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Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Tallulah Bell

  Estelle, Soon you'll find out who your true friends are, and who are working with the man who's out to end you. Your whole life is about to change, the only thing is will it change you?? Remember who you are. Who created you. Trust no one. That will be your end!

  See you soon Luna Estelle.

  I sat there in shock trying to process what the note said and what it meant. Why would whoever wrote this say to trust no one? that it will be my end. Before realizing it, I climbed out of bed and threw my grey silk robe on before making my way to find Elijah with the note in hand.

  I saw Alex walking into the kitchen. "Alex where's the Alpha?" I asked pleadingly. He must have noticed and asked, "Is something wrong Luna?"

  "I'm not the Luna, it's Estelle and I'm fine. Where is Elijah, Alex?" I replied, trying to conceal the note behind my back only for him to raise his eyebrow at the movement.

  "Is that another letter?" he asked once again ignoring what I asked. "Alex I'm going to ask one more time where the fuck is your Alpha?" I said through gritted teeth. Pissed that I had to ask more than one time.

  "He just bowed his head in submission before saying " I apologize Luna, but he is on the field training" I just nodded my head before making my way towards the field. Only to stop in my tracks when I saw a small female wrapped around him. Saying something in his ears causing him to laugh.

  Pissed I stormed up to him, grabbed his shoulder. The shock evident on the female wrapped around him as she climbed down. "Well this is awkward, I'm going to get some water. We'll talk soon Eli" she said before walking off to the house. My scowl followed her till she disappeared inside the house.

  "What do you want Estelle," he said, bringing my attention back to him. I refused to speak to him. I just aggressively pushed the letter that was in my hand to his chest before turning and walking away.

  "Estelle" he growled loudly which caused me to sprint towards the house. I couldn't be in his presence.


  After last night I expected a little more from Elijah, not much but a little nonetheless. You have a nare and yet another female has her body wrapped around yours while you laugh at something she said. I've never made him laugh like that before I couldn't help but think.

  Two can play this game, Elijah.

  I heard him come up behind me. However, I ignored his presence like the black plague. "Estelle," he said, trying to grab my hand. I pulled my hand away and continued to walk anywhere that he wasn't. However, he hadn't got the memo that I didn't want to be near him.

  "Estelle " he tried again. "leave me the fuck alone Alpha, go back to your little she-wolf" I growled out before running up to my room and slamming the door in his face.

  "Estelle I suggest you open this fucking door before I break it again" Elijah yelled out banging on the door. However, I coul.dnt give a flying fuck what he was doing or was going to do.

  All went silent, that was still the door shattered into tiny pieces. "Are you fucking serious, can't you fucking see I don't want to see or talk to you so do me a favor and fucking leave me the hell alone." I get that it might be kinda harsh but my hormones are causing me to be extra rude.

  He was our mate after all. I'm still in heat. All I can feel is Elijah nearing me. My wolf antsy, wanting, begging for Elijah to mate us. But I couldn't let that happen.

  "Where did you find this note?" he asked, however, I continued to remain silent, looking anywhere but him. “Estelle, where did you find this note?” he said, getting more angry by the second. But to be honest I could care less. All I could think about is him. My wolf putting images of Elijah and me on my bed.

  "Who was that woman Elijah?" I asked, ignoring his question.

  "It doesn't matter who she is Estelle," he said running his fingers through his hair. Right as he opened his mouth to no doubt ask me once again where I got the letter, I interrupted him " Well I guess it doesn't matter where I got the letter. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go meet with that nice alpha who happens to be my true mate." I said walking away from him or more like trying to walk away.

  "I suggest you not bring him up and he is no longer on my territory, I had Alex escort him off my territory last night." He said, smirking when a from placed the smile on my face.

  "Fuck you, Elijah," I said storming away. "You wish baby" chuckling to himself. I scoffed. I need to go to the pool and release some pent-up anger. I didn't have my bathing suit so I decided my bra and panties would do, well bra and thong.

  I knew I was in heat but I also knew the cold water of the pool would help sooth. Lap after lap did nothing to soothe the ache. The need for Elijah. I need him. I need to get rid of the ache. The throbbing.

  Right as I was slowly stepping out of the pool I walked the one and only man I truly desired. Elijah. But he wasn't alone. That little she-wolf was with him. Laughing once again. They stopped when they realized they were alone. The smirk that was on Elijah's face told me he knew what he was doing would piss me off however he doesn't care.

  I scoffed and climbed out of the water. Forgetting that I am in just my bra and thong. A growl echoed in the almost empty pool house. I draped a towel over my body before walking out the door. However, I was pushed up against the wall. Elijah's scent wafted my way.

  "Estelle" he growled, kissing and sucking my neck. I couldn't stop the small moan that slipped out. However it didn't last long, we were interrupted when the she-wolf, who I still don't know her name steps outside the pool house and into the hall where Elijah has me up against the wall.

  "Eli, Are you coming?" she asked innocently as if she doesn't see him pressed against me. He just pulled back the lust swirling deep in his eyes.

  "Yeah I'll be right there" he says pushing away from me and walking away towards her as if he didn't just leave a hickey on my neck like an over-possessive high school boy.

  I walked away a stray tear trailed down my heated cheeks. I walked to the kitchen not caring that I am in just my bra and panties with a towel thrown over me. I bent down to grab a water bottle when a growling came from behind me. However, it wasn't Elijah's no this belonged to it was his third in command Bruno I believe his name was. I haven't met him, I just heard his name come up between Alex and Tyler.

  "Luna" He growled out. "You really should go and dress," he said practically panting out.

  "I'm fine," I said through clenched teeth as I walked into the living room and sat down. A couple of teenage boys were sitting there playing video games but stopped when I walked in.

  "Continue," I said, looking at each one of them, before focusing on the tv. 2 minutes later a loud growl echoed in the packed house. That sent shivers down my body right to my core. Elijah.

  "LEAVE" he growled out. In seconds the kids scattered and we were left alone.

  Being the smart ass that I am I decided to speak "Now what was that we were just playing a little game, don't you have you little she mate to entertain. It's not like you have a mate right?" I said laughing being continuing "Oh wait you do, and instead, you are going around with that she-wolf and god knows how many others instead of being with you mate that you claimed to mind you" I seeth out.

  Throughout that entire lecture I didn't realize he was getting closer and closer now he was right up against me. Before I could finish what I was saying he threw me over his shoulder and carried me up the stairs.

  "Put me fucking down" I yelled out. Ignoring what I am saying he climbs the stairs two at a time. In no time he has me in his room and thrown on his bed.

  "You purposely ignore what I say. You are in heat yet I have to hear from my third in command that you are walking around my house in nothing but your bra and thong in front of other men." He said pacing the room while I sat upon his bed. Noticing the towel must have fallen off on the way up here.

  "I had a towel," I said laughing. He didn't take that very well. In two steps he was on top of me.

  "Deliberately ignoring a command from your Alpha causes for punishment my dear mate." He said dragging his fingers up a
nd down my bare thigh.

  "Oh," I practically mined out. "You're going to punish me now! Well, show me what you've got big bad Alpha. "I said breathlessly as he dragged his nail now instead of just his fingers.

  "Bend over," he said, pushing me face first into the bed. "No," I said pushing up off the bed only for him to push me back. A smack was heard throughout the spacious room.

  "Elijah" I yelled but that didn't stop him from planting five more on my now no doubt red ass. But I couldn't help the wetness that pools in my thong. Who knew being spanked was so hot. A growl sounded a deep growl. I turned around to look at Elijah only to see it was no longer Elijah, rather it was his wolf who was in control.

  He didn't say a word, instead he just transformed into his strikingly beautiful wolf before my eyes. Then leaped right off the balcony and ran straight towards the vast woods. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

  "Shower time" I spoke to myself quietly. I grabbed one of Elijah's long sleeve shirts and boxers before making my way into his brilliantly crafted bathroom. And I thought mine were beautiful.

  Boy did he spend some serious money in this room. I don't know how long I spent in the shower allowing the jets to soothe the ache.

  I finally climbed out after thoroughly cleaning myself with Elijah's body wash as he didn't have any woman soap. Now I smelt just like him.

  I dried myself before dressing thinking to myself how I would wait in his room for him to come back and explain himself to me. I'm tired of all his mixed signals.

  Either he wants me as his mate or he doesn't, either way, I will be fine. I knew I would. I grabbed his toothbrush as I didn't see any extra toothbrushes looking throughout all his drawers. I brushed my teeth before throwing my wet hair into a bun on the top of my head. Elijah should definitely be back by now.

  I walked out of the bathroom and into his massive room, only to see the back of a dark-haired man. I took a big whiff of the air only to come to the conclusion that this was not Elijah, The hair gave it away as well. "Who are you? and how did you get here?"

  "Estelle we finally meet again" He completely ignored my question so I asked again.

  "Who are you?" This time he just said "That's not important right now, you haven't heed my warnings my dear." was all he said before he turned around and nearly gave me a heart attack.

  There stood the exact replica of my father. Only I knew that my father was dead, I knew that for a fact. This can't be. I didn't realize a couple of tears escaped my eyes and trailed down my cheeks and chin.

  "Estelle, pumpkin" he called trying to get my attention to focus back on him, walking closer to me as more tears escaped. My father was the only one to ever call me pumpkin.

  I got that name from shoving my little head into a pumpkin hiding from him one year when I was just a little girl. I believed he couldn't see me. Only for him to laugh and the nickname had stuck. "Please" I practically begged.

  "Estelle, they are after you. You must come with me. I have to protect you at all costs, I promised your mother and father many years ago" he said grabbing my hand.

  Then everything went black. When I woke up the next thing I knew I was in a foreign room, I've never seen or been in. I looked around the room only to set my eyes on a small dresser.

  But that's not what caught my eyes. What caught my eye was the small photo sitting directly in the middle of a small dresser, surrounded by candles and flowers.

  That photo was of Queen Sydney smiling down at a baby and my father, who had his arms wrapped around her waist as he placed a kiss on Queen Sydney's head. The look of love shone brightly through his eyes and hers. He never looked at mom that way. He loved her but he never looked at her like that for as long as I can remember.

  I didn't realize someone else was in the room with me. " That baby is you Estelle" I turned to the man from last night who teleported me or something, magic had to be involved. There was no way a wolf could travel that fast. Let alone enter an Alpha's territory without him noticing. It all was starting to make sense of how he got the letters without anyone noticing. A wizard or warlock, whatever they call it now.

  "That's impossible," I replied, still gazing at the photo. "It's you and that's my brother, your father. The woman is your mother, Queen Sydney," he said smiling while looking at the picture standing next to me.

  I still don't understand how this is possible, my mother is Gizelle. She is my father's mate. It's not possible to get pregnant with someone who is not your mate.

  "How "I asked, grabbing the photo and walking back towards the bed I woke up on earlier and sitting down.

  The man from earlier who I've come to know as my uncle sits next to me before speaking, "My brother found his mate early in his life. He grew up with Sydney who is now the Queen. They found out they were mates at 18 years old. Her father didn't like it. He made that known. To her father, your dad was just an average wolf who couldn't protect her. So he arranged for her to mate with Richard when she turned 21. However, Sydney found out she was pregnant with you and ran away. She never wanted her father to find out about you but he did eventually. Someone in the castle let it slip. The Queen then met Gizelle who quickly became her closest friend. While on the run with your father. She made your father and Gizelle promise to love and cherish every moment with you." He stopped making sure I was still following.

  "Queen Sydney mated to Richard and he became the King. Sydney was the only one who knew about me. Your father eventually fell in love with Gizelle over the years of raising you together. But he knew he'd never feel the same way he felt about Sydney and Gizelle knew that. He fought in the royal guard. That was a stipulation if she were to mate with Richard. Her father knew nothing would stop your father from protecting Sydney so he allowed it. King Richard found out about Queen Sydney, your father, and you. King Richard killed your father pumpkin" he says rubbing my back as more tears fell.


  "Estelle, there is something else you need to know, there is going to be a war. He is coming after you." He said grabbing my hand and rubbing his thumb over the back of my palm, just like my father used to do.

  "Who?" I asked even though I am positive I knew who it was who was coming after me. I just want to hear him say it.

  "King Richard my dear," he said standing up. "C'mon I must bring you back. Your mate is probably looking for you" he said laughing.

  "Wait what's your name," I asked. He laughed once again before saying " It's Blaze sweetheart" Before I knew it we were back in the woods by the lake. Before he disappeared all he said was "I'll be back" then he was gone.

  I sat down by the water thinking about everything that just happened. "Luna," A tall buff man said breaking me out of my train of thought.

  "It's just Estelle," I replied turning away and looking out at the mesmerizing lake.

  "The Alpha has been looking for you everywhere" he states as if I didn't already know that.

  "I'll be there shortly," I said back, practically dismissing him.

  However he didn't leave instead, he said: "Alpha requests to speak with you immediately, and asks me to escort you". I huffed out and got up. I didn't wait. I just began walking to the house, knowing he wouldn't be far behind me. I reached the house in a short amount of time.

  "Estelle" Elijah's booming voice echoed through the house. However, I was in no rush to speak to him. Instead, I went to the kitchen and went to the fridge and grabbed a cold bottle of water. I heard loud and heavy footsteps make their way down the stairs. No doubt Elijah. He is so impatient. He barged into the kitchen as I leaned up against the counter drinking.

  "Where the fuck have you been" He yelled standing in the doorway. But I am in no mood to deal with him right now.

  "Out" was all I said before trying to go around him. Keyword trying. He had other ideas, he continued to block the exit.

  "Estelle," he said quieter this time. "Elijah" I replied back in a mocking tone. He must have been tired of dealing with me because he threw me over
his shoulders like a sack of potatoes making his way up the stairs.

  "Put me the fuck down" I yelled slamming my fists into his back. "E said a bad word" Lily yelled pointing at me. I laughed at her before apologizing to her "Sorry baby girl, your daddy is being rude."

  However, Elijah just slapped my ass. Hard. I moaned at the contact. That was hot. I forgot Lily was near us. "Elijah" I yelled out staring at Lily, who had a look of shock and guilt on her face. Before running into her room.

  "Elijah put me down" and he did. He put me down once we were in his office and he locked the door.

  "What the fuck Elijah," I said fixing my clothes and sitting down in his chair. I expected it to piss him off. If it did he didn't show it.

  He paced the room before asking "Where were you? I had everybody searching everywhere for you. We searched the entire territory, and not to mention you smell like another man so would you care to explain to me why?" he said breathing heavily as he continued pacing.

  "I already told you I was out and I was with an old friend." His eyes darkened. "Don't lie to me Estelle?" Elijah said, moving around the desk. I pause, he couldn't possibly know I lied. But I only practically lied, because I was out and technically Blaze is an old friend. Well more like family.

  "I just told you and you didn't believe me so that is your problem Alpha, not mine," I replied spinning around in his chair.

  However, it doesn't last long as he slams his hands on both sides caging me in. "Lies" he growled in my face. "You wanna know how I know my dear mate?" I just nodded my head.

  He can't possibly know. "That smell, I smell on you Estelle, you know where I have smelt it before?" I shake my head.

  "Those letters you have been receiving. That's where I have smelt it. So would you like to change your story now?"


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