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Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Tallulah Bell

  We walked farther away from the house until it wasn't seen anymore. "E, are you gonna shift yet?" She asked, pulling my hand down. I nodded before saying "Wait right there don't move. Okay?" When she nodded, I went behind a tree, sliding my clothes off. When I shifted I moaned out. It feels so good, though it probably sounded like a low growl.

  My wolf walked out behind the tree slowly so as to not frighten little Lilian. What surprised me was how she didn't even blink before running up to my wolf, running her fingers through my wolf's coat. Causing my wolf to purr.

  "So pretty, so soft," she said scratching behind my ear. I bent down signaling for her to climb onto my back. She squealed in return before gripping my fur tightly and climbing on. When she finished settling down she patted me before saying "Let's go" and so I took off.

  Running through trees, Lilian giggled the entire time. When we finally reached the lake, I eased down so she could climb off. She kept petting my fur. "You have white patches on you," she said, stating the obvious.

  "I've never seen it," she said in awe. I nodded towards the water before shifting back and dressing. When she occupied herself by the water.

  "Can we swim?" she asked with her doe-like eyes that matched her fathers. I couldn't say yes. I didn't know if she could swim, and I knew she didn't have a swimsuit on. Or so I thought.

  "But I have my swimsuit on," she said, doing the puppy dog eyes. Now you look this little girl in the eyes and tell her no.

  "Can you swim?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as she just takes off her clothes and drops them on the bank.

  "Yes," she said before running into the water before I could get another word out.

  "You be careful and stay in the shallow end!" I yelled back before sitting on the bank watching her. "Come in," she said splashing around.

  "No, I don't have a swimsuit on" I replied while laughing when a frown appeared on her little face.

  "I'll go into the deep end, you wouldn't want that now would you?" she said with a smirk on her face. Knowing I damn well couldn't let her go in the deep end.

  "You wouldn't" I raised my eyebrow. She was challenging me. She smiled before swimming towards the middle of the lake.

  "Lilian Grey!" I yelled, practically throwing off my shirt before swimming in after her.

  She just swam towards me clinging onto me. We were in the lake for a while till my arms hurt from swimming. "Come on, it's time to get you back home," I said as she clung to me. Once on the bank, she started getting dressed. I just picked up my shirt and put it on. When Lilian walked up to me and asked "What's this?" holding up a note. I grabbed it and started reading.

  You're marked, but not fully mated. War is coming and the first person they are coming for is you!

  You shouldn't be alone, outside when you're in heat. Didn't your momma teach you anything!

  I sniffed the letter but didn't catch a scent. I didn't even smell anybody around. And my wolf has been on high alert since the very first note.

  "What is it E?," she asked as I looked around. "Nothing, sweetie. I need to get you home." I rushed her home, looking for Elijah.

  "Marisol, do you know where Alpha Elijah is? It's important" I asked urgently.

  "His office dear, but he is in a meeting with another Alpha" she replied, washing her hands. But I couldn't care less. I raced to his office, not bothering to knock.

  "Alpha Elijah" I barged in placing the note I just got on the desk in front of him. I didn't pay much attention to the Alpha behind me. I heard Elijah's deep growl bringing my focus back to him.

  "Where did you find this?" he growled out. Before I could reply the Alpha behind me spoke.

  "Alpha Elijah, why would you let this she-wolf barge in here? We need to finish our discussion." Elijah just growled again. Me being me, I turned around and said "Shut it" only to stop when my eyes connected to his.

  "Mate" he whispered. Frozen in spot before I came out of my trance. Looking between Elijah and this other Alpha. Watching the emotions fly across Elijah's face as he stood and pulled me around the desk

  "Mine" he said loudly, breathing heavily, his breath hitting my mark causing a shiver to run down straight to my core. Turning to look at the Alpha, shock was still evident on his face. Only one word could come out of his mouth. "Mate"

  I felt Elijah shaking, looking into his eyes noticing his wolf wanting to surface. "Calm down," I said, running my fingers up and down his muscular chest. He growled again. His growl is so hot.

  I wonder if he growls in bed. My mind trailing off to Elijah taking me roughly. Two growls pulled me out of my trance. "Mine," he said, practically pushing me to the side and barreling to the Alpha. His arousal was thick in the air. Still, I stood in shock till I saw both shifts into large wolves. I ran out of there as soon as possible. I need to find Alex. I can't mind link as I'm not technically part of the pack yet.

  "ALEX" I screamed. In minutes I heard multiple footsteps running towards me. "Office. Hurry" I said yelling when they stayed looking at me. They ran in. Alex, Tyler and a couple of the guys. I went straight to my room. Changing into a pair of lace panties and taking off my bra. My t-shirt and panties are the only things I wore. Sighing when I fell back on the bed. I don't know when I fell asleep.

  I felt kisses running up my thighs. Shocks told me it was Elijah. "Elijah" I moaned as he trailed up higher. "You like that baby," he says in a raspy voice.

  "yes" I gasped out when his mouth reached over my core above my panties. "Do you want me Estelle?" I just moaned in response. Running my fingers through his blonde hair pulling when he blew on my core.

  "You smell divine baby," he says trailing his hand up my leg that is perched on his shoulder. Sending chills down my spine as he got close to my heated core. Gasping when he hooks his fingers and pushes it to the side.

  "Elijah" I moaned loudly. He just placed his mouth over my soaking wet core. He took one lick between my wet folds causing me to gasp as I pushed his head down on my pussy. Sucking my clot into his mouth. Licking between my folds. "Fuck I'm gonna" I moaned right as his tongue penetrated me. "Elijah" I screamed at the intensity of my orgasm.

  I was awoken by a menacing roar that echoed through the halls. That was just a dream. It felt so real. I just had a wet dream about my mate. He didn't even touch me and I was wet just thinking about him. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Elijah busted through the door, breaking it, sending shards across my room. I jumped up out of bed startled. Only to realize I'm in a Tshirt and panties. Let alone his t-shirt.

  "Estelle" he growled out stalking towards me once again. Me backing up, every step he makes toward me. Stopping when my back is pressed against the wall beside my bed.

  "Elijah" I whispered which sounded more like a moan than anything. My panties are uncomfortably wet. I clenched my thighs when his eyes got darker. Lust swirling deep in his eyes. Hands placed by my head blocking me in. His breathing increased as he pressed his front against my core.

  "Is this what you want?" he growled out when I couldn't stop my body from grinding against him. "MINE," he said, placing his lips on my mark. "Mine" he trailed down to my breasts kissing each one over his shirt. "Mine" he repeats trailing down my body. Trailing his fingers up my legs, causing my thighs to clench around his hand.

  "Elijah please" I practically begged, what I was begging for I don't know.

  "Mine," he said, sliding my panties to the side. Just like he did in my dream. Running up my folds. He just pulled his hand out from under my shirt. Looking me in the eyes as he placed his fingers that were covered in my juices between his kissable lips. I moaned watching him suck his finger clean.

  "Mine," he says leaning back up to place his lips against mine. It wasn't a sweet kiss. It was rough. Hot. Heavy. He pulled away breathing heavily. I could taste myself on his lips. He didn't say anything. He looked at me one last time before walking out the door. Well, what's left of it anyways.

  When I woke up the next morning or should I say afternoon, I was burning up. "E"
Lilian came bouncing in. I looked around to notice I'm not in my room.

  "Where am I," I ask looking around. It was all grey walls, with one accent wall navy blue. Has matching sheets and blankets. Classy is the only word that crossed my mind.

  "Daddy's room," she said jumping on the bed next to me. My eyes continued to travel around the room. Landing on the nightstand next to me, one thing caught my eye. A photograph placed elegantly facing the bed. The picture of a beautiful woman. Blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Tall and slender. Holding a small child in her hands and smiling Elijah staring at her as if she was the only woman in the world.

  "That's mommy and daddy and the baby is me," she said looking at the photo lovingly. I couldn't help but be sad. I'll never have that. I'll never have him like that. He'll never want me. I couldn't stop comparing myself to her. She was enticingly beautiful. Graceful, everything a Luna would look like. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Lilian placed her hands on my cheeks, wiping away the couple of tears that fell down. "What's wrong," she asked cluelessly.

  "Nothing sweetheart please excuse me," I said climbing out of his bed and making my way out his door. Bumping into a shocked Alex outside in the halls. However, I ignored him and walked to my room.

  Taking a quick shower before changing into clothes. I ran out of my door bumping into Alex once again. "Luna are you okay," he asked, placing his hands on my arms. Keeping me" from falling.

  "I'm not the Luna, I'm Estelle and I'm fine or I will be at least," I said pushing away from him and making my way downstairs heading straight for the doors.

  A gruff voice stopped me dead in my tracks. "And where do you think you're going?" However I ignored him and threw the door open only to step out the two guards waiting in front of the door.

  "I suggest you move before I make you," I said pissed off. "They don't answer to you," he said, coming up behind me saying it into my ear. I was seething. I'm sure smoke was coming out of my ears.

  "And why the fuck do you care? You don't want me, remember" I said in the nicest most cynical voice. He just slammed me against the nearest wall. "Go ahead and choke me. Kill me" I said as he gripped tighter.

  "Do it, what's stopping you, I'm not your mate you made that very fucking clear," I screamed in his face. Only for him to tighten his grip, knocking the air out of me. Bending his head down to my ear.

  "What I want is to punish you," He said, placing a kiss on my mark. He pulled away before saying "Ceremony to bring you and Tyler into the pack is tonight" then walking away as if nothing happened.


  I fell to my knees, letting a couple of tears slide down my face. Why do I let him do that to me? "Come on Estelle, let's get you ready for tonight" Marisol says, picking me up off the floor before guiding me up the stairs. Once in my room, she sits me down on my bed and pulls up a chair. "Let's get you all dolled up"

  Two hours later my makeup was done beautifully. She did a light nude look on my eyes. For my hair, after arguing for an hour we decided on doing a loose fishtail braid. Which took the longest with how curly my hair is. Then it wouldn't stay in so I took it down. A snow white floor-length gown hung in my closet. "Go on sweetie, put it on," Marisol says pushing me towards my closet.

  I stared at the beautiful gown for another minute before sliding it on. It was a strapless gown. The gown was made out of silk and lace on the top. After looking in the mirror admiring the beautiful dress again, I walked out of my closet. A loud gasp was made.

  "Oh, my," Marisol said covering her mouth. "What? Is there something wrong? Is there a stain?" I asked, turning and looking around.

  " No sweetheart, it's beautiful. You're beautiful." She said coming up and fixing my hair to the side. "Come on sweetie it's time," she said squeezing my hand.

  Once I opened the back doors it got quiet before I heard whispers and gasps. However, Marisol kept dragging me forward, so that I didn't run back inside. She placed me on the side of Tyler who was smiling at me. I looked up when the whispers stopped. Out walked Elijah in a loose white button down and faded blue jeans. He was barefooted. When he made it to the stage he nodded once to the crowd before speaking.

  "I have gathered you all here today for a ceremony to welcome two new pack members. Both members of the royal warriors" he stopped when he heard cheers. After announcing Tyler's name and everyone welcomed him, and the transfer was completed, he moved on to me.

  "Now, the other world joining our pack is Estelle," he said motioning for me to stand next to him. I heard Lilian scream in happiness. I looked out to see her next to Marisol smiling from ear to ear.

  "Yes, Estelle was the only female warrior who served for the royal family. She is here because she is my mate." He said practically forcing it out. Shock evident on my face. Some congrats were yelled out others not so happy, mostly from the unmated she wolves.

  "You had a mate and we lost her" A man in his forties stood up and said. "Yes. But Estelle is my second chance mate. She will be the Luna of this pact as of right now." He said in his booming voice making the man and everybody submits to him.

  After he finished the ceremony he walked off. I, of course, being the stubborn woman I am, I followed him. As I go to reach the last step I feel an excruciating pain, as if my body is on fire. As I started to fall, strong arms wrapped around me. Ones that only belong to one man, my true mate. Not Elijah, but the other Alpha. I hissed in pain. "Elijah" I growled out after the Alpha steadied me.

  "Let go" I growled out trying to push him away. "You don't know how long I've looked for you. I searched and searched but came up empty" he says tracing his finger down my cheek. I felt the bond. Faint but I still felt it. "Please I need my mate" I cried out. "I am your mate, baby" he replied trying to lean down.

  "No" I screamed and pushed him with all my power and ran. "ELIJAH" I screamed as my core heated once more. A growl erupted from behind me as he smelt my arousal in the air. I ran right towards my room. Shutting and locking the door. "Fuck" I moaned as I felt more fire. It was like a fire ignited in me. All I wanted was Elijah.

  I heard banging on my door. But I was throbbing. All I could think about was Elijah shirtless crawling towards me on his knees. Like a tiger stalking its prey. Before stopping when he reaches my throbbing core.

  My core was throbbing. All I wanted was Elijah. Even through the pain, I knew Elijah wouldn't want me like that. SO I remembered the box Marisol gave me. I quickly pulled it out from under my bed....

  There laid in the box was another smaller box. A purple vibrator on the front. I'm desperate at this point. I need a release. I know the pain will never be fully gone till I have Elijah. I laid back on my bed with the covers above me and began.

  Alpha Elijah

  The smell of my mate terminated throughout the pack house. She smelt heavenly. I broke out of my thoughts when I heard my name screamed from upstairs. The only person to make my dick twitch in my jeans. Estelle. I heard a growling and banging.

  As I got closer to our floor, I smelt the arousal of my mate but also that lousy Alpha, who claimed Estelle to be his true mate. I rushed up the stairs to see him banging on my mate's bedroom door.

  "I suggest you leave my mate alone, Alpha Jason," I growled out. My wolf on the surface. He doesn't like someone threatening what's ours. He releases a growl facing me, "She is mine, she is my destined mate" He gritted out breathing heavily. I opened my mouth to tell him one more time to leave but stop when I heard the moans of my little minx coming from her room.

  "LEAVE" I roared using my Alpha tone. I mind linked Alex to escort this Alpha off my territory. Once I knew he was gone, I knocked on the door. The moans increased getting louder. "Elijah" she moaned loudly. That took all my patience away.

  So instead of looking for the key, I barged through the door breaking it off its hinges. A shocked Estelle stopped and looked up into my eyes. Lust still evident. Plus the vibrator was still going and you can faintly hear it buzzing.

  "Elijah what.." before she could finish what s
he was going to say a loud moan ripped out of her mouth moaning my name once again. No doubt bucking against the vibrator.

  "Come on my little minx, I have just the thing you need and he's very excited" I whispered in her ear before picking her up.

  "But Elijah" she goes to protest, probably because I picked up the vibrator shutting it off but placed it on her lap. The smell of her arousal wafting to my nose. Growling I practically ran to my bedroom and placed her on her feet.

  "Sit," I said pushing her back against the bed. "Elijah," she says breathlessly. I ignored her as I began to strip. First, pulling my shirt over my head. Watching her eyes travel down my chest. Stopping right above the waistband of my jeans. Biting her lip, before a breathless moan slipped out of her mouth.

  "Do you want me?" I whispered into her ear, placing soft kisses along her neck. Enticing another moan. This time louder. But no reply was heard.

  "Estelle, do you want me? Yes or No?" I asked once more, sucking on her mark.

  "YES ELI" she screamed when my teeth dragged along her mark. While she tightened her slender legs around my waist.


  "Well, then you shall get exactly what my little mate, starting with this," he said, lowering his voice as he lowered his body, placing kisses and sucking on my heated skin.

  "No foreplay. I need you in me" he replied ignoring my protest and placing his hot mouth on my throbbing core.

  Later that night, I awoke to the balcony door slamming against the wall. Startled, I reached out next to me only to realize it was empty. Eli left me. I reached over to turn on the light on my nightstand and looked around the room, once my eyes adjusted to the change in light. Only for my eyes to land an envelope, in perfect cursive, my name laid right in the middle of the white envelope.

  I grabbed it and brought it to my nose inhaling. It is the same scent every time, I just can't place where I have smelt it before. I gently opened the envelope and pulled the paper out with it. I began reading.


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