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by Douglas E Roff

  “I’m damaged,” Alana said, simply and flatly.

  “So am I. So is Adam, and so are all the broken and wounded hearts in my insane family. You’re not alone and you have nothing to be afraid of. Just let it go, all the fear and all the pain. Don’t allow trepidation and doubt to be the excuse to stop before you discover what might be happiness. I once gave in to fear with Adam and it almost cost me everything. It’s corrosive. Put it away, just for tonight and then let’s see what tomorrow brings. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all.”

  “What about Adam?”

  “What about him?” Misti asked back.

  “I’m not ready for a man yet. I need to tell you things; difficult things. I’ve never been with a man in a romantic way; it hasn’t ever been right. But still, I’m not like you; I want to be with a man. I just don’t know how. Not yet. Maybe never.”

  “Adam will be fine. Besides, I think he wants you for your brain, not your body. You can never be completely sure with him; he’s an enigma even to me. But I think I see friendship rather than lust in his eyes.”

  Alana smiled at the thought. “How can’t he want all this? Worms in the brain and all?”

  “I don’t know about him, but I certainly know I do.”

  “You’re not going to make me your bitch, are you?”

  “Hadn’t thought of that, but maybe.” Misti paused, “We can take turns and see what happens. You know, science experiments.”

  “I do like science experiments, you know. Where’s your Lab?”

  “Right this way.”

  Chapter 4

  Alana called her hotel to explain that she would eventually arrive but that her check-in might be late, indeed very late. She provided her credit card details and The Towers complex was more than happy to hold her reservation against a very late check-in, even if she arrived as late as noon the following day. With that small detail taken care of, she turned her attention to managing her luggage and the excitement of spending time on the beach in the honeymoon suite of a very exclusive and toney fantasy hotel.

  Misti had traveled extensively, so from securing the bags at Baggage Claim, through agriculture control, to porters loading their gear into the limo, Adam and Alana stepped back and let her take charge. Cash came out and changed hands and very quickly the three were motoring away from Honolulu Airport and on toward the international playground that is the very beautiful Waikiki Beach.

  The hotel, the Island Outrigger, was an old school, internationally acclaimed and pricey stop for anyone with enough money and connections to get a reservation. Money wasn’t alone the criteria, but enough money and modest notoriety might get you a bed for the night. With a three-night minimum that is. From getting your foot in the door for an average room to reaching the priciest suite on the top floor took connections, and good ones. Fortunately, Edward had those connections and within an hour of making the phone call to an old investment banking buddy, the kids were in.

  The limo greeting them at the airport had been arranged by the hotel which meant that hotel staff was on hand to greet them as they arrived at the hotel.

  There was no check-in; that was for the rabble. They would be greeted at the entrance to the hotel lobby, luggage to be whisked up immediately and unpacked for them, then the three would be provided a short tour of the facility with an explanation of the many amenities available to the lucky few who could claim to be a guest. They would have a specific concierge, Fred, available to them day or night to provide for every need, no matter how important or how trivial. Alana was registered to their suite as their guest and would be staying with them in a separate bedroom. She was to have all the privileges accorded to Adam and Misti and was to have extended to her the full benefits of this extravagant arrangement, including room and hotel charges for any item or any service tickling her fancy.

  When the hotel facility tour was complete, their private concierge escorted them to their top floor suite and explained in detail all the features of a stay in the honeymoon suite. He assured them that if any of his temporary wards had any questions, day or night, they need only ring. When Adam asked how he could be available 24/7, “Fred” replied that he was one of three “Fred’s” assigned to make their stay magnificent. A single name being easier to remember, he would be their Fred eight hours a day.

  No tipping was required, or even permitted, for their stay at the Island Outrigger, as a certain Mr. Edward St. James had provided amply for staff in advance. With that note, Fred departed.

  The girls squealed with delight at the prospect of a full week at the hotel, with every whim, no matter how ridiculous, attended to with dispatch. Their clothes, toiletries, and other tools that Misti had discreetly packed away for their honeymoon had been carefully stowed away in closets, drawers and in the bed-stands on either side of the huge king bed. Six huge overstuffed down pillows lined the edge of the bed along the solid oak headboard of the four-poster bed. The linens, towels, and furnishings throughout were extravagantly appointed and there was no lack of space – plenty of room to roam, no matter the reason.

  The main living space was equally and elegantly appointed, with a small intimate dining table overlooking the beach, together with an elegant formal dining room table with eight matching chairs set back from the window, and from prying eyes. Sofas and chairs were splashed around the large room and on the other end of the suite was the second bedroom. The girls didn’t immediately explore the space, although Alana did disappear into the room briefly, emerging with a small case of necessaries she packed “just in case”.

  While the girls delighted in the opulence they expected to indulge as often as they could indulge it, Adam was setting up his electronics. It may be his honeymoon, he said, but that was no reason to be away from his important work toys and goodies. There were things to do and places to go in his cyber world. He would not be cut off from his digital domain.

  Adam knew full well that the girls would soon disappear into the master bedroom, and if prior experience with his wife was any indicator, they wouldn’t emerge any time soon. He had no expectation of seeing his wife until well after eight o’clock, if then. By nine if the girls remained engaged, he would order in for himself and make plans to sleep in Alana’s room. To that end, he picked out a change of clothing and rescued his own kit from the master bathroom. He settled in on the couch looking out over the beach and the coastline of Waikiki.

  The girls popped out for a moment, each giving Adam a kiss on the cheek, telling him what a wonderful and caring soul he was, then darting quickly back into the bedroom, door closed tightly. They were dressed in ultra-short silk robes, with tantalizing cleavage in steamy abundance.

  Misti popped her head back out and told Adam they would be bathing for a while and for him to occupy himself as he wished. She also mentioned that he shouldn’t be alarmed at loud screams, religious references or filthy language that emanated from the general direction of the master bedroom. They had organics with them; his were carefully concealed inside his shaving set. With that information announced, she shut the door and disappeared inside.


  Four hours later, two women bearing some resemblance to the two women he knew as Misti St. James and Alana McCarthy emerged from the master bedroom, red eyed, dishevelled, and very hungry. Their evening had been loud and raucous and, if moans, groans and assorted sighs, whispers, and largely unintelligible noises, cursing and protestations of all sorts meant anything, then Adam assumed that the honeymoon had gotten off to a terrific start.

  Not for him, mind you, but his turn would come soon enough. At least he hoped it would, anyway. If Misti was anything, she was a sexual athlete in remarkable shape with an endless well of stamina.

  He gave them the rundown on available food and other sustenance, then sent them away to repair the superficial exterior damage before the help arrived to serve them. Appetizers would appear in a half hour or so, and dinner would follow a half hour after that. Dining woul
d be in the formal dining room. Dessert would follow shortly thereafter.

  After that, the help would discreetly clear the table, remake the bed, refresh the linens and towels, and repair any damage. Then the second of the double feature would commence later in the evening.

  The girls were back sitting on the couch with Adam, one woman on each side, when the first installment of food arrived. The three gathered around the big formal dining room table and picked at the assortment of appetizers assembled by the cook staff, the theme of which tonight was Hawaiian seafood Polynesian style. At least that’s what Adam called it, his cooking lexicon extending well beyond his excellent culinary skills in authentic antojitos Mexicanos.

  Alana, by contrast was somewhat more definitive with the fish and crustaceans that had given their lives for the meal, together with the preparations, sauces and goodies meant mainly for presentation. Her food lexicon too was quite extensive, unlike Misti. As Misti’s forte was consuming food rather than naming and cooking it, she listened carefully, then headed for the sautéed shrimp in some exotic sauce. For such a petite woman, Adam thought, his girl had an amazing ability to make food disappear. Though he would never admit it, Adam truly enjoyed a woman with a healthy appetite. Where this came from, as well as a host of his favorite sexual fetishes, were unknowns he thought little about. If he enjoyed his peculiar spices, who cared?

  Misti rarely said no to any of his requests, as she considered most of his tastes and preferences to be relatively harmless and often a lot of fun. For a guy who writes code for a living, she thought, he seemed seldom confined by social rules or convention. His active imagination was constantly feeding him new ideas for sexual gymnastics and even newer themed exploits.

  Misti admired his creativity but was far more deviant in her tastes as she rounded into the early stages of her own sexual seasoning. And at just twenty-four, she assumed she still had a way to go before peaking. She had tried a lot, been introduced to more and thought she knew her boundaries along the outer edges of sexual perversion. But her boundaries were, to her, mere estimates and guidelines; there was little she would deny herself if she was determined to explore new territory.

  When the main course came, Adam asked for desserts to be brought up immediately and the room restoration crew set to work as they ate. He closed the dining room door for privacy and asked that they be finished within the next half hour. There were to be no more disturbances after that.

  “So, are you girls going to keep me in suspense or are you going to make me ask - or worse beg – for a recap of your evening in the big bed. You sure sounded like all the fun was at your place.”

  Alana went first. “It … was … absolutely exceptional, hot, nasty, filthy sex and I enjoyed it over and over and over and… well, I think you get the picture. Your wife is one dirty girl. I mean, I’m no ingénue or prude for that matter, but wholly moly guacamole is she limber and… well, let’s just leave it at that. I’m not sure my legs still work and I’m pretty sure I’ll be sore in some places I didn’t know could be exercised like that. She tells me that you guys do this … frequently. Damn, I have new respect for you, my boy. And that story of the five times with … what’s her name?”

  “Hannah,” said Misti. “Hannah the slut.” Misti smiled a childish petulant grin, just to show Adam that she could enhance his rep while disparaging his ex, all at the same time. Adam didn’t mind so long as she kept her word not to do his ex any bodily harm. He was mostly sure she would keep her promise.

  “And you, Misti, what have you to add?”

  “As you know, I don’t normally like to kiss and tell – bad manners. But since you ask, and since she’s right here at the table, I guess I can say that, that was … freakin’ … awe-some. AWESOME. I mean it. And, just in case you’re wondering, her hair color is absolutely authentic. I did a close-up examination in case she was hiding contraband. I was very thorough.”

  “She is, isn’t she, Alana? Thorough I mean.”

  Alana looked a little uncomfortable discussing her doing his wife over dinner and dessert, but he assured her repeatedly that it was quite all right.

  Adam said, reassuring her, “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. We say all kinds of crazy shit in our home. We have few boundaries and fewer limits when we talk. Even when she gets mad at me, which is also part of the deal. So, be relaxed and try not to think self-consciously. We’re pretty open about everything and just so you know, I generally do whatever my wife asks. She’s the one with the smarts. I’m the pretty one.”

  “He overstates but only by a little,” Misti said. “Not the ‘pretty’ part but Adam is as stubborn as a mule, even worse than his Dad. And his Dad is a seasoned tyrant.”

  “Edward, the man paying for our private Disneyland, sounds wonderful. Please give him a hug for me. He sounds … interesting. And a little scary, just like you, Adam. Misti has shared some anecdotes. I hope you don’t mind me saying.”

  “Nope. And I happen to agree. I don’t have appropriate restraints on my ‘other’ except for Misti. I probably would’ve beaten those guys today, and badly, but for her. Their behavior was crude and disrespectful. I’m my father’s son in that respect. But then, we hold somewhat old-world views on third party inappropriate behavior. Especially toward women.”

  Misti said to Adam, “I don’t mind anything you do, sweetie. Really, I don’t. So long as you let me handle the little stuff. Like today.”

  Alana watched as her two new friends smiled at each other and wondered if they were good Samaritans or fringe psychopaths.

  As if reading Alana’s mind, Adam said, “No worries, Alana. We don’t do this kind of thing often. Just when men treat women badly and only when it comes our way. We can’t fix the world, but we can keep the world around us a little safer. That’s all.”

  “And you would do that for me? You two hardly know me.”

  Adam smiled then laughed to himself. “First, of course I would do that for you and as often as you needed me too; so too would Misti. You’re always safe around us, at least as safe as anyone can ever be.”

  He tried to contain his laughter but couldn’t.

  “What? What did I say?” Alana asked. “Why are you laughing?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t say that we both hardly know you at all. At least not after today, anyway. I think Misti may have picked up a few new insights. And, I hear the sex was pretty good too.”

  “Your hearing was excellent,” said Alana. “I need to keep that in mind. What other surprises do you have in store for me, Dr. St. James?”

  “Well, Ms. McCarthy, as long as you’re asking I do have a few questions I’d like to ask. Shall we move into the living room and smoke some relaxation?”

  Misti smiled and said. “Lead on. You’re the boss.”


  “I know but you’ve been a doll tonight,” said Misti. “So, I may let you off easy. Later that is.” Misti was smiling but not about what Adam was thinking. Her appetite had been whetted, then sated, then whetted again. She looked forward to the change of pace that would be her husband. There’d probably be some bruises in the morning, she thought. She just wasn’t sure who would be wearing them.

  After that, Misti would probably sneak into Alana’s room later to provide her with some additional and urgent training in compliance and restraint. Alana had proven remarkably receptive to Misti’s basic training. She was anxious to further her education.

  No time like the present.

  Chapter 5

  Dinner was over, and the worker bees had finished their Labors in the suite and had departed. Food, dishes, and all evidence of dinner was gone save for desserts which were still residing on the dining room table. The young folk were settled in the living room with Misti and Adam seated comfortably in the love seat holding hands, while Alana was sprawled like a cat on the sofa, facing them. She was wearing khaki shorts and a UCSD t-shirt, her hair pulled back but still darting in a profusion of
red in every direction. She wore no makeup, but none was necessary to reveal her natural beauty.

  Misti looked at her with the passion and lust of a new and fresh relationship; Alana returned the look with equal enthusiasm. The interplay wasn’t lost on Adam and was duly noted. But for him it was neutral data, that’s all.

  Adam saw something different, not that he didn’t find her attractive or would’ve minded joining in. He wasn’t an idiot but that was not yet part of their collective relationship and, if it was to happen, he could wait. Like so many things in his relationship and marriage to Misti, she would drive these events, so he was happy to allow her to guide everyone to their proper places and eventual roles. If it didn’t work out, she would let him know.

  But for the present, right there in the living room, Adam was ready to light up and relax. Though Alana looked fetching and incredibly desirable, he was only interested in learning about what she did. He was curious, but mostly because she was reluctant to say anything about her work or clients. But if she did the work she called “hacking” and for the government, then he wanted to know more about her and what she did for them. While the American government could be massively wasteful and incompetent in many realms, it was quite the contrary in high technology, spy craft and weapons systems. In the realm of spy craft, superior hacking was one of the crown jewels. Many of the computer security specialists employed by Uncle Sam were young and gifted. Excellence was recognized quickly and didn’t require a series of letters following a name. It was a true meritocracy.

  The NSA didn’t bother with talented teens looking to embarrass their local congressman or kids willing to break into somebody’s headshop website. Their work was serious and comprehensive, as recent public disclosures have revealed. America wasn’t alone in this; China and Russia as well as a host of other countries had their young talent hard at work on everything from stealing corporate intelligence to breaking into the DOD HR database.


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