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The Royal Heir

Page 8

by Tawny Amaya

  “I did,” he said with a slight grin. “Is this alright?”

  I launched myself at him, hugging him tightly. “This is more than alright.” The one reason I had come to Maltan was to spend time with him and him only. Everything else, including this paradise city, was a bonus. “This is great.”

  “I still can’t believe you are here,” he said, hugging me against his body, his arms wrapped tightly around me. “If this is a dream, I don’t wish to wake up.”

  My heart melted as I thought of the feelings I had for Erik, for this wonderful man who had stepped into my life. The way he was talking, well, he seemed to have the same feelings. Did I dare hope?

  “Come on,” he finally said, reluctantly releasing me. “Let’s sit down and enjoy the view.”

  “It’s beautiful here,” I remarked as I took a seat, picking up the cold glass of wine that was already poured into a crystal cut glass. “I can see why you are so proud of this country.”

  He nodded, taking a sip of his wine. “We have our share of troubles, yes, but it’s nothing like coming home.”

  I sat back, looking at the dark sea below. The night was perfect, with a full moon giving off a soft light overhead and barely a sound from the city. I was so used to the loud noise of New York, the incessant horns blowing and traffic noise every second that I felt like I was living in a bubble without it.

  Turning my attention back to Erik, I saw that he had a grin on his face. “What?”

  “Nothing,” he said, his eyes alight with laughter. “I just, I was thinking of our time in the elevator.”

  I grinned as the memory surfaced, one that seemed like it was not that long ago. I had been so frustrated by his arrival that despite his royal status, I was snappy toward the prince. “I thought you were going to have me thrown into a dungeon or something.”

  He shook his head, taking another swallow of his wine. “I thought you were cute and the fact that you weren’t impressed by my royalty was just icing on the cake.”

  “Cute huh?” I challenged with a laugh. “I would have never guessed given your facial expressions that night.”

  He groaned. “Are you really bringing up the whole claustrophobic issue?”

  “It’s cute,” I replied, so glad that my perfect prince had a chink in his armor. It made me appreciate the man behind the prince all the more. “Sexy even.”

  Erik leaned forward, his eyes changing from laughter to something far more heated. “Sexy huh? Maybe I should find an elevator around here.”

  I felt my cheeks flush as I thought about being trapped anywhere with him now. We were still making up for lost time, and I was far from done.

  “Your majesty.”

  I looked up to see one of the guards standing not far from the table, an apologetic look on his face. Erik winked at me before looking up at the guard, giving him the eye. “What is it?”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but your attention is needed urgently.”

  I watched as Erik’s face changed and he stood abruptly, all traces of the laughing prince gone. “Do not tell me it’s the north again.”

  The guard nodded, and Erik swore, looking back at me. “I have to go.”

  I held my disappointment, giving him a smile instead. “Of course, go on.”

  He walked over and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “We will go out tomorrow, and I will show you the sights, okay?”

  “It’s fine, really,” I answered, breathing in the smell of him. “Go do what you need to do.”

  He blew out a breath and walked away, the guards following the prince closely. I blew out my own breath and looked out over the sea, all visages of what was chalking up to a great night now gone just like that. It wasn’t Erik’s fault, of course, and I knew that.

  But it still stung regardless.

  Chapter 23: Erik

  I was tired.

  Walking down the hall, I rubbed a hand over my face, my bones weary and my brain dead from the discussions that had swirled around me all night. Now that my father was backing off his duties, giving me a chance to learn what was expected of me in his shoes, I had been forced to handle more than I cared to, including an uprising between one of the industrial mills on the north end and their laborers. Last night it had turned violent, and I had been caught in the midst of their representatives, begging them to end the feud.

  It had taken quite a long time for us to come to a resolution and the sun was starting to peek on the horizon as I walked toward my suite, pausing briefly in front of Carrie’s. I owed her an apology for bailing on her like that, all my grand plans that were supposed to end up in my bed now just a distant thought.

  I fucking hated it.

  Blowing out a breath, I walked on, not wanting to wake her. What was she thinking? Was she regretting coming all this way just to have my work overshadow her visit? I didn’t want her to think that way.

  Pushing open my suite door, I pulled off my suit coat and threw it in the chair, running my hands through my hair. And I had promised to take her out today, to show her my country, the one I was responsible for keeping safe.

  A sound of disgust emanated from my throat as I picked up the phone.

  “Yes, your majesty?” the prompt, female voice answered immediately.

  “Karen, send a note to my guest that I will be unable to make our scheduled time today. Please send some flowers, something lively.”

  “Yes, your majesty.”

  I hung up the phone, clenching my jaw as I thought of my puny attempt to make up this date to Carrie. I was going to be worthless without a few hours of sleep, and the last thing I wanted to do was make her miserable because I was tired.

  Walking into my bedroom, I stripped off my clothes and dropped into the bed. I would make my apologies later.


  Five hours later I walked into my father’s private office, finding him poring over some documents that were stacked on his desk, his reading glasses perched on his nose. He detested wearing them and only did in the privacy of his office and not in public. “Nice glasses.”

  He looked up and chuckled. “You look like you’ve been drug through the mud son.”

  I felt it. The few hours I got of sleep had been filled with Carrie and all the things I wanted to do to her.

  I had the biggest fucking hard on when I woke, only adding to my pissed off mood.

  I dropped into one of the chairs with a sigh, stretching out my legs. “The uprising is settled for now, but I fear they will continue. This could get nasty if they do not reach an agreement soon.”

  My father sighed, the weariness showing on his weathered face. “I feared as much. I would prepare to make another visit by the end of the week then.”

  I swore, thinking of how it would eat into my time with Carrie. Of all times for her to come, this had turned out to be one of the worst. “Did you enjoy your dinner last evening?”

  My father chuckled, giving me the eye. “Are you implying that I would not enjoy the company of a beautiful woman?”

  I grinned. “I did not imply anything.”

  He sat back in his chair. “I did enjoy my time with the lovely Jeanie. The question is, did you enjoy your time with Carrie?”

  “It was short,” I growled, thinking of how quickly we were interrupted. “But thank you for sacrificing your dinner.”

  My father waved his hand. “Jeanie was charming, and I enjoyed her company. It was no sacrifice. I truly like her and your precious Carrie. I can see how you were infatuated with her.”

  “She’s special,” I answered, thinking of the woman that had completely consumed me. “Do you like her?”

  My father shrugged. “It does not matter if I like her. If you do, that is all that matters. The question is, how much do you like her?”

  I thought about our time apart and how I had found myself wishing she was closer so that she could keep me grounded. Around Carrie, I felt, well, like a different man, like I could actually do this whole royal thing that everyone was exp
ecting me to do. We hadn’t spoken of any feelings, but if she told me tomorrow that she no longer could do this, I would be hurt. Greatly so. “A great deal father,” I finally said with some conviction. “I-I think she might be the one.”

  My father’s eyes widened. “You’ve never talked like this about any woman in your life. Remember, as much as I like Carrie, she will have to be a queen one day. Do you think she is ready for that?”

  I thought about Carrie’s generous nature, the way she had treated everyone around her with the utmost respect. Hell yeah, Carrie would be a great choice for a queen, but did she want that title? Did she want the stress I was just now learning to deal with, the no privacy or the ability to do anything without a group of guards surrounding her? She would lose everything she had with her current life and leave her beloved New York behind.

  For me.

  It was a tall order to ask of her.

  “Just remember,” my father added. “It’s not just your decision, son. Make sure you lay it all out on the table for her and help her understand what she would be committing to.”

  I nodded, already thinking of my next move. My father was right. It wasn’t just about me wanting to have her around. It was a change for the both of us, and I wasn’t so sure she would be keen on the idea.

  Chapter 24: Carrie

  “This place is fabulous! I mean, it’s like a bonafide painting, I swear.”

  I smirked as I listened to Jeanie ramble on about the city we had been roaming around today, her enthusiasm only making me happy just a little. I had to admit, the city was gorgeous, a picturesque fishing city teetering on the edge of a turquoise sea. Erik and his father had great deal to be proud of.

  I sighed as I thought about my sexy prince, wishing he was here at this moment to enjoy this beautiful sunshine with me. While I appreciated the thought of the note and gorgeous flowers that accompanied it, I wanted nothing more to lay eyes on him and find out what happened last night. After he had left, I had chosen to take my meal in my room instead, the magic of what could have happened long gone.

  I was disappointed, I couldn’t lie.

  “What’s up with you?”

  I turned to see Jeanie looking at me, concern on her face. “What?”

  She sighed. “Only half of you is here with me. I think the other half is wherever your prince is.”

  I scrubbed my face with my hand, looking at the palace in the distance. “What if I was wrong about coming here, Jeanie? I can’t, I-I just can’t compete with royalty.”

  She took me by the arm, leading me over to an outdoor coffee shop, forcing me to take a seat at one of their tables. “Listen,” she started, looking me directly in the eye. “I know you feel like this is all overwhelming, but as your best friend, I am obligated to tell you that you are crazy.”

  “What?” I laughed, dropping my sunglasses over my eyes as the sun hit them.

  Jeanie settled back in her chair. “You are crazy. Do you not realize what you have going on here? I mean I would kill to have a hot, sexy prince lusting after me.”

  “Hey now,” I said lightly, a smile on my face. “That’s my prince you are talking about.”

  “Exactly!” Jeanie said, throwing up her hands. “I’m glad that you finally admitted to that fact.”

  I shook my head. “I know I am whining about this, but what if I made a mistake Jeanie? I mean, I-I think I love him.”

  Her expression softened, and she reached across the table, squeezing my hand with hers. “So, what? We all must take that leap sometime. You just happen to pick a prince to do so.” She then sniffed. “Don’t let his title get in the way of what you truly feel inside. He might be the future king of Maltan, but if I could read his mind, I would imagine he would want you to love plain ole Erik.”

  Jeanie was right, as usual. “When did you get so smart?”

  She grinned. “I’ve always been the smart one in this relationship. You just haven’t been willing to admit to the fact until now.”

  I laughed, glad that I had brought her along on this wild journey that was my life now. Who would have thought, truly? I was in love with a prince, in his paradise country. It was crazy.

  “Come on,” Jeanie said, standing. “It’s getting late, and I’m hungry.”

  I rolled my eyes as I followed her down the cobblestone streets toward the palace, feeling somewhat hopeful for the first time today. I couldn’t fault Erik for having to tend to business while I was here and at least he had thought of me with the note and flowers.

  “Shut up, look at him.”

  I followed Jeanie’s gaze as she locked in on one of the guards outside the private gate. “What? What did he do?”

  She grabbed my arm. “Not what he did but how I haven’t noticed him the entire time we have been here.”

  “We’ve been here two days,” I reminded her as she sashayed up to him. Oh boy. He didn’t stand a chance with that smile on her face.

  Showing the card, I had been given this morning, I walked past her and through the gate, intending on taking a nice, long bath in that great sunken tub in my suite. Just as I started toward the door, it opened, and Erik stepped out, his eyes immediately locking on mine. “Hey,” he said. “I was looking for you.”

  “H-hey,” I answered as he continued to walk toward me, my breath stuttering in my lungs as he pulled me against him and placed a hungry kiss on my lips in front of the guards that were present.

  “I’m sorry,” he said when we came up for air. “About this morning. Did you get the flowers?”

  I wiped my gloss off his lower lip. “It’s okay, and yes they were lovely, thank you.”

  He smiled. “Good.”

  I studied his face, noticing the circles under his eyes. “Are you okay. I mean, is everything okay?”

  “I’m just tired,” he said, releasing me. “It was a late night, and I haven’t recovered.”

  “Maybe you need some rest,” I answered, my gaze lingering on his full lips. “Or something to put you to sleep.”

  He growled. “What are you offering?”

  I gave him a coy smile. “A sleeping pill?”

  “Minx,” he grinned, looking past me. “What is Jeanie doing to my guard?”

  I turned to see Jeanie sliding a piece of paper in the guard’s front pocket, the man’s face beet red at whatever she had said to him. “It’s no telling, but I think she just made a booty call date.”

  “Speaking of dates,” Erik said casually. “I have one for us tonight.”

  “Really?” Oh, I couldn’t wait to spend some time with him, just the two of us. Screw the romantic dinner. I wanted him in my bed, in the tub, just anywhere that we couldn’t be bothered.

  “There’s this gala, and I want you to be my date, Carrie.”

  My balloon deflated as quickly as it had inflated. “A gala?”

  He nodded, clasping his hands behind his back. “It’s a charitable one, so no work just fun. I wish for you to attend it with me.”

  I bit my lip, attempting not to look disappointed. “Uh, sure.” It wasn’t what I had in mind, but it would be time spent with Erik.

  After all, I had to take it when I could.

  Chapter 25: Erik

  I knocked on the door, adjusting the cuffs of my jacket as I waited for Carrie to open it. I hoped that she would enjoy tonight’s festivities and that we could spend a hell of a lot more time making up for lost time between us.

  The door opened, and my breath left my lungs as I stared at her. “You’re gorgeous.”

  She flushed, shaking out her emerald skirts. “I, thanks. I’m just glad that Jeanie made me bring these dresses with me.”

  I took her hand, taking in the way the dress was slit up clear to one creamy thigh. “I owe Jeanie a king’s ransom.”

  She laughed. “Just give her that guard she’s been eyeing, and she will be fine.”

  I pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled her along with me. “Come on. The car is waiting.”

  We wa
lked through the halls, and I could feel her tremble under my touch. I doubted it was because she wanted me so bad.

  No, I knew she was nervous, and she had no thought to be. She was going to blow them away tonight, and I was proud to have her on my arm. After my discussion with my father, I knew where I hoped this would go, this thing between us.

  We reached the entrance, and I grinned as I saw that the limo was out front. The driver helped Carrie in, and I climbed in after her, the door shutting behind me immediately. A moment later, we were off.

  “This is nice,” she remarked as we pulled out of the palace and headed toward the mountainous range to the north, where the gala was to be held.

  “See? There are perks to being royal,” I joked. She turned and smiled at me, though it was obvious that she was nervous. “Hey don’t be nervous.”

  “It’s just, I can’t help it,” she stammered, drawing in a breath. “Royal gala? It’s enough to make anyone throw up.”

  I laughed and placed my hand on her bare knee, caressing the soft skin there. “Why don’t you let me relax you then.”

  She gave a bark of laughter. “Unless you have a bottle of alcohol in your coat, I don’t think it’s possible.”

  I gave her a feral grin, glad that we were in the limo for this. She watched me as I dropped to the floor, my hand running up the slit in her dress. “Are you sure about that Carrie?”

  “W-what are you doing Erik?” she breathed, her eyes dilating the higher my hand got.

  “I’m relaxing you as only a prince can,” I said, kissing her bare knee as I touched her inner thigh with my fingers. She gasped as I inched them forward, brushing the silk lace of her panties.

  “Erik,” she said. “We shouldn’t.”

  “Ah darling,” I replied with a grin. “We should have a long time ago.”

  Her face flushed as I pulled her toward me, pushing her dress higher until I could place my tongue against the lace. She smelled of paradise and tasted just as sweet.

  “Oh my,” she started, her hands in my hair as I pressed a kiss to the center of her, my hand sliding them aside so that I could touch her hardened nub.


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