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Ellena [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  The creep licked his lips.

  “Don’t you touch me. Who the hell do you think you are?”

  He reached into his pocket, and a moment later she heard the click of a switchblade. It was long, at least six inches, and sharp, with a fancy handle. She jerked backward but the table stopped her from moving away. The look in his eyes told her he wasn’t a sane man. He was a fucking nut job, and he was going to rape her. The tears stung her eyes as he slowly trailed the bladed over her skin without cutting it. If she moved at all, she would be punctured.

  “You’re going to get to know exactly who I am Ellena. It was fate, us meeting the way we did. You’re going to do as I say, or there will be consequences.”

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered, unable to stop the shaking in her voice or her body.

  “This is your warning. You stay clear of the Rue men. I find out that you’re fucking them or even hanging out with them, and I’ll kill ’em one at a time. Starting with the deputy.” He used his fingers to caress her breast and nipple, and she gasped and cried. “Please don’t,” she begged.

  He held her gaze. “Firefighting is an awfully dangerous profession, don’t ya think, sugar?” he asked, indicating how he could get to Roy. Her heart ached with fear.

  “Dying by faulty wiring happens every day, ya hear.”

  She knew he was talking about Troy.

  He brought the knife to her belly and pressed just slightly enough to pinch her skin.

  “Please don’t. Oh God, please don’t hurt me.”

  He smiled down at her.

  “I’m going to leave you with a little something to remember this conversation. When I contact you to come to me, you better come. Ya hear?” he asked and he released her hair to hold her throat while he pressed his body against hers.

  She felt the tip of the blade move across her belly to her ribs, and then he cut her.

  She gasped, and he closed up the blade and placed it in his pocket as he held her throat, staring down at her.

  “Until we meet again,” he whispered then licked her lips before kissing her. She struggled to get free, and when he released her, he gave a little push causing her to lose her balance and fall to the rug. She cried, feeling the sting against her ribs and wondering how the hell she got into this situation and why.

  She tried to calm her breathing and think about what to do. If she told Leon and the men, what would happen? Could this guy be capable of killing them? Who the hell was he? How did he know so much about the men? She stood up and looked down at the cut on her ribs. It was a scratch, but enough to hurt and enough to be noticeable. She grabbed the robe and ran the back of her hand across her mouth trying to rid the taste of Parker’s kiss from her lips. She felt so violated. She could still feel his hands on her breast and the way he smelled and how intense he looked. She couldn’t stop shaking. She needed to get the hell out of here.

  She hurried to get her clothing and head back upstairs to her room.

  Please don’t let him be there waiting.

  * * * *

  Eloi and Leon walked into the commander’s office at the Eighth District precinct. One look around the office as they entered and Leon could pick out at least two men, officers who were involved somehow with this situation. These men had a reputation around the real cops, for turning their heads and ignoring certain crimes, but there was no concrete evidence that they were getting paid for doing it. Unfortunately, corruption around New Orleans in general was bad. Part of the reason why he and Jessy were asked to come work out of the Eighth District was to help with catching men like Parker K. Now, here he was, being potentially framed for a crime he didn’t commit and also under investigation for a bogus sexual harassment charge. He had to admit that he was glad Eloi was with him. Eloi told him he had done some investigating himself and had a few ideas if this started to go downhill fast. Leon was relying on his old-time friend, the sheriff.

  “Please, have a seat,” one man stated as the commander closed the door and then the blinds in the office. Now it was just Eloi, Leon, the commander, Parson Blake who was a good guy and old school, along with two other men.

  “I’m agent Michael Quincy with Internal Affairs. As I mentioned on the phone this morning, your name came up as a suspect in the beating of three men last night.” The Agent referred to the file in his hands.

  “And who exactly are these three men that I supposedly assaulted?” Leon asked with attitude. Just the idea that someone was trying to jam him up truly got his Cajun up and his temper going.

  The agent rambled off the names, and Leon chuckled.

  “What seems to be so funny, Deputy Rue? These men claim you’re responsible for attacking them.”

  Leon leaned forward in his chair.

  “Those three perps have records longer than my arm, and they were the one’s responsible for harassing and making an attempted assault on my brother when he was in town last night.”

  The agent looked at the folder.

  “Yeah, I don’t have anything on that, and there’s no report from last night indicating that these three men were being investigated in a potential altercation with your brother.”

  “Well, go recheck the computers, Agent Quincy, because my partner Jessy Berdoux filled it all out with me and submitted it.”

  “I can verify that, Agent Quincy. Deputies Rue and Berdoux are very good law enforcement officers. They’re a great team and they’re thorough. It doesn’t seem to me like you have anything to go by here except the words of three known, convicted felons.”

  “I have a job to do, Commander Blake. Your deputy here was recently accused of sexual harassment on a call he went on alone. Yesterday, the agency received a phone call about Deputy Rue’s potential involvement with drug dealing.”

  “Bullshit!” Leon yelled and began to stand up, but Eloi grabbed his arm.

  “Leon, calm down. We know this shit stinks and this agent has to do his job and weed through the bullshit. If he has a fucking brain and is a real cop, he’ll see how tainted with crap these allegations are. Now settle down.”

  Leon felt like one of those cartoon characters whose head pops off and smoke comes off the top because they’re so angry.

  “Now, you listen here, Agent Quincy, I can vouch for this deputy. He’s one of the good guys, and I strongly believe someone is trying to get him jammed up and make him lose his position as an officer of the law.”

  “You got a particular person in mind you think is trying to frame him?” Quincy asked.

  “I got him but I ain’t about to share it. That’s where you come in. You do your investigation, but you remember something. This here deputy is a fine, upstanding man of the law. You go check his records and his time spent in the Marine Corps. He’s no drug dealer and he sure isn’t involved with corruption, sexual harassment, or assaulting anyone unless he was defending himself. Now, if you don’t have any concrete evidence that can stop Deputy Rue from doing his job, I suggest you start looking into those three thugs and that woman who claimed sexual harassment.”

  Eloi stood and motioned for Leon to stand, and then he turned toward the agent.

  “You might find out that those four people know one another and perhaps one particular person you may deem interesting to research if you got any bit of investigative law enforcement instincts in ya. See ya around, Parson,” Eloi said to the commander, and he and Leon left the room. Leon was shocked at Eloi. Thank God he’d brought him with him.

  As they walked out of the office, a few men looked at Leon and Eloi as if they were scum. Leon smirked at them and winked. As they headed outside and toward Eloi’s truck, Leon thanked him.

  “I appreciate your help back there. I was so pissed off for being accused of not one but three pretty bad crimes I thought I was going to explode.”

  “I saw that and I understand your frustration, Leon. You have to know that the IAD can be pretty harsh. That Quincy guy is one of the best. I looked into him as soon as you told me what was up.�

  “So do you think I need to worry?”

  “I think you better keep Jessy with you on the job, and when you’re on your own time, try to talk to people so they remember you in case an alibi is needed.”

  “Hey, how come he didn’t ask me where I was at the time of the assault?”

  “Because he already knew the answer. Jessy was questioned before we got here. That’s how I knew the report was filed just like your commander did. Jessy made sure everything was filed and submitted so no one could botch that report and incriminate you.”

  “Fuck! I don’t like all this James Bond shit. I know that fucker Parker is responsible. He’s up to something and it’s big. He doesn’t want me around to catch him doing something illegal, and he’s going to great lengths to stop me.”

  “Watch yourself and let the agent investigate. Who knows, maybe there’s more involved here and you’re simply a decoy.”

  “See. That shit makes me crazy. I don’t want to be a decoy. I want to kick some ass.”

  “Change of times, Leon. Change of times. Let’s head back to the sheriff’s office. I think we have some planning to do.”

  Leon was feeling pretty uneasy, especially knowing that Ellena was headed to his place shortly with his brothers. At this rate, he’d be lucky if he saw her himself by tonight.

  * * * *

  Ellena cried in the shower and scrubbed the filthy feeling from her breasts. So much that they were red and blotchy. She also scrubbed her teeth with toothpaste then gargled with mouthwash. She dried her body off and was glad that Leon left the first aid kit at the hotel room. She rummaged through to find some ointment and then a bandage for the cut. Why the hell didn’t I fight Parker off? I’ve never backed down from anyone before, and that includes men.

  She remembered how Parker threatened the Rue brothers. He knew all of them. Leon, Mack, Troy, and Roy were in some sort of fix with this guy, and coming after her was leverage. It had to be. Ellena wasn’t born yesterday and she sure as shit wasn’t oblivious to criminals, corruption, and shitheads on power trips. Something was definitely fishy here. If she called Eloi or one of her sisters, would they flip out and panic? Would it be the right thing to do? Maybe she should wait it out and heed Parker’s warning. The man obviously was confident that he could intimidate her and scare her into obeying his orders. She was very scared of him. She couldn’t understand how she got herself into this situation. Why, when on the first small sort of vacation she ever got a chance to take, did she somehow wind up in such a cluster fuck of a situation?

  She sat there on the bed, fully dressed in a red sundress but feeling exposed. The moment she closed her eyes she saw Parker and felt his touch. She sensed the evilness within him. Knowing that Troy and Roy were on their way, she thought about sneaking out now, checking out of the hotel and heading back to Orchidea. Of course they would follow and probably be extremely pissed off, but at least she would be in the safety of her hometown. That thought brought fear of bringing danger to her sisters and the people of Orchidea. She didn’t know what Parker was capable of, but obviously he was resourceful. How else could he get into the spa area and into her room the way he did? She shivered as she held herself. The sound of someone knocking on the door made her gasp.

  She freaked out a moment and looked at the setup of oils and the candle Cherise gave her to ward off any unfriendly spirits known to haunt the hotel. Ellena wasn’t sure if the tales were true, but she trusted Cherise.

  Those oils couldn’t help her now. She jumped up and looked for some sort of weapon. Then she heard Troy’s voice. A feeling of relief filled her body as she pulled the door open and saw Troy and Roy standing there smiling.

  Her first inclination was to tell them what happened in the spa. But looking way up until she locked gazes with the six-feet-plus goliaths made her halt that decision. It was Troy who looked at her skeptically. He was a handsome man, with ocean-blue eyes and shoulder-length black hair which made him appear untamed and almost savage-like. What would he do when she told him about Parker and how he touched her? Would he blame her? Would they think less of her now, because she was naïve enough to accept a gift from a strange man and then allow him to persuade her to lunch?

  Troy placed his hand against her waist and leaned down to kiss her hello.

  “You look beautiful, sugar.” He appeared hesitant. Then she remembered that they had no idea what just happened to her downstairs, they were both here in her acceptance of exploring a ménage relationship with them and their brothers Mack and Leon. Oh God, Leon. Leon is going to hate me.

  She felt the tears sting her eyes, and then suddenly Roy was taking Troy’s place and kissing her as he said hello. “Hi,” she replied in a whisper, nearly blown away by the man’s appeal. Roy was a definite piece of eye candy. It made her so jealous the way women basically threw themselves at him. He had an intense look in his eyes, making the blue appear almost navy in color. Add in his jet-black hair, and those eyes stood out even more so.

  He released her and smiled, making her belly quiver.

  “I’m glad you’re coming home with us, baby. I’ve got the next couple of days off and I promise to keep you very occupied,” he said in a flirtatious way. His thick Cajun accent made her pussy feel swollen and needy. She felt a hundred percent better being with Troy and Roy. She wasn’t so scared now, and then she remembered Parker’s threats.

  “You all packed and ready?” Roy asked.

  “Yes, I am. My car’s downstairs and in the parking lot out back. I can meet you at your place.”

  “Don’t be silly, darling. You think we gonna let you outta our sights. Uh-uh. No way. You give me your keys and I’ll drive your car while you go in Roy’s truck.” She felt panicky. What if Parker’s men were following her and watching her. They would see her with Troy and Roy and ultimately place both men in danger. She had to do something. She had to get her shit together and be the tough, take-no-shit Ellena these men knew so well. After all, her attitude was what kept them at bay.

  “I don’t think so, honey. I’ll drive my own car, thank you very much. I’ll meet you two up at your place.”

  They gave her a look as if knowing she was lying, but then Roy said, “Troy will go with you.”

  Think, Ellena. Think.

  “Sorry, but I have a phone call to make while driving and it’s personal. I just need this little bit of time alone, and then we’ll be together at your place.”

  She felt terrible and like a complete fool. Just tell them what happened. They are good, strong and experienced men. Maybe they could handle Parker.

  Roy picked up her bags.

  “Let’s go then. I think Mack should be at the house by four.”

  “Okay. Let’s go.” She didn’t celebrate the triumphant move. She was shaking in her shoes and hoping that she could get through this. She needed time to come up with a plan. She needed help and guidance. As soon as she got into the car, she was going to call her sisters.

  The three of them headed downstairs to the lobby. Ellena checked out and then pulled out her car keys. That was when she caught sight of that security guard of Parker’s. He locked gazes with her and she felt herself lose coloring in her face as fear gripped her insides. She had just placed Troy and Roy in trouble now, too.

  Roy used the back of his hand to gently caress her cheek. “Hey, you sure you’re feeling all right, Ellena? You’ve been acting funny.” She pulled her sweater tighter, lowering her head before she turned slowly, causing his hand to fall away from her. She dare not look into either man’s eyes. She kept hearing Parker’s threats in her head and she could practically feel his hands touching her and the sharp blade of the knife against her skin. If she could get out of here, then she could take off for home being sure that the security guy didn’t follow.

  “I’m fine. Just kind of tired. I’ll meet you later.” She quickly headed toward the side door. Troy and Roy followed her, and she damned the fact that they were carrying her suitcase and bags. She
was shaking like a leaf as they got her things into the trunk of her small car then stared at her as if knowing damn well she was hiding something. Why couldn’t they just leave her be and let her secure their safety? If she left alone, she would deal with everything after talking with her sisters. If she left with one of them, then Parker could hurt them. He knew everything about the Rue brothers, including where they worked and how he would get to them.

  “Sugar, you are being awfully quiet. You know we don’t bite.” Freaking flirtatious, drop-dead gorgeous Roy whispered as he ran his hand over her shoulder and cupped the back of her head. She grabbed onto his forearm, feeling the perspiration reach her brow. She was completely aroused by him being this close, but fear overruled her body.

  “I’m okay. Let me go. I’ll catch up with ya in a bit.”

  He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth as Troy gently ran his fingers down her arm as Roy released her.

  They both looked her over. She took a deep breath and damned this situation for the umpteenth time as she got into the car. Please don’t let anything happen to them. Please let that security guy see me leave alone.

  Chapter 9

  Leon was getting more annoyed by the minute as he and Eloi spoke with Federal Agent Bryer Jones.

  “So, you know about these corrupt officers and about these bogus charges against me and you’re not prepared to do anything?” Leon asked.

  “I didn’t say that. This is an ongoing investigation. We don’t really have concrete evidence against Parker K indicating that he’s responsible.”

  “Well, what the hell kind of evidence do you need? Me in a body bag?”

  “I understand you’re upset. I truly do. I have men watching Parker. Have been since he was released from state prison. He keeps his hands off of everything and has others do the dirty work. But now he’s been in contact with some big shots from New York. These guys were connected to some mob guys and illegal gambling and prostitution. Word is that Parker’s been exploring this route.”


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