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Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series

Page 10

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Right,” I nodded but as she led me back towards the door, I couldn’t help but look back at the trash can. How long had that been sitting in the hallway? Was Mason going to continue with this until I accepted his apology?

  “He can do it as long as he wants. He’s wasting his time and money, not yours,” Amber called over her shoulder and that’s when I realized I was talking out loud.

  “You don’t have to be so blunt,” I muttered.

  “Yes I do,” she turned on me as we stepped into the lift. “I was there the last time. I can’t let you go back to that. I also know that Jeff really wants to go out with you, so I’ll say it however I need to for you to hear it.”

  “Jeff’s who you want to set me up with?” I widened my eyes in surprise.

  “He’s a nice guy,” she shrugged. “Good looking, comes from a great family, they’re totally loaded by the way, and most importantly… he likes you just the way you are.”

  “And how do you know all this?” I teased.

  “Mark told me,” she shrugged as the lift started descending. “His desk is right next to Jeff’s in the squad room.”

  “Oh,” I stepped off the lift and glanced around, half expecting to see Mason waiting on me. He had a bad habit of showing up places where I just happened to be lately.

  “The best thing though,” she grinned, “he’s not a douche bag.”

  “Ok Amber. I get it,” I groaned. “Let’s go,” I pointed to her car as I shook my head. I was still mad at Mason too, but I didn’t want to spend all my time with her bashing him.


  “What do you think?” I opened the dressing room I was standing in so Amber could see the dress I was wearing. “Is it too much?” I turned from side to side admiring myself in the mirror.

  “I think it’s perfect,” Amber grinned. “Really brings out your eyes, and you always look great in blue.”

  “It’s kinda expensive for a work outfit though,” I frowned. I usually spent very little on something that I was going to wear when I was working. Undoubtedly I would spill something on myself, or snag it, or end up needing to help out. If I was being honest, the only sure thing to wear to any of these events was jeans.

  “I’ll buy it if it’s that big of a deal. It’ll be my ‘let’s get Dani laid’ present,” she giggled as she spun me to face the mirror. “You look hot, girl!”

  I did look good. The dress fit me like a glove. It was snug, but not too tight and hugged my body all the way down to mid-thigh. One shoulder was exposed and the other was covered in a sleeve that ended at my wrist. The material was a stretchy cotton that had a sparkly type thread weaved in it so it glistened under the lights. I had a killer pair of heels at home that I could pair with it, I just needed to decide if I could be comfortable in this all night. “I guess you’re right,” I smiled as I twisted once again.

  “I know I’m right. Let’s get you some sexy underwear, and then I’m calling Mark,” she giggled. “Jeff isn’t going to know what hit him,” she laughed again like it was the funniest thing in the world, only I wasn’t thinking about what Jeff would think. No, my stupid brain was trying to process the idea of Mason seeing me in this.

  “Come on,” Amber closed the door and began talking through the wood. “Change back so we can pay for that and get some lunch,” her voice was muffled as she continued to ramble.

  “I’m coming,” I sighed as I stared at myself again. I don’t know why I was acting like this. My life has been fine for the last eight years. After graduation, I left this part of my life behind. I moved as far away as I could for school, and haven’t thought of him since. Coming back here was stupid, and now it seems that he’s weaseling his way back into my life again. “Let’s go,” I straightened my shoulders as I opened the door. I needed to remember what he did. I would remind myself as often as I had to in order to keep from going back there. I only hoped that this time he wouldn’t be as persistent as he was back then.



  “So, tell me again why I’m coming with you?” I glanced over at my sister and narrowed my eyes.

  “I need your opinion on something,” Jen muttered as we climbed out of my car. I wasn’t in the mood for her vague responses today, but Jen rarely left the apartment unless she was going to school these days so I felt like I needed to jump on the opportunity to get out with her.

  “I don’t know how I can offer an opinion on something for you,” I held open the door to the mall as she walked in ahead of me.

  “Well, you’re all I’ve got right now,” she rolled her eyes as she flipped her hand in the air. “This way,” she motioned towards the bookstore a few doors down.

  I followed her, and the closer we got, the slower she moved. It looked like she was trying to sneak up on someone. “What exactly are we doing?” I grabbed her elbow and before she responded, she shoved me in the store and behind a bookshelf.

  “Shhh!” she put her finger up to her mouth and right then it took everything in me not to burst into laughter. She looked just like she did at about twelve years old right then. “You see that guy over there?” she pointed to our right, and I craned my neck to see around the end of the aisle.

  “Yeah,” I nodded as I watched her.

  “He’s the one I was telling you about. The one who wants me to go out for coffee,” she whispered. “What do you think?”

  “I think we’re crazy for doing this,” I chuckled. “You know we’re adults now, not kids. Do you want me to talk to him?”

  “No,” she shook her head frantically. “I want you to tell me if he looks like a nice guy.”

  “I can’t do that without talking to him,” I shrugged.

  “Well, then go talk to him,” she pushed my shoulder as she slid farther back out of sight from whoever this guy was.

  “About what, Jenni? He doesn’t even know me,” I rolled my eyes.

  “We’re in a bookstore. Go ask him about a book,” she gave me a ‘duh’ face before pushing me again.

  Right when I decided to give in to her, we got busted. “Hey, Jen,” bookstore guy came around the corner and smiled at us.

  “Hey, Evan,” she smiled shyly before stepping slightly behind me. Evan’s brow furrowed before he stuck his hand out in my direction.

  “I’m Evan. I have a couple of classes with Jen this semester, and you are?” he paused, waiting for me to answer.

  “Mason,” I smiled before gripping his hand in a firm handshake. “Jen’s big brother.”

  Evan’s face broke out in a smile as he shifted on his feet. I could tell he had thought that Jen was my girlfriend, but he seemed more relaxed to know that she was my sister. Watch out big guy, I’m not your friend yet.

  “So, I never heard from you about coffee,” Evan watched Jenni and as the conversation flowed, she became more relaxed and soon stopped using me as a shield.

  “I’ve just been busy,” she murmured and her cheeks reddened. “Maybe next week after class?” her eyes darted up to meet mine, and I could tell she was looking for reassurance about this guy. He seemed nice enough, but after everything that Jenni’s been through, I know she’s skeptical of everyone and their motives now.

  “That sounds good,” he nodded before motioning down one of the aisles. “Well, it was nice meeting you,” he smiled “but I’ve really got to get back to work.”

  “See you Monday, Evan,” Jen called as we turned and she all but shoved me out of the store. “Well?” she stopped when we were standing out in the mall. “What do you think?”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it, but this seemed so junior high. “He seems like a nice guy,” I shrugged.

  “Would you go out with him?” she prodded as we began walking toward the food court.

  “No,” I shook my head.

  “No? Why?” her eyes peered up at mine.

  “Because I’m a guy, and he’s a guy, and I’m not like that,” I tried to keep my face blank but failed miserably.

“Mason Stone! Don’t be an ass,” she shoved me, hard, causing me to crash into one of the metal chairs nearby.

  “Jeez, Jenni,” I shook my head. “I was teasing,” I threw my head back and as I heard the laughter nearby, my eyes snapped open. I froze right there and didn’t even know Jen was still talking to me until her elbow connected with my ribs. “Crap, that hurt,” I rubbed my side.

  “Where were you?” she furrowed her brows.

  I tipped my head in the direction that I’d heard them laughing and Jen paused too. About twenty feet away sitting at table were Dani and her best friend, Amber. They were laughing as they munched on something and sipped sodas. They had bags sitting at their feet like they’d spent the day here and I couldn’t help but feel sadness over the memories that swamped me when I saw them together. It was a different setting, but seeing them eating together made me feel like I was back in the high school lunchroom.

  “She hasn’t changed at all,” Jen muttered as she tugged on my sleeve.

  “Now see the first time I saw her, I didn’t know who she was,” I sighed as I blindly followed my sister to get in line at Taco Bell.

  “That’s because you’re a guy. She hasn’t changed, and apparently her feelings for you haven’t either,” she darted her eyes from where she was staring up at me. I glanced back in their direction before dropping my gaze to the floor in front of me. Dani and Amber had been staring daggers at me.

  “Order me a burrito. I’ll meet you at a table,” I placed a few bills in Jen’s hand before turning on my heel and striding straight for Dani’s table.

  The closer I got, the faster they began cleaning up their lunch. It was like they were in a rush to get away from me, but I reached the table before they could. “Before you say anything, I came here with my sister. I wasn’t looking for you.”

  “Whatever,” Dani muttered as she stood and reached for her bags.

  “It doesn’t really matter why you’re here,” Amber shrugged. “We came shopping to get Dani something to wear for her date tomorrow night at the bar reopening,” Amber smirked as I felt the color draining from my face. “Your presence is of little importance to us.” She shouldered her purse and began walking away.

  “Is that true?” I watched Dani. Her eyes were looking right at me, but held little to no emotion in them. She gave a quick affirmative nod before turning and striding away.

  “What was that all about?” Jen startled me when she came up behind me.

  “Nothing,” I murmured as I pulled out the chair Dani was just sitting in and slumped down. “Let’s eat.”

  As we began to eat our lunch, all I could think about was the fact that Dani had a date tomorrow, and they were going to be in same room as me. I was going to have to watch her with some other guy, and I was going to be working. ‘You deserve this, you asshole’, I chastised myself. I’d done this, and now I was being punished. The only thing I could do now was to prove that I was the one for her, not this mystery guy who she’d be with tomorrow. He couldn’t be. He didn’t know her like I did. No one did.

  Chapter 12


  9 Years Ago…

  It took me a moment to remember where I was when I woke up. My body ached, and as I stretched the muscles protested. I could hear the shower running as my eyes fluttered open and I felt a pang in my chest that Mason had left me in bed alone. When I took in my surroundings, the entire night began to come back to me. My dress along with Mason’s suit were draped over the chair in the corner. My overnight bag was sitting beside it on the floor.

  When I heard the shower turn off, I rolled to my side and curled my legs up. I was sore, and I really didn’t want to be seen like this. What would he think of me in the daylight? Embarrassment set in as I eyed the condom wrapper sitting on the night table by the bed. It was a stark reminder of what has transpired the night before, and I wondered if I was everything that he’d wanted.

  “Morning,” his deep voice rumbled from behind me, causing me to jump slightly.

  I craned my neck to look over my shoulder and see Mason staring at me. “Good morning,” I murmured as I tugged the sheets higher over my naked body. “You showered?”

  “Yeah. You probably want to too,” he nodded as he waltzed across the room and began shuffling through his clothes. He tugged on his boxers from the night before and let the towel that was draped around him fall to the floor.

  “Um. I can just do that at home,” I winced as I rocked myself to sit up. I searched the room, frantically looking for something to distract Mason from watching me, but was coming up empty.

  I don’t know if he sensed this or if this was normal for him, but he smiled, grabbed the remainder of his things, and opened the door. “I’m gonna put this stuff in the car. Take your time. Shower. I can wait. I’ll meet you down there when you’re ready.”

  “Ok,” I mumbled as I clutched the sheet tighter. If I’d really been paying attention to him, I would have noticed the change, but I didn’t. I didn’t see the looks he kept giving me. I didn’t notice the fact that he wasn’t making eye contact, and his voice was void of emotion. Maybe if I’d had a little bit more experience I would have found it odd that he wasn’t in bed with me when I woke up, but I didn’t. This whole thing was new for me, and I was going in blind. I knew it wasn’t going to be like the movies.

  Mason stepped outside, and closed the door behind himself, leaving me there. It took a few minutes for me to make myself get up. I kept waiting for him to give me the just kidding speech, and come rushing back to me. I waited for him to wrap me in his arms and tell me the night before was wonderful, and he loved me. I saw the way he looked at me when he slid inside. I saw the way his eyes softened as we rocked together. He felt something, something that he was afraid of. I wasn’t sure how I was ever going to get him to admit it, but I knew that he was probably just as confused as I was this morning.

  When I finally got out of bed, it hurt to move. There was an ache between my legs that I wasn’t used to, and when I showered there was evidence that I’d had sex the night before. I kinda had an idea of what to expect from that part of it, but it would have been nice to have Mason there reassuring me. After finishing my shower, I dressed myself, ran a brush through my messy hair, and gathered my things to head down to Mason’s car. As I passed the dresser, I noticed the key card lying by the TV. I snatched it up, and shoved it in my purse knowing that I’d keep it forever. It was a reminder of what happened here, and would always hold a special meaning.

  “What took you so long?” Mason pushed off of where he was leaning against the front fender of his car. He was holding a coffee in his hand as he watched my come down the steps. My arms were loaded down with my dress and overnight bag, but he didn’t once offer to help me. He opened his door, and climbed in, leaving me there struggling to get my things into the backseat.

  We drove to my house in silence. I tried to come up with something to say, but I just couldn’t. I was confused by his attitude toward me, and I was so shocked over the recent events that I pretty much was doing everything I could just to get through it. I knew once I was alone reality would sink in, and I’d most likely fall apart.

  It didn’t occur to me that we were pulling up into my driveway and I’d told my parents I’d be at Amber’s until we actually got there. Luckily, no one was home. I don’t know if they were running errands, or what. It was a Saturday so there was no telling. It wasn’t like I was a little kid or anything anyway.

  “I’ll see ya Monday, ok?” Mason mumbled as he put the car in park. He sat there staring out the windshield, not even bothering to look at me.

  “Mase?” I reached out to touch him, and he sighed. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No,” he slowly shook his head. “I’ve got a lot on my mind, that’s all.”

  “Ok,” I nodded. “Then yeah, I’ll see you Monday morning.”

  “I can’t come and get you next week. I’ve got early practice,” his voice was monotone and his grip ti
ghtened on the steering wheel.

  “Oh, ok,” I chewed on my lip. “I’ll see you in class then,” I pushed open my door and climbed out, only reaching back in to grab my things. As soon as I closed the door, Mason threw the car in reverse, and peeled out of my driveway. I’d never seen him like this, and it was beginning to scare me.


  When I arrived at school Monday, I met Amber in the parking lot. We’d spent most of the weekend together analyzing Mason’s attitude. She was as baffled as I was, and I knew I needed to talk to him and find out what was going on.

  When I spotted him climbing out of his car, I waved but he didn’t wave back. He lied to me about practice, and I couldn’t help but worry. He nodded and gave a little smile, but it wasn’t what I was used to. “What’s up with him?” I murmured.

  “They’re what’s up,” Amber’s head tipped to the side just as Brad and Chris came up and slung their arms around Mason’s shoulders. They jostled him slightly as they began laughing and playfully punching him in the sides. His face showed little emotion, and it looked as if he wasn’t even really there mentally.

  “I don’t understand why he hangs out with them,” I muttered. “He’s not like them, and yet he puts up with all their bullshit.”

  “Come on,” Amber turned us to walk into the building. “If he’s with them, you don’t need to be over there.”

  I followed Amber inside as we stopped by our lockers and gathered our things for class.


  For most of the following days, it was much of the same. Mason spent little to no time with me, but I knew the playoffs were starting and he’d be busy. He’d pretty much told me that when this all started. I found myself making excuses for him daily. It was odd, really. I’d never been that girl, and here I was defending him to Amber every day at lunch.


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