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Page 16

by Grace, Gwendolyn

  “No, it won’t.”

  “Yes, it will. You’ll see.”

  And just like that she somehow got me to agree to go on a damn date.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  All the rules of dating have changed so much that it’s overwhelming. I don’t remember it being this hard. I don’t remember guys being this creepy or maybe I was so naive, and I never realized it.

  It turns out, my best friend, the person who knows me best in the world has shit taste in men for me.

  First, there was her chiropractor, Rod.

  Yeah, his name was Rod. Strike one.

  He was shorter than me, and I’m five foot, six inches. So half a strike because he can't really help his height, but still.

  Every time I spoke, he seemed so riveted. The noises he made sounded like moans of ecstasy. Like my words were mental masturbation for him.

  “So you’re an accountant, huh? Mmmm, Nice. Nice.”

  “Unh, that chicken does sound good. I like the way you think. I like it a lot.” Licks lips.

  I don’t know if he thought he was trying to seduce me with what he perceived as sexiness, but all he managed to do was creep me out. Strike two, three, four and five!

  Next, there was Giancarlo. I have to be honest and say that he was sexy. He played on a recreational soccer league with Cole. So he was tall, athletic and could drop any girl’s panties in two seconds flat with his smile. The problem was; he actually tried to get into as many panties as possible on our date. His eyes were always roaming, I never felt like he was there with me, more like I was there with him. Like an annoying fly that buzzed around him and demanded his attention from time to time. I didn’t even make it through the end of dinner with him before he was openly flirting with our waitress. I excused myself by saying I was going to the bathroom, and I immediately drove myself home.

  Oh yeah, another weird rule of dating. Driving myself to my dates out of fear I would be getting in the car with a crazy person who would chop me up before the end of the night. I needed to have my own transportation in case I needed to bolt out of there. Luckily, it was a good plan. I am pretty sure Giancarlo wasn’t even aware that I’d left.

  I hated dating.


  I agree to meet up with the girls for drinks at a bar on the oceanfront. Dee’s cousin Kendra was in town, and we all decided to have a girl’s night out. After the blind date fiasco, Dee agreed to pay for my dinner and drinks. I made my way through the crowded restaurant. It was a nice, very low key kind of place. I knew immediately where my friends were by the loud laughter coming from one of the high top tables by the bar.

  “Courtney!” Kendra hops off her chair and shimmies my way. Kendra oozed sex appeal and secretly I was always a little envious of her. She seemed to have all of the right moves, the way her hips naturally swayed in a seductive manner when she walked, the way she shamelessly flirted with any man in the room. Her confidence was off the charts. She was hot and independent. Single girl personified.

  “My new sexy friend, Gabe, over here,” Kendra shoots a flirty smile to the bartender who I swear blushes a little. “Has made a special cocktail to celebrate your new chapter.” We each grab a martini glass and toast. The drink was really good, not too strong, and not too fruity.

  “Mmm, well done, sexy Gabe.” I call out to the cute grinning bartender who shakes his head and turns away just before we break out into giggles. We caught up over dinner and listened to how fabulous Kendra’s life was. She had no children and multiple boy toys. Sometimes Dee and I would get so jealous of her and her stories. That was until we began to suspect that a meaningful relationship was really what she was after but could never find. It was something we had or I used to have. I wondered if I would ever find that again.

  After we had finished dinner, we continued to order drinks and talk. At some point, the music in the restaurant got louder, and we noticed a few couples dancing in a designated area. This was not a busy nightclub atmosphere but low key and classy fun. “Valerie” by Mark Ronson started playing. Kendra jumped up and squealed, “I love this song!” Without waiting for Dee or I to respond, she was swinging her hips to the dance floor, and it was no surprise to see the swarm of men following behind her.

  Not much for dancing, Dee and I opt for sitting on our bar stools bobbing to the beat and shouting conversations with each other over the loud music. An hour later the place is fully packed, we soon gave up trying to talk and fall into a comfortable silence as we watched Kendra work the room. Since our table is near the bar, people are starting to hover around us, waiting their turn to order drinks from sexy Gabe. Suddenly my phone buzzes on the table top. I pick it up to see that Dee is texting me. She’s on the other side of the table, so I give her a strange look before reading it.

  Dee: OMG, DO NOT turn around. Hot guy over there has been staring at you!

  I look back up at her with shocked eyes that clearly ask her to point him out and before I make a move to look around I hear Dee choke and sputter into her drink followed by the buzz of my phone.

  Dee: Don’t look around, dummy! Here he comes!

  I smelled him before I saw him. It was a clean woodsy mixture but then again I’m not sure how to describe it. Unable to help myself, I turned into the direction of the scent, lifting my head and instantly meeting a pair of beautiful hazel eyes that were framed by long lashes and a heart-stopping grin. Feeling like I was entering the awkward space in time of staring too long and not acknowledging him, I decided to speak first.

  “Hey.” I say.

  “Hey.” He replies. Just then sexy Gabe hands hot guy two beers. I watch as he hands some cash over to the bartender and then after a small nod at me disappears into the crowd. The spot he vacated was immediately filled by a guy who smelled of cigarettes and sweat, completely masking the mouthwatering scent that was there a second ago.

  “What’s up, girl?” Smelly guy calls down to me. I scrunch my face before turning in the stool giving him my back and putting an end to any more interaction between us.

  It was near closing time and by now Kendra was completely wasted. Luckily Dee and I had only slowly sipped two of the pink drinks sexy Gabe made for us earlier. Kendra, on the other hand, danced, downed shots and flirted like a mad woman. We had to stop her from trying to remove her shirt as she began a strip tease on the bar at one point.

  After making a quick stop at the ladies room so that Kendra could relieve her stomach of the horrid concoctions she had consumed of over the last few hours, Dee and I were flanking each side of Kendra’s now floppy body as we exited the bar.

  It rained while we were inside; the ground was wet and slick although the rain had stopped. I walked with my friends to Dee’s van. After settling Kendra into the passenger’s seat, I gave Dee a quick hug and promised to call her tomorrow before heading into the direction of my car. Somewhere between the parking lot and crossing the street I learned that heels were not practical for running over slick surfaces. I felt my left foot slip then roll under my body, but I somehow managed to stop myself from doing a face plant into the asphalt. I quickly steadied myself and then hobbled the rest of the way across the street to the sidewalk. My ankle was throbbing with pain, and the only thing I could do was hop on my good foot a little further back until I was leaning against a store front window so I could inspect my injury. It was beginning to swell and strain against the buckle of my shoes.


  “Are you ok?” A familiar clean woodsy scent filled my nose, this time mixed with the warm ocean air surrounding us. I knew who it was before I even looked up.

  “I’m ok. I just rolled my ankle a little.” He bent down in front of me and took a look at the ankle in question.

  “It doesn’t look too bad.” He said as he lifted my leg just below the calf and turned it slightly. His warm fingers on my skin sent an electric shock straight to the nerve ending between my thighs. I was silently thanking myself for shaving my legs before I
came out tonight because I had honestly debated on it.

  “A little ice should help but you should probably take this off.” He unbuckled the clasp of my shoes and slid my shoe carefully off of my foot.

  “Um, well thanks. I’ll be fine.” I muttered feeling very silly about the fact that this seriously hot guy was crouched on the sidewalk next to me nursing my stupid injury. I stood and waved to him before attempting to make a quick retreat, but I only made it a few steps before I had to stop and lift my left foot to alleviate the pressure.

  “Wait. Where did you park?” Hot guy called from behind before closing the distance between us. I pointed helplessly to the direction of my car.

  “It’s just a couple of blocks down that w--” Before I could finish my sentence, he scooped me into his arms and was carrying me down the street.

  “Hey!” I squeaked trying to push away.

  “Relax. You can’t walk very well so it would take you all night to get to your car. The club is closing down soon, and all of the weirdoes from inside will be swarming the streets desperately trying to score a late night hook up.” He was right. My thoughts went back to smelly guy, and I decided to keep my mouth shut and enjoy my ride. Once we reached my car he gently placed me down onto the ground. I thanked him again as I pulled out my keys and unlocked the driver’s side door.

  “Can I check in on you later? You know, to make sure you’re ok?” He actually asked that with a straight face. It was a totally unexpected way for him to ask for my number and far better than the cheesy lines that I’ve heard all night.

  “Uh...okay.” What? Did I just say that?

  “Cool.” He smiled triumphantly and took out his phone to punch in the numbers I gave him, when my phone buzzed in my pocket I pulled it out to show him. “Got it.” He stood watching as I sat down behind the wheel and pulled my long legs in behind me and then closed the door. Luckily my right foot was not the one that was injured so I could still drive.

  “What’s your name?” He asked after I started the car and let down the window.


  “Get home safe, Courtney.” He flashed a devastatingly sexy smile, tapped the roof of my car twice them walked away. I watched him for a few moments as he headed back towards the direction of the club. My God, he was hot, and I didn’t even know his name.


  Unknown Number: Hi beautiful girl. This is Will from last night. How is your adorable ankle?

  ME: Haha 5 inch heels and rain are a bad mix, but I’m fine! And you?

  Will: Good! The sun is finally out! What are you doing later?

  Me: Nothing much. What are you doing later?

  Will: Hanging out with you. Meet me in front of Eagle Square at 5pm.

  ME: I barely know you. What if you are a crazy psycho kidnapper?

  Will: There is only one way to find out…

  ME: Seriously, that doesn’t make me feel better.

  Will: Baby, I carried you like 3 miles to your car because you twisted your ankle in those sexy as hell shoes, I could have run off with you then. :)

  ME: Point made. See you at 5pm

  I immediately called Dee and got her to agree to watch the girls for me. After all, dating was her idea.

  I walked across the street this time cautiously in a pair of ballet flats, and skinny jeans I knew clung just right to my curvy hips. I was feeling good about myself, finally. I spotted Will standing outside the coffee shop where he said he’d meet me. That same scent filled my nose, and I looked forward to it.

  “Hi.” I said when I was only standing a few feet in front of him.

  “Hi.” He replied. “How’s that ankle?” I picked up my left foot slightly and wiggled it a little then shrugged.

  “It’s fine.”

  He nodded and gave me a wide grin as we stood there awkwardly staring at each other. How old was he, I started to wonder. When do you tell a guy that you are divorced with two kids? Is that first date conversation? I felt suddenly very out of sorts and didn’t have the slightest clue what to say next. Come on, Court, get your shit together. I gave my head a quick shake.

  “Do you like ice cream?” His unexpected question breaks the silence.

  “I love it!” I reply enthusiastically. Because I do love ice cream, a lot.

  “There is this new place a little ways up that we could try.” He gestures to the left before turning slowly in that direction. I fall in step beside him as we strolled leisurely down the sidewalk making small talk.

  The entire date was very sweet. Will was very sweet.

  He is also twenty-four years old.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Twenty four years old!” Dee repeats, her facial expression indicating she is rolling something around in her head.

  “What’s the big deal? Age is just a number. I’d date him.” This, of course, came from Kendra’s mouth.

  “Kendra! Aren’t you like twenty-eight?” Dee shrieks. “What the hell would you know about dating someone ten years younger? Wait! On second thought, I don’t want to know.”

  I have an involuntary shudder of disgust at the idea of dating an eighteen-year-old. No, not even going to go there. I watch Kendra slump back on the couch with a huff.

  “All I’m saying is that he deserves a chance.” Kendra continues. “So what if he’s younger. She said she had a great time. He was nice and seemed mature…”

  “I’m sitting right here!” I cut in. “Geez, the two of you are talking like I’m not in the room.” I swat Dee with a pillow before continuing. “Yes, he was nice. We ate ice cream and walked around the square and talked. And I was honest with him. I told him I was divorced and that I had two kids. He didn’t seem bothered by any of it.”

  “Did you tell him how old you are?” Dee chides. By the noticeable silence, it was obvious that my answer was no.

  “Courtney! You can’t lie to him. Eventually, the truth is going to come out.”

  “I know, I know. We never talked about age. The only reason I knew his age was because he mentioned the reason he was at the bar was for his sister’s twenty first birthday and that she was three years younger than him. I did the math.”

  I remember how my heart sank as soon as I figured it out. I never felt so old in my life.

  “How do I come right out and say, “Will, I hope you don’t mind that I’ll be turning thirty-four next month.” God, just saying it out loud is painful.”

  “I still don’t see the problem. You were into him until you found out his age. What is it with you and age, anyway?” Kendra chimes in. “Court, you are hot! There is no way I would guess you were even close to thirty-four.” I liked Kendra. I really did, but sometimes that girl can be clueless.

  I may not look thirty covered up but having babies changes your body. The elasticity in my stomach is shot. No matter how much I have tried, there is loose skin that will never go away. My breasts have lost their perkiness. Courtney, ten years ago, would have no problem feeling comfortable with Will, but Courtney, right now, is terrified of rejection. I met Dee’s gaze and instantly knew we were on the same page. She knew the struggles especially after four children. She reached out and gave me a hug.

  “Well, there is no need to make this a bigger issue than it needs to be. Just have fun. Will doesn’t have to be Mr. Forever, but he can definitely be Mr. Right now.” She waggled her eyebrow suggestively, making me giggle.

  “I did not gather the two of you here to be YOLO'ed.”

  “Yes you did.” Dee confirms.

  “No. I did not. Well, maybe just a little. Twenty-four years old? Is that even okay? What do I have in common with someone ten years younger than me?”

  “I'm sure there are lots of ways you can relate to each other, especially physically. In fact, the stamina in...” I swat Kendra with a pillow also to shut her up.

  “Okay, I get it, Kendra.” I laugh. We then change the topic because the kids come running into the room.

  I stil
l consider our conversation. Mr. Right now. I might be able to handle that.


  It had been a few weeks since my first date with Will, and we’d gone on a total of three dates, tonight being the fourth time we’ve seen each other. During my week with the girls I didn’t even try to make myself available, I preferred to spend that time with them. I wasn’t planning on bringing him into their lives until I felt it was necessary. Right now keeping my dating life and Mommy life separate was working for me just fine.

  This was Alex’s weekend, and he had come by to pick up the girls a couple of hours earlier. As soon as they were gone, I took a long bath and prepared myself for my date with Will. I had invited him over and planned to cook dinner, and he would bring a movie. Even though we didn't see each other, we did occasionally talk or text so each time, I felt better about his interest in me, though I was still nervous about the age gap.

  At 8pm exactly he rang the doorbell. The welcomes scent that was all Will overwhelms me as he steps inside and pulls me into a hug.

  “Hi, beautiful.” He whispers against my ear before placing a soft kiss on the side of my neck. I back out of his embrace and smile up at him. God, he was gorgeous. Even more so up close. His hazel eyes seem even more piercing than from afar. I admired the way his t-shirt rested on his broad shoulders and tighten just slightly around his muscular biceps. I always loved the jeans, and t-shirt and sneakers look.

  “Hi, come in.” I said in response and forced myself to stop eying his body like a starving woman. As I turned to walk into the direction of the kitchen, he grabbed a hold of my hand gently before following. My heart started to race. He had kissed me briefly a few times on our last date, but they were sweet and unsure kisses. I knew we were still feeling each other out, so the way he grabbed my hand caught me off guard. It excited me yet I couldn’t stop my mind from repeating over and over. He’s twenty-four...He’s twenty-four...He’s twenty-four.


  “Mmm, that feels really good.”

  “Told you.”


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