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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Head Over SEAL (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Uncharted SEALs Book 11)

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by Delilah Devlin

  And she liked their little spats. He kept her on her toes. She sighed and made another slow turn in place, searching for a stranger who looked like he might be looking for a stranger, too. Better to think about her partner than to think about Sky.

  Tessa whined from her down-stay on the cool tile. Her tail began to wag.

  Jamie followed her dog’s gaze and saw a tall, familiar figure, his frame backlit by bright sunshine from outside, striding right for her.

  Her heart tapped crazily against her chest. Her belly trembled. It can’t be, she thought. Then, relief flooded her. He’s safe.

  Sky halted a foot from her, and his glance raked her face before trailing down her body. When he met her gaze again, his jaw tightened.

  That look made her stiffen, all gooey, happy feelings fleeing. “Hell, no,” she said, a frown pulling her eyebrows. “I am not going home.”

  “Didn’t ask you to,” he said, his cloudy-blue eyes narrowing.

  “Didn’t have to. I can tell how happy you are to see me.” She’d seen that look before. And she didn’t take his anger for anything other than what she knew it was—he didn’t want her anywhere near any dangerous situation.

  “Hell, Jamie. Fuck.” His hands shot out, gripped her hips, and pulled her against his body. His mouth slammed against hers.

  Jamie pushed on his chest for all of a second before melting beneath the heat of that kiss. Her fingers climbed, rooting in his hair. She drank in the spicy scent of his skin, the minty taste of his tongue as it invaded her mouth, and might have crumpled to the floor if he hadn’t kept her anchored against his body.

  When he raised his head, a smile curved one corner of his mouth. “Missed you, too, babe.”

  She snorted. “Didn’t think about you once.”

  “Sure,” he murmured, his hands gliding down her back.

  When he curved them over the swell of her buttocks, she reached back to force them upward. “I’m not sure I’m that happy to see you.” A lie. One he probably didn’t believe for a second, because she was smiling, sighing, and still melting against him.

  Another whine sounded from the floor beside them.

  “It’s okay, Tessa,” she said. “Say, hi.”

  Tessa popped up and tried to nose between them, her body wriggling with excitement.

  Sky laughed and released Jamie to go down on one knee. As Tessa licked his chin, he scratched her back and behind her ears.

  Jamie shook her head. “Now I know who you really missed.”

  He glanced upward, his blue-gray gaze roaming her face. “This all your gear?” He tilted his head toward her luggage.

  “Yeah. You have wheels?”

  He stood and reached for both bags, slinging the duffle over one broad shoulder and grabbing the handle of her rollaway. “It’s parked outside. I’ll introduce you to the team as soon as we’re on our way.”

  And that quickly, he was all business again. She followed, Tessa beside her. The view appeased any disgruntlement she still harbored. Lord, she loved the way he was made. Broad shoulders, solid, muscled...everything. Of course, her gaze was glued to his ass.

  At the doors, he glanced back and caught her. He gave her a wink then walked into the sunshine.

  The blistering temperature nearly sucked away her breath. “Holy shit, it’s hot,” she muttered.

  “AC works fine in the limo.”

  “Limo?” She perked up and followed him to the gleaming car where a plump black man stood.

  The man’s smile widened as his glance took in her appearance. “Man, she’s prettier than you deserve,” he said, tsking as he opened the door.

  She moved across a black leather bench in the rear, facing a smiling couple. The interior of the vehicle was blessedly cool. Sky slid in beside her.

  The black man shook his head, eyeing the baggage Sky left on the pavement.

  Sky arched a brow at the man, who slammed the door and made his way to the trunk to store their gear.

  “That was Calvin. He’s part of the team,” Sky said.

  “Part of the team, but you made him take care of my bags...”

  Sky shrugged. “He dissed me.”

  Jamie grinned. “Is your ego such a fragile thing?”

  “See, babe?” the man sitting across from her said. “I’m not the only one who rides Calvin’s ass.”

  Jamie glanced across at the couple seated on the opposite bench. The man who’d just spoken was obviously ex-military, from his hard, thousand-yard stare to his buff, lean-muscled frame. His dark, shaggy hair and sharp-edged jaw made her glad they were on the same team.

  “Smartass, here, is Wolf,” said the redhead beside him, giving his belly a backhanded swat. “And don’t think Calvin won’t get revenge.” Her gaze moved to Sky.

  Calvin climbed behind the wheel in the driver’s seat. “It is hot as hell,” he said, wiping sweat from his forehead. “Now, let’s see if they’ve got the address set in the GPS,” he muttered as he punched a finger on a screen. “Home. Fuck. Casa... Yup. Here we go, folks.”

  As they pulled into traffic, Jamie leaned forward. “I’m Jamie, by the way, since this one didn’t introduce us.” She tilted her head toward Sky.

  Wolf’s mouth twitched. “That one muttered all the way from the airstrip about you. Said he was gonna march you right to the ticket counter.”

  The redhead sat forward. “Piper here. His wife,” she said, pointing her head toward Wolf. “We had bets. My money was on you.”

  Already, Jamie knew she would like this woman. She was lovely, with long red hair and moss-green eyes, and a voluptuous figure. She could hardly wait to get her alone and compare notes about what it was like for her to live with one of these big, stubborn guys.

  They shared smiles.

  Wolf shook his head. “Oh, hell no. They’re already besties.”

  With introductions complete, Jamie drew a deep breath. “So, will someone tell me what we’re doing here?”

  For several minutes, Jamie listened as her teammates got her up to speed. When they’d finished, she aimed a glare at Sky. “That’s the job? Surveillance?” Jamie snorted. “No wonder they wanted me.” She pointed at herself. “Bounty hunter here! Most of what I do is stake out targets.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Piper said.

  Jamie’s looked at the other woman, whose eyes were wide and whose mouth had fallen open.

  “Knew there was something I liked about you,” Calvin said from the driver’s seat.

  Wolf groaned. “We’re outnumbered, Sky.”

  “Ex-bounty hunter,” Piper said, aiming a thumb at her chest. “So’s Calvin.”

  Jamie sat back and folded her arms. “And you’re with Charter now?”

  Piper shrugged. “Wolf likes to keep me close.”

  “Keep you out of trouble, you mean,” Wolf muttered as he shook his head.

  “Huh.” Jamie turned to Sky, who looked away as though not meeting her gaze meant he wasn’t a part of this conversation.

  “Hey, folks, we’re almost there,” Calvin said. “And remember, we have to check in with Teague at Charter’s base camp at seventeen hundred.”

  “Damn, you finally learned military time,” Wolf said.

  Calvin raised his middle finger. “It’s a myth you can’t teach old dogs new tricks.”

  They all turned to the windows to look at their surroundings.

  The vehicle drove down a wide lane, palm trees lining the route. All the houses they passed were mansions—stucco, red-tile-roofed palaces, as far as Jamie was concerned.

  Calvin let out a whistle. “Yeah, I’m gonna love this assignment.”

  “You’ll eat what I cook,” Calvin said, an apron tied around his waist and a thick pan of enchiladas in a gloved hand. “What’s not to love about chicken enchiladas?”

  Piper wrinkled her nose and waved a hand in front of her face. “How many jalapenos did you use? My eyes sting just standing next to it.”

  “The recipe didn’t specify. I used th
e bottle.” He slid the deep dish onto the stovetop. “Sour cream’s in the fridge if your tender taste buds need coolin’.”

  Jamie took the final two steps down the stairs and entered the kitchen. “Smells good, Calvin.” She bit the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing. Calvin and Piper were like father and daughter and best friends all wrapped up in one hot mess of a partnership. Jamie wondered how Wolf managed not to be consumed by their big personalities.

  She looked around the large, open area, which blended kitchen with great room, complete with French doors that led to an outdoor patio enclosed by a tall stucco wall. Beyond a wrought-iron gate was the beach. She couldn’t get over the size of the house, the luxurious furnishings, or the movie-set worthy location. “The guys outside?”

  “Wolf’s in the comms room, watching the neighbor’s place.” Piper waggled her eyebrows. “Your man’s outside on the beach with your dog. Sky looks pretty yummy in Wolf’s swim shorts—they fit him like a second skin.” She hissed like she’d touched a hot griddle. “Nothing to the imagination, hon...”

  “Oh.” A shiver ran over her skin. “Maybe I should get him a towel.”

  “Why spoil the view? You’re dressed for the right occasion,” Piper said, her gaze skimming Jamie’s bikini.

  “Mmm-mm,” Calvin said. When the two women looked his way, he waved a hand above the enchiladas. “I’m salivating over my meal—not that hot little bit of string you’re wearing.”

  Jamie laughed. “Well, if Wolf has the cameras covered, I’ll go help Sky watch the beach side of the house next door.”

  “Sure. That’s exactly what you’ll be doing.” Piper’s grin nearly split her face.

  “Now, don’t you two take so long my dinner goes cold...”

  Jamie gave the pair a girly, curled-finger wave and sauntered toward the French doors. She still couldn’t get over their digs for this assignment. When Sky first dropped their bags in one of the upstairs rooms, she’d been unable to stop a whistle.

  The room was huge, with sunset yellow walls. The windows facing the beach were left uncurtained but were shielded from direct sunshine by awnings. All the furnishings were dark mahogany and counted more pieces than had filled her former house—a deep-cushioned fuchsia velvet settee, two navy velvet armchairs, and tables of various sizes. Saltillo tiles interspersed with painted tiles felt cool beneath her feet. A gorgeous chandelier with tiny crystals reflected light like stars on the ceiling and walls. The bed drew her gaze and kept it locked there. Larger than any puny California King, it was covered in a floral-patterned coverlet in navy, green, yellow, and fuchsia.

  Because they’d needed to recon the place, she and Sky had left the room quickly before succumbing to the allure of that big bed.

  Whatever crew had prepared the house had done their job well. The comms room housed a wall of monitors showing views of the arms dealer’s entrance, the living room, hallways, the stairs, kitchen, and master bedroom, the signals hijacked from his own security system. Listening equipment was installed, as well. The landlines were all bugged. Microphones allowed them to listen with a flick of a switch as they watched. Outside the comms room, they could view by navigating the remote controls for the televisions located in every room.

  But right now, her mind was already drifting far from the job. She pushed through the iron gate to step out onto the sand. Then she lifted a hand to cover her eyes as she scanned the beach. The sun was lowering, nearly resting on the horizon. The sky at the edge of the world looked like a watercolor painting, orange and mauve bleeding together. Turning to glance down the beach, she saw them.

  Sky jogged at the edge of the water with Tessa trotting beside him.

  Her mouth went dry. Piper hadn’t been exaggerating. The shorts were a bit snug, but not anymore than those young men who wanted to flaunt their stuff wore. But holy fuck, she’d missed Sky’s “stuff”.

  As he drew nearer, her nipples peaked against her top. Below, she grew damp. She strode slowly toward the water, never taking her gaze from her man. The beach was private. People farther down the way sat in loungers outside their gates. Sure, they might guess at what they were about to do, but she doubted anyone who lived here didn’t indulge.

  She reached behind her neck and untied her top, then let it flutter from her fingers to the sand.

  Sky sped up, his expression, even in the distance, hardening.

  With his brown hair wind-tousled and his muscles flexing, he was pure porn for her hungry eyes. Her breaths shortened. Arousal stirred, awoke full-blown. She pulled the strings tied in neat little bows at her hips and let her bottoms drift downward. Then she turned to the water and walked into the surf, loving the slippery feel of the saltwater on her naked skin.

  Chapter 4

  Sky halted at the water’s edge, mesmerized but unsurprised by her bold move. He stared at her bared curves, at her mouth, which was open as she panted. So fucking sexy, he didn’t care who saw. Pride welled inside him that this fierce, fearless creature was his.

  His swimming trunks pinched even tighter. He had to have her now.

  Tessa dropped to the sand, her head tilting to the side as she too stared at Jamie.

  “You stay here, girl. Platz,” he said, using the German command Jamie taught him.

  Jamie stepped backward, moving deeper into the water, her thighs, her hips, and finally her belly disappearing beneath the lapping waves.

  The sun inched beneath the horizon, the colors painting her lightly tanned skin with warm hues. Her nipples were tight little points that teased moisture into his mouth. He took a step forward, his hands untying the drawstring of Wolf’s too-tight shorts. Then he bent to push them down, kicked them above the water line, and stepped nude into the surf.

  Her gaze trailed down his body, halting on his erection. “Hope you’re not shy.”

  Her voice was a little hoarse, a quality that scraped pleasurably along his skin. He gave a single shake of his head and kept moving closer, loving the feel of the slick saltwater as it caressed his flanks then his cock. When he stood in front of her, he discovered he was shaking. “It’s been too long,” he said, hearing his own suddenly rusty voice.

  Jamie reached out and laid her hands on his shoulders, smoothed them over his chest, pausing to pluck at his tight nipples, then slid downward, diving into the sea and capturing his erection.

  Sky’s eyes narrowed to slits. His jaw grew taut. As she began a slow, rhythmic push and pull, he braced apart his legs to keep from tumbling backward as the waves grew stronger.

  At last, she let him go and gazed at him from beneath the fringe of her thick lashes. “I want you inside me, Sky,” she whispered.

  Inside her was exactly where he had to be. Now. He gripped her waist and lifted her.

  Smiling, she raised her legs and locked them around his hips.

  He stepped deeper into the waves. Her mouth was only inches from his, still parted. A thin, thready moan punctuated her shortened breaths. “Put me inside you,” he rasped, blood rushing in his ears.

  Jamie slid her cheek against his while her hands reached between their bodies. He lifted her; she fitted his tip against her folds; he pushed her downward, his fingers digging into her soft flesh as her warmth engulfed him.

  With her arms wrapped around his shoulders, he held her close for several seconds, savoring the intimate embrace, his cock lodged deep inside her sweet body. “Every time, it’s...” He didn’t know how to describe how he felt.

  “Makes me shiver, Sky,” she whispered in his ear. “Being together’s always new. Always leaves me feeling...”


  Her lips curved. “We are...”

  He gave a rough shake of his head. “Exposed,” he amended.

  This time, she nodded before nestling against his shoulder. “Naked. Yes. It’s a little much I need you.”

  Moving a hand upward, he pressed against her back to bring her body flush with his. “Scary for me, too,” he admitted, now that s
he couldn’t see his face.

  Sighing, she turned her head and licked the side of his neck, moving upward to lap at the outer edge of his ear. “Let’s fuck.”

  She bit his earlobe, not a gentle bite either. He growled and cupped her ass. “Move,” he ground out.

  Jamie tossed back her blonde hair and gave him a smile filled with challenge. Then she gripped his shoulders to push upward. When she sank, her belly undulated to consume his length in hot, rolling caresses.

  Sky watched her face, memorizing the oval shape, the flash of gold in her brown eyes, and the lush curve of her mouth. He clutched her hips and took over the motions, one word echoing in his head as he forced her up and down. Mine, mine, mine...

  Soon, their efforts grew to a crescendo, churning the water around them.

  Jamie threw back her head. “Now, Sky. Now!”

  Sky bent his knees and thrust upward as he brought her down, over and over, his balls so high and tight, he gritted his teeth against the need to come. “Baby, come. Do it,” he ground out.

  Her fingernails dug into his shoulder, and she gasped, her mouth opening as her head fell back.

  He let go, his body exploding as the fiery sun winked in the distance and slid beneath the sea.

  After they’d dressed, they walked slowly, hand-in-hand, back to the house, with Tessa striding by their sides. They shared sheepish smiles.

  “Suppose anyone saw?” she asked, her teeth flashing in the moonlight.

  “Nah,” he said. “I’m sure Wolf had our backs,” he lied. He’d give them all a dirty glare to make sure they didn’t embarrass her. At the iron gate, he pulled to a stop and drew her close for one last kiss. Being with her was easy. The embraces, the kisses, the lovemaking. He liked touching her, even when they weren’t having sex. Something that hadn’t meant a thing to him in his previous relationships. Yes, it was time to think about their future. Maybe after this mission, he’d take some time off, and bring her someplace special to pop the question. Surely, she’d say yes.

  “’Bout time you two made it back,” Calvin said, his lips twisting.


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