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Olivia's Return

Page 12

by Cindy Matthews

  They snuggled together and said little until they reached the hotel several minutes later. They made their way through the noisy lobby to the elevators, using a special key card to reach the private floor reserved for diplomats and other VIPs. The guards swept through the hallways and checked every nook and cranny as they escorted them to their adjacent rooms.

  "This is where we part." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before opening her door. "See you bright and early."

  He returned the kiss. "Sweet dreams, Olivia. Don't worry—after tomorrow I'll let you off the hook. Your parents missed you so much. I could tell after we returned from your second unexpected visit to BloodDark. You should spend time with them. They need you."

  "Thank you. It has been hard for them. The second mysterious disappearance of their daughter wasn't quite as bad as the first, but still..." She smiled. "Good night."

  The door shut softly behind her. Tomorrow, I really have to tell him something believable about why I'm going to be out of touch for a time. Can I make my excuse fool-proof? Can I be certain he won't interfere with my spying?


  Sleep didn't come easy. Olivia tossed and turned as uneasy thoughts and worrying plans raced through her mind, and when she did fall asleep her dreams were full of foreboding. Morning came as a relief. She'd worked out how to break the news of her absence to Hernando, although she didn't look forward to it.

  They met over breakfast, provided by room service to Hernando's suite. Smiling, she gazed across the table at her boyfriend, over the cereal, fruits and yogurt. She found it strange, but Hernando didn't care for bacon or sausage, and he particularly despised eggs. He'd laughed the first time he saw Earth eggs, as on BloodDark the chickens were of a most unusual breed and laid huge eggs with a dark crimson yolk. How hens abducted from Earth along with their owners had become so different over the centuries begged for an explanation, but the only one given was, "The Pure Bloods took care of it so they could live here."


  "Hmm..." He stopped spreading butter on his toast. "I don't think I can get enough of this yellow stuff. Are you sure it's not good for you? How can anything that tastes so good not be good for you?" He took a bite and munched noisily.

  She laughed. He said some of the cutest things at times. It made it all the more harder to lie to him.

  "It's okay in small amounts, I guess, but just don't overdo it. You're a bit lactose intolerant, remember? You'd think the Pure Bloods would have brought cows and pigs to BloodDark so you all could have a proper breakfast."

  "We have goats—and sheep of a sort. They provide us with clothing fiber and meat and milk. Who needs bigger animals destroying grazing lands and causing greenhouse gases?"

  "True. It makes sense." She cleared her throat to start again. "Hernando, I thought it over last night. I think... I think I'd better do as my parents say and go to college this term."

  He blinked at her, surprised, his toast halfway to his open mouth. "Really? What changed your mind?"

  "My folks have been begging me to attend college since I first returned to Earth and got my G.E.D. After all that's happened to me, I really don't want to disappoint them and not go to school. I feel I owe it to them. Owe it to myself to get an education so I can improve my skills and help others."

  Hernando set his toast down on the plate and lowered his eyes. "I see. I think.”

  Olivia pushed plates and food aside so she could take Hernando's hand in hers and squeeze it. "I promise it won't be forever. The first semester will be over before you know it. We'll be back together then."

  "Will it be a problem, getting into a college in January?" He frowned. "I'm not sure how these things are arranged, but aren't there things you have to do before you go?"

  She hid a smile. He's trying to cover his disappointment by turning to the practicalities. He's more mature than I am. I'd have thrown a temper tantrum. "It shouldn't be a problem. My test scores are good enough, and both my parents work at a college where I can get free tuition as a faculty member's daughter."

  "You want to attend the same school where your dad teaches?"

  "Yes, it's the easiest route to take at this point. I could always transfer to a bigger university later when I've finished the basic courses. Think about it—after my experiences on BloodDark, any faculty in the world will take me for the notoriety alone." She grinned. "Some might even make me a professor of alien affairs."

  Hernando chuckled at her joke, but his smile didn't touch his eyes. He cradled her hands in his larger ones. "I'll miss you. It won't be the same not having you around every day."

  Her resolve slipped a notch, but Olivia made herself stay firm. "It won't be forever."

  This is the only true thing I've said to Hernando so far. I should be punished for lying to such a sweet and trusting person.

  "If you've made up your mind..." His voice trailed off. She nodded. "Okay, we'll need to work out the security details."

  "Security? Oh, I'll talk it over with Annara, but I doubt I'll have any trouble. Colleges are pretty public places. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

  "I guess your folks will be pleased. Have you told them?"

  "Not yet." Yes, they'll be pleased—and possibly suspicious after I supply the opposite lie to them. She refilled her glass with the fresh-squeezed orange juice and held it up toward him. "Here's to a great New Year for us both."

  Hernando clinked glasses and drank. She could tell his heart wasn't into celebrating from the sad look in his eyes.


  Olivia's parents were happy to see her the day after the reception.

  "We missed you, honey." Moira stood on tiptoe to kiss her forehead. Olivia noticed the familiar gesture came harder for her mom. I guess I've grown since being away. "New Year's Eve wasn't quite the same without you and your dad's annual pop corn fight."

  Olivia tilted her head and looked askance at her mother. "But you always tell us how much you hate sweeping up after our midnight pop corn fight, Mom."

  Moira blushed. "Don't be silly. I enjoy it. It's a tradition."

  "Come here, Ollie girl." Her father hugged her then shook hands with Hernando. "Welcome back. Didn't think we'd see you two again so soon."

  "Come on through to the kitchen," her mom said. "You'll love to sample what's cooking."

  "It certainly smells delicious," Hernando said, following Moira toward the heavenly aroma.

  "You guys go on ahead," Olivia said. "We'll be there in a minute." She took her dad aside. "Dad, I need to talk to you."

  He looked pained. "Oh, dear. I was afraid this day would come."

  She wrinkled up her nose and cast a puzzled glance at his serious expression. "You are?"

  "Yes." Mixed emotions chased each other across his face. "Come into the study, sweetheart, and close the door."

  She did so as her father drew up a visitor's chair and gestured for her to sit near him. She sat down, feeling slightly bewildered by his behavior. This is what it must feel like for his students when they come in to discuss their failing grades. Awkward doesn’t begin to describe it.

  Professor Julian Brown folded his hands on his lap and looked directly at her. "Okay, Ollie girl. When are you due?"

  "When am I due to do what?" The rusty gears in her brain squeaked into life and put two and two together. She gasped then laughed. "Dad! You don't think I'm expecting a baby?"

  "You're not?"

  "No! I love Hernando more than life itself, but we've never..." She blushed. "I mean... Ohmigosh!" She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I can't believe I'm talking to you about this. No, I'm not pregnant, Dad."

  Julian held his hand to his heart and looked relieved. "Oh, thank the Lord! I really don't feel ready to be a granddaddy yet."

  "You won't be until me and Hernando feel ready to... make a long-term commitment." Did I just say that? We've never discussed marriage or even going steady. Is there's such a thing on BloodDark as "being in a relationship?" I n
eed to focus and get back on topic.

  Olivia cleared her throat. "Dad, I just wanted to tell you I've decided to go to college, and to ask your advice as to which ones I should look into and possibly do some research visits this coming month."

  "That's good, sweetheart." Julian took a deep breath and let his shoulders drop. "Whew, okay then. Colleges. You don't want to stay here and attend school where I teach and your mom is underfoot in the library, huh? I can understand you wanting to live on a bigger campus and having the choice of more course offerings. I can think of a few places you might like."

  Olivia relaxed. After the initial hiccup, the conversation went quite smoothly. She could see herself visiting the various campuses and checking out their programs this winter and spring—all the while pretending to be touring the world safely with Hernando and his body guard. Besides, one day she really did want to obtain a degree in a field where she could make a difference. She wanted to make her parents proud of her. She wanted to improve herself.

  But now wasn't the time for college. She'd file these mental notes away for later.

  After a tearful good-bye to Hernando, and a lengthy reiteration of her college research trip conversation to her overjoyed mother, Olivia felt confident she had pulled it off at last. She had made an airtight cover story everyone believed. She could now return to BloodDark as a mail-order vampire bride spy with no one on Earth the wiser. In a couple of weeks when it was all over, she vowed to let all her loved ones in on the secret.

  They might feel hurt I told them a little white lie, but I think they'll be proud of me. Who wouldn't be proud of their girlfriend or daughter bringing justice to a world in desperate need of justice?

  Chapter Eleven

  "Did Hernando really believe you were going to college?" Annara sniffed loudly and put down the box. "Wherever did you find this hair chemical? In a mad scientist's lab?"

  Annara's questions interrupted Olivia's thoughts. It was hard to concentrate after the painful separation from Hernando, so she had talked Annara into leaving her post at the embassy for a couple of days and helping her dye her hair. With a pair of costume green contact lenses she'd borrowed from Alexis to change her eye color and wearing some old horn-rimmed glasses she'd found at a charity shop, she figured she'd look different enough not to be recognized by anyone in the Alphan household.

  "I got this blond dye at the drug store on Main Street, not at a lab." She held her breath and dabbed another bit of the dye along a strand of hair. "Whatever I'm going to tell my parents if they see their daughter with bleached-blond hair and green eyes, I'll never know."

  "Will they be back from their conference soon?"

  "Day after tomorrow. I'm glad I had a key to let myself back in the house. I'd forgotten they were going to the conference, but it was a stroke of luck. Saved me some money finding a place to stay in to make my transformation complete." She dabbed at another strand. "I hope this stuff wears off and doesn't completely ruin my hair in the process."

  "Since you have procured the invitation to meet the Pure Blood representative, we can leave tomorrow and your parents will be none the wiser." Annara perched herself on the edge of the tub and tilted her head, studying Olivia. "You didn't tell me how it went with Hernando."

  "I didn't, did I?" Olivia shrugged and dabbed dye at another hair strand. "It went as well as expected under the circumstance. He thought I just needed time off to be with Mom and Dad after my recent disappearance, but I told him I wanted to sign up for classes this semester at the college to make my parents happy. He hugged me and said he was glad I wanted an education."

  "So, he was okay with it. Good."

  Olivia shook her head and about gagged at the smell. "No, you don't get it. He was too nice. He wasn't happy I was telling him I was going to be absent from him for at least four months. He was just being nice when he said he accepted and respected my decision to better myself."

  "So, he wasn't okay with it?" Annara raised an eyebrow. "Your Hernando... he still trusts you?"

  Olivia nodded. This was the most painful part of the whole set up. She had outright lied to Hernando, the man she loved, and he still trusted her. The guilt had kept her awake tossing and turning the past few nights. What will Hernando say when he finds out I lied to him? What will he think when he eventually learns I was working as a spy behind his back? Will he be proud of me for my service to the people of BloodDark? Or will he never trust me again?

  "Good. What he doesn't know about our small spying operation won't hurt him—or anyone."

  "Did you tell Caveman and the other council members to keep quiet about it?"

  Now it was Annara's turn to cringe. Olivia sensed somehow Annara had not been entirely forthcoming to the council about her plans to gather intelligence from within the Clan Alpha House and what Olivia's part in the plan entailed.

  "Yes, the council members will keep very quiet about it," Annara said in a soft voice, "because they don't know when it's going to take place."

  "Once I'm in position, you'll tell them there's a spy looking about the Alphan clan house for the unauthorized Portal device, right? Right?"

  Olivia stared hard several moments at her friend but received no answer. She turned away and painted several more strands of hair with bleach before Annara spoke again.

  "I'm very worried we have an informant for the Pure Bloods sitting on the ruling council."

  Annara's serious tone sent a cold shiver of dread down Olivia's spine.

  "Oh no. You can't mean..."

  "Olivia, for your safety and for the safety of our world, we two can be the only ones who know you are going undercover."

  Olivia gasped. No one on Earth and only one other person on BloodDark would have any idea where she was and what she was up to at the Alphan clan house. If anything went wrong during her mission, Annara could not help her, Olivia would be on her own. Totally on her own.

  The fear and excitement made her heart race. I'll be like one of those secret agents in the movies, making life or death decisions with only my wits to guide me. Am I really up to something this risky? What makes me an expert on spying?

  Even more to the point, what makes me think I can help save BloodDark yet again?

  "If you want to back out now, I won't blame you."

  Olivia blinked. "You say something?"

  Annara smiled. "You were thinking, 'Why did I let this warrior from another world talk me into something as insane and potentially dangerous as spying inside the Alphan clan house?' And you're right to ask yourself this question. If you didn't, you'd truly be a fool."

  "Call me foolish then." Olivia picked up the paint brush and dabbed another strand of hair. "I'm already halfway through this dye job, so I'm not going to back out now. Besides, how dangerous could it be? The United Nations gave permission to fifty people to travel to BloodDark to meet potential Pure Blood mates. If they truly thought ordinary people would be at risk traveling there, they wouldn't have allowed it."

  "But you and I both know money and other things have passed hands behind the scenes. Our rich human kidnapper and his connections to the Alphans were not official. Who is to say Earth authorities have their own people's welfare at heart?"

  Olivia sighed. "Good point. We don't, do we? So it's all the more imperative I travel there and uncover what's going on and expose the Pure Bloods and their crooked human contacts' duplicity. Stop these vampire mail-order bride exchanges from becoming a monthly thing or even a weekly thing. If not me, then who else will do it?" She picked up the dye brush and attempted to color another strand of hair.

  Annara stood and came to her side, taking the brush from Olivia's shaking hand. "If you want to back out, I understand. I realize now it wasn't fair of me to pressure you into such a crazy scheme. You are my friend, and I don't want to lose you."

  Olivia took a deep breath. "You won't. I'll be fine. Besides, I'd better expose the Alphan operation or else Jace's mom is going to be extremely cross at me for jeopardizing her relation
ship with her daughter."

  Annara frowned. "I thought you said the daughter changed her mind."

  "Yeah, Lauren was sort of on the fence because of her mom's fears and worries, but the one who really made up her mind was her family. They intercepted Lauren's official acceptance letter from the courier before Lauren saw it and gave it to me."

  It hadn't been quite so straightforward, but Olivia didn't want to burden Annara with all the uncomfortable details. It was enough it had caused bad feelings between her and her mother...

  Mrs. Petrowski hadn't simply handed over the acceptance packet or the copy of Lauren's application, but Jace had. He'd copied the application off Lauren's laptop computer when she was at work and emailed it Olivia, no questions asked.

  If it makes my mom happy, you're welcome to it, Jace had texted her when Olivia asked if he could help her out several weeks previous.

  Can you get the letter when it arrives and keep until I can see it? she'd replied to his text. You'll have to sign for it.

  NBD. No big deal.

  When the official courier had arrived from the embassy, Jace had been home alone and had easily appropriated the packet.

  Lauren had been beside herself in grief and confusion when she learned of other online acquaintances receiving their acceptance letters the same week according to Jace, but Mrs. Petrowski's grin rivaled the Cheshire cat's. Olivia was certain Jace's mother knew what had happened to the letter from BloodDark, but she wasn't about to snitch on her son and allow her daughter to run off and marry a vampire.

  When Olivia asked if she could have the official acceptance letter, Jace let Olivia know the signed parcel would be wrapped up in their Sunday paper when he went out on his Sunday paper route at six o'clock in the morning. Olivia set her phone alarm to wake her early and was ready to receive it as he came up their front steps.

  "You can't let Lauren or Mom know I've done this." Jace furtively glanced around, his breath steaming in the cold, dark morning air. He tugged his black hoody farther over his face. He was acting like a secret agent courier in a spy movie. "She'll kill me—Lauren, that is. Mom might just ground me for all of five minutes."


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