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Page 7

by Douglas E Roff

  Misti was surprised by the strength and tone of her new friend, a strength and backbone she hadn’t thought Alana possessed. She had found Alana willing to be led, willing to be explored but that was in her sexual life. Perhaps, Misti thought, the full nature of who Alana was, as opposed to what she enjoyed erotically, were two very different animals.

  This Alana was more interesting, far more complex, and infinitely more nuanced. She would have to rethink her original assessment, as Adam so often implored her to do at other times and to listen a little more carefully before judging.

  “I … please excuse my rudeness. You are right, Alana. You’re both right. I was going to be sarcastic and it was terribly misplaced. I promise, it will never happen again. Please forgive me.”

  “Nothing to forgive,” said Alana. “It’s only been three days that we’ve been together. Not even that. I can’t wait for the rest of the week or for that matter what’s about to happen next in our lives. I feel like we are connected somehow. I don’t understand how that is even possible, except I believe it is.”

  “Alright ladies let me finish. Then you can … thank each other and talk about our future. For the rest of the week at least.”

  “Go on,” said Misti. “And hurry up. We’ve got work to do and time is short before Sunday.”

  It hit Misti like a ton of bricks, the sudden thought that Sunday was approaching. What would happen then?

  Adam saw in Misti’s face the realization that an end date was going to be reached. Adam said, “The Sunday you are thinking about will never arrive. You must trust and believe me in this. Don’t either of you concern yourself with Sunday. Concern yourselves with right now, today, this very minute. That’s all you need to worry about.”

  The girls looked at each other, both realizing at the same moment that they would have to part and go their separate ways. Each felt a dead spot in their hearts at the thought of separation. Both sensed distress and gloom.

  “But …”

  “If you love me, you will trust me. Do you trust me?”

  “We do!” they both shouted together. We do.”

  “But … how?” asked Misti, always the practical one.

  “How doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that you understand what a freakin’ genius I am and that I can fix anything. Fixing this is nuthin’. Us finding each other. Now that was really something.”

  Chapter 11

  When the girls settled down and stopped pestering Adam for the “Plan”, he mentioned there was one other thing he wanted to discuss with them, but it could wait for later. He also mentioned he had special plans for dinner on Friday and they that should shop ‘til they drop getting ready for the big day. He was very cryptic and hoped the mystery would add some spice to the week.

  He had plans. Big plans and he was sure that the girls would approve.

  The girls peeled off to the bedroom to get ready for the day and shopping. Adam watched them leave but called out.

  “Not trying to complain or anything, you know. But I was wondering.”

  Misti poked her head out of the bedroom door. “What sweetie?”

  “Since this is our honeymoon, you know. I was just wondering, am I ever going to get laid? Maybe once or twice before the week is over?”

  The light went on in Misti’s brain, realizing that she had not been with her guy even once since they arrived. She had planned for a late-night all-nighter on Sunday after Alana was introduced to Adam’s mind trick. But those plans ended abruptly when things went terribly wrong.

  “Oh my God, you are so right! Oh, baby, I suck as your wife. Can you ever forgive me? I’ve been selfish and horrible. Let me fix that right now. Step this way.”

  “No, you don’t. No quickies and no … substitutes for the real thing. I want your full attention, all your skills and the whole smorgasbord. I’m not getting gypped out of my big week with you!”

  Misti thought quickly, knowing Adam wouldn’t actually press her, not now and not today. But he was putting in his reservation and expressing the urgency of his need. He loved fooling around with his wife; he had so few other vices.

  “OK. Here’s the plan and what we should do. Since you have been a very, very good husband, the best by the way, and you have been so patient and wonderful, I think I should do something equally special just for you in return. Something very special and something new. Something you will really, really like. And more than once. Maybe something you have never tried before? Maybe that one thing we talked about? The one I said we should save for a very special occasion.”

  “I’m listening. Avidly. Please continue.”

  “But there are some special preparations I need to make and a few items I need to gather to make everything just right. There are a few mood setters and, of course, we already have the mood enhancers on hand. And I promise, ‘cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye’, that I will not disappoint you or deny you any of your maniac male fantasies tonight. We can take as long as you want and no request, no matter how bizarre or kinky, will be refused. And, maybe for the rest of the week, too. Your equity with me is huge.”

  Adam said, “I’m thinkin’. It sounds pretty good and a very complete tourist package. You might say a honeymoon special.”

  Misti’s head poked back inside the room for a second.

  “And, as an added bonus, I have just arranged for full maid service from a very special guest star. You may know her. So, what say you, naughty businessman?”

  “Sold! However, …”

  “Yes dear?”

  “I guess, in that case, I have just one other question.”

  “Which is …?”

  “Can I still have that quickie? Any flavor. Just to tide me over ‘til tonight?”

  “Why mister, of course you can. Please, step right this way.”


  Business having concluded successfully, Adam happily got back to work while the girls left to go shopping. Misti made a beeline for the Concierge, Fred, and was happy to see that today Fred was an exquisitely beautiful Asian woman with waist long black hair cascading like a waterfall around her shoulders down to the small of her back. Misti needed advice on the locations and best shops in Honolulu for the purchase of certain required items she would need for later. The woman wrote down the names of several shops, from moderate to crazy prices and gave her personal recommendations for the best selection, quality, and performance. Misti next inquired about upscale lingerie boutiques, specialty foods and delicacies, and finally flower and candle shops.

  Misti also wanted to buy one item for Alana unrelated to the evening ahead, a copy of Edward St. James’s best seller, The Curse of the Minotaur. If there was a chance that Alana could be a permanent addition to their small but growing family, she would have to begin her education in all things Edward, Adam, and the close community of family in Barrows Bay.

  Misti didn’t want to rush into anything, not the least of which was a second relationship while her own marriage was in its infancy. But the strange events with Alana from how they met to the instantaneous mutual attraction all three felt for one another was simply too much to ignore as coincidence. Then there was the nightmare mind meld, the strange tale Alana and Adam told of their mind excursion together and Alana’s incredible story. It had to be more than serendipity.

  Could it be as Adam believed? And Alana, too? Unlike the two who experienced the events first hand, Misti had no difficulty believing it was just a series of chemical reactions and neural responses to whatever was going on in Adam’s incredible brain. That Alana had experienced the same visions and heard the same voices could be explained by the same process that made Adam’s mind trick possible in the first place. What that was she didn’t know. Nor, seemingly, did Adam.

  Or something else was at play that was physically and scientifically explainable. To Misti, God as the answer was patently absurd.

  While Misti mostly could figure out whatev
er Adam was up to, he still constantly amazed her with his creativity and sweet attention to detail. She could guess parts of his probable plan, but he had asked her to allow him to make the arrangements, none of which would be final until all parties approved. But he assured her she would be pleased. So too would Alana.

  Part one was certainly Alana coming with them to London. That was the best first step and exactly what she would do. Clearances would be required but given that Alana already worked for the CIA, FBI, and NSA, that process would probably take all of one phone call to Adam’s senior contacts in DC. Alana’s approval to be around them would likewise be rubber stamped and then they could enjoy another week while they figured out what more they could or should do to keep their affair from ending.

  The dinner Friday night, however, was still a total mystery. What was her husband up to and why the big fanfare? Mysteries surrounding anyone with the last name St. James could be a challenge and outcomes unpredictable. She loved her man and hoped he wasn’t going off on a tangent. Unless clues accidently dropped out of the bag, she would have to wait along with Alana for the answer.

  Alana arrived a few minutes behind Misti and both jumped in the limo driven by yet another Fred, this time a smartly attired Chinese American man in his early forties. They took hours to find, shop and choose the items they required and, when every single detail of the rather lengthy evening was accounted for and every item carefully chosen for beauty, appearance, function and erotic quality, the girls pronounced themselves ready for Adam and an experience he wouldn’t soon forget.

  The visuals alone would keep his interest and state of arousal on “ever ready” for as long as he could, or wanted to, forestall his first consummation. Then the girls would allow him to recover while new visual stimulation was proffered, and his renewed state of arousal coaxed back to full form. His mind and body thus peaked and released, Misti would begin her final act of consummation, aided by her co-conspirator who would assist in making this fantasy come true. No assistance was required but Alana’s willingness to help Misti please her man was an act of pure joy.

  Alana had never done anything like this ever in her life and, though open to new and exotic experiences, she had never been with a man romantically and, while willing, she was still nervous. She had expressed to Misti that she wasn’t ready for anything with Adam, or any man, but she was eager to watch and perform as Misti asked.

  Not to worry, my dear, Misti said. Leave the hard stuff to me, put his fate in her hands and we’ll see how far we can penetrate his psyche. Alana roared with laughter, thinking that she might have a good deal to learn from the imaginative Mrs. St. James.

  With shopping and giggling behind them, Misti instructed Fred to take them to the Islands Club, an exclusive and difficult reservation to come by and almost never on short notice. Such was the pull and influence of Edward St. James, or more specifically, one of his many associates and friends. Misti would have to carefully cultivate the people and resources of Edward St. James for further study and future reference.

  Misti was certain that this was a part of the job description Edward had in mind for Misti and she was bound and determined to master every aspect of his Empire. One day the St. James/Suarez boys would succeed to the throne but Misti was determined to become Chairman of the Board long before Edward departed this veil of tears. Misti was young and a sociopath but she was immensely capable, determined and driven. Ambition had been baked into her profile long ago by Edward; she would fulfill his plans for her future.

  They were seated in a private booth reserved for high level, confidential and high-powered meetings. Though private, it still held a commanding view of the beach, looking out toward Diamond Head.

  Misti began, “Alana, I wanted to give you something for light reading while we are here and before we leave Hawaii on Sunday.”

  Alana interrupted, “Do we really have to go? Can’t we squeeze in just a little more time?” We’ve just gotten here and there’s so much to we need to do. Maybe we can kidnap Adam and force him to move here. Just temporarily.”

  “Don’t worry, Alana. I promise you that the rest of our stay here will be magic. Pure magic. But by the time we depart, Adam will have something even more exotic for the three of us. I promise. When there is something he wants, or something he commits to do, he is the most amazing man I have ever known. Only his dad even comes close and he’s a distant second. I don’t know what that boy is up to, but I can tell you he’s thinking of us both at this very moment, plotting how to make something happen that will make us love him even more.”

  Misti paused looking tenderly at her friend, “We hit the jackpot. He is the best friend either of us could ever have.”

  “We? How can you say that?” Alana said, “Adam hardly even knows me, and I’ve already caused him unbearable pain. I wouldn’t blame him if he asked me to go back to my own place and leave his beautiful wife alone. Maybe then he could get some alone time with you. It’s your honeymoon and I’ve already caused a fight and a nightmare. I worried you to death. I’ve monopolized your bedroom time. I’ve been nothing but trouble since I met you and he’s been such a lamb. You both have been amazing and indulgent. I can never repay your kindness; I wouldn’t know how. You’ve treated me like family. I don’t deserve it.”

  A small rivulet of moisture had gathered in the corner of Alana’s eyes; she was feeling miserable about herself as she thought about the events of the past days. Had all this really happened? It was like a dream punctuated by a nightmare. But she had gained so much, and her life truly had changed. The other stuff. Had it really happened? She was confused and happy and sad. She felt out of control, just barely hanging on. It was so new, and so … odd.

  “Stop it right this instant Alana McCarthy! Stop your foolish nonsense before I take you over my knee. Which I may do later anyway. My pervert husband might enjoy watching that.”

  Misti laughed and looked hard at the beautiful woman seated across the table. Misti understood confusion and desperation. She understood how it felt to not understand anything that was happening to her but, at the same time, she knew how to hold on and wait it out. She would teach Alana how to do that. It was a required skill in Barrows Bay.

  “You’re making fun of me. That’s cruel. I’m being serious.”

  “I know you are sweetie, that’s why I brought you here today. I want you to have this book. I bought it today just for you. It’s the best seller my mentor, Adam’s father, wrote about one of the summers he, Adam and Adam’s brother Rod spent at a dig in Crete. But you’ll understand his father Edward and Adam so much better after you’ve read this story. They are brave, tough men and there isn’t anything, anything they won’t do for family”

  Misti looked Alana, Alana looking sad.

  “Alana, look at me sweetie.”

  Alana looked up, feeling low. She was free now, she thought, but now where did she belong? Nowhere and not to anyone, she thought. She would go home, back to the father she loved but to a life that consisted only of her Dad and work. Her future could now be so much better and healthier than the fear that had always gripped her daily life. While she hoped for much more happiness, she wondered if she would ever truly be happy. She had been on this ugly and distressing treadmill for so long that she was unsure how to climb off.

  She looked up at her friend.

  “Alana honey, what I’m saying is that I know Adam sees something special and important in you. It isn’t about dating or sex or anything like that. Adam thinks he has a special connection to you. I don’t understand it, but I would never disagree with that belief. He thinks God has asked him to be a part of your life. To him, you are already family. And if you trust me and if you can think of him in that way too, then you must understand what that means to him. You don’t need to do anything. Just be who you are, that’s all. Just be the sweet, kind and gentle woman we have come to know and let the rest of this chaos take its course. Something happened, something horribl
e but something miraculous too. Adam has faith that there’s more to learn, more to understand. And if you give it a chance and maybe cheer up a little, you may come to see our world in the same way we do.”

  Alana was teared up and wouldn’t raise her head. She desperately wanted to believe Misti, that any of this could be true. That it was even possible. That she could be a part of something, something huge and beautiful and good. Her life had been anything but kind or fair. She would try to believe but, in her experience, things seldom worked out happily – for her. And the changes and healing had happened so fast, so unexpectedly – she had only known her new friends for a few days. How could anyone judge the future in just a few days?

  “So today at lunch we start by introducing you to our family in Barrows Bay. When we leave Hawaii, we will all fly to London. You will meet Adam’s father, his brother and his sister. His sister is his sister-in-law but to him she’s always been his sis and they have always been very close.”

  “You really think Adam wants me to come with you to London?”

  “I know he does. And I do too. Even if we need to kidnap you. Now cheer up because while you are always beautiful your beauty is even more breathtaking when you smile. Besides you have family history to learn and this is important.”

  “I’ve been adopted?”

  “Yes, but it’s even better than that. Adam cares for you sweetie. And I do too. And we both care about your happiness. Now dry those tears and pull yourself together. We have a job tonight and I can’t do it alone. It’s payback time and Adam will be coming to collect. And his penalties will be stiff if we don’t pay up.”

  “You didn’t just say that, did you?”

  “Say what?”

  Alana finally smiled, “In that case, where do we start?”

  “Atta girl. First, I need to tell you about my father and what we call the Eight Families …”

  Chapter 12

  The girls got home late that afternoon to find Adam in the living room, computer on and talking on the phone in an animated voice, probably about some project he had left unfinished before the wedding. Apparently, someone was raising his ire. The girls slipped past him with their bags of goodies and began rearranging the bedroom for a performance later. Lingerie and scanty costumes were strategically located for set changes to come, as were a variety of toys and instruments Misti would both enjoy or be enjoyed with.


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