now being relegated to third wheel status. At least for the rest of flight. Misti nestled in next to Alana, as if they had been closest of girlfriends since childhood. Alana whispered something in Misti’s ear, soft and low. Misti did likewise, her hand now resting on Alana’s shoulder conspiratorially.

  Giggling, Misti then said aloud for Adam’s benefit, “It’s a deal, Alana. Dinner tonight in our suite. Seven o’clock sharp. Dress is casual, and we’re avowed minimalists. It’s Hawaii and itsee bitsee teeny weeny sheer black bikinis are standard. It’s what I’m told, of course.”


  The flight took off on schedule and was expected to arrive in Hawaii on time by mid-afternoon. Then there would be a limo to their hotels, some time to refresh and settle in, then Alana would join them later. Misti would send their limo around to collect her when she was ready. The girls exchanged numbers and promised to call each other as soon as they were settled.

  Misti told Adam he could zone out if he wanted and go to that quiet place in his mind. Adam had the annoying ability to both go under and tune out the world while hearing every word that was spoken between his wife and the fascinating and enchanting Alana McCarthy.

  The girls talked about everything and the conversation was both brisk and non-stop. Misti found her new friend to be funny, witty, and very clever. She had a wicked sense of humor and could turn a phrase to make Misti laugh or roll her eyes. Misti was captivated, that was clear. Adam smiled inwardly to himself, happy that his wife had met someone she could talk to. Life back home afforded few chances to meet exotic new friends in a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere.

  He wasn’t paying strict attention to their chat, instead mentally working on some problem he needed to resolve for a project back home. His “outer ear” was still engaged, however.

  Then Alana asked Misti what she did for a living and what exactly did Adam do? Misti danced around the answer and gave some details that would suggest a bucolic academic life in sleepy Barrows Bay, British Columbia. Misti mentioned that she was working as a linguistic anthropologist and Adam was a computer genius. They did interesting work for private clients and government but seldom had the opportunity to travel much anymore. Life on Vancouver Island was slow; a perfect life for the newlyweds among the pines and nearby family.

  Alana was genuinely interested, she said, and wanted to learn more. She was curious to learn just how much more they would share. She said she too did work for the government and occasionally for private clients but admitted she too would be unable to say much more about it.

  Misti asked what her profession was. Alana answered softly, secretively: “I’m a computer security specialist. You know, a hacker.”

  She paused, then continued, “My work is mostly for the FBI, CIA and NSA. I do some private consulting too, but like I said, as little as possible. I wish I could say more but I’m really not allowed to. My father is a Professor of Physics at UCSD. Works in quantum mechanics, mostly theoretical stuff. We have a small consulting firm that we run together. Mostly we just wait for a call from the alphabets, you know the government typ
es, but sometimes we get offers from private concerns. I don’t like working for them as much though; work is seldom very interesting, and it often means travel. I don’t like being away from home all that much. Some issues to work through there, I guess. And then working for the private firms entails a lot of BS I don’t like. Expectations and social crap. So, very often, I’m not their cup of tea. And that’s just fine with me.”

  Misti knew that Adam would be awake in a heartbeat and would be interested in discussing what all Alana did for a living.

  He suddenly opened his eyes and leaned over toward the girls.

  “So, you work in technology. How interesting; me too. What did you say you did again?”

  Chapter 3

  Adam repeated, “I didn’t hear that last thing.” Adam was suddenly wide awake and interested in hearing much more about the work life of the mysterious Alana McCarthy. This was right up Adam’s alley and now he had something interesting in common with Misti’s new girlfriend. Something more than flirting and a few undelivered kisses.

  “Well, like I said, I can’t really tell you much. It’s highly confidential and mostly dry boring stuff anyway. Not very exciting, I must admit. And how did you do that anyway?”

  “Do what?” Both Adam and Misti chimed in at the same time.

  “You were dead to the world. Asleep, or thinking or something. But then suddenly you were wide awake. How did you do that? You don’t even look sleepy.”

  “Happy to explain. Let’s agree to an exchange. You know, you show me yours and I’ll show you mine. Deal?”

  Alana was puzzled. She wasn’t sure exactly what Adam was proposing, so she looked back at Misti for an explanation.

  “Sorry? An exchange for what?”

  Misti translated, “What he is saying, in his cryptic convoluted way, is that he will tell you how he does his mind thing, if you’ll tell him all about your work, even though you can’t. It’s Adamspeak, and it takes a little while for normal people to understand the way his perverse little mind works. Fortunately, in these matters, you can both have me. To explain him, that is.”

  Alana smiled, sensing a vague double entendre, “Well I definitely want to. Show you mine, I mean. Did you say dinner is at seven?”

  Misti loved this woman right away. “Be-have, young lady. On second thought, better if you don’t. Dinner is at seven, but appetizers are at six. Or whenever you arrive, and whichever occurs first.”

  Adam said, “All right ladies, settle down. Now, as I was saying, what do you do again?”

  “I can’t say. Not allowed. Really, I wish I could.”

  “Well, of course you can. You can say what kind of work you do, just not what you are doing. If I heard you right, you said you’re a computer hacker in service to America.”

  Alana said, “You have awfully good hearing, Dr. St. James. Better than I thought. I whispered that.”

  Misti said, “You have no idea the skills this man has. Some are even useful. But he’s right. You can share a little without violating your Contract with America. We can too, and our work is top secret. Same employers by the way. Same melody, different lyrics.”

  Adam said, “Besides Misti and I both have above top-secret clearances. We may even know some of the same people. Wouldn’t that be crazy?”

  “I think you’re crazy enough for all of us, Adam Stephen.” This was Misti’s signal to take it easy. “So please just leave Alana alone for five minutes. We just met, so save the third degree for later. Besides, she’s right that we shouldn’t be chatting it up on a plane. We can get you two talking tech tonight. At dinner.”

  Alana said, “And you can share what you do that’s top secret and involves linguistics. You must have a very talented tongue. I’m definitely interested in how you use that skill in your work and private life.”

  “If you must know, I am an accomplished linguist with fantastic oral skills. And I’m very good at my work, too.” Misti smiled her most feminine and naughty look, something not lost on Alana. Or Adam. “So maybe I can show you some of the finer points of my technique a little later. If you’re interested, of course. I’m always interested in new challenges and new experiences. And you?”

  “I think I can always check into my place later, you know. I mean, what’s the rush? Some things are better shared and should be approached very, very slowly and methodically. Unhurried and leisurely. Like a dinner for two. Or a three-course meal. Wouldn’t you agree? Slow and steady, take our time. Explore the palate, savour the experience. You know, to get all the nuances just right.”

  Adam was well out of this conversation and only dimly following whatever these two had in their lascivious minds. He did enjoy watching the seduction as it unfolded though. Misti was normally very good at the game, whatever game that was. But Alana was an equal to his wife and her suggestive manner, both word and body, was enjoyable to watch. He never minded just watching, particularly when it involved Misti and the show was superb.

  Sadly, he thought, this performance probably wouldn’t likely include him, actively or passively. That would be a shame. But he knew Misti would eventually clue him in on his role when the time came. For now, he decided to go back to his thoughts see what developed later.

  Likely tomorrow.


  Adam was back and conscious this time just as the plane hit the tarmac in Honolulu on time and on schedule. The girls had been talking on the whole flight, sharing what they could, given that there were young children around. Including Adam.

  Misti had whispered to Alana as they waited for their bags that she had no secrets from her husband, and he would be comfortable in letting them explore their new friendship – alone and in private.

  “He’s unique that way. He has his needs which I help him with and I have mine. Mostly they’re the same and we enjoy our worlds together. But he also understands that I have my own desires and all he asks is that I be honest with him about them.”

  Alana said nothing.

  “He knows that if it was up to me, I’d rather not be involved with men at all, so my dalliances never go in that direction. In exchange, he allows me wide latitude in everything else. And, just so you know, he’s not the jealous type or possessive. But he is very protective, as am I with him.”

  “So why are you with him, then? It doesn’t sound like your libidos are a match at all.”

  “Not true. In fact, they’re a perfect match. Perfect for the lives we lead and things we enjoy. It’s not the usual; I’ll grant you that. And it would take a long, long time to explain it, if that was even possible. But he’s the most amazing partner I could ever have. He makes me immensely, immensely happy every day. The way he thinks, the way he imagines me and the many new ways we can both enjoy each other and be happy. And the ways and details of his willingness to grow. And he expects me to always be exactly who I am, the authentic me, even when a lot of it springs from a very dark place and painful past. That part is complicated, and he’s the only one who has ever understood what it means to be me. To be like me and to love me for it. That part can never be replaced by sex alone, no matter how good it is. It’s a wonderful, rare gift.”

  “I’ve never experienced that kind of love and I guess I may never understand what it’s like. My life has been so different and so cruel at times. I have so many phobias and fears; sometimes I cannot even see a future that’s right directly in front of me. Sometimes I’m just plain scared and wish I could start my life over. A reboot. Maybe be a different person or just have a different life. One that didn’t constantly haunt me and make me feel so solitary and alone. I just don’t know any other way to live but I wish I did.

  “I was just like you only a year ago, and just as afraid. Couldn’t see an inch in front of my nose and only one friend I could ever talk to. He was my mentor and a good man. But he was not my future, nor could he ever be my happiness.”

  Misti stopped for a moment, looking at the pain that was evident all around her
new friend. There was a deep well of sadness in her eyes, yet Misti sensed a sincere heart and a kind soul. Misti knew that organically, just as she knew Adam’s heart too. Knew it without any explanation or proof.

  Misti wanted to begin something with this woman, but just what or why eluded her at present. But she did; she just felt it. She hoped it might be a lasting adventure and, if so, that Adam might come to accept her in his life too. But like any kind of relationship, even with God, only time would tell.

  Misti continued, “You have no idea who or what I am or what my life has been like. Adam didn’t either when we began. And believe me, he has had his challenges too. He isn’t like anyone else in this world; he is an entirely rare, and exceptional creature. He can be understood only in the context of the qualities he is willing to show and the love he is willing to share. And in who he desires to share himself with. And we are few.”

  Alana was quiet, not understanding what Misti was trying to say. “If you’d rather think this over, our dinner tonight, I mean, I’d completely understand. This is your honeymoon after all and maybe I really should be somewhere else. Especially tonight. Maybe this is a bad idea; I didn’t mean it to be. It’s just that the both of you seem so delightful, so funny and nice.”

  “Oh no. No, no, no. You misunderstand what I’m saying. I need you to come over tonight and nothing that we just said has changed that even a bit. Not a single solitary thing. I want you to be with us tonight. I want to explore every tiny facet and side of you, just you. The joy and the sadness; the pain and pleasure too. And like with Adam when we first began, I want to begin with you right away. Tonight, when we are alone and for whatever time we have afterward. Until we know what this feeling is. I know you feel it too. Don’t be afraid to let yourself be happy. You need only give yourself permission.”

  Alana was tearing up, hearing things she hadn’t expected and feeling somehow safe with a woman she had only just met.


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