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Out of The Box Awakening

Page 39

by Theriot, Jennifer

  “Ha! Olivia! I won’t give you any details. I do have scruples, you know!”

  “Scruples, schmuples! Don’t forget, I know how you are. Oh, and whenever you’re ready to introduce Kyra, I’d love to meet her.”

  “I’d really like that, Olivia, more than you know.”

  I smile. “She’s got a great guy, by the way. And that’s no brag, its fact!”

  As the weeks go by, I am fully recovered and D-Day is here. I’ll be going to court on Monday to finalize the divorce. Alan will be there as well. Abbey says that since Alan’s agreed to everything we’ve asked for, going to court is just the formality of having the judge sign the final decree. So, February fourth will be my Independence Day. Ash is taking me to watch the guys play tonight. I haven’t been out too much since my surgery and I’m looking forward to going. He’s been spending a lot of time with Tommy lately and has been going to pretty much all of their practices. He said that Tommy wanted his opinion on their songs, as they ready themselves for the tour. Todd has asked Kyra to come to the club tonight and said that he is really excited for me to meet her. I haven’t told him that Emily and I have talked and that Emily said Kyra is the real deal. Emily’s met Kyra and really likes her. They regularly do lunch and go shopping. Emily tells me that she thinks Todd is basically head over heels for Kyra. She said he’s different, but in a good way. Not slinging the F-bombs as much as he usually does. I’ve kind of noticed that myself.

  So, gonna wear my Avenue T-shirt tonight and represent. Ash is wearing his as well. When we get to the club and grab our favorite table, Tommy and the guys come to sit with us. Tommy gives me a kiss. “Olivia, so are you back in party mode?”

  “Yep. Ready to party, sans the gall bladder!” Todd comes up and gives me a hug. “There’s my favorite girl! What? No wine tonight?”

  “I may have one glass, but no more. I really have to watch what I eat and drink. Plus, Ash here won’t let me get away with squat!”

  Ash shakes his head. “You damn right she ain’t getting away with squat—just let her try! I’ll pull her over my knee and spank her cute little behind!”

  Todd laughs, “So, basically you’re the dominant in this relationship Mr. H.?”

  “Oh, every bit so!” Ash laughs and says. I laugh and flip them both off.

  Just then, Todd stands up, looks toward the door and his whole face lights up. He’s smiling from ear to ear. Emily and what I believe to be Kyra are just walking in. Todd whispers to me “Olivia, that’s her. She’s here. You’re gonna love her! She’s smokin’-ass hot isn’t she? Just look at her. I mean, Jesus! She’s fucking gorgeous and she’s mine!”

  Well, I can honestly say that I don’t think Todd has trimmed down his use of the f-bombs. He’s just dropped two in just one statement. However, I do have to agree. Kyra is simply beautiful. She and Emily are two of the most beautiful girls I know—besides my Lainey, who is the most beautiful girl I know. Kyra comes over to the table and Todd takes her in his arms and gives her a tender romantic kiss. He affectionately brushes her cheek with two fingers.

  “Hey babe, I want you to meet my family. Well, not blood family, but they’re family. This is Olivia and Ash. Ash is Tommy’s dad and Olivia is his best half. No disrespect, Mr. H., but she really is the best half of this deal!”

  Ash nods yes and I smile. “So nice to meet you Kyra. Todd’s told me such nice things about you.” He looks at me and I wonder what he’s thinking. He trusts me one hundred percent, so he knows I would never say anything about our talk. “At Northwestern are you?”

  “Yes ma’am, I just started at Kellogg Business School this year.”

  Beautiful, with manners, too? Oh, I like her already! Todd gets down on his knees next to my chair, puts his arm around me and whispers in my ear. “So, what do you think? I told you she was amazing!” I whisper back in his ear. “I swear I couldn’t have picked a better one. She’s perfect Todd. You did well!” He leans in and tells me “Remember you said you wanted to hear my song?”

  “Yes, and I still do.”

  “Well, I’m doing it tonight. I hope you’ll like it.”

  “It’s not gonna make me cry, is it?” I ask

  “Yeah, probably something like that. Hell, I cried the whole fucking time I wrote it. But no tears tonight—me or you, capiche?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I’ll try. That’s all I can promise.”

  “Okay. Me too! You’re gonna really love it I think.”

  Just before he gets up to leave, I grab his arm. “Does Kyra know about it?”

  He smiles that classic Todd smile, “Of course. I sing it to her all the time. She’s pretty stoked about it. And, just in case you’re wondering, she gave me permission to sing it tonight. Guess you think I’m pretty pussy whipped for asking permission, huh?”

  I laugh. “Not in the least bit. In fact, I’m really proud of you for that!”

  Emily comes over to Ash and I and gives us hugs and kisses. You would think she had been a part of our extended family forever because she just fits right in and is so at ease. Tommy comes up behind her, puts his arms around her, kisses the back of her head, bends down to my ear and whispers, “So, definitely I’ve got the hottest chick, whatcha think, Olivia?”

  I laugh and tell him, “Well, Tommy, you know I’m partial; after all, I did broker that deal!”

  He laughs and shakes Ash’s hand. “Well, gotta go get set up. Hope you guys have fun tonight. We’ve got a good show planned. Lots of new stuff.”

  They don’t disappoint. This is by far the best show of theirs I’ve seen. Kyra is having a good time and Todd; from time to time does his little sexy bad boy wink at her.

  After two breaks, I’m wondering just when he’ll do his song. Tommy’s at the microphone. “Folks, this is another new song for us. Matter of fact, tonight is the song’s debut. It’s called Fairy Tale Man and we hope you like it.”

  They start, and Todd, with his high-pitched voice, sings solo. His eyes are closed and he’s totally focused. It’s a slow ballad type song played with acoustic guitars.

  You gave something special, so special to me

  But I was blind, so blind

  Couldn’t see, couldn’t see

  That what you were giving couldn’t be taken back

  The hurt that I’m feeling

  Abilities I lack

  I know there’s no take-backs

  But in a perfect world

  I’d give it to you, give it to you

  And then some, sweet girl

  And if I gave it, gave it, gave it all back

  Would you take it, take it, take it all back

  Cause I’m hurtin, hurtin, hurtin so bad you see

  Could you give it, give it, just give it to me

  The chance, babe just one chance

  To show you, show you I can,

  Be that, be that, that fairytale man.

  Cause I took something special that you gave to me

  You kept it for so long and I finally see

  So if I gave it, gave it, gave it all back,

  Would you take it, take it, take it all back

  Cause I’m lovin, lovin, lovin you all I can

  Could you just give me, give me, give me the chance

  I’ll show you, show you, that babe

  I can be, I will be your fairytale man

  Oh.My.God! My eyes are filled with tears and I look over at Kyra. She’s smiling at Todd as he points at her and pumps his heart. She stands up and claps, along with pretty much everyone else in the club. They get a standing ovation. That was the most beautiful song I’ve heard in a long time. Brilliant!

  This is the last break and the guys come to our table. Ross brings beer for them and they’re all talking about the tour. Everyone is so excited for them and I suspect, though that in spite of their happiness, Emily and Kyra will be pretty bummed when they leave.

  Todd comes over to me and bends down beside my chair and whispers “So, what’d ya think?”

nbsp; “Todd, that was the most beautiful song I think I’ve ever heard in my whole life. I loved it!” I say.

  “Did it make you cry?” he asks

  “Well, put it this way. I had to turn my head away from Kyra so she didn’t see. I certainly didn’t want her to think I had any knowledge of what it was about…duh! And yes, it made me cry, silly! You know how I am!”

  He hugs me. “I’m glad really glad you liked it Olivia. Really glad!”

  I text Lainey and tell her about it. She texts back. ‘Awesome! So Todd has a girlfriend?? We need to talk!’

  I text back. ‘Yeah, she’s gorgeous! You’re gonna love her. Getting her masters from Northwestern. Yep! Brains and beauty…just like you. ’

  ‘Picture please?’

  ‘Will do!’

  The guys do one last song. Tommy is singing lead. It’s a song about waiting for someone, feelings, needs, and waiting until kingdom comes. It’s beautiful. “Is this one of their songs?” I ask.”

  Emily answers, “No. It’s a Coldplay song. It’s called Till Kingdom Come. Pretty, isn’t it?”

  “Beautiful!” Listening to the words, I am guessing Tommy is singing this obviously to Emily. I know once the guys go out on tour that relationships will be tested and it will be hard on all of them. I sense that Todd seconds the emotion to Kyra; given the lyrics I’m hearing.

  Ash puts his arm around me and is softly rubbing my arm. Obviously he’s been listening to the lyrics of the song because he whispers. “I love you till kingdom come, Liv! I’m waiting for you.” He kisses my temple. God! I love this man!

  We all hang out at the club after the show and have a perfect night. Once we get home, Ash takes me into his arms. “Liv, come here! I need to feel you.” He takes me into his arms and I start to cry. “What’s wrong, honey?”

  “Nothing, I’m just so happy. Just so in love with you. I love everything about you Ash. Do you know that? Do you know that if anything ever happened to you I would just want to die?”

  “Olivia, I feel the same honey. God you’re so damn beautiful! Let’s go to bed and let me just show you how much I feel the same!” We make love, incredible love and he wraps me in his arms. “Tomorrow, we’re going for a nice dinner. I wish to hell I could be here for your court date honey, you know that. But I’ve got to go back to North Carolina.”

  “I know that, and I understand, really I do. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry!”

  “Well, you know, I’d planned on being with you every step of the way, all the way to court. In fact, I promised you that. I had no idea this case was going to take so long.”

  “Ash, really, I’m a big girl. I can do this! Abbey said she’d come pick me up Monday morning and will bring me back home. I have the day off, so I’ll be fine. Really!”

  “Just know I’m with you, even though I won’t physically be there. I’m there. You know that right?”

  “Of course I do!”

  We have a phenomenal Sunday. We go to the country club for lunch and then driving around and end up at Navy Pier in the city. “Thought we’d just have some down time today and do nothing but drive around and look at stuff.”

  “Ash, this is the perfect day! I’m having such a good time!” He takes me riding around Wrigley Field. “Liv, once baseball season starts, I’m gonna bring you to some games. It’s so much fun! You’ll love it! Tommy usually comes with me, but since they’ll be out on tour, you’ve got to be my go to gal…. you up for it?”

  “Oh my God! Yes! I’d love it! I love baseball. I know the Cubs are probably your team, huh?” He looks at me with a silly face “Is there another team, I mean seriously?” he asks.

  We go back to Charlie Trotter’s for dinner. This time, it’s just Ash and me. The manager comes out to greet us.

  “Mr. Harper! Ms Olivia—so nice to see you again! Follow me please, your table is ready.” He takes us to a fabulous table, secluded and private. We have yet another wonderful dinner here. Ash has had the chef prepare a gall-bladderless friendly meal for me, and it’s over the top delicious! No wine for me, but that’s okay. As we head home, I start to feel a bit melancholy. Tomorrow I will be single. I’ll be a divorced woman. Divorced from a man I’ve been married to for thirty years which is the majority of my adult life. I think back over good times we had, the birth of my kids, little league games, holidays, vacations, birthdays, anniversaries and I lose it. I’m looking out the window hoping Ash doesn’t see me in tears. No such luck.

  “Liv, honey, it’s gonna be all right. I promise. I know this is tough. But just know that I am here for you and know that I love you more than life itself. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling, and I won’t pretend to, but I can tell you this. You’re loved by so many people. You just radiate love and compassion. You’re strong, you’re smart, and above all, you’re mine. Forever.”

  I start to cry harder. “Ash, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I’m doing this. I don’t have feelings for Alan anymore, really. I just think the finality of it all has just caught up with me and you know how I don’t process change well. I’ve been putting this day off, thinking it won’t come, but it has. I don’t doubt your love at all and your love is what’s been getting me through my life for the past few months. I can’t even begin to tell you how lucky I feel. I’m without a doubt, the luckiest woman in the world!”

  Ash has me a wonderful hot bath when we get home and he’s put candles all around the bathroom. “Liv, just hop in and enjoy!”

  “You coming in with me?” I ask.

  “Oh, after a bit, but for now, you just sit back and relax! You need to unwind. I’ll be in to unwind you further in a bit…count on it!” I lie back in the tub and get lost in it.

  After about thirty minutes, Ash comes into the bathroom and takes off his clothes. “Ready for some company?” he asks.

  My eyes light up as he gets in behind me. “Only if it’s you!”

  “Liv, it’s definitely me.” We have an amazing bath. He gently rubs bath wash over my whole body. It’s heaven. “Liv?”


  “You have the most amazing body. I know I tell you that all the time, but you do. I love absolutely everything about you. Do you even have any faults? Because I don’t think you do. And tomorrow night, just think, you’ll be totally mine, do you even realize that? Even though I won’t be here, you’ll be divorced and free. Free to be with me. Forever. Honey, I can’t wait!”



  “Make love to me please. I need you so bad right now!”

  “Your wish is my command. Let’s get you out of the tub and into my arms!”

  We make love and I realize that after tonight, I will be divorced. Single and ready for the next chapter in my life. After we make love, Ash turns me on my side and lies with his front to my back. It’s one of my favorite ways to feel him.



  “Tomorrow, you’ll be legal. And we can go on to the next phase. Are you ready, honey? Because I’m ready to take you there with me!”

  “Ash, I’ve been ready. Longer than you know.”

  “Night-night, Liv! You need to get some sleep and I’ve got to leave early. Big day for you tomorrow. I love you!”

  “And I love you back, Ash Harper. Definitely more than you love me!”



  “I don’t think so!”

  I find that I can’t sleep well. I toss and turn nonstop. Even though Ash has me wrapped in his arms, I am awake with anticipation. Anxiety, anxiousness, doubt, fears, you name it, I’ve got the feelings. I just hope to God I can hold it together and not get emotional. I’m pretty sure Alan will have Kelly there. I unfortunately won’t have Ash there for backup, so I need to be extra strong. I try to go to sleep, but can’t. I keep looking at the clock and I watch as the hours tick away.

  At 5:30, I’m still wide-awake. Ash stirs and asks me. “Sleep good, hon?”

  I lie. “Like a baby.

  “I’ll go get coffee ready. I’ve got to leave for the airport soon, but we can have coffee together.

  “Sounds good honey! I’ll be in shortly.”

  I’m really nervous for some reason. I lay my clothes out. I’ve decided on a black pants suit, with a red silk blouse. Pretty matronly looking, but that’s okay. Okay. I’m going with it. I wear my pendant from Ash. It feels so good against my chest. I go into the kitchen, and he’s got coffee ready. He’s sitting at the table, sexy as hell, messed up hair and those beautiful, God so beautiful feet! I don’t know why I always zone in on his feet. They have the perfect arches and are to die for sexy. Just like every other part of him.

  “Mornin’, Sunshine! Ready for your independence day?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” I say. He looks up at me over the top of his glasses “You sound scared.”

  “Honestly, Ash I am.”

  “Well, hon, don’t be. You’ll be fine! Keep the faith!” I go to get my coffee, and there is a beautiful sunflower arrangement over by the coffee maker. “Ash, what’s this?”

  “It’s just something for you. You’re still my Sunshine and I want you to know that even though I can’t be here today, I’m with you.” I start to cry. “Awww come on, don’t cry honey, please. Come on. Be strong. You CAN do this!”

  My phone starts going off with text messages. “Better check those!” he says. I look at my phone.

  First is a text from Lainey. “Mom, I’m thinking of you. You’ll do great! Just pretend that I’m there with you. I love you too much! Call, don’t text when it’s over. I’ll need to hear your voice! You are the most absolutely most amazing mother any daughter could ask for! Love you!”

  Immediately, there’s another text. It’s from Bradley. “Mom, kick ass today! It’s almost over! Independence Day! Call me when it’s final!”

  Another text. “Olivia, just wanted you to know I’m thinking of you today. If you want to talk, just call me. Love ya!” It’s from Emily. Back to back to back texts of encouragement.

  Dalton’s is next. “Mom, big day today. I know you’re prob f’ng freaking out but you can do it! Call me after! I’ll be waiting to hear from you! Muahhh!”


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