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Silent Defender (Boardwalk Breakers Book 1)

Page 13

by Nikki Worrell

  Before I could even start, my damn hormones made my eyes water. Mags immediately grabbed my hands.

  “Jennie, you’re killing me. I know something’s wrong. Please. Tell me what it is, sweetheart. Let me help you.”

  The more he talked, the worse I felt. Like ripping a Band-Aid off, I blurted it out with a sob. “I’m pregnant! I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I know you told me—”

  “You dipped your head, honey. What did you say?”

  Was he fucking kidding me? Ugh, once again, my fault. I wasn’t going to be allowed to take the easy way out and not look at him while I explained. To keep things silent, I used my hands instead.

  You know how we didn’t use condoms that one Sunday? I glanced up at him.


  My hands covered my face and Magnus pulled them away. He had to have a clue where the conversation was going. “And?”

  I bent my head, as any coward would do. I’m so, so sorry, Mags. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose, but...I forgot.

  He made me look at him again. “Forgot what, exactly?”

  “Oh, God, Mags. I forgot to get the morning-after pill.” He didn’t respond so I rambled on. “I did get it, but I got it on Tuesday, which was still within the time line, but only eighty-nine percent effective. And it was the most fertile time of my cycle. I waited as long as I could to take a test, and I swear to God, Mags, I tried my best, but—” My head dipped back down.

  “Honey, you have to look at me when you speak.”

  Oh Jesus. I had to go through all of that again? I wasn’t sure I had it in me. I hadn’t even realized I’d lowered my head. I went back to basics. “I’m pregnant.”

  “Yes, I got that part.”

  He did? “You did? Why aren’t you freaking out?”

  “Because I love you. I know our relationship is still pretty new, but I can’t help the way I feel, and I love you. I’ve never felt a connection like this with anyone before. Not another soul. I wouldn’t have chosen to get pregnant right now, but it’ll be okay. It’ll be more than okay.”

  Where I had let out just one big sob with Izzy, I completely unloaded on Magnus—disgusting running nose and all. “You aren’t mad at me?” I didn’t even know if he’d actually caught my words.

  “Ah, sweet Jennie. Did you get pregnant by yourself?”

  I sniffled. “Almost. I didn’t give you much choice.”

  “Is that why you’re so worried? You think you did this to me? Honey, I could have pulled out. Obviously I should have, but you weren’t there by yourself. And if you remember, I took full advantage of that day, coming inside of your beautiful body several times after the first.”

  He had a very valid point. Maybe I was being too hard on myself. “I love you too, Magnus. With all of my heart, whatever you decide.”

  His frown caught me off guard. I’d just given him an out. “What do you mean, whatever I decide? No child of ours will be born out of wedlock.”

  The burst of happiness that overcame me was too much to hide. “Wedlock? Really? You are such an old soul.”

  He shrugged. “I am.” He got down on one knee and tugged me until I was sitting on the couch. “Jennie Fields, will you honor me by becoming my wife?”

  “You’re really serious?”

  He put his arms around my waist, sprawling over my lap to rest his head against the spot that held our baby. He didn’t bother with words, he simply nodded in the affirmative. After a minute of quiet bonding, he sat back. “Did you say yes? I didn’t catch your answer.” He held his breath waiting for me to respond.

  “Yes. Of course, yes!” Aside from the quickness in which everything was happening, he made me a happy woman.

  “Pick a date, sweetheart.”

  “New Year’s Eve.”

  “Done. Enjoy being Jennie Fields for one more week.”

  Chapter 15


  Surprisingly enough, after the initial shock, it didn’t take me any time at all to wrap my head around the fact that I was going to be a father. And a husband.

  First thing Monday morning, Jennie, Izzy, and I went to get the marriage license application, Izzy acting as our witness. All we had to do was go back in three days to pick it up.

  Rio’s girlfriend, Elise, was an ordained minister via the ever-so-convenient Internet and was going to do us the honor of marrying us. Neither Jennie nor I had any religious affiliation or a desire for a big, elaborate wedding.

  The owner of the Breakers was throwing one hell of a New Year’s Eve party in one of the private clubs at our arena and agreed to let us be married on the ice. The whole thing was perfect for me. I just hoped Jennie didn’t look back someday and have regrets.

  “I’m sorry we can’t stay for the wedding, Magnus.” My parents were on their way back to Alaska. They’d thought about staying, but I told them I’d rather they save some of their vacation time and come back after the baby was born. “Give Jennie a kiss for us. I’m sorry she’s feeling so poorly this morning.”

  We had just barely made it back to the house after dropping Izzy off at work before Jennie made a mad dash for the bathroom. She was fortunate to be able to work from home now and then.

  Looking a little worse for wear, the girl we’d just been speaking about made an appearance. How long does this last?

  My mother gave her a sympathetic look. Hopefully only the first three months. Maybe less, maybe more.


  Dad walked over and wrapped Jennie up in his arms. “You’ll be fine, pumpkin. Hang in there, okay?” He chucked her chin as he took a step back. It tugged at my heart to see the sheen of unshed tears in Jennie’s eyes. I knew she missed her own parents something fierce, but I was glad she at least had mine now.

  After they were gone, I picked up Jennie and settled us down on the couch with her on my lap, noting that I finally had no pain left in my foot. It had taken longer than I’d expected for the injury to heal. I was only kept out for one game, so maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised it took so long. I certainly hadn’t given it much time to rest.

  “Can I get you anything, Jennie? Do something for you?” She only shook her head and wrapped her arms around me. It didn’t take but a few minutes for her to fall asleep. With each breath she let out, I caught the unmistakable scent of minty toothpaste.

  Trying my best not to jostle her too much, I struggled to stand so I could carry her to bed without waking her up. I was not successful. She pulled her head back to look at me. “What are you doing?”

  “You fell asleep. I’m putting you in bed. You need a nap.”

  “No, I don’t”

  I laughed at her drooping eyelids. “Okay. Take one anyway.” But then again, maybe I was wrong.

  She didn’t let me go when I leaned down to put her in bed, and I fell on top of her. “This is what I need.” She kissed me with urgency. Her teeth nipped my bottom lip, begging me to grant her entrance. I did so willingly. Our tongues dueled, each fighting for the upper hand.

  I was so caught up in my response to her that I ground myself against her, fully clothed, again and again. With each thrust, I wanted more. We had to come up for air eventually, and I tugged Jennie’s pants down low enough for my hand to slip inside.

  She was so wet for me my fingers trembled against her. I placed my thumb against her clit and rubbed. My lips latched onto her neck while my fingers continued their work, whipping Jennie into a frenzy of undulating hips.

  Her hand ripped mine away. I knew what she wanted. We made quick work of ridding ourselves of the clothing separating us, and then I was inside of her. I stopped all movement and looked into her eyes. “I love you, Jennie.”

  She smiled a smile that was mine alone. “I love you, too.” I lowered my head and took her lips in a gentle kiss as I began to thrust slowly in and out of her sweet heat.

  Tension built as I kept the pace slow. Her heels dug into my ass, trying to increase my tempo, but I wanted to drag our lovemaking out. I never
wanted it to end. There was no better place in the world to be than inside Jennie, her body so responsive to my every move.

  I reached down between us and ran my fingers over her clit, causing her to cry out. “You like that?”

  “Yes!” I massaged her clit with the palm of my hand and gave her what she wanted. My strokes went deeper at a quickening pace. She loved it when I went deep. I took my hand away from her so that I could hook her legs around my elbows, pushing them back to give me another angle for deeper penetration.

  Her nails raked over my biceps. I couldn’t see what she was saying now, but her body told me all I needed to know. She was beyond the point of no return. Harder and faster I thrust, feeling my spine tingle. “Fuck, that’s good, Jennie.”

  I was breathing hard, working Jennie’s body over completely. I couldn’t wait any longer. The feelings were too intense. Her muscles began to clamp down on my cock as I let go with my release. “Ah, God.”

  My back bowed as I continued to pump my cum into her again and again. It would never be enough. “So...fucking...good.” I didn’t want to stop. I slowed my thrusts, but kept fucking her deeply, even as my cock began to soften.

  My eyes zeroed in on her breasts, bouncing each time our bodies slapped together. My lips sought her nipples, and I gave them equal attention. I let her put her legs at my sides and framed her head with my hands.

  “I want you again, Jennie.”

  “Yes. Again and again.”

  “Roll over.” All the times we’d had sex, I’d yet to take her from behind. Another first for us.

  Her ass was luscious. I leaned over and bit each cheek while I took myself in hand, stoking until my cock was once again rock hard.

  Back up on my knees, I gripped her hips and pulled her back to me, running my cock up and down the seam of her ass, pausing only slightly before filling her again.

  In and out I went, some thrusts harder than others. Jennie helped in that regard, slamming back against me, taking me harder. I reached around her greedy body to manipulate her clit, intensifying her enjoyment, as was evident in her renewed momentum crashing back against me.

  She whipped her head around. “Harder. Don’t hold back on me, Mags.”

  I almost didn’t catch her words with her hair falling in her face, so I grabbed a fistful of it. Her lips parted at the slight tug I gave it. “Oh, yeah.” She liked me pulling on her hair. Fucking right.

  “Get ready, Jennie. I’m going to fuck you now like I never have.”

  “Give me all you’ve got.”

  I pushed her body down, making her lie flat on the bed with her ass in the air. I got up to my feet and fucked her hard until I saw her hands gripping the sheets. Not until they went slack did I allow myself to burst inside her again. God, her ass was red from where I’d gripped her, my handprints unmistakable. It briefly crossed my mind that I maybe should have felt bad about that, but I felt too good to feel bad. And I knew Jennie did too.

  I collapsed onto the bed next to her, pulling covers over us in a half-assed manner. It didn’t take any time at all for both of us to fall asleep.


  I woke up about an hour later. Jennie was still down for the count. I got out of bed and out of the room without waking her. I wasn’t sure what kind of work she needed to get done, but I knew she’d be up late as we had a seven o’clock home game, and she’d be in the locker room after.

  I hadn’t told the guys yet about the new developments with Jennie and me. It wasn’t as if I was hiding it; we’d just wanted a few days to get used to all the changes that were coming up by ourselves. I wanted to tell Cage first, since he was my closest friend here.

  Me: Hey, dickhead, what are you up to?

  Cage: Not much, dbag. How about you?

  Me: Just got up from a nap. You have a couple minutes to Skype?

  Cage: A nap? You are such a pussy, but yeah I have time. See you in a sec.

  I’d already gotten my tablet ready. Cage was before me in the blink of an eye. He was wearing a T-shirt with arrows pointing both up and down. Pointing up read “The Man,” and pointing down read “The Legend.”

  I snorted, pointing at his shirt. Really? Karen lets you wear that around the kids?

  I don’t ask her permission. I’m my own man.

  Sure he was. She’s not home, huh?

  Cage laughed as he shook his head. No. She and the girls are helping out with the Big Sisters program today at the Y. So, what’s up?

  Well, some big things have been happening around here, and I wanted to tell you before I told the rest of the guys tonight.

  He sat forward with his arms on his knees, hands still free to move. Do tell.

  Well, I found out the morning-after pill is only eighty-nine percent effective if it’s not taken within twenty-four hours of an untimely event. Jennie’s in the other eleven percent.

  I’d shocked Cage into silence. I didn’t think I’d ever seen that particular look on his face before. No shit.

  No shit. But there’s more.

  He didn’t say anything else so I went on. We’re getting married on New Year’s Eve on the ice at the rink. Care to stand up for me?

  Are you fucking with me?

  No. I’m fucking with Jennie, which is why I’m getting married and having a baby. And guess what the best part is?

  Cage shook his head at me and lifted his hands, palms up in question. No clue.

  I love her. While I wasn’t planning on having kids anytime soon, I am now and I’m okay with it.

  You’re really not fucking with me, are you? Holy shit. Well congratulations, man. Of course I’ll stand up for you.

  I knew he’d say yes, but I was still relieved at his answer. I’m not a mushy guy or anything, but I did want my buddy standing next to me when I took Jennie as my wife. Thanks, dickhead. That means a lot.

  No problem, dbag. Let me know if you need me to do anything, okay? Now I have to run. Karen left me a honey-do list a mile long.

  I covered my eyes in mock embarrassment for him. Oh yeah, Cage. You are such a badass. Go on then, go fold laundry.

  I’m not folding laundry. I’m replanting a couple of houseplants and then I have to unload the dishwasher.

  I think I laughed out loud at that one. Just make sure you clean up after yourself. Repotting plants is tough.

  Cage leaned forward and flipped me the bird before logging off. His attitude was what made him him. But I also knew he’d make sure Karen was pleased with his work when she got home. Badass my ass.


  I was looking forward to telling the guys my news. The more I talked about it, the more excited I became. They’d all probably be shocked like Cage was at first, but I knew they’d all wish us well.

  We were playing our usual round of soccer just outside the locker room when I waved my hand to get their attention. “Hey, guys. I have some pretty big news to share with you.”

  Cage strolled over to my side. “I want to see their faces. Tell me if they look like I did.”

  I ignored him and addressed the rest of my teammates once more. “Well, Jennie and I are getting married right here on the ice at the New Year’s Eve bash.”

  “What? No way! What’d you do, knock her up already?” Nikita Borodin laughed at his joke.

  “Yes. I did.”

  That’s when the faces all took on the same look as Cage’s had. Incredulous stares.

  Nikita, my line mate, walked over and slapped me on the back. “Well damn, old man. You didn’t waste any time, did you? Congrats.” He took my hand and gave it a few hearty pumps.

  I received lots of congratulations from my teammates, but then it was time to focus on the game ahead of us. It was soon pretty clear that not all of us did just that.


  “Come on, Cage. Get your goddamn head in the game!” I had no idea what thoughts were running around in his brain, but the Blues had already scored twice on him in the first period.

  He didn’t hear me. He wasn’t
meant to. We didn’t berate our teammates, although I would be asking him about his play during intermission. Something was off. Maybe he hadn’t repotted Karen’s plants very well after all.

  The first period ended with our team feeling low. Back in the locker room, I took my helmet off and poured water over my head. When Cage sat down next to me, throwing his stick back against the wall, I knew he was as unhappy with his play as I was. He was so much better than what he’d left on the ice.

  What’s up?

  I can’t get my head in the game. His blocker joined his stick, thrown back against the wall.

  We can see that. Why?

  I told Karen about your news. She kept saying things like how exciting it was and how great babies were. I didn’t think anything of it. Then she hit me with a bomb. She wants a baby.

  Karen and Cage had been in a horrible car accident that had taken Karen’s uterus. And how would that work?

  She wants to adopt one. She’d like to try for a boy since we have two girls.

  So what’s wrong with that? You guys have talked about that before.

  He ran an agitated hand through his hair. I know, but Mags, things are great now. They’re almost perfect. I never had that growing up. I mean you know how much I love my Ma, but I never had a complete family like Karen and the girls and I have now. I don’t want any of that to change.

  His signing was a bit off, but I caught the gist of it.

  Did you tell Karen all of this?

  Sort of. You know me. I like to go on the defensive and push people away instead of talking about my fucking feelings.

  I had to laugh at my friend. Poor Cage. He was so worried about appearing weak that he missed the point of having a good woman to let your guard down with sometimes.

  Yeah, I know you, but do you not know Karen? Man, she’s the one person in the world that will listen to you without judging, without thinking less of you for anything you tell her. You’re in this together, and you need to talk to her about it.

  I know. I will.

  Coach ambled over to us, ending our conversation. You two girls about done talking about your tender feelings? Booker? Eriksson?


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