Reading Ovid
Page 46
recēns recent-is fresh, new
recēp-: see recipiō
recipiō 3/4 recēpī receptum welcome, receive, take in, regain, get back, admit; mē recipiō retreat
reddō 3 reddidī redditum return, give back, repeat; restore; render (of an artist)
redeō redīre rediī reditum return, go back (intrans.)
redūcō 3 redūxī reductum lead/bring back, retract
referō referre rettulī relātum bring/carry/put back (again); tell, answer; record, pay
refugiō 3/4 refūgī recoil from
relict-: see relinquō
relinquō 3 relīquī relictum leave behind, leave, abandon
remaneō 2 remānsī remānsum remain, stay behind, continue
remittō 3 remīsī remissum let go of, let down; send back, return
remoueō 2 remōuī remōtum remove, disperse
reperiō 4 repperī repertum find, discover, learn, get
repetō 3 repetīuī repetītum return/go back to, recall, repeat, take up again, seek again, attack again
repugn-ō 1 fight against, militate against
requīrō 3 requīsiuī requīsītum seek out; ask for; miss, need
rēs pūblic-a rē-ī pūblic-ae state, republic
rēs rē-ī 5f. thing, matter, business, affair; property; affair
resistō 3 restitī resist (+ dat.); stand back; halt, pause
respondeō 2 respondī respōnsum reply answer
retineō 2 retinuī retentum hold back, keep, keep hold of
reuocō 1 call back, ask, ask for
rīm-a ae 1f. crack
rīp-a ae 1f. bank
rogō 1 ask (ut + subj.)
Rōm-a ae 1f. Rome (Rōmae, locative, at Rome)
Rōmān-us a um Roman
rot-a ae 1f. wheel, i.e. chariot (cf. ‘wheels’)
rubor rubōr-is 3m. blush, redness, modesty
rūmor rūmōr-is 3m. rumour, (piece of) gossip, unfavourable report
ruō 3 ruī rutum run wild(ly), rush headlong; collapse, lay flat
sacer sacr-a um holy, sacred
saepe often
saeu-us a um savage, cruel
salūs salūt-is 3f. safety, health; greeting
salu-us a um safe, sound
sanct-us a um sacrosanct, sacred, holy, blessed, upright, pure
sanguis sanguin-is 3m. blood
sapienti-a ae 1f. wisdom
satiō 1 satisfy, fill with
satis enough (of) (+ gen.)
Sāturni-a ae 1f. daughter of Saturn, i.e. Juno
Sāturni-us ī 2m. son of Saturn, i.e. Jupiter
saxum ī 2n. stone, rock
scelus sceler-is 3n. crime, villainy; criminal, villain
sciō 4 know
scrībō 3 scrīpsī scrīptum write
sē himself, herself, itself/themselves
sēcum with/to himself/herself
secund-us a um second, favourable
secūt-: see sequor
sed but
sedeō 2 sēdī sessum seat
semel once
semper always
senāt-us ūs 4m. senate
senex sen-is 3m. old man
sēns-: see sentiō
sententi-a ae 1f. opinion; judgement; sentence, vote; maxim
sentiō 4 sēnsī sēnsum feel; understand; perceive, realise
septem seven
sepulc(h)r-um ī 2n. tomb, grave
sequor 3 dep. secūtus follow
sermō sermōn-is 3m. conversation, discussion
serpēns serpent-is 3m./f. snake (serpō crawl)
seruō 1 keep safe, preserve, guard
seru-us ī 2m. slave
sī + impf. subj., impf. subj. ‘if X were happening (now), Y would be happening’ (sometimes: ‘if X had happened, Y would have happened’)
sī + plupf. subj., plupf. subj. ‘if X had happened, Y would have happened’
sī + pres. subj., pres. subj. ‘if X were to happen, Y would happen’
sī if
sīc thus, in this way, so
sīdus sīder-is 3n. star
sign-um ī 2n. seal, signal, sign; statue; standard; trumpet-call
silu-a ae 1f. wood, forest
sim pres. subj. of sum
simil-is e alike, similar, like (+ gen.)
simul as soon as, once; together, at the same time
simulācr-um ī 2n. image, likeness
simulō 1 imitate, simulate, disguise oneself as
sine (+ abl.) without
singul-ī ae a individual, one by one
sit-is is 3f. thirst
soci-us ī 2m. ally, friend
sōl sōl-is 3m. sun
soleō 2 semi-dep. solitum be accustomed, be used (+ inf.)
solit-: see soleō
sollicitō 1 bother, worry; stir up, incite; tempt
sōlum (adv.) only; nōn sōlum . . . sed etiam not only . . . but also
soluō 3 soluī solūtum unleash, release, let go; cancel; weaken; (of vows) fulfil
sōl-us a um (gen. s. sōlīus: dat. s. sōlī) alone; lonely
somn-us ī 2m. sleep
son-us ī 2m. sound
soror -is 3f. sister
sors sort-is 3f. oracle, lot, fortune; group chosen by lot, allocation
spars-us a um loose, streaming; scattered (spargō 3 sparsī sparsum sprinkle, scatter)
spectō 1 look at, observe, see
spērō 1 hope (for); expect
spēs spē-ī 5f. hope(s); expectation
statim at once
stell-a ae 1f. star
stet-: see stō
stil-us ī 2m. stylus (for writing in wax)
stō 1 stetī statum stand
studi-um ī 2n. enthusiasm, zeal
stult-us a um stupid, foolish, a fool
Stygi-us a um Stygian, of the River Styx; underworld, hellish
suādeō 2 suāsī suāsum recommend, urge, advocate
sub (+ abl.) beneath, under, up under, close to; (+ acc.) right up till/into, under cover of
subitō suddenly
sublāt-: see tollō
succurrō 3 succurrī succursum run to help, assist (+ dat.)
sum esse fuī futūrus be
summ-us a um highest, final; top of
sūmō 3 sūmpsī sūmptum take; put on; choose; assume, catch; eat supplicium sūmō (dē + abl.) exact the penalty (from)
sūmpt-: see sūmō
sūmpt-us ūs 4m. expense(s)
super up, i.e. high, tall; super + acc., above
super-ī ōrum 2m. powers above, gods; as adj., super-us a um upper
superō 1 conquer, overcome; get the upper hand; remain, have yet to run
supersum superesse superfuī remain, be left over, survive (from + dat.)
supplici-um ī 2n. punishment summum supplicium the death penalty
supplicium sūmō (dē + abl.) exact the penalty (from)
surgō 3 surrēxī surrēctum rise, arise, get up
sustineo 2 sustinuī sustentum withstand, endure, bear to; stand up to (+ dat.); support; hang up
sustul-: see tollō
su-us a um his, hers/theirs
Syrācūs-ae ārum 1f. pl. Syracuse (Syrācūsīs at Syracuse)
tabell-ae ārum 1f. pl. writing-tablets
taceō 2 be silent, leave unmentioned
tāct-: see tangō
tāl-is e of such a kind
tam so, to such a degree
tamen however, but (second word)
tamquam as though
tandem at length
tangō 3 tetigī tāctum touch, lay hands on; move, touch the heart of
tantum only
tant-us a um so great, so much, so important
tard-us a um slow, late
tēcum with you/yourself
tegō 3 tēxī tēctum cover, hide, protect
tellūs tellūr-is 3f. earth
tēl-um ī 2n weapon
templ-um ī 2n. temple
temptō 1 try out, test, investigate, examine, try
tempus tempor-is 3n. time
tendō 3 tetendī tēnsum (tentum) stretch out, draw; proceed, reach, aim (at)
teneō 2 tenuī tentum hold, hold back; possess, keep; restrain, control; catch (out)
tener -a um delicate
tenu-is e thin, slim, fine, clear
terg-um ī 2n. back, rear, far side
terr-a ae 1f. land
terreō 2 frighten
terti-us a um third
tetig-: see tangō
thalam-us ī 2m. marriage (-bed)
timeō 2 fear, be afraid of; (nē + subj.) be afraid that/lest
timid-us a um fearful, timid
timor timōr-is 3m. fear
tollō 3 sustulī sublātum lift, remove, take away, destroy
tor-us ī 2m. bed, marriage-bed; bolster, mattress
tot so many
totidem the same number of
tōt-us a um (gen. s. tōtīus; dat. s. tōtī) whole, complete, entire
trādō 3 trādidī trāditum hand over, transmit
trahō 3 trāxī tractum attract, acquire, bring in one’s wake; drag, draw after, carry off; extend
trāns (+ acc.) across
trēdecim thirteen
trēs tri-a three
trīgintā thirty
trīst-is e sad, gloomy, unhappy
tū you (s.)
tul-: see ferō
tum then
tumul-us ī 2m. tomb, mound, hill
turb-a ae 1f. crowd, mob, pack; uproar, disturbance
turbō 1 disturb, confuse
turp-is e disgusting, filthy, outrageous, ugly
tūt-us a um safe, protected, secure
tu-us a um your(s) (s.)
uacc-a ae 1f. cow
uacu-us a um empty; free (from: + abl. or ā/ab + abl.); not busy, unoccupied
uagor 1 dep. wander, roam
ualē(te) goodbye!
ualeō 2 be strong; be well, be powerful; be able; prevail, succeed (cf. ualē = ‘Farewell!’ ‘Goodbye!’)
uari-us a um diverse, various
uāt-ēs is 3m. prophet, seer; poet, bard
ubi where?; when?
uehemēns uehement-is impetuous, violent, emphatic
uel . . . uel either . . . or;
uel even
uelim pres. subj. of uolō
uellem impf. subj. of uolō
uēlō 1 veil, cover, conceal
uēlōx uēlōc-is fast, speedy
uelut(ī) like, as if, as
ueniō 4 uēnī uentum come, arrive
uent-: see ueniō
uent-us ī 2m. wind
Venus Vener-is 3f. the goddess Venus; sex; desire, passion
uerber uerber-is 3n. blow; whip
uerb-um ī 2n. word
uērō indeed, in truth, to be sure
uers-us ūs 4m. verse, line; pl. poetry
uertō 3 uertī uersum turn (trans.)
uēr-us a um true
uester uestr-a um your(s) (pl.)
uestīgi-um ī 2n. footstep, footprint, track, walk, trace
uest-is is 3f. clothes, dress; cloth
uetō 1 uetuī uetītum forbid
uetus ueter-is old; long-established
ui-a ae 1f. way, road
uīc-: see uincō
uīcīn-us ī 2m. neighbour; as adj., nearby, neighbouring
uict-: see uincō
uictōri-a ae 1f. victory
uideō 2 uīdī uīsum see, observe, understand
uideor 2 passive uīsum be seen; seem; (sometimes) seem best
uincō 3 uīcī uictum conquer
uīn-um ī 2n. wine
uiolent-us a um savage, excessive
uir uir-ī 2m. man, husband, hero
uirg-a ae 1f. rod, wand, branch
uirgine-us a um virgin
uirgō uirgin-is 3f. young girl, virgin
uirid-is e green
uirtūs uirtūt-is 3f. manliness, courage; goodness
uīs 2nd s. of uolō
uīs irr. force, violence (acc. uim; abl. uī); pl. uīrēs uīr-ium 3f. strength; military forces
uīs-: see uideō/uideor
uīt-a ae 1f. life
uīuō 3 uīxī uīctum be alive, live
uix scarcely, hardly
ūll-us a um (gen. s. ūllīus; dat. s. ūllī) any (cf. nūllus)
ultim-us a um final, last
umbr-a ae 1f. shadow, darkness; shade, ghost
umer-us ī 2m. shoulder
umquam ever
und-a ae 1f. wave, water
unde from where, whence
ūn-us a um (gen. s. ūnīus; dat. s. ūnī) one, single, alone; ūnā alongside, in company
uōbīscum with you (pl.)
uocō 1 call, summon
uolō uelle uoluī wish, want, be willing
uoluntās uoluntāt-is 3f. will, wish
uōs you (pl.)
uōt-um ī 2n. prayer, desire, vow
uōx uōc-is 3f. voice; word
ūrō 3 ussī ustum burn up, set on fire, inflame
ūs-: see ūtor
usque ad (+ acc.) right up to
usque continually, without a break; as far as
ūs-us ūs 4m. use, employment; experience; function, utility, life; need; loan
ut (+ indic.) how!; (+ indic.) as, when; (+ subj.) to, that . . . should; (+ subj.) that (after accidit, perficiō etc.); (+ subj.) that (result); (+ subj.) in order to/that (purpose); (+ subj.) that . . . not (after verbs of fearing)
uterque utriusque both, each (cf. uter utr-a um)
utī: = ut
utinam would that, O that (+ subj.)
ūtor 3 dep. ūsus use, make use of; adopt (+abl.)
utrum . . . an (+ subj.) whether . . . or (indirect question: negative necne)
utrum . . . an (double question) A or B? (negative annōn = or not?); (+ subj.) whether . . . or (indirect question) (negative necne = or not)
utrum . . . an = double question, i.e. A or B? (negative annōn)
uulnus uulner-is 3n. wound
uult 3rd s. of uolō
uultis 2nd pl. of uolō
uult-us ūs 4m. face; feature(s), distinctive look, aspect; expression (often used in pl.)
uxor uxōr-is 3f. wife
Grammar index
This index lists the grammatical features referred to in the notes running with the texts, with references.
RL = Peter Jones and Keith Sidwell, Reading Latin: Grammar, Vocabulary and Exercises (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986). A plain number, e.g. RL88, refers to sections of the Running Grammar; letter + number, e.g. RLA4, refers to the Reference Grammar at the back.
W = F. M. Wheelock, Wheelock’s Latin (sixth edition, rev. R. A. LaFleur, New York: HarperCollins, 2000). The number, e.g. W38, refers to the grammatical chapters; Suppl.syntax = Supplementary Syntax.
ablative absolute RL150–1, W24
ablative of cause RL108.2, RLL(f)4(iii), WSuppl.syntax
ablative of comparison RLJ5, W26/Suppl.syntax
ablative of difference RL100B.5, WSuppl.syntax
ablative of description RLL(f)3(i), W40
ablative of manner RL100B.3, W14
ablative of means RL100A(b), W14
ablative of place RL100A(b)
ablative of respect RLL(f)4(vi)
ablative of source/origin, RL108.1
ablative, ‘true’ RL100A,Survey(a)
accusative, adverbial RLL(c)6
accusative and infinitive RL98–9, W25
accusative of respect RL6.3
antequam RL165.3
apposition RL17B, W3
conditionals RL139, 173, W33; mixed RLS2(c), W33
cum with indicative RLT(d), W31
dative of agent RLL(e)1(iv), W24
dative of loss or disadvantage, RL48.1
dative of possession RL48.2, RL88.1(b); WSuppl.syntax
deliberative subjunctive RL152
dignus quī RLQ2(1)
doubt RLS2(e)
dum + subj. RL165.2
estō RLE1
fearing RLS2(d)
forem RLE1
future participles RL81, W23
genitive of characteristic cf. RLL(d)1
genitive of content/material RLL(d)3, WSuppl.syntax
genitive of description RL101, W40
genitive of origin/source RL6.5
genitive of value RLL(d)5
gerund RL175, RLN, W39
gerundive RL161, W39; impersonal RLO(2)
imperatives (ancient ‘future’ forms) RLA2(i)
impersonals RL154, RLF2, W37
indirect command RL134, W36
indirect question RLR3, W30
jussives RL152, W28
licet + subjunctive RLF2; ‘although’ RLV
locative RLL(g), W37
nē + subj./imp. (as command) RLL-V(a)3, W28
neuter adjectives as nouns RL14.7, W4
odī RLF1(a)
participle with conditional force RLP4
possum in conditions RLS2(c)Notes(6)
predicative dative RL88.6, WSuppl.syntax
purpose with quō RL148
quid/quod + genitive RLL(d)2, W15
quīn RL174.2
quīs = quibus RLI3
quis RLI4, W19
relatives RL106, W17; connecting relative RL107
result clause (‘bring it about that’) RL135
shortened forms (‘syncope’): perfect indicative active RLA4, W12(footnotes); perfect infinitive active, perfect subjunctive RLA4; pluperfect subjunctive RLA5; future passive/deponent indicative RLC2
subjunctive, generic/characteristic RL140.1, RLQ2(a), W38; ut quī RL166
subjunctive in indirect speech RLR4, WSuppl.syntax
subjunctive of purpose with relative RL145(3); with quō RL148
supine of purpose RL118(2)
ut quī RL166
utinam RL153
wishes RL153, RLL-V(a)4