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Ellena [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “That’s bullshit and they know it. That woman has a track record and she’s a known prostitute.”

  “Yeah well, Eloi said the brass are breathing down his neck. He said I may have to take a leave of absence while this blows over.”

  “Oh man. I can’t believe it. Whatever happened to the good guys having rights and backup?”

  “That asshole Parker K is behind this. I’m telling you. That night I came across the deliveries to the warehouse and busted him for possession and selling drugs pissed him off.”

  “Yeah well, he had to serve three years in prison.”

  “And still somehow ran his little operation.” Leon looked toward the bathroom doorway ensuring that Ellena wasn’t there.

  Mack was concerned.

  “Those guys that came after you last night, I think they work for Parker.”

  Mack felt his blood pressure rise as he made fists by his side and stared at his brother in anger.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Ellena could have been seriously hurt.”

  “I fucking know it. If I’m still on the force tonight, I’m going to grab Jessy and a couple of guys and find those assholes. I still think that Parker is working on a big deal. Something illegal.”

  “You better be careful. This is not exactly the best time to make any rash decisions. Maybe you should lay off of Parker and just focus on Ellena being our woman. She was scared last night. Tough as damn nails as she head butted that asshole, but still scared. I don’t want her caught in the middle of something.”

  “Why would you think I would let that happen? I’d give my life for her.”

  “We all would but that doesn’t mean we need to entertain that option. Parker is a dick. I’ve made enemies with him for being a businessman in this area. There are people he can’t buy because of me. I’m not on his friendly list.”

  “Then maybe Ellena needs to go back to our place. Staying here in town, now that she was seen with us, could be a bad thing.”

  “Fuck, Leon. I don’t like where this is going.”

  Just then the door opened and Ellena emerged, wrapped in a towel.

  Mack realized how petite and feminine she was. He wouldn’t let her get caught in the middle of this. Parker better stay clear of Ellena. How would he know about how important she was to him and his brothers anyway?

  * * * *

  “What’s going on?” Ellena asked as she walked toward the closet to grab a pair of casual pants and a T-shirt. She was going to head down to the spa shortly.

  Both men were quiet a moment as they looked at her. Leon was in full uniform again, and Mack was dressed in his dress shirt, slacks, and tie from last night. She felt her cheeks warm just thinking about how they had made love for the first time. She knew damn well that things were going to change for her.

  “We think it would be better if you left the Quarter today and spent your last two days at our place,” Leon said.

  Oh no, they were not going to start bossing her around. She placed her hands on her hips and stared at them.

  “Excuse me, why would I do that?”

  “Because of last night,” Mack said.

  “What about it? These things happen. You should know that, Leon, better than anyone.”

  They were both hesitant and Leon ran his fingers through his hair. It seemed as if there was something more to this decision of theirs. She hoped it wasn’t just them acting possessive. She couldn’t do possessive. That would drive her crazy, having multiple men hounding her constantly.

  “Listen, Ellena, just do what we’re asking.”

  “I have a spa appointment in thirty minutes. I am not missing it. I had to book this appointment months ago.”

  Leon looked at Mack.

  “Okay, how about you go to the spa appointment, since you have been looking forward to that and then one of us comes back to get you and take you to our place?”

  She took a deep breath. He said “one of us,” did that mean Troy or Roy might come for her? She swallowed hard. As nervous as that made her, it also excited her.

  “Okay, I guess I should listen to your instincts on this, Leon. After all, you are a deputy.”

  Immediately Leon was pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply. She gasped as her towel fell to the floor, and then Mack leaned up against her back. Their hands were everywhere, caressing her skin, massaging her breasts. When she felt the finger trail down her spine, between her ass cheeks to her pussy, she moaned against Leon’s mouth.

  “The first place I’m going to show you at our place is the bedroom, sugar. Then, I’m going to get this ass nice and ready for some lovin’.” Mack pressed a finger to her clit before stroking her pussy.

  It was as if both men knew precisely what the other was going to do. Leon released her lips and caressed her breasts, licking the mounds before nibbling on her nipple. Mack moved his finger from her pussy to her ass as Leon cupped her mound with one hand, sliding a finger into her as he sucked on her right breast. Behind her Mack pressed on her back, causing her to lean into Leon as Mack pushed a finger through the tight rings. She was strung so tight, her entire body on fire from their delicious assault, when she felt her body explode as they pumped their fingers fast.

  “Oh!” She moaned loudly as her body shook and her legs nearly gave out.

  They pulled their fingers from her body and Mack turned her around, lifted her up against him and kissed her deeply.

  She was surely going to be a puddle of mush before she even got to the spa.

  Chapter 7

  Eloi had just got off the phone with Federal Agent Bryer Jones. He didn’t like the line of questions he received in regards to his friend and coworker, Deputy Leon Rue. Ever since Leon busted Parker K, a known crook, on a drug possession and selling charge, things had been sticky.

  Like when he got a domestic incident call and Leon was the first responding officer on the scene. A woman claimed he tried to sexually harass her. That woman got a lawyer and was currently trying to press charges. Now, this morning, he got a call from some idiot patrol officer claiming that three men who tried to assault Mack and Ellena last night were found brutally beaten, and they claimed that Leon was responsible. Internal Affairs called and now this federal agent. He really hoped that Leon got here quickly.

  He heard the knock on his door and looked up to see Jessy, Leon’s partner.

  “Come in.”

  “How’s it going, Eloi? You wanted to see me?”

  Jessy stood in front of Eloi’s desk, and Eloi walked around to speak with him.

  “What the hell went down last night in the Quarter?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I got three badly beaten perps, sitting in a hospital.”

  “Well shit, Eloi, that ain’t got nothing to do with Leon and I. We responded, the three guys took off, and then our shift was done.”

  “When did you last see Leon?”

  “I saw him when we were leaving the station.”

  “Where’d he go?”

  Jessy squinted his eyes and leaned his hands on his hips and holster.

  “What exactly you implying, Eloi?”

  Eloi shook his head.

  “I don’t need this shit. I smell fucking trouble and I don’t like trouble round my town, my people, or my men. Now, I need to know where Leon was around midnight?”

  Jessy smiled. “If he was lucky, then he was with Mack and Ellena at her hotel room.”

  Eloi widened his eyes. He was surprised only because Ellena had been keeping the Rue men at bay for a long time.

  “Really?” Eloi asked, unable to hide a small grin, and Jessy nodded.

  It was something else, the power of attraction even an outsider could see and feel around them. “Leon was pissed and concerned for Ellena but relieved that Mack had been there and saved her from getting badly hurt.”

  “She got a scratch on her thigh or something right?” Eloi asked and glanced at the report on his desk.

; “Yes, sir. I’m certain that Leon was with Ellena and Mack all night. You can check with them to verify that.”

  “Oh, I will, definitely.”

  “So what’s this all about? That asshole Parker trying to mess with Leon still?”

  “Shit, Jessy. Someone beat the hell out of the three men that attacked Mack and Ellena last night. Left them for dead, and they’re claiming Deputy Rue is responsible.”

  “Bullshit! I know that Leon can have a temper and I know he mentioned finding these guys, but there’s no way he’s responsible. No way. Getting to Ellena was the only thing on his mind when he signed out of work.”

  “Well, these assholes are claiming otherwise. You two need to watch your backs. No responding to nothing on your own. Plus, as you know, on the low down, that the feds are clamping down on some of the corruption going down in the Eighth District. I don’t need Leon getting caught in some sort of predicament, if you know what I mean.”

  “I hear ya. I got his back and he’ll have mine. You got men going over to question Ellena and Mack?”

  “No. Not yet anyway. It wasn’t reported here but through the Eighth District. I’m surprised your superiors haven’t contacted either of you.”

  “Well, you know as good as I do that there are shady characters there. Our report of the incident and how it went down was probably not processed. I’ll have to check over the paperwork and make sure it’s correct before it’s processed. I’ll even stand over the processer’s shoulders while they type it up and send it through the computer system.”

  “I hate to say it, but you just may have to do that.”

  “I don’t like this bullshit. Parker K ain’t nothing but a piece of swamp shit.”

  “Join the club. I think things are going to get worse and Leon better watch his ass.”

  * * * *

  Leon just finished showering and getting dressed at home when he heard his cell phone ring. He saw the caller ID and that it was a private number. He answered it.


  “Deputy Leon Rue please.”

  “You got him.”

  “Deputy, this is investigator Michael Quincy with Internal Affairs. I have some questions for you in regards to a recent incident that occurred last night. I need you to come down to the Eighth District and meet with your commander and myself to discuss these accusations of misconduct and assault.”

  “What in God’s name you talking about, Investigator…what did you say your name was again?” Leon asked and he had a really bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  “The name is Michael Quincy. I expect you here within the hour, or I’ll take it as a sign of your unwillingness to cooperate with this investigation.”

  “Investigation of what? I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

  “Then get yourself down here pronto, so we can discuss it.”

  Leon heard the click. The guy sounded like an asshole. Internal Affairs? What in God’s name would Internal Affairs want to talk to me about?

  Just then his phone rang again. It was Eloi. He’d missed his call when he was showering.

  “Hi, Eloi, what’s going on?”

  “Why don’t you tell me? I’ve got the Feds calling, Internal Affairs, and a report on my desk stating that you assaulted three men last night.”

  “What? That’s bullshit. I didn’t assault anyone.”

  “Yeah, well you better get your ass over here and see what’s going on. The three men are claiming that it was you.”

  “I can’t. I just got a call from Internal Affairs and they want me at the Eighth District pronto. I’m assuming it’s over this alleged assault.”

  Eloi was silent a moment.

  “I’ll pick you up and we’ll go together. I don’t trust this shit. This situation stinks like a skunk.”

  Leon disconnected the call and felt a bit uneasy. He had a feeling that Parker K was somehow responsible for this. He grabbed his gun and badge and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Roy and Troy were sitting there.

  “You outta here again?” Troy asked.

  “I got some problems to handle at work. You two are going to get Ellena, right?”

  Troy raised his eyebrows at him.

  “Ya kidding, right? Asking that question. We both can’t wait until two o’clock when her spa treatment is over. You made our day, telling us about what happened last night and Ellena accepting us.”

  “I’m off the next two days and planning on spending every moment with her. We’ve been waiting far too long,” Roy admitted.

  Leon smiled. At least they had made progress with Ellena and she was willing to explore a relationship with him and his brothers. Now his worry was about losing his job or, worse, staying out of jail.

  “You look upset. Something going on?” Troy asked and Leon explained.

  “Fuckin’ A, that don’t sound good, Leon. Ya think Parker has something to do with this?” Troy asked.

  “Do gators live in the swamp?”

  “You better be careful. You ain’t going alone, right?” Roy asked, sounding very concerned.

  “No way. Eloi is coming with me. He’s just as pissed off. Seems some Federal Agent contacted him as well.”

  “Federal agent? What in God’s name could be happening?” Troy asked.

  “I’m about to find out. You two just be sure to get to Ellena and get her back here where I’ll know she’ll be safe.”

  Troy and Roy sat forward in their seats. They both appeared very concerned.

  “You think she could be in trouble?” Troy asked.

  “Parker knows about her?” Roy asked.

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure he does, but the likelihood of him going after her is slim. She’ll be safe in that spa. You just get there on time to help her check out of the hotel and bring her here.”

  “Will do, Leon. She’s our responsibility now, and Troy and I are going to make her see she’s special to us,” Roy said, and Leon smiled. He felt that tinge of excitement and relief knowing that Ellena was going to be their woman. They would work on convincing her that she was their special woman and not some fling. Then he felt that pinch of nervousness and uncertainty. Was it fear that Ellena wouldn’t accept all the Rue men as lovers or was it the worry that he could get caught up in some sort of conspiracy to take him down and destroy his entire life and those around him? He suddenly felt angry. He loved his brothers and he was certain he already loved Ellena, but he had to protect them at all costs. Even if it meant his life.

  Chapter 8

  Ellena was lying facedown on the comfortable massage table wearing only her panties and covered by a towel draped over her ass. This was a first for her. Letting some stranger massage her body and giving up control to the sensations of relaxation was not normal for her. She liked being in control. She didn’t like feeling vulnerable. Luke, the masseuse was gay and had the most charming personality. He had engaged her in conversation, and learning that this was her first visit to the spa, he’d recommended the order of her activities. She had a manicure and pedicure, she had a facial, and now she was going to get the royal message. She was just beginning to relax and clear her mind of anything but peace and calmness. The sounds of some kind of acoustic tunes gently flowed through the air and around the low-lit room. She could totally take a nap right now. This is wonderful.

  She heard the door open and then Luke’s voice.

  “How are we feeling, honey?” he asked, and she smiled.

  “I feel very relaxed.” She was surprised at how her voice sounded. It was almost sexy. She giggled to herself.

  “I’m going to begin. Just let me know if you need more pressure or if something feels tight.”


  Those were her last words to Luke. He began her message, and she was in total relaxation. The man was a god with his hands. She was in love with Luke. She smiled inside as she absorbed every moment of the massage. She heard him whisper next to her ear, “I’ll be right back. You rest and take y
our time to get up. You might feel a bit light headed.”

  She whispered an okay, or at least thought she did, but wasn’t certain because she was so calm and content. She wished the hour hadn’t gone by so quickly. She would definitely do this again.

  She must have dozed off because sometime later she heard the door open, and then she felt the hands on her shoulders. Immediately she tensed. It didn’t feel like Luke’s. As she went to move to look, one large hand grabbed a fistful of her hair and kept her face pressed hard against the sheet. The other hand held her back down and right in the center. She gasped.

  “Do not move, Ellena. We have things to discuss.”

  Immediately she recognized Parker’s voice. Her stomach dropped. She instantly knew she was in deep trouble here. Why had she let him buy her the earrings and why had she allowed him to take her to lunch? What the hell was I thinking? Shit! I need to do something.

  “What the hell are you doing here? You have no right to be in here right now.” She raised her voice, her relaxation and contentedness long gone from her body. She was shaking like a leaf.

  His grip tightened, and then he began to explore her back with his hand.

  “You fucked both those men, did ya?” He asked as he squeezed and pulled her hair so that her face was turned toward him. She locked gazes with his dark eyes despite the dim light.


  He moved his face right against her face. His teeth were clenched, and he looked like some out-of-control psycho. “You heard me. The Rue men, Leon and Mack. You fucking them?”

  “Fuck you!” she blurted out, her damn Cajun spunk getting the better of her.

  Parker pulled her up and off the table. She nearly fell to the floor but he had her hair gripped tight as she held on to his wrists. Her breasts were exposed, but she didn’t even care because of the pain radiating from her scalp to her neck and nearly to her spine.

  He looked her body over as he pressed her back against the table. She knew he was going to fondle her. His eyes zeroed in on her breasts. She was so scared.


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