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The Royal Heir

Page 9

by Tawny Amaya

  Her hands tightened in my hair as I tortured her with my tongue, her breathy gasps filling the space. I wanted to do so much more, but the fifteen-minute ride was not going to be enough.

  “Oh,” she gasped before she stiffened, the explosion of her orgasm hit my tongue with full force. I growled as I stopped the torture, pressing my face against her leg as she shuddered around me, the limo filling with the delicious scent of her. My cock strained against my trousers, begging for the same sort of release but I willed it down. I didn’t want to take Carrie in the back of a car. I wanted her writhing under me where I could fuck her all night long.

  “Well,” she finally said after a moment. “You have proved me wrong, your majesty.”

  I chuckled and pushed away from her, taking the seat across from her to give her some space. The sight was fucking great from my vantage.

  Carrie’s eyes roamed over my body until they landed on the bulge in my trousers. “Shall I do the same then?”

  I cleared my throat, wishing desperately I could tell her yes. “Not enough time.”

  “Too bad,” she answered, rearranging her skirts, her face flushed from her orgasm.

  I had never seen anything more beautiful, and my heart clenched painfully in my chest. “Thank you for coming all this way to see me.”

  She gave me a soft smile. “Thank you for the invite.”

  The limo shuddered to a stop, and I blew out a breath. “Are you ready for this?”

  She touched her hair and gave me a nod as the door opened. I climbed out and then reached back for her hand, ignoring the flash of the cameras as Carrie stepped out, sliding her arm in mine. “Smile and no one will ever know what you just did in the limo,” I said softly, only for her ears to hear.

  She choked on her laughter as we walked down the roped brick area, waving at the waiting crowd before entering the mansion where the gala was being held.

  “Your majesty!”

  I turned and greeted the host and hostess, an influential couple in the country that was known for their generosity. Carrie released my arm, and I greeted them both with a nod and a smile. “Thank you for supporting this wonderful cause for another year.”

  “It’s our greatest passion,” the hostess replied, her eyes on Carrie. “You will have the tabloids wagging after tonight your majesty.”

  I gave her a wink. “I hope so.”

  Turning back to Carrie, I introduced them to her, watching as she greeted them as if she had known the couple forever. My father’s well-placed concerns had me wondering if Carrie would even enjoy the requirements that came with being a royal, such as these sorts of events. Though I had grown up in this world, she had not, and I couldn’t even imagine how hard it would be to get used to this.

  I just hoped she was willing to do so.

  Chapter 26: Carrie

  This was unbelievable.

  I looked around the room, at all the beautifully dressed women and men and felt completely out of sorts. Sure, I was wearing a great dress, having had the prince on his knees merely an hour beforehand. I should be elated.

  But I was bored.

  And lonely.

  Sighing, I looked for my handsome prince in the crowded room, finding him surrounded once again by a gaggle of people, all wanting to talk to him. It had been like this since the moment we had made it past the host and hostess, and while I knew this was one of the reasons he was here, I still wanted him to be by my side.

  “So, you are what the fuss is all about.”

  Surprised, I turned toward a striking woman, dressed in a slinky red gown that hugged her perfect curves. She had a riotous amount of blonde curls, artfully arranged in a perfect waterfall over one slim shoulder. “Excuse me?” I asked.

  She gave me a look. “Everyone is talking about how the prince was smitten by a woman from the states. I didn’t believe it until you showed up tonight on his arm. How lucky for you.” She gave a little laugh as I narrowed my eyes. “Lady Monique Childerson at your service. I’m your competition apparently.”

  What the heck was she talking about? “I don’t understand.”

  She gave me a cruel smile. “Of course, you don’t. Well, let me let you in on a little secret. I was the front-runner to be the next queen of Maltan before his little trip to the states. My family had faithfully served the royal family for generations, so it only makes sense that we at some point merge our two bloodlines.”

  “Listen,” I started. “I’m only here on vacation. I’m not.”

  “There you are.”

  We both turned to see Erik standing a few feet away, a smile on his handsome face. “I see you have met Monique?”

  “I was just introducing myself, Erik,” Monique said with a wide smile. “She’s charming.”

  “That she is,” Erik said, standing close but not touching me. “Excuse us, will you?”

  Without another word, he ushered me away from the woman and toward the door. “Are we leaving?” I asked as I maintained my smile, ignoring the fact that his hand was now on the lower part of my back.

  “We are,” he growled as we stepped out into the perfect night full of stars. “I have other plans.”

  Surprise filtered through my veins as we climbed into a private car this time, no chance to have any other fun without the driver seeing us do so. Erik grabbed my hand as soon as the door closed, threading our fingers together. “Thank god that’s over with.”

  “We were only there an hour,” I reminded him as the car sped away from the house.

  He chuckled and stretched his legs out, squeezing my hand. “I bet it felt like years for you. I’m sorry Carrie. I didn’t know I was going to be mobbed the entire time.”

  I heard the regret in his voice and softened against my hard feelings. “Erik, maybe I shouldn’t have come during this time. You seem very busy.”

  He turned to look at me, arching a brow. “It’s always like this Carrie. This is my life, unfortunately, and it’s only going to get worse.”

  “Worse?” I asked.

  He nodded, his thumb stroking my hand. “I’m to be crowned next week. Everything will be official then.”

  My mouth dropped open. He was going to be king, so soon? “I-I don’t know what to say.”

  He laughed. “Your expression says all I need to know. I know, it’s a shock, but father, he wants it to happen sooner rather than later. That’s one reason you are here.”

  “Erik,” I breathed, seeing the uncertainty in his eyes. “Are you ready? I mean this is a big deal.”

  He leaned over and kissed me, his hand caressing my cheek. “I don’t want to talk about it right now. This night is about us.”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the car slowed to a stop, Erik opening the door before the driver could do so. “Come on. I have something for you.”

  I climbed out of the car, his bombshell hitting me like a ton of bricks. He was going to be king. King! Until now, it had still seemed like a far-reaching possibility, but now. Oh my god, I was with the king of Maltan!

  Erik pulled me along the sidewalk and down a little path lined with sweet-smelling flowers, the sound of the ocean growing closer. As we rounded the corner, I stopped, causing Erik to stop alongside me. “Oh Erik,” I breathed, taking in the sight. “This is, wow.”

  “I thought so,” he said, tugging me toward the covered cabana, the flicker of candlelight dancing behind the curtains. “Don’t worry, we are completely alone here. Well, if you discount the guards along the perimeter.”

  I stopped Erik before we could enter, looking up into his beautiful eyes. “Why are you, what is this about?”

  He pushed a stray curl from my face with his fingers, his smile tender and nearly breaking my heart. “I know it hasn’t been easy being here and I wanted to take some time with you and you alone. I wanted this to be special.”

  I stood on my tiptoes and brushed my lips over his. “Thank you.”

  He grinned and pushed the curtain aside, where a gauzy covere
d bed lay beyond the barrier. “Welcome to your paradise Carrie.”

  I stepped in, kicking off my heels in the process. There was a bed, a rather large one, on a raised platform, the gauzy curtains adding an additional layer to anyone that would be outside. There was champagne chilling in the bucket and a platter of sweets and fruit within reach. Other than the sound of the ocean, I heard nothing else. Nothing at all.

  It was fabulous.

  Turning around, Erik was on me in a minute, his mouth ravaging mine until I was moaning against his lips. “God I’ve waited too long for this,” he whispered, his hand tugging on my zipper on the back. “You nearly drove me crazy tonight.”

  “Erik,” I breathed, pushing at his suit coat, letting it fall to the floor. “I need you so badly.”

  My dress gaped open as he slid the zipper down, pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder. “I want to take this slow.”

  I closed my eyes as his nibbled on my neck, stepping back finally to slide my arms through the sleeves, allowing the dress to fall to the floor. The heat in his eyes was unmistakable as I stepped out of the circle, clad only in my bra and the panties he had become intimately close to hours before.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” he said softly, his eyes roving over my body. When he reached for me, I danced out of his touch. “My turn,” I said, licking my lips.

  He threw his arms open, a grin splitting his lips. “I’m all yours.”

  I reached for the bow tie at his neck, untying it and throwing it aside so I could start working on the buttons of his dress shirt, pressing a kiss to the underside of his clean-shaven jaw. “I hope you don’t allow anyone else to have such liberties, your majesty.”

  He let out a groan. “Only you, Carrie, only you.”

  I smiled and succeeded in getting his shirt undone, pushing it over his broad shoulders and letting it join the rest on the floor. My hands instantly touched his chest, marveling at the hard planes of his body, pressing kisses along the way. “You're beautiful,” I breathed against his skin, rewarded with a groan as my fingers grazed his abdomen. I felt so secure in my movements, so sure that I could please this man with my touch. Though I joked at his title, this was Erik, the same man that had tracked me down in the city to beg me to come here.

  This was Erik, the man I had fallen in love with.

  My hands found his buckle on his trousers, and I worked it quickly until he was standing before me naked as the day that he was born. My body went rigid with anticipation as I took him in, the obvious need he had for me jutting out from his body.

  But there was something else. There was tenderness in his gaze, and it nearly took my breath away.

  “Can I touch you now?” he asked, his voice harsh.

  I shook my head, reaching out to touch the hard length of him. “Not yet. Be patient.”

  “I’m going to be patient all over your hand if you do that much longer.”

  I gripped him tighter, feeling him jump in my palm. “No, you won’t. You want more.”

  He growled. “So, do you.”

  I smirked and released him. “Give it to me then, Erik.”

  I was flat on my back in a second, Erik positioned over me. It was a great sight. “You tease too much,” he whispered, his hand roaming over my body, touching my breasts still encased in my bra. “You make me want you all the time, Carrie.”

  I gasped and arched my back as his lips descended on my peaked nipple, wetting the satin around it. My body instantly was on fire, my hands grasping at the sheets on the bed as his tongue swirled around the tip before pushing the material aside and touching my bare skin.

  His other hand slid down my body, pushing into my panties and touching me there, causing an instant flood of wetness to my lower half. “Please,” I said as his fingers hovered over my hardened nub. “Please.”

  “I fucking love it when you beg,” he whispered into my ear, his fingers finally colliding where I needed him most.

  I moaned as he brought me to a quick orgasm, my body shattering under his gentle stroking. Vaguely I heard him open a condom before he was sliding into me, filling me to the very core. “You’re so wet, so tight,” he grimaced, beaded sweat popping out on his forehead.

  I grasped at his shoulders, urging him to move until it was just the two of us, in synced rhythm, taking each other higher and higher until we reached the stars.

  Chapter 27: Erik

  I was spent.

  The ocean breeze filtered through the curtains, washing over my sweaty skin as I lay there, playing with Carrie’s hair and listening to the rapid-fire beat of my heart. At first, I thought that the sex couldn’t get any better than the first time, then the whole door mounting a few days ago.

  But I was wrong.

  She stirred, and I sighed inwardly, knowing that we couldn’t lay here forever, even if I owned the small strip of beach and now this cabana. There had been a time when I was younger when I wanted to build a shack on this very spot and live out my days fishing until my father gently told me that I couldn’t do so.

  Not because I was the heir apparent, mind you, but because I wanted to take the palace chef, so I wouldn’t have to go without their sweets after dinner.

  “Can’t we just stay here?” Carrie asked softly, her voice shattering the silence. “I mean, I would have to eat and all, but this is nice.”

  I chuckled and hugged her close. “I can arrange the food, but eventually someone will come looking for us.”

  She sighed and lifted her head, resting her chin on my chest, her eyes boring into mine. “Are you truly being crowned next week?”

  “Yes,” I said, brushing the hair off her forehead. “I am.”

  “I can’t believe it,” she answered, her fingers drawing circles around my flat nipple. “That you are going to be king. Kings can’t have girlfriends, can they?”

  I opened my mouth to retort, but then closed it, not sure how to answer her question. I didn’t know where her frame of mind was going, nor did I want to casually throw something out there that would scare her off. There were a lot of feelings rushing through my body, through my mind, and I wanted to sort them out before I made any decisions regarding my future. Or hers. “He can have a mistress,” I said lightly, a tease in my voice.

  She rolled her eyes, some of the worry and concern still lingering in their depths. “Next you will be asking for a harem or something.”

  “I believe that one of my ancestors had one,” I mused, pretending to think about it. “That’s not a bad idea.”

  “Oh, you are horrid,” she laughed, pushing off me and sitting up. I reluctantly did the same and climbed off the bed, our time alone done for now. Gathering up my clothing and her dress, I threw them on the bed, grabbing her elbow as she reached for her dress and pressing her against my body. “Don’t ever think I can replace you,” I said softly, wishing I was some kind of fucking poet so I could tell her what I was feeling.

  “Erik,” she said, wrapping her arms around my waist tightly. “I just, there’s so much uncertainty.”

  “I know babe,” I said, stroking her back with my fingers. Our relationship was about to take a drastic turn for the crazy, and if I weren't careful, I would lose her before I ever really had a chance.


  I held onto her as we exited the car that had come to pick us up from paradise, guiding her back to her room, her heels in her hands. “I had a wonderful time,” she was saying as we approached her suite. “Thank you, Erik.”

  I looked down at her and shook my head. “I don’t want this night to end.”

  Carrie glanced at her closed door before looking back up at me. “Well I would invite you in, but you’re not king yet, and I am still certain your father could have me killed with a snap of his fingers.”

  I chuckled. My father would never have anyone killed, especially not her. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked as I pulled her through the doors and into my own set of suites. “Is this your suite?”

sp; I watched as she took in the elaborate surroundings, dotted with personal effects from my military days and soccer matches in the past. “You’re the first woman to see it.”

  “You’re kidding,” she said, arching a brow. “Surely you’ve used this room to impress a woman before.”

  I shook my head, pulling her against me. “I haven’t, but if it’s working with you, I might use it in the future.”

  Carrie grinned and hit my shoulder playfully. “What are we going to do in here?”

  “I can think of a thing or two,” I said, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before releasing her. “But I do remember food being on the list.”

  “Pizza,” she sighed happily, walking through the living room and into my bedroom. I watched her go, thinking how deliriously happy she made me whenever she was around. Carrie was my balm, my ground when I needed it the most.

  “Oh my god! You have the biggest bed ever!”

  I laughed and picked up the phone, ordering a pizza and some drinks before throwing in some ice cream for good measure. I hadn’t lied to her. She was the first woman to come into my personal domain, and I didn’t feel weird about it.

  It felt, well, like coming home.

  Chapter 28: Carrie

  I woke up deliriously happy.

  Stretching, I looked around Erik’s bedroom suite and was unable to wipe the big ole smile off my face. Last night had been fabulous, and I was renewed with hope that we could do this. We could be together.

  Throwing back the covers, I started to pick up my dress, glad that Erik had given me a pair of his sweats and t-shirt to put on. The last thing I wanted to do was to be caught sneaking back into my room in my dress, especially with his father’s rule. I didn’t want to do anything to piss off the king.

  Not since I was in love with his son and new future king of Maltan.

  Shaking my head, I gathered up the rest of my things, looking back at the bed with some longing. After some of the best pizza and ice cream sundaes, I had ever put in my mouth, Erik and I had watched a movie on the TV mounted in his room, just cuddling in the bed, as regular couples do. It had been nice to melt away the worry, our titles (or lack thereof), and just be a couple.


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