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Olivia's Return

Page 11

by Cindy Matthews

  "They're afraid of upsetting them?" Olivia harrumphed. "I find it hard to believe. We rebelled against them. We won. Why should we kiss up to the Pure Bloods now that we have them under control?"

  Annara crossed her arms across her chest and slumped against the wall. Her entire being denoted unhappiness. "I wish they'd believe you, but they won't. The entire council acts like we have to bribe the Pure Bloods to behave, like the bloodsuckers are a bunch of naughty children like your nephews at the dinner table, and not the cold and calculating beings they are."

  "Huh! Just look how good that's working—they're selling things illegally and running a shadow government on the side." Olivia stood. "I think I need to talk some sense into Hernando, Caveman and the others. The ruling council can't afford to keep this wimpy attitude forever. The vampires respect power, and offering them concessions gives them the wrong idea."

  "Agreed, but they won't see it that way."

  "It's what happens after every revolution in history—the rebels are too afraid of losing their new found independence to risk another upset too soon." Olivia shook her head. "Okay, I'm out of here. I'll talk to Hernando first and soften him up so he'll back our plans to infiltrate the Alphan's clan house."

  Annara reached out and touched her arm. "No, don't say anything, to anyone. Not yet..." She tilted her head and observed Olivia closely. "Have you ever thought of dyeing your hair?"

  "Dye my hair?" Olivia made a face. She hated the smell of chemicals. She'd watched Britt dye her hair one too many times. "You mean dye my hair as part of a disguise? I suppose I could."

  "How about cutting it?"

  "Now you're going a bit too far. It took me ages to get it this long. Maybe I can add extensions to make it longer? Straighten the kink out more?"

  "Possibly." Annara smiled. "Anything to hide your true appearance. Do you have glasses?"

  Olivia stuck out her tongue. "Yuck! No, I'm not a four-eyed geek or little near-sighted bookworm. I hate that stereotype with a passion."

  "We could get you some on Earth for part of your disguise, right? What about those jewelry piercings some have in their ears and nose?"

  Olivia cringed. "I could barely stand getting my ears pierced when I was ten, so I'm really not into that sort of thing."

  "But many Earth women are." Annara nodded. "Yes, they are. You've showed me their pictures in magazines and books. I saw many women in the streets and on the screens while on Earth with piercings and body designs."

  "They're called tattoos. Yeah, a lot of the mail-order brides are going to be tattooed and pierced. Some will have dyed black hair, too, and wear a lot of eye-liner." Olivia sighed. "I guess for a good cause I could go that route."

  Annara chuckled. "You sound more afraid of a few holes punched in your body than you are of the Pure Bloods."

  "I am. You don't know what my mother would say if she ever saw me with a nose ring..." Olivia paused. "What if I attempt another character? Not so Goth but more bookish? Wearing glasses would go better playing a shy, egghead type than a leather biker gal with multiple piercings."

  "All right. I'll leave your transformation in your hands. Do you think you can get you friend's sister to allow you to take her place?"

  "Not in a million years. Her family would love it if I did knock her out and tie her up and take her place, but she's not going to cooperate with me of her own free will."

  "Hmm...Would your friend help you tie her up?"

  Olivia mulled it over. Jace and his sister aren't particularly close, but he always tries to keep his mother happy, and I know she'd be happy if Lauren didn't leave Earth to live with a vampire. "If it kept his sister home safe and sound, I'm sure he would."

  "Good. Well then, let's not worry about telling the ruling council members about our idea." Annara leaned closer and lowered her voice. "Let's keep it just between the two of us."

  "You mean I can't tell Hernando I'm going into the Alphan house?" Suddenly the idea of tattoos and nose rings didn't sound as painful as keeping a secret from the man she loved. "But Hernando has to know—I'm going to travel with him after the holidays and work as his assistant again. I've already told my parents I wasn't going to take college classes this coming semester. How will I explain my absence to him?"

  Annara pursed her lips and tapped a finger to her temple. "Think of something. Maybe over the holidays your parents will convince you to stay home and take those college classes?"

  "They've been wearing me down about college this coming semester. It's true, but Hernando..."

  The words died on Olivia's lips. Annara put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed.

  "I know it's difficult to lie to your loved ones, but you won't be in the Alphan house for long. Just as long as you need to locate the portal and find out who is operating it and as much as you can about why and where the artworks are going to on Earth."

  Olivia rolled her eyes. "Is that all? Why don't I come up with the cure for the common cold while I'm at it?"

  "There's no need." Annara chuckled. "We discovered it long ago on BloodDark. Besides, the Portal destroys all infectious viruses as part of its built-in quarantine process during transference."

  "Oh, good. At least I know I'll be a healthy mail-order bride then." A healthy walking blood bank if I'm not lucky enough to get out of the clan house in time.


  Olivia and Hernando strolled hand-in-hand along the edge of the Portal Square, waiting for the technicians to give them the signal it was time to depart.

  He observed her from the corner of his eye. "You seem sad. Don't you want to return to Earth and spend the holidays with your family?"

  Hernando's words broke into Olivia's unhappy musings. He mustn't find out about what Annara and I have planned. No one besides Annara and I are to know about our scheme. Not Mom or Dad. None of my friends. No one on the council can know, especially Hernando...

  "Olivia? What's upsetting you?"

  "Upset?" She forced her lips into a tight smile. "No, my stomach's not upset. I took the Portal motion sickness drug an hour ago, so I shouldn't have an upset stomach upon landing."

  "Good, but what I meant is, are you upset about something that happened recently or will happen?"

  "No, I want to go home and spend some time with my mom and dad. It's just that..."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Just what?"

  "Oh, nothing really. I realized how much I'm going to miss the freedom I have here on BloodDark."

  "Freedom—BloodDark." He grinned. "It's funny how those two words can flow together so well in the same sentence nowadays. What a difference a rebellion can make."

  They both laughed. Hernando stopped and pulled her into his arms. Olivia melted against his warmth and returned his kiss with what she thought was equal enthusiasm until he pulled away, frowning.

  "You're not telling me something." He frowned. "Something important."

  Can he read my mind like Valori? Even a little bit? Olivia turned her face away and did her best to sound casual. "What makes you say that? I tell you everything."

  "I don't know, but something seems... different." He tilted his head and watched her reactions. "What were you and Annara discussing in hushed tones when I came upon the two of you the other day at the council chambers?"

  Great. He can read my mind. Or he's just super observant. Hernando's so different than any other guy I've ever met here or on Earth... much more sensitive and inquisitive. I told Annara this vampire bride spy business wasn't going to work. Can I throw him off track before he talks me out of it?

  "Annara and me? Nothing in particular." She spun around and giggled. "Girl talk, if you must know. Girls have secrets they'd rather not tell their boyfriends and vice versa. The holidays are coming up, you know." Olivia turned flashed him a saucy smile, shocked at how calmly she'd lied to his face. Would he believe her?

  Hernando heaved a sigh and relaxed. "You're planning on getting me a special gift to put under your Christmas tree, is that it?"

  "That's for me to know and you to find out." She winked. "We have a couple of weeks until Christmas, so don't spoil the surprise for me, all right?"

  "I promise. I won't pick up the box and shake it."

  "You won't?"

  "No, I won't, but I'm tempted. Your little cousins told me it was an ancient ritual of all recipients of Christmas presents, at least for those under ten years of age."

  Olivia forced a laugh. "'Men and boys and the love of their toys' as Mom always says." I think he's bought my cover story. We just might be able to pull this spy-thing off after all...

  "We're ready for your party, Ambassador," a technician announced over the P.A. system. "Please report to the Portal transport pad with your belongings."

  "They're calling us." Hernando sighed and took one last long look around the square. "I really do miss the dark skies sometimes on Earth. Fortunately for me most of my official functions happen at dinners and other evening events."

  "It helps for an ambassador to be a night owl. Or is that a night bat?" She gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Let's get going."

  Annara and her security personnel met them at the entrance to the Portal's pergola. Hernando counted his new security team's heads as they passed. "Fifteen? Are you sure we can spare this many warriors, Annara?"

  "I'd like to bring more, Mr. Ambassador, but the council said fifteen was all that could be spared." Her reply sounded business-like and formal. "I've been authorized to hire more guards on Earth if necessary, provided they are thoroughly vetted."

  "Okay. Will Olivia have her own bodyguards when we're apart on Earth?"

  Annara and Olivia exchanged a quick glance. "If need be," Annara said slowly," but it's your safety we're the most concerned about. Now, if you'll please get to the transport pad we'll depart."

  Hernando followed Annara's lead, and Olivia brought up the rear. Whew. As long as Hernando can't read Annara's thoughts and Valori is still recovering here on BloodDark, what could go wrong? I just have to make our separation after New Year's Day seem natural, and then I'll be on my way back here to solve the mystery of the second Portal. Hernando will be proud of me when I do, and I'll never have anyone doubt my loyalty to BloodDark's ruling council ever again.

  Olivia took a position next to Hernando and Annara under the great arch of the Portal. A distance she estimated to be approximately five feet square separated each individual. She looked up at the large crystalline focal point suspended under the five story tall arched edifice. The immense size of the apparatus was overwhelming, but the science of how it actually dematerialized and then rematerialized both living beings and inanimate objects alike moving them across vast distances of space was more overwhelming still.

  Olivia pondered their unique form of travel as they awaited the countdown to transport. The Pure Bloods possessed great knowledge and advanced technology, but their current society didn't seem to appreciate the wonderful gifts their ancestors had given them. They had degenerated into a culture which had used their extraordinary transportation device primarily for hunting human beings for their survival, only venturing to the closest world in which they could find a compatible life form and no farther.

  What had the original Pure Bloods looked like and how had they behaved before they began their genetic experiments mixing human DNA into their own? She considered the implications. Perhaps some of their worse traits have come from us humans, from our genetic heritage?

  The thought dematerialized as Olivia felt the familiar tingling along her nerve endings. Here we go. Good-bye BloodDark—hello Earth—but don't worry. I'll be back soon.

  Chapter Ten

  " Happy New Year!"

  Olivia blew her party horn and cheered with the thousands of others crowded into confetti-strewn Times Square for a full thirty seconds until she realized another New Year's tradition was occurring all around her: Couples kissing.

  She placed an arm around Hernando’s shoulders and brought his lips closer to her own. "Happy New Year, Hernando."

  "Happy New Year, Olivia." They kissed briefly, as Hernando, being the honored guest had others vying for his attention.

  "Mr. Ambassador, can we have a photo with you and the young lady?" a photographer shouted over the roar of the raucous crowd singing "Auld Lang Sine".

  "Of course." Hernando turned around and brought Olivia to the edge of the platform to pose.

  "Mr. Ambassador, can we have you and your companion over here for a group photo?" another photographer asked from the opposite side of the platform.

  "That would be nice."

  Back and forth and back and forth... Is this what a runway model feels like? Olivia forced smile after smile and tried to look happy for the attention, but inside she wanted to scream and go back to the hotel. When would they be able to leave? When would they be able to have a moment's privacy?

  When would she be able to tell Hernando about her leaving him for her undercover assignment?

  She took a deep breath and flashed another smile for the cameras. It wasn't forever—she would be able to return to Hernando's side soon enough. Annara had said so. Olivia's undercover job as a wannabe vampire bride wouldn't last long because she'd find out what was going on in the Alphan clan house in no time at all. No problem.

  So why didn't she feel confident? Why was she trying so hard to convince herself she was doing the right thing?

  "Let's go. Olivia? Hello? Are you still with me?" Hernando looked at her quizzically as she stood in place, a frozen smile plastered across her lips even after the paparazzi had left them alone. "It's getting late, and tomorrow we've been invited to the British embassy's New Year's Reception in Washington."

  "Oh." She forced her face to relax and turned to face him. "Goody, goody. Another reception with tepid tea and bland appetizers." She waved her noisemaker. "Yeah. Yippee."

  "I thought you'd like it." His grin didn't quite meet his eyes. "You're always telling me what a fan you are of all things British."

  "I meant the Beatles' music, Harry Potter books, Doctor Who and Downton Abbey... Not so much English tea and biscuits."

  "I see. Well, it won't take too long, and perhaps you can ask them to play some Beatles for us."

  Olivia silently followed Hernando and his contingent of body guards from the stage area, winding through the crowd toward to where their limousine awaited. Tonight was as good a time as any to make her break. Annara had been pressuring her for the past week to tell Hernando she couldn't accompany him on the rest of his New Year's world tour, but Olivia had dawdled and delayed. She couldn't hold it off forever.

  The constant texts from the BloodDark embassy gave a clue to how anxious Annara was to return to BloodDark and how dire the situation was becoming. Annara acted uncharacteristically close to panic. Olivia had never observed her fellow Resistance fighter act as restless as she'd been on Christmas Eve. Annara couldn't stop fidgeting and relax enough to enjoy the raucous caroling, the annual swap of gag gifts and her mother's secret recipe eggnog.

  Even her mother had picked up on Annara's tenseness.

  "Your army friend has ants in her pants," Moira had said under her breath as she and Olivia picked up the empty eggnog cups. Annara had barely touched hers. "Something bothering her?"

  "Annara is not in the army. She's with the BloodDark security services," Olivia had corrected her mother for the millionth time. "And yes, she's got a lot on her mind."

  "Are you all safe doing this tour? I mean, you're not going to... vanish again, are you?"

  Moira's eyes had grown wide with fear. Olivia hated lying, but she had reassured her mother there would be no vanishing acts, at least not during the world tour. The underlying stress of her fibbing had taken away from the joy of the occasion for Olivia, but it was necessary she convinced herself.

  Olivia so loved being with Hernando and her Earth friends and family during the holiday season. The idea all was not well in the universe i
rritated her, but she had promised Annara she would help solve the mystery of the second Portal device. She couldn't go back on her promise. Too much was at stake.

  It's now or never. Be brave and just do it.

  "You tired?" Hernando asked as they slipped into the back seat of the limo.

  "A little. Look, Hernando, I'm tired of..." The words escaped her. How could she say what she needed to say without hurting his feelings?

  "You're tired of the whole 'another day, another town, another boring function to dress up for' routine?"

  She sighed. "Exactly. You sure you're not reading my mind?"

  "There's no need to read minds when your body language speaks volumes." He pulled her close and kissed her then released her. "You need to spend some more time with your folks?"

  "I do. I mean, we got to spend Christmas with them, but this whirlwind tour isn't quite the same without Valori. I wanted to take her shopping during our tour and show her all the sights, and she's not here so..." Olivia shrugged. "It's not quite as fun and relaxing as I thought it would be."

  He frowned. "I'm not a fun person, you mean? Too serious?"

  "No, you're fine—you're perfect. You have to be serious. It's your job, and it's important. It's just all the..." A bodyguard tapped on the outside of the car and gave the thumbs up to the driver their route was clear before getting into the chase vehicle. She lowered her voice. "It's just all the changes."

  "We can't really be alone when I have a dozen armed personnel with me at all times, can we?" Hernando kissed her again, and she relaxed in his arms. "I admit things were more casual before the kidnapping attempt. Now, every odd look or strange communication is doubly worrisome and duly investigated."

  "As well it should be. We have to keep you safe."

  "We?" He chuckled. "Are you part of my bodyguard?"

  "Of course, I am. I want to guard your gorgeous body from any and all harm." Olivia cradled his face in her hands and kissed him soundly. "I will do everything in my power to keep you safe."

  "I believe you would."


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