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Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series

Page 9

by Heather D'Agostino

  I spent the day at school worried that someone was going to say something to her about my plans for the evening. I booked us a room at the nicest hotel I could afford, and I even brought my suit to school to wear to the dance after the game. When I saw Dani at lunch she seemed happy and totally oblivious. She did ask me if I was ok. I waved her off and told her it was nerves for the game. She made a comment that I never got nervous, but I told her I was just better at hiding it on some days.

  Now, I’m standing here in the locker room at halftime waiting for the Emcee to announce the Homecoming court. I haven’t seen Dani’s dress, but she told me it was blue. She has blue eyes so I’m sure she’s going to be a knockout. My palms are sweating, and I’ve been bouncing around trying to expel the nervous energy that seems to be plaguing me tonight.

  “You ok?” Chris came up beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “You can’t be nervous about later, right? It’s not like you’re a virgin or anything.”

  “I’m not nervous about that,” I growled. “You know she’s never done it, right? This is going to mean something to her,” I exhaled as I shook my head. “I don’t know if I can do it, man.”

  “You can do it. Five hundred bucks says you can do it,” he chuckled. “Just close your eyes and pretend you’re with Alexis and I’m sure you won’t have any trouble getting it up.”

  “You’re an asshole, you know that right?” I growled. “She doesn’t need to be anyone else.”

  “I was right,” he gasped. “You like her. That’s why you don’t want to do it. You like her.” He began pacing the room as I dropped my head and my shoulders sank. “You know when she finds out about this she’s never going to let you anywhere near her. You know that, right? You’re screwed no matter what you do. If you tell her about it, she’s going to hate you, and if you do it and she finds out, she’s gonna hate you. You might as well get the money out of it because there’s no way you two are ever going to be anything more than this bet.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” I screamed at him and his hands flew up in defense. “I fucking know this! I just don’t think I can go through with it!”

  “Go through with what?” Brad came walking around the corner.

  “Nothing, man,” I muttered. “I gotta get out there and play my part. They’re announcing me soon.”

  “Hey,” Brad called as I got to the door of the fieldhouse. “Text me when you’re finished tonight and we can meet up at a party. I’m sure after being with her you’re gonna want someone who can actually give you a release,” he snickered and all I saw was red. If I hadn’t heard them call my name to come to the field, I would have laid him out right there.

  “You’re an asshole,” I growled as I stepped outside, plastered on a smile, and prepared to fake it with the one person that I shouldn’t have to.



  I don’t know what I thinking when I agreed to this. Mason’s been so sweet and patient I guess I just felt like I could trust him. I could let that last little piece of me go. When I saw him tonight after the game standing there in his dark suit and tie it only propelled me forward. He looked good enough to eat, and the dimpled smile that he gave me made my knees weak.

  I didn’t win Homecoming Queen, but I didn’t think I would. Alexis, Mason’s ex, walked away with the crown. She came with some junior, and has given me the stink eye all night. Mason and I had posed for pictures and according to the guy taking them, we might end up in the yearbook. It was the perfect night for this, if I could keep myself from passing out with nerves.

  “Relax,” Mason soothed as he reached across the car and squeezed my knee. My dress had ridden up from the way I was sitting, and Mason couldn’t seem to stop touching me. Goosebumps rushed over my skin causing me to shiver. “If you keep doing that I might not make it to the room,” his voice held warning, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t thrill me a little.

  “I’m sorry,” I squeaked out as I twisted my hands together.

  “It’s just me. I’m not going to hurt you. I promise,” his voice wavered slightly and I wondered if he was just as nervous as me.

  “I know. I guess I just don’t want to get caught. Amber said she’d cover for me, but I’ve never done this before,” I murmured before turning my head in his direction.

  He chuckled and removed his hand from my leg before rubbing his forehead, “I know you haven’t, believe me, I know.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” I blushed and thanked God that it was dark out and he couldn’t see me. “I’ve never lied to my parents,” I clarified. I’d told Amber at school earlier in the week about what I’d agreed to for tonight. She’d helped me come up with the plan to tell my parents that I was staying with her. She told me if they called her house she’d make up an excuse and then she’d call me and have me call them back. It seemed easy enough, but since this wasn’t in my character it still worried me.

  “I can take you home if you want me to,” Mason looked over at me. He’d just parked the car, and cut the engine. I looked out the window and noticed we were sitting in The Palace Hotel parking lot. It wasn’t as fancy as the name sounded, but it was nice, nicer than I thought he was going to get.

  “No, I wanna stay,” I swallowed as I watched him open his door and climb out. He came around to my side, helped me out, and then reached in to get the bag I’d packed. I’d gone all out with my story of staying at Amber’s, plus I couldn’t exactly come home in this dress.

  He led me by my hand over to the stairs, and walked us up to room 201. He smiled as he flashed the keycard in front of me before pushing it in the lock, and twisting the handle. The door gave way, and Mason stepped back to let me pass in front of him. In a matter of seconds, he flicked the light switch causing the room to be bathed in a soft glow. I sucked in a breath as I took everything in. A large king-sized bed took up most of the room. It was covered with a white fluffy comforter. A TV was sitting on top of a dresser, and off to the side was a door that I assumed led into the bathroom.

  “It’s ours for the night,” Mason shrugged out of his suit coat and tossed it over the back of a chair in the corner. He turned to face me, and I swallowed when I saw his eyes. The pupils had dilated, leaving almost no iris visible. He tugged at his tie and stepped out of his shoes before slowly moving closer to me. “Are you ok?” his voice lowered as he approached me.

  “Un huh,” I nodded as I took a few deep breaths. My nerves were getting the better of me, and I kept chanting ‘I can do this’ over and over in my head.

  “Relax. It’s just me,” he murmured as he stopped in front of me. He gently wrapped his arms around my waist before leaning in for a kiss.

  I stiffened as I looked at the door, “Is it locked?” I mumbled against his lips, remembering our time in the parking lot.

  “Yes,” he kissed me again.

  “Does anyone know we’re here?” I tried again, hoping that none of his buddies would show up and beat on the door.

  “We’re alone. No one knows where we are. Relax and let me love you,” he mumbled again as his hands ran up my back. I could feel him tugging at the zipper, and I stepped out of his arms.

  He sighed and looked at me in confusion, “What’s wrong?”

  Without saying a word, I scurried over to the light switch and turned it off. Other than the moonlight fighting to come through the drawn curtains, it was completely dark in the room. “I can’t see you now,” he chuckled. I didn’t answer, only moved back in front of him.

  I placed my hands on his chest before pushing up on my tiptoes. I pressed my lips to his, and as soon as he started to kiss me back, I intensified it. I went to work tugging and pulling against his shirt as I let go of everything I’d been holding on to. The darkness was my friend and it let me be brave. I’d never be able to do this in the light, but when I let the sense of touch lead the way, I was able to give in to my desires more easily.

  “Slow down,” he murmured as he reached up a
nd grabbed my wrists. “This is for you too,” he turned us, and began working my zipper down again. When he pushed my dress off my shoulders and it pooled at my feet, I froze. I knew he couldn’t see much, but no boy had ever seen my underwear. “You’re so pretty Dani,” he whispered as his lips trailed over my cheek and down to my shoulder. “Come here,” he entwined our fingers and led me to the edge of the bed. After tugging the covers back, he went to work at removing my bra. “I wish I could see you better,” he murmured as he leaned in and captured a nipple in his mouth.

  “Mason,” I gasped as my knees shook. It was too much, and my head began to spin as he pushed me backward onto the bed.

  “Lay down,” he panted as he shoved at his boxers. I’d never seen a naked boy before. I didn’t have any male friends growing up, no brothers, or cousins. When Mason’s cock bobbed free from the confines of his pants, it took everything in me to not want to run away. How the hell was that thing gonna fit in little old me?

  “Mason?” I whimpered lightly as I scooted closer to the center of the bed.

  “Trust me, Dani,” he reached for the waistband of my panties and began inching them down my thighs. I clawed at the covers wanting to cover myself from his eyes, and I think Mason sensed this. He slipped underneath the blankets, and pulled them up to our shoulders. “You ok,” he whispered as his hand slowly made its way down my flat stomach. I could feel him down there probing and trying to relax me, but all it was doing was amping me up. I was nervous, yes, but I still wanted this. I wanted to share this moment with him. I couldn’t explain it, but he was being so understanding and caring that I knew I’d remember this night long into the future even if he didn’t. It wasn’t the act itself that made me feel this way, it was the way he was treating me. So sweet and caring as if I were the most precious thing in the world.

  He pressed a kiss against my neck before connecting with my mouth once again, and that was when I felt it. My belly tightened as his fingers swirled around my clit. He groaned as I began to thrash around beside him fighting off what, I didn’t know. “Let go. Let me show you what you’re missing,” he panted as his fingers moved faster. Before I knew it, I was falling into oblivion. White spots flashed in my eyes, and I felt like I was sinking into the mattress.

  “It’s gonna be even better when I’m inside you,” he whispered as he removed his fingers from between my legs. He reached for his wallet that was sitting on the night table, and I could hear him tearing the foil wrapper. He rolled to his back, and moved around under the covers, sheathing himself before he moved back beside me. “I promise I’m going to try to make this good for you,” he whispered before he captured my lips in a deep kiss.

  At that moment he rolled us so I was on my back, and he was hovering over me. I could barely see his eyes, but they looked tender and loving, and everything I always envisioned this night to be about. He reached down and gripped my thigh, bringing my leg up over his hip before he lined himself up. “It’s gonna hurt for a minute,” he warned before he began inching himself in. I could tell when he paused that he was trying to prepared both of us for what came next, but no amount of preparation could have prepared me for the pain that ripped through me when he pushed forward.

  A sharp pain fissured through me causing every muscle to tense, and Mason to pause mid-thrust. His brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to hold still, but his body was telling him to move. “I’m sorry,” he murmured as he began placing feather light kisses all over my face and shoulders. “Relax. I’m sorry,” he continued and as I did, the muscles loosened, allowing him to move.

  After the initial pain subsided, it gave way to the pleasure he’d promised. I knew Mason was no virgin, but the way he moved his body made him almost seem like an expert. His mouth and hands worked in tandem as his thighs flexed. His cock glided in and out in this rhythm that would drive any girl mad, and the little twist that his hips did made me want to stay like this forever. “Fuck, you feel good,” he groaned as he leaned down and pressed us even closer together. “So tight and wet. Dani,” he panted. “Shit, I can’t hold on anymore.” His thrusts sped up and before I knew it, that tingling feeling I’d felt before was back. It was coming faster than the last time. When it crashed over me, it was more violent then I was prepared for. My back bowed off the bed. I clawed at Mason’s shoulders, and screamed as he moved faster and faster. His eyes squeezed shut, and his breath became more ragged as he seemed to lose all concept of time. I watched as his eyes rolled back and a roar came bursting out of his mouth while his entire body shuddered powerfully.

  His arms gave out as he collapsed on top of me, and he laid there breathing heavily until I pushed against his shoulders. He rolled to the side, taking me with him as he wrapped me in his arms. “That was amazing,” he yawned as he tucked my head against his chest. “Fucking amazing.”

  I yawned too and couldn’t help the small tear that fell from my eye. Tonight was nothing like I thought it would be. Mason was perfect. We were perfect, and after tonight I knew that nothing was ever going to be the same.

  I glanced up quickly when I heard the soft snoring coming from him, and that’s when I knew this was real. I curled into his side, and let sleep overtake me. I didn’t know what the morning would bring, but waking up in Mason Stone’s arms would be a dream come true.

  Chapter 11


  Present Day…

  “What’s this?” Amber was sitting on my couch staring at the cup of coffee that Mason had shoved into my hand the day before.

  “It’s coffee,” I shrugged as I rounded the corner. I’d been in my bedroom getting ready for the day. Amber and I were going to spend the day shopping for something for me to wear to the reopening of The Rusty Nail. According to her, I needed to spruce up my wardrobe.

  “I can see that, but why is it sitting here?” she rolled her eyes. “It’s full.”

  “Mason bought for me,” I sighed.

  “Wait,” she held her hand up. “Mason as in douche bag Mason who we both hate with a passion now? That Mason?” She turned to face me, and all I could do was turn and rush back into my room. “Dani, don’t ignore me. When did you see him again?”

  “He works at the bar,” I called from inside the confines of my room. I felt safe in here away from her stare. Amber was there for me when Mason screwed me over. She was the one who helped pick up all the pieces. She let me cry on her shoulder, and pretty much told him to go to hell when he attempted his first apology.

  “Why am I just now finding out about this?” her voice grew louder, and before I knew it she was standing in my doorway.

  “It’s not a big deal,” I flipped my hand in the air as I stepped in the closet to rummage for some shoes.

  “Not a big deal?” she scoffed. “Ok,” she paused and I glanced out the door at her. “Why are you keeping the coffee?”

  “I don’t know,” I mumbled.

  “You don’t still like him, do you? After everything that happened, you can’t possibly still like him. Tell me I’m wrong here, Dani,” she stared at me for a few beats before moving over to sit on my bed.

  I don’t know why I kept the coffee. Honestly, it had been forever since a man of any type had shown any interest in me. I didn’t like Mason like that, at least that’s what I’ve been telling myself. My heart hurts every time I’m around him, and I don’t think I can ever trust him again, not like I did back then anyway. “I don’t know why I kept it,” I sat down beside her. “He looked so sad when he gave it to me. I wanted to believe that when he said he was sorry that he actually meant it, but I’m so confused right now.”

  “You need to go on a date,” Amber stood quickly, “and I know just who to set you up with.”

  “No,” I shook my head quickly as I sprung up beside her. “No set ups!”

  “You already know this guy, and he likes you,” she grinned. “I’ll call him tonight and invite him to the reopening.”

  “Amber,” I growled in warning. “I have to
work at that event. I can’t entertain a guy too.”

  “Sure you can,” she shrugged. “Won’t Mason be at the opening?”

  “Yes,” I sighed as I placed my hand on my hip.

  “Then this is perfect. You’re taking a date,” Amber reached for my hand and began tugging me out to the living room. “Throw that coffee away, and get your purse. We’re going to the mall, and we’re going to get you something that will get you laid this weekend.”

  “I’m not sleeping with some guy that I’m meeting at a bar. A nice guy wouldn’t be so forward,” I chided as I opened my front door.

  “Listen to yourself. No wonder your panties have cobwebs in them,” she giggled and stopped short, causing me to crash into her back.

  “What the hell, Amber,” I stepped around her, but she put her arm out, stopping me.

  “Does he know where you live?” her head tipped to the side as she stared at me.

  “Who?” I glanced around and that’s when I saw it. There sitting on the ground in front of my door was another cup of coffee and a small brown paper bag. “Yes,” I sighed. “Remember move in day?”

  “Oh god, yes. Drunkest I’ve been in forever,” Amber groaned.

  I grabbed the items and brought them in to set on the counter in my kitchen. When I opened the bag, a donut with chocolate frosting was sitting in the bottom. I pulled it out, and written on top were the words I’m sorry. My heart twisted a little, but then Amber came waltzing in behind me.

  “Give me that,” she grabbed the items from my hands and tossed them in the trash. “You are not doing this again. Do you hear me? He doesn’t deserve anything from you but anger. He’s a douche, and we’re going out so you can have a hot date Friday night.”


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